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Un-dead Lotus Notes Documents: How `ghosts' can haunt your databases | Ytria Tech Lab

Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 210

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Новости о ПО Lotus Notes (2)

Salesforce.com предложила автоматизацию любых бизнес-процессов - Компьюлента
Компания CPS стала официальным дистрибьютором Новософт - Express-Release.com (пресс-релиз)

CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (5)

append selected documents from a view in a table an mail it to current user
All Unicode Characters Database
Simplify XML Output with a Custom LotusScript Class
Best Practices for Upgrading to ODS51 on Clients and Servers
Don't Use The GetView Method In a Loop | Blog

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (3)

Knowledge Collection: Hardware or Operating System error - "Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service"
Сервер 2 уровня в лотус домино
Running an agent

Вакансии для специалистов (10)

(Remote Work Available) Lotus Notes/Domino Administrator
Lotus Notes Developer
Field Operations/Processing Support - SAP, Lotus Notes
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes/Domino Developer
Lotus Notes Developer

Закладки о Lotus Notes (4)

Un-dead Lotus Notes Documents: How ‘ghosts’ can haunt your databases | Ytria Tech Lab
Planet Lotus | IBM Lotus Software Related Blogs
Master Table of Contents for Building Domino Web Applications using Domino 8.5.1
Master Table of Contents for Building Domino Web Applications using Domino 8.5.1
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    1. Salesforce.com предложила автоматизацию любых бизнес-процессов - Компьюлента


    Salesforce.com предложила автоматизацию любых бизнес-процессов
    По подсчетам Salesforce.com, подходы Force.com в сравнении с унаследованными настольными платформами типа Microsoft .NET , a href=http://www.ibm.com/software/ru/websphere/>IBM WebSphere и Lotus Notes ускоряют разработку корпоративных приложений в пять раз и снижают стоимость наполовину.

    и другие »

    2. Компания CPS стала официальным дистрибьютором Новософт - Express-Release.com (пресс-релиз)

    Компания CPS стала официальным дистрибьютором Новософт
    Express-Release.com (пресс-релиз)
    Система плагинов позволяет проводить бэкап MS Exchange, Lotus Notes, а также ODBC-совместимых систем управления базами данных, таких как MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle и DB2. Программа резервного копирования Handy Backup была выпущена в 2002 году и успела завоевать популярность, как на мировом, ...

    и другие »
    Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. append selected documents from a view in a table an mail it to current user

    the code will append selected documents from a view in a table an mail it to current user.

    2. All Unicode Characters Database

    The UnicodeData.nsf database contains one document for each Unicode code point that is documented in the standard UnicodeData.txt file on the Unicode Consortium web site. Each document contains the decimal and hex values of a Unicode code point, and a text field populated with the actual LMBCS character that corresponds to that code point, along with the Unicode name for the code point and several other values. The database has a view containing all the separate code point documents that is conveniently sorted by the decimal Unicode code point. There is also another view containing several additional useful documents: a document with the original UnicodeData.txt file as an attachment, a document containing all the code points rendered 16 per line as LMBCS characters in a Notes rich text field, and a document containing all the code points rendered 1 per line as LMBCS code points. All scripts used in creation of the documents are included in the database.

    3. Simplify XML Output with a Custom LotusScript Class

    Create XML output based on custom schemas simply and easily using the XML_Element class. This custom class enables you to produce XML markup from IBM Lotus Notes and Domino with less code than you would write using traditional LotusScript coding techniques, and the resulting code is overall easier to understand and maintain. You can also re-use the XML script library included with the downloadable sample database to standardize the way you produce XML output across all your applications.

    4. Best Practices for Upgrading to ODS51 on Clients and Servers

    Learn everything you need to know about ODS — what it is, why it's important to run the most recent version, how to find out what version you're currently running, and how to upgrade your databases to the latest ODS level on both servers and clients. Clear up some common misconceptions about ODS and get best practices for upgrading to ODS51 in releases 8.0 and higher.

