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Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Today we'll teach you how to deal with complaints. First you need to show your complaint: - I'm ringing to complain about. - I'm sorry, but I'm not satisfied with. - Unfortunately there's a problem with. Then you need to explain your problem: -The CD player doesn't work. -There seems to be a problem. - We haven't received the. If a company doesn't want to satisfy your complaint you can resort to threatening: - If you don't replace the product, I'll complain to the manager. -If you can't deliver on t...

2012-04-03 10:21:37 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Welcome to our next lesson! Today our topic will be planning activity with a team. Certainly the most important thing is starting goals. Do it like this : -Our main objective is to . -Our aims will be to. Next part is highlighting factors for success: -If we're going to be successful, we need to act quickly. -To succeed, we'll have to take into account several factors. Don't forget about indicating priorities: -Our first priority will be to contact with our customers. -It's also essential that we br...

2012-03-27 10:45:34 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Today we are going to learn some useful phrases about work and hiring new employees. When you want to ask somebody about working shift, you can say: Would you like to have a nine-to-five job? What sort of working hours would you like to have? Would you like to work from home? Describing the rules of your company you can say: All our employees have to clock on and off. There is a flexitime system in our organization. Here you will see some other questions that can be useful: Have you already applied ...

2012-03-20 13:46:05 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Today we propose you to learn some important phrases about problem-solving. While stating options you can say: -We have a number of options. -There are several ways we could deal with this. While balancing arguments, just say: -Let's look at the pros and cons. -Let's discuss advantages and disadvantages. -On the one hand, on the other hand. If you want to change your approach, use the following phrases: -Let's look at this another way. -Let's look at this from the different angle. When you are discu...

2012-03-14 12:42:34 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Today we are going to give you some pieces of advice about making a successful presentation. The first stage is when you should get the attention of the audience and introduce yourself. Do it like this : -Good morning everyone! -Let me introduce myself. My name is. -I'm a specialist in. You should structure your presentation from the beginning : -I'm going to divide my talk into 4 parts. -First, I will give you.; after that .; finally. . Don't forget about inviting questions : -If you have any quest...

2012-03-06 09:53:57 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Today let's learn useful information about performing the contract and facing the difficulties during it. If under the contract some problems arose, you can discuss them in this way: - I'm glad to see you, though the occasion is not quite pleasant. - I'm afraid we'll have to revise some parts of the contract. If you need to apologize for something, use these words: - I hope we'll settle everything. - My best apologies! It's the first complaint we've ever had from the companies. - I've seen to this p...

2012-02-28 10:05:25 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Today let's learn useful information about concluding a contract. If you like to conclude a contract with a company you can say: - We are interested in establishing contacts with you. - We suppose that we shall be able to do successful business. If you want to mention of how you obtained your potential supplier's name, say it like this: - We were greatly impressed by the samples of your goods which we saw. - We have seen your advertisement in the. - We have heard from the .that you produce. You can ...

2012-02-21 11:35:44 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Today we are going to learn some useful phrases about holding a meeting. When you want to ask somebody for clarification, you can say: Could you explain to me how that is going to work? I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you are getting at. For keeping a meeting on time you can use these phrases: Please be brief. Well, that seems to be all the time we have today. I think we'd better leave that for another meeting. For correcting information say this: Sorry, that's not quite right. That's not q...

2012-02-14 15:06:59 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Today let's speak about recruitment and selection. If you recruit employees, you can say about your work next things: -Our company hires/ employs people for particular job. -I work for a recruitment agency/ employment agency. -I'm in charge of headhunting people for very important jobs, persuading them to leave the organizations they already work for. -Lots of companies use outside recruiters. When you speak about selection process, you can use these phrases: -We advertise in national newspapers. -P...

2012-02-01 15:42:35 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Today let's review some phrases with the words 'work' and 'job' . When you want to talk about your job, you usually say: -I work for a large company. -I work on car design. -I run the design department. -I manage a team of designers. -I deal with a lot of different people. -My work involves long hours, team work, human contact. -I'm responsible for/ in charge of coordination between design and production. To speak about the type of your job, you can use next phrases: -I have a full-time/ part-time j...

2012-01-25 16:10:43 + Комментировать

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