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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 377 от 2010-08-20
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

This LotusScript agent can be used in a view action button that reports spam to an email address similarly to how you would do it manually (View | Source... and Forward... ) You may use this code however you want but please share your changes (see Apache License below). Some improvements can be made (see todo in comment header), but it works well enough with 3rd party spam filters I've used. While this code was originally under GPL, I have changed it to Apache. There were no third party contributions to the code while it was under GPL. --- Copyright 2005 Ryan Benech
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License Thank you IBM for helping me clarify the licensing ;-) --- ======= BEGIN CODE ======= (select text below this line) Sub Initialize
'Notes Agent: name=ReportAsSpam, trigger=onEvent, Action menu selection, target=All selected docs
'forwards the selected message(s) with full header to a spam reporting email address
'moves message from inbox to junk mail and appends "[Spam]" to the subject line
'requires: Function walkmime (mime As notesmimeentity) As String
'to-do: prevent reporting of whitelisted messages, prevent report of local domain addresses
'created 12/10/2005 by Ryan Benech Const SPAMREPORTADDRESS = "spam@domain.com" 'the email address used to report spam, uncomment to go live
'Const SPAMREPORTADDRESS = "YourFullyQualified/NotesNameGoesHere" 'uncomment this line to debug messages Dim sess As New NotesSession
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim memo As NotesDocument, doc As NotesDocument
Dim col As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim mime As NotesMIMEEntity
Dim rtitem As NotesItem
Dim temp As Variant 'to get info from non-ASCII data
Dim i As Integer 'to count messages Dim uiview As NotesUIView 'to update the inbox after messages have been moved
Dim mail As NotesRichTextItem 'the sent message
Dim item As NotesItem 'to process fields with multiple items (i.e. recieved) sess.ConvertMime = False 'init mime conversion
Set db = sess.CurrentDatabase
Set col = db.UnprocessedDocuments
Set doc = col.GetFirstDocument()
If doc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'sanity check to abort early Print "Reporting " + Cstr( col.Count ) + " selected documents as Spam to " + SPAMREPORTADDRESS + ". Please wait..."
i = 1 While Not(doc Is Nothing)
Set memo = db.CreateDocument
Set mail = New NotesRichTextItem( memo, "Body" ) Set mime = doc.GetMIMEEntity
If Not(mime Is Nothing) Then
Forall header In mime.HeaderObjects
Call mail.AppendText( walkmime ( mime ) ) 'calls required function walkmime
End Forall
Call doc.CloseMIMEEntities 'allow clean switch to using items memo.subject = doc.subject(0)
Call memo.Send( False, SPAMREPORTADDRESS) 'forward spam report message Print "Successfully reported message " Cstr(i) + " of " + Cstr( col.Count ) +" ("+ doc.Subject(0) + ")"
Print "No MIME content found in message, not sending spam report. (the internet message may have been converted to Notes Format) " End If If Instr( doc.Subject(0), "[SPAM]" ) = 0 Then
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Subject", "[SPAM] " + doc.Subject(0) ) 'remove [spam]
End If Call doc.Save(True,True)
Call doc.PutInFolder( "($JunkMail)" ) 'swap ($JunkMail) for ($Inbox) to perform a "not spam" action
Call doc.RemoveFromFolder( "($Inbox)" ) 'vice versa for this line... :-) Call sess.UpdateProcessedDoc( doc )
Set doc = col.GetNextDocument(doc)
i = i +1 'increment counter
Wend Set uiview = ws.CurrentView
Call uiview.DeselectAll 'to prevent UI bugs
sess.ConvertMime = True 'revert mime conversion
Print "Done reporting " + Cstr( col.Count ) + " document(s) as Spam."
End Sub Function walkmime (mime As notesmimeentity) As String
'returns string of complete mime message
'created: 12/10/05 by Ryan Benech
'closely based on code contributed by Kim Dowds from Lotus Sanbox: "SpamAssassin for Notes" Dim mime2 As notesmimeentity 'for walking mime tree
walkmime = "" 'init string While Not (mime Is Nothing)
walkmime = walkmime & Chr(10) _
& mime.Headers & Chr(10) _
& mime.ContentAsText Set mime2 = mime.GetFirstChildEntity 'get first child: If mime2 Is Nothing Then 'none? then get next sibling
Set mime2 = mime.GetNextSibling
End If If mime2 Is Nothing Then 'none? then get aunt/uncle : Set mime2 = mime.GetParentEntity
If Not (mime2 Is Nothing) Then
Set mime2 = mime2.GetNextSibling
End If
End If Set mime = mime2
End Function ======= END CODE ======= (select text above this line)
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Всем привет! Я конечно понимаю, что для моей проблемы есть соответсвующий раздел, там я уже отписал, никто не ответил. Половина ссылок из темы Lotus Software уже нерабочие, в других местах, а также в поиске клиента Lotus Notes 6.5.1 Rus не нашел...Если кто знает ссылку - поделитесь, пожалуйста!
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Tips. Советы