    5. Don't Use The GetView Method In a Loop | Blog

    I have a bit of code in a WebQueryOpen agent, which loops a field called "Members", which stores a list of Notes-style user names and prints to the browser their name in a formatted style. The code is very simply:

    Set item = web.document.GetFirstItem("dspMembers") Forall v In web.document.GetFirstItem("Members").values Call item.AppendToTextList( "<li>"+GetUserDetails( Cstr(v), "Formal" ) +"</li>")
    End Forall

    No prizes for working out what those does. For each member listed in the document it adds a bullet point to the displayed list of members. How the name of the user is displayed is governed by a separate function.

    This GetUserDetails() function is a bit like an extended @NameLookup for LotusScript. I keep it in my "CommonRoutines" Script Library and it's accessible from all my agents. It looks like this: 

    Function GetUserDetails(username As String, detail As String) As String Dim uname As NotesName Dim userDoc As NotesDocument Dim userView as NotesView Set uname = New NotesName(username) If web.directory.IsOpen Then 'web.directory is "names.nsf" Set userView = web.directory.getView("($VIMPeople)") If Not userView Is Nothing Then Set userdoc = userView.GetDocumentByKey(uname.Abbreviated, True) If Not userdoc Is Nothing Then If detail = "Long" Then GetUserDetails = userdoc.Salutation(0) _ + " " + Left(userdoc.FirstName(0), 1) + " " + userdoc.Lastname(0) _ +", " + userdoc.CompanyName(0) + "<br />"+userdoc.OfficePhoneNumber(0) _ +"<br /><a href=""mailto:"+userdoc.MailAddress(0)+""">"+userdoc.MailAddress(0)+"</a>" Elseif Lcase(detail) = "formal" Then GetUserDetails = userdoc.Salutation(0) + " " + Left(userdoc.FirstName(0), 1) + " " + userdoc.Lastname(0) Elseif Lcase(detail) = "fullname" Then GetUserDetails = userdoc.Salutation(0) + " " + userdoc.FirstName(0) + " " + userdoc.Lastname(0) Else 'Unknown format. Must want field value? If userdoc.HasItem(detail) Then GetUserDetails = userdoc.GetItemValue(detail)(0) Else GetUserDetails = uname.Abbreviated End If End If Else GetUserDetails = uname.Abbreviated End If Else GetUserDetails = uname.Abbreviated End If Else GetUserDetails = uname.Abbreviated End If End Function

    The idea is that, given a name like Jake Howlett/ROCKALL it uses the address book to return a name in the form Mr J Howlett, Rockall Design ltd, Nottingham. Or you can just use it to get a field's value by name. If for any reason it can't find the user document or work out what to return it just returns the user name in abbreviated form.

    It all works well, but, after not very long I noticed the WQO agent which used it was taking longer and longer to run. The slowness of the WQO was directly proportional to the number of Members. Most of you can probably see why. If not, then the title of this page should give you a clue.

    The problem with my code is, of course, that I'm repeatedly calling the getView() method. Consider this from Julian's list of preformance tips:

    If you need to use a reference to a view multiple times in your code, get the view only once and share the reference (either using a global or static variable, or by passing a NotesView object as a parameter in functions/subs/methods). Accessing views using getView is a very expensive operation

    It turned out that each call to web.directory.getView("($VIMPeople)") was taking 0.3s. For 100 members that means it takes way, way too long to open. Remember no web page should take longer than 7s to open!

    So, taking Julian's advice I turned the user view in the directory in to a global variable as part of the WebSession class. Agents that were taking 20 seconds or more to load are now taking less than one!

    I had no idea this was such bad practice. More than ten years with Notes and I'm still learning the basics...

