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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих . OzLand 7

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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих

Англо-русский словарь "Альбион"

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The Marvelous Land of Ozt

by L. Frank Baum

Chapter 7. His Majesty the Scarecrow

I suppose every reader ['ri:dq] (читатель) of this book knows [nquz] (знает) what a scarecrow is; but Jack Pumpkinhead, never having seen such a creation [kri:'eISqn] (создание), was more surprised at meeting ['mJtIN] (встретив) the remarkable [rI'mRkqbl] (выдающегося) King of the Emerald City than by any other one experience of his brief [bri:f] (недолгой) life.

His Majesty the Scarecrow was dressed in a suit [sjHt] (костюм) of faded ['feIdId] (выцветшие) blue clothes, and his head was merely a small sack [sxk] (мешок) stuffed with straw, upon which eyes, ears, a nose and a mouth had been rudely ['rHdli] (грубо) painted to represent ["reprI'zent] (изображать) a face. The clothes were also stuffed with straw, and that so unevenly ['An'Jv(q)nli] (неравномерно) or carelessly ['keqlIsli] (небрежно) that his Majesty's legs and arms seemed more bumpy ['bAmpI] (комковатые) than was necessary ['nesIsqrI] (необходимо). Upon his hands were gloves [glAvz] (перчатки) with long fingers ['fINgqz] (пальцами), and these were padded ['pxdId] (подбиты) with cotton [kPtn] (ватой) . Wisps [wIsps] (пучки) of straw stuck [stAk] out (торчали) from the monarch's coat [kqut] (пиджака) and also from his neck and boot [bHt] (ботинок) -tops. Upon his head he wore a heavy golden crown set thick [TIk] (часто) with sparkling jewels, and the weight [weIt] (вес) of this crown caused his brow [brau] (бровь) to sag [sxg] (свисать) in wrinkles [rINk(q)lz] (морщинами) , giving ['gIvIN] (придавая) a thoughtful ['TLtf(q)l] (задумчивое) expression to the painted face. Indeed, the crown alone [q'lqun] (только) betokened [bI'tqukend] (придавала) majesty (величественность); in all else the, Scarecrow King was but a simple [sImpl] (простое) scarecrow -- flimsy ['flImzI] (хрупкое), awkward, and unsubstantial ['Ansqb'stxnSql] (непрочное).

But if the strange appearance of his Majesty the Scarecrow seemed startling ['stRtlIN] (поразительной) to Jack, no less wonderful was the form of the Pumpkinhead to the Scarecrow. The purple trousers ['trauzqz] (брюки) and pink [pINk] (розовый) waistcoat ['weIskqut] (жилет) and red shirt [SE:t] (рубашка) hung loosely ['lu:slI] (свободно) over the wooden joints Tip had manufactured ["mxnju'fxkCqd] (сделал), and the carved face on the pumpkin grinned [grInd] (ухмылялось) perpetually [pq'peCuqli] (постоянно), as if its wearer ['weqrq] (владелец) considered life the jolliest ['GqulIIst] (самой веселой) thing imaginable [I'mxGInqbl] (которую можно себе представить).

At first, indeed, His Majesty thought his queer visitor ['vIzItq] (посетитель) was laughing at him, and was inclined [In'klaInd] (склонен) to resent [rI'zent] (обидеться на, возмутиться) such a liberty ['lIbqtI] (вольность); but it was not without reason that the Scarecrow had attained [q'teInd] (приобрел) the reputation ["repjV'teISn] (репутацию) of being the wisest ['waIzIst] (самый мудрый) personage in the Land of Oz. He made a more careful examination [Ig"zxmI'neISqn] (осмотр) of his visitor ['vIzItq] (посетителя), and soon discovered that Jack's features ['fi:Cqz] (черты лица) were carved into a smile and that he could not look grave [greIv] (серьезным) if he wished to.

The King was the first to speak. After regarding [rI'gRdIN] (разглядывания) Jack for some minutes ['mInIts] (минут) he said, in a tone of wonder:

"Where on earth [E:T] (же) did you come from, and how do you happen to be alive?"

"I beg your Majesty's pardon ['pRdn] (прошу прощения)," returned the Pumpkinhead; "but I do not understand you."

"What don't you understand?" asked the Scarecrow.

"Why, I don't understand your language. You see, I came from the Country of the Gillikins, so that I am a foreigner ['fPrInq] (иностранец)."

"Ah, to be sure!" exclaimed the Scarecrow. "I myself speak the language of the Munchkins, which is also the language of the Emerald City. But you, I suppose, speak the language of the Pumpkinheads ['pAmpkIn'hedz] (тыквоголовых)?"

"Exactly so, your Majesty" replied the other, bowing ['bauIN] (кланяясь); "so it will be impossible for us to understand one another."

"That is unfortunate [An'fLCnIt] (очень жаль), certainly," said the Scarecrow, thoughtfully ['TLtf(q)li] (задумчиво). "We must have an interpreter."

"What is an interpreter?" asked Jack.