Dave Hay has posted some information on getting Connections and Portal to work together to do business cards. The process seems to have changed slightly since earlier versions.

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Bruce Elgort of Elguji Software, LLC has released a paper explaining how Lotus Notes and Domino can be used for social networking. A PDF version of the paper can be downloaded for free.

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With Agent Auditor you can easily gather detailed information on all of your agents or be notified when selected scheduled agents aren't running.

In addition to reporting most agent properties, Agent Auditor provides a tremendous amount of incredibly valuable information about your Notes scheduled agents.

Plus, source code for all agents (LotusScript, Formula, and Java).

Tap here and keep tabs on your agents.

Less than a week after wondering how long I'd last without an iPad and I now own one. On Sunday we drove in to town, had some lunch then went to our local "Apple store". Much better to get an instant fix than ordering online and waiting for the delivery.

I spent the rest of the day teasing myself by leaving the box unopened for as long as I could. This turned out to be a mistake, as, while I waited, my internet connection got turned off. By the time I'd excitedly sat down to play with the iPad late Sunday afternoon it turned out to be as much use as the proverbial chocolate tea pot. An brand new iPad with no internet connection is no fun at all.

It wasn't until the next night I got a chance to play proper and install some apps - which is when the brilliance of the iPad/app-store combination really comes to light. Since then I've installed the usual suspects - Flipboard, iBooks, Adobe Ideas, BBC News, some games (that burger-making one) and a handful of kids drawing apps. Enough to turn it in to something useful. Already I can see where it fits in to my life - somewhere between my laptop and my phone. Surprisingly, Karen has warmed to it too. Not half as much as the kids though, who you have wrestle it from.

What I want now is recommendations for useful apps and fun games. They don't have to be productivity apps. Anything you think is a must-have. Feed me!

Click here to post a response

While IBM has said it can't be done, Kenio Carvalho's friend, Gustavo, has found a way of pinning Notes 8.5.1 to the task bar in Windows 7. Kenio has posted the directions.

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Visit THE VIEW Online Knowledgebase at www.eview.com.

Cristian D'Aloisio knows users are disappointed to learn new mail rules don't apply to old messages, so he tried out the new Mail Rule Utilities plug-in from Bob Balfe.

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Keith Brooks has already posted the slides from his presentation at MWLUG. If you missed his session, here's your chance to catch up.

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It's probably a long-shot but I said I'd try and help out a customer of mine by trying to find a guru. Over to them:

We're looking for a Domino 'internals' expert/guru who can help us diagnose a fault occurring in our application which interfaces with Domino using the COM object APIs.

Our application runs a VBScript module using WScript.exe which essentially runs some Domino agents and reports the results of those agents back to our application. We regard each run of the VBScript module as a 'request', and it works fine whilst the loading is low. Unfortunately our application can generate hundreds of these 'requests' per minute during peak times, and after a period of peak runtime the Domino server often crashes.