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    Lotus Sandbox


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    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/349636f5bd64583785256c5c00482cd1?OpenDocument>2 Extended Attachment Editio2 Extended Attachment Edition
    Edit and handle Attachments in Notes 4 the same way as in Notes 6
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    Web-based date picker that displays company sponsored holidays
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/2e808c6e7f2abc6585256d17005a701f?OpenDocument>A new approach - Web-based NA new approach - Web-based NAB
    A Web-based NAB with simple search function
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    For identifying/using file upload controls on the Web.
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    Displays User Access Level in DB - no need to know your group membership.
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    Simple application for reporting and monitoring industrial accidents.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/fe6574162e6c1b6a852567ca006e79f1?OpenDocument>Account Manager</a>][<br>]MaAccount Manager
    Manages accounts, profiles, and contacts.
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    LotusScript agents saving ACLs in NotesDocuments and restoring them back to DBs ACL
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    Creates reports about ACLs on all databases on one server, and recurses groups.
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    Allows you to modify a database ACL without manager access on a server.
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    Add ACL entries in multiple databases.
    Acme Standard Interface and Acme News databases
    Sample databases from the Iris Today article Building standard interfaces without changing your applications.
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    Sample databases Acme.nsf and Zippy.nsf referenced in the Iris Today article "Exercising XML with Domino Designer."
    Action button to initiate replication on server
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    Quick and dirty code to add business holidays to the user's calendar using front end classes.
    Add sound to a Notes form
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    Adds MAIL.BOX, SMTP.BOX, LOG.NSF, etc. from every available server to your workspace.
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    Address Book servlet provides an interface similar to address book dialog box in Lotus Notes client
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    Tools for day to day admin tasks. Updated from the original version.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f51807e42918e33e00256c090044738f?OpenDocument>Admin ACL 2</a>][<br>]AdminAAdmin ACL 2
    AdminACL is an application that allows you to add any ACL entry with any level to any database you want even if you do not have access to it.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/ca69e90dbf829253852567f3007c4b70?OpenDocument>Admin Helper</a>][<br>]Find Admin Helper
    Find Orphan mail files, check the Out of Office agent owner and the Calendar Profile owner of mail file for existing users.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/80beb21669da8d3185256b1400745b63?OpenDocument>AdminACL</a>][<br>]This toolAdminACL
    This tool allows you, the administrator, to add any group, user, and server to any databases in you organization (in one agent).
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7147feda3a9094ed85256b9f00725761?OpenDocument>Advanced Settings sample datAdvanced Settings sample database
    This database includes an advanced version of the Application Settings tool described in the Iris Today article "Application settings tool: an alternative to profiles" by Jonathan Coombs.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/530cf440b8deb01300256bde0031a0ff?OpenDocument>Advanced View Techniques</a>Advanced View Techniques
    Interesting ways to display views using applets & print selected documents from View Applet
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/770532e1a86fbf1385256f0a00637edc?OpenDocument>Advanced XML for Notes</a>][Advanced XML for Notes
    Advanced XML techniques with Domino using data binding and Notes queries
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/b1176bb4b31fada8852567f300753b47?OpenDocument>Advertising server</a>][<br>Advertising server
    Serves advertisements from an internally maintained list.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0385bf0f95d0c98885256989005a29dc?OpenDocument>Agent to Compare 2 DocumentsAgent to Compare 2 Documents in R5
    Agent to Compare 2 Documents in R5 (works with RTF fields, too).
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f38057887f500e43852567c300660362?OpenDocument>Agentless thread map databasAgentless thread map database sample
    Demonstrates a technique for generating thread maps in an application without the use of a background agent.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7967df8d95f585a485256c940076012b?OpenDocument>agentShowInternetHeaders</a>agentShowInternetHeaders
    LotusScript agent to show Internet "received" headers
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/70f703dd400f97d500256bd000318722?OpenDocument>Alarm/Reminder setting from Alarm/Reminder setting from another application
    Set an alarm or reminders in a user's calendar from another application
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f710dcdf7214e953852569e60054fe7a?OpenDocument>Alex & Dilbert Cartoon RetriAlex & Dilbert Cartoon Retrieval Agent
    Database to retrieve and email Dilbert and Alex Cartoons
    Allow value not in list
    To improve Allow value not in list on the WEB
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7b7eff84bd6eeff600256bd8003960e8?OpenDocument>Allow values not in list comAllow values not in list combo for web
    Combo box with allow values not in list for IE5 and above, Netscape 6 and above
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    Alternate Color Rows View Version 3 - More features
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/78ad87650e8e6d8085256818007202c2?OpenDocument>AntiSpamFilter Agent</a>][<bAntiSpamFilter Agent
    Anti-spam agent and design elements to enhance spam mail filtering in the standard Notes mail template.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/b376f26b8cbd9f1b8525694d004e24c3?OpenDocument>API Goodies for Lotus Notes<API Goodies for Lotus Notes
    Control various Win API settings from inside Notes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/e6621c730727e8a3852567f4007eaba1?OpenDocument>AppleScript code examples foAppleScript code examples for Notes
    This database contains additional programming examples for AppleScript in Notes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7d55dec173045350852568a4005d0497?OpenDocument>Application Development DocuApplication Development Documentation Library
    Allows developers of a systems group to store their documentation.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0af99983727460a000256bd4003996c6?OpenDocument>Archive on CD-ROM</a>][<br>]Archive on CD-ROM
    Agent to archive on CD-ROM.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/9dc708521fd73a43852568a40069cf02?OpenDocument>Archive Options</a>][<br>]ArArchive Options
    Archive your mail db by dates or by sizes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/86cf1eb52622488f85256d51004eeb72?OpenDocument>ArraySort</a>][<br>]An arrayArraySort
    An array sort using a fast shell sort algorthim
    Article "Notes application strategies: Document rating" sample database
    Sample database that accompanies the article, "Notes application strategies: Document rating"
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f5da0954a65348b985256e39004d1583?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: Interactive search" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article, "Notes application strategies: Interactive search."
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/2e00b11f20d7446b85256e47006624c1?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: Mail Processor" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article, "Notes application strategies: Mail Processor."
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/a687d600ae1001e985256e550058c84e?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: User activity tracking" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article "Notes application strategies: User activity tracking"
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/1d9d9dd534b1491288256ae3006a997c?OpenDocument>ASP SendMail for Notes/DominASP SendMail for Notes/Domino
    Very simple program in VBScript that sends mail in ASP / WSH natively through Notes/Domino
    Audio CD Tracking
    Keeps track of 100 CD changer and CD collection