"A person who understands ["Andq'stxndz] (понимает) both my language and your own. When I say anything, the interpreter can tell you what I mean; and when you say anything the interpreter can tell me what you mean. For the interpreter can speak both languages ['lxNgwIGIz] (языках) as well as understand them."

"That is certainly clever," said Jack, greatly pleased at finding so simple [sImpl] (простой) a way out of the difficulty ['dIfIkqltI] (затруднительного положения).

So the Scarecrow commanded the Soldier with the Green Whiskers to search among his people until he found one who understood ["Andq'stud] (понимает) the language of the Gillikins as well as the language of the Emerald City, and to bring that person to him at once.

When the Soldier had departed [dI'pRtId] (ушел) the Scarecrow said:

"Won't you take a chair [tSeq] (стул) while we are waiting?"

"Your Majesty forgets [fq'gets] (забывает) that I cannot understand you," replied the Pumpkinhead. "If you wish me to sit [sIt] down (сесть) you must make a sign [saIn] (знак) for me to do so." The Scarecrow came down from his throne and rolled an armchair ['RmtSeq] (кресло) to a position behind the Pumpkinhead. Then he gave Jack a sudden ['sAdn] (внезапный) push [puS] (толчок) that sent him sprawling ['sprLlIN] (опрокинуло его) upon the cushions in so awkward a fashion ['fxS(q)n] (способом) that he doubled ['dAb(q)ld] up (сложился) like a jackknife ['GxknaIf] (складной нож) , and had hard work to untangle ['An'txNgl] (распутать) himself.

"Did you understand that sign [saIn] (знак)?" asked His Majesty, politely.

"Perfectly ['pE:fIktlI] (вполне)," declared Jack, reaching ['rJtSIN] (протягивая) up his arms to turn his head to the front, the pumpkin having twisted ['twIstId] (повернулась) around upon the stick that supported [sq'pLtId] (поддерживала) it.

"You seem hastily ['heIstili] (в спешке, наскоро) made," remarked the Scarecrow, watching ['wPCIN] (наблюдая за) Jack's efforts ['efqts] (попытками) to straighten ['streItn] (выпрямить) himself.

"Not more so than your Majesty," was the frank reply.

"There is this difference ['dIfrqns] (различие) between us," said the Scarecrow, "that whereas [weqr'xz] (тогда как) I will bend, but not break [breIk] (сломаюсь), you will break [breIk] (сломаешься), but not bend."

At this moment the soldier returned leading ['lJdIN] (ведя) a young girl by the hand. She seemed very sweet [swJt] (милая) and modest ['mPdIst] (скромная), having a pretty face and beautiful green eyes and hair. A dainty ['deInti] (элегантная) green silk skirt [skE:t] (юбка) reached to her knees [nJz] (колен) , showing ['SquIN] (показывая) silk stockings ['stPkINz] (чулки) embroidered [Im'brOIdqd] (вышитые) with pea [pi:] (гороховыми) -pods [pPdz] (стручками), and green satin ['sxtIn] (атласные) slippers ['slIpqz] (туфли) with bunches ['bAnCIz] (пучком) of lettuce ['letIs] (салата) for decorations ["dekq'reIS(q)nz] (украшения) instead of bows [bauz] (бантов) or buckles [bAklz] (пряжек) . Upon her silken ['sIlkqn] (шелковом) waist [weIst] (корсаже) clover ['klquvq] (клевера) leaves were embroidered [Im'brOIdqd] (вышиты), and she wore a jaunty ['GLntI] (изящный) little jacket trimmed [trImd] (отделанный) with sparkling emeralds ['em(q)rqld] (изумрудами) of a uniform ['jHnIfLm] (одного) size.

"Why, it's little Jellia Jamb [Gxm]!" exclaimed the Scarecrow, as the green maiden [meIdn] (девушка) bowed her pretty head before him. "Do you understand the language of the Gillikins, my dear?"

"Yes, your Majesty, she answered, "for I was born [bLn] (родилась) in the North Country."

"Then you shall be our interpreter," said the Scarecrow, "and explain to this Pumpkinhead all that I say, and also explain to me all that he says. Is this arrangement [q'reInGmqnt] (условия) satisfactory ["sxtIs'fxktqrI] (удовлетворительные)?" he asked, turning toward his guest [gest] (гостю).

"Very satisfactory ["sxtIs'fxktqrI] (удовлетворительные) indeed," was the reply.

"Then ask him, to begin [bI'gIn] (начать) with," resumed the Scarecrow, turning to Jellia, "what brought him to the Emerald City"

But instead of this the girl, who had been staring ['steqrIN] (смотрела во все глаза) at Jack, said to him:

"You are certainly a wonderful creature. Who made you?"

"A boy named [neImd] (по имени) Tip," answered Jack.

"What does he say?" inquired the Scarecrow. "My ears must have deceived [dI'sJvd] (должно быть обманули) me. What did he say?"

"He says that your Majesty's brains seem to have come loose [lu:s] (мозги, похоже, набекрень)," replied the girl, demurely [dI'mjuqli] (тихо, спокойно).