Typically we end up with a "WScript.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows" error prompt. Our application tends to fail after this point with further "requests" failing. Quitting the Domino server typically results in a hang, followed by an automatic fault-shutdown-recovery and NSD output.

We have asked Lotus support for help with this, but after they examined the NSDs, they concluded that the fault was within WScript.exe (which we already knew) and said that they could not help any further. We suspect some kind of leak within the Domino COM side of things, but lack the technical knowledge to prove this.

So, we're looking for someone with extensive knowledge of Domino internals, ability to understand NSD logs, understand COM object access, being able to investigate threads, handles, pools etc.

If you know of anybody who can help (paid consultancy of course) then please comment here or let me know and I'll put you both in touch. Ta.

Click here to post a response

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Keith Brooks
Tags: ddm twitter sms
It wuld be nice if there was a simple and easy way to enable DDM with Twitter.
Why? Because when mail routing fails an email being sent will not be efficient.
There is most likley a way to do this so if anyone has done it, let me know how.

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: composite compositeapplications
if you arrange some applicaton windows within a composite application, there are borders between this apps. i didn't find a way to set color, width or other style components to change the defaults.

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: domino applications
the ideajam application could be a new application as template of the domino server

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: location directory policy
if you move a user from server a to server b you have to change the clients location documents manually or you have to create a special policy (or policy per server.....). Other person record changes are also to transfer manually to location documents (internet address, mailfile, domain, ....). i wish an update function for notes client.

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: signature mail-signature
there are different items for mail sigantures in iNotes and Notes - in my opinion it should be the same or synchronized

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: links bookmark
i wish a button in my browsers (Firefox, IE, Notes-Embedded, Safari), to add links to Dogears.

Niklas Heidloff and Steve Castledine have created a set of re-usable XPages Custom Controls that you can use to build mobile applications for IBM Lotus Domino. There are over a dozen controls that you can use to deliver a true native mobile experience ...
Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: XPages view column sort
Writing to sort by column, as well as several columns, asking them to order. Be able to save the order of columns for a particular View. Import and export orders of columns.  

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Статьи и Документация

Installing 8.5.1 FP4 takes a very long amount of time. Also, the status bar
Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 com.apple.QD 0x94cb4952
In Lotus Notes and Domino, you receive the message, "Incompatible NSD version -- memcheck data may be unreliable," after applying a hotfix.
When running a NSD on Windows Vista or Windows 7 the following message is observed when memcheck opens shared memory. <@@ ------ Notes Memory -> Analysis -> DPOOL Memory Analysis :: (Shared) (Time 16:45:09) ------ @@> ERROR (48): couldn't access shared memory key 'IRIS$MEM$MM368$D.Program Files.IBM.Lotus.Notes.Data' - (2) No such file or directory As a result no shared memory information is reported in the NSD. This only occurs when the NSD service enabled.
WARNING (0): object(-) is not a 0x970b (BLK_BSAFE_POOL) pool is seen in an NSD. Is this a indicative of a greater problem?
Developers of all kinds may occasionally find a need to build an application that makes simple updates to a database table. This article describes how to build an IBM Mashup Center widget that can display an HTML form that lets users update relational database tables. Optionally, you can quickly create your own mashup page by simply using the downloadable sample widget as is and supplying your own HTML form.
This technote provides troubleshooting methods for when you create a Google calendar federation in Mac and encounter the password authentication error.
You attempt to run the IBM Lotus Notes 8.x install shield from a file system folder that contains Kanji characters in the folder name. Some installation options appear with incorrect text characters and the installation ultimately fails.
There are three known issues with Notes Basic 8.5.1.x clients intermittently disappearing, silently crashing, and terminating abnormally without generating an NSD. If you receive reports of this happening, review the symptoms and configurations listed below to assess which issue is applicable and identify the solution or workaround.
Lotus Notes Client Crash while attempting to edit a document in a Mail-in or Shared Database. Lotus Notes 8.0.2/8.5.1 Standard and Basic builds
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