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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Knowledge Collection: Hardware or Operating System error - "Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service"

    The error message "Insufficient System Resources" is reported to Domino by the Operating System and it indicates that an Operating System resource is nearly or fully exhausted. The most common resource that message refers to on a machine running a Domino Server is the Paged Pool (a section of ...

    2. Сервер 2 уровня в лотус домино

    Всем привет!

    3. Running an agent

    There are several ways to run an agent in Lotus iNotes. Results of an agent can be put into a NotesVar: {{{
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    1. (Remote Work Available) Lotus Notes/Domino Administrator

    (Remote Work Available) Lotus Notes/Domino Administrator Job Code:Lotus Notes/Domino Admin Location:Houston, TX 77001 Posted:2/12/2010 Description:***(Ability to Work from Home with High Speed Interne...

    2. Lotus Notes Developer

    Click here Lotus Notes Developer Posted on:02/12/10 Job Number: 300306-7258-1-255522   Add to Cart   Email to a Friend Location: St. Paul, MN Description: Voltis passionate about prov...

    3. Field Operations/Processing Support - SAP, Lotus Notes

    Click here Field Operations/Processing Support - SAP, Lotus Notes Posted on:02/01/10 Job Number: 300190-6948-1-254927   Add to Cart   Email to a Friend Location: Marietta, GA Descript...

    4. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Req. ID: 5980 # Positions: 1 Location: US-IN-Carmel Posted Date: 12/4/2009 Position Type: Full Time Apply for this career opportunity: * Apply for this opportunityonline * R...

    5. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 1/28/2010 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 166416 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess s...

    6. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 10/13/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 158730 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess ...

    7. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 10/14/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 158834 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess ...

    8. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 10/16/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 159027 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess ...

    9. Lotus Notes/Domino Developer

    Lotus Notes/Domino Developer Full Time Regular posted 11/23/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 161695 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently p...

    10. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Job ID: 2010-16103 # of Openings Remaining: 1 Location: US-VA-Reston Category: Information Technology Residency Status: U.S. Citizenship Required Clearance: .. Desired Experienc...

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