The Scarecrow moved uneasily [An'Jzili] (неловко) upon his throne, and felt of his head with his left hand.

"What a fine thing it is to understand two different languages ['lxNgwIGIz] (языка)," he said, with a perplexed [pq'plekst] (озадаченным) sigh. "Ask him, my dear, if he has any objection [qb'GekSqn] (возражение) to being put in jail [GeIl] (тюрьму) for insulting [In'sAltIN] (оскорбление) the ruler of the Emerald City."

"I didn't insult ['InsAlt] (не оскорблял) you!" protested Jack, indignantly [In'dIgnqntli] (возмущенно).

"Tut [tAt] () -- tut [tAt] ()!" cautioned ['kLS(q)nd] (предостерег) the Scarecrow "wait, until Jellia translates [trxns'leIts] (переведет) my speech. What have we got an interpreter for, if you break [breIk] out (рвешься) in this rash [rxS] way (так опреметчиво)?" broke out

"All right, I'll wait," replied the Pumpkinhead, in a surly ['sE:lI] (сердитым) tone -- although his face smiled [smaIld] (улыбалось) as genially ['Gi:njqlI] (добродушно) as ever. "Translate [trxns'leIt] (переводи) the speech, young woman."

"His Majesty inquires [In'kwaIqz] (спрашивает) if you are hungry, said Jellia.

"Oh, not at all!" answered Jack, more pleasantly, "for it is impossible for me to eat."

"It's the same way with me," remarked the Scarecrow. "What did he say, Jellia, my dear?"

"He asked if you were aware [q'weq] (знаете ли Вы) that one of your eyes is painted larger ['lRGq] (больше) than the other," said the girl, mischievously ['mIsCIvqsli] (шаловливо).

"Don't you believe her, your Majesty, cried Jack.

"Oh, I don't," answered the Scarecrow, calmly. Then, casting ['kRstIN] (бросая) a sharp look at the girl, he asked:

"Are you quite certain you understand the languages ['lxNgwIGIz] (языки) of both the Gillikins and the Munchkins?"

"Quite certain, your Majesty," said Jellia Jamb [Gxm], trying hard not to laugh [lRf] (смеяться) in the face of royalty ['rOIqltI] (королевского величества).

"Then how is it that I seem to understand them myself?" inquired the Scarecrow.

"Because they are one and the same!" declared the girl, now laughing merrily ['merili] (весело) . "Does not your Majesty know that in all the land of Oz but one language is spoken ['spqukqn] (говорят на одном языке)?"

"Is it indeed so?" cried the Scarecrow, much relieved [rI'lJvd] (с большим облегчением) to hear [hIq(r)] (услышав) this; "then I might easily have been my own interpreter!"

"It was all my fault [fLlt] (вина) , your Majesty," said Jack, looking rather foolish ['fHlIS] (глупо)," I thought we must surely speak different languages ['lxNgwIGIz] (языках) , since we came from different countries."

"This should be a warning [wO:nIN] (предупреждение) to you never to think," returned the Scarecrow, severely [sI'vIqli] (строго) . "For unless one can think wisely ['waIzli] (мудро) it is better to remain a dummy ['dAmI] (чучулом) -- which you most certainly are."

"I am! -- I surely am!" agreed the Pumpkinhead.

"It seems to me," continued the Scarecrow, more mildly ['maIldli] (мягко), "that your manufacturer ["mxnju'fxkCqrq] (изготовитель) spoiled [spOIld] (испортил) some good pies ['paIz] (пирогов) to create [kri:'eIt] (создать) an indifferent [In'dIf(q)rqnt] (равнодушного) man."

"I assure [q'Suq] (уверяю) your Majesty that I did not ask to be created [kri:'eItId] (созданным)," answered Jack.

"Ah! It was the same in my case [keIs] (случае)," said the King, pleasantly. And so, as we differ ['dIfq] (отличаемся) from all ordinary ['LdInrI] (обычных) people, let us become friends."

"With all my heart!" exclaimed Jack.

"What! Have you a heart?" asked the Scarecrow, surprised.

"No; that was only imaginative [I'mxGInqtIv] (образно (говоря)) -- I might say, a figure ['fIgq] of speech," said the other.

"Well, your most prominent ['prPmInqnt] (рельефная) figure ['fIgq] seems to be a figure ['fIgq] of wood; so I must beg you to restrain [rIs'treIn] (сдерживать) an imagination [I"mxdZI'neISn] (воображение) which, having no brains, you have no right to exercise ['eksqsaIz] ()," suggested the Scarecrow, warningly ['wLnINli] (проявлять).

"To be sure!" said Jack, without in the least comprehending ["kPmprI'hendIN] (совершенно ничего не понимая).

His Majesty then dismissed [dIs'mIst] (отпустил) Jellia Jamb [Gxm] and the Soldier with the Green Whiskers, and when they were gone he took his new friend by the arm and led him into the courtyard to play [pleI] (сыграть в) a game [geIm] (игру) of quoits [kwOIts] (метание колец в цель).

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