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Shop Feature! Cath Thomas of SamohtaC
2017-06-02 16:24 Elyse T.

Make sure to check our Cath Thomas'

Etsy Shop



Cath wearing "The Leaf" - 3D Peyote Shapes and Diamond Weave Collar

You seem to have a real passion for beadweaving and bead embroidery. What first brought you to the world of beading?
My mother's good friend and art-therapist, Berthy Bijlard, introduced me to beads and cross-stitching when I was about 14 or so. I continued to do cross-stitching because it was easy to find that material. Only as an adult, I got comptelely hooked on beadweaving with seed beads and bead embroidery. That was in 2004, when I saw the beautiful Bead Dreams contest pieces. Before I even could buy beads, I drew my own "Dream piece", and searched the web to learn everything from the materials to all the techniques. Where I am living there was nobody doing this, no shops, no workshops, nothing. There was also no translation for these things in French either. Eventually, I learned the basics and evolved by learning to solve problems by myself.

Neytiri's - Scored 1st place in the FMG seed bead beading contest 2016 "Bib and collar style" category.

I understand you are a bit of an expert at Diamond Weave. You even wrote a book in collaboration with the inventor of the stitch. Is this your favorite stitch?
All stitches have their advantages and for that, I love them all. However, some please me more than others. If I had to choose only one stitch to bead with, I'd have a hard time chosing between Peyote stitch, my first & much loved stitch, and Diamond Weave. There is so much one can do with DW and still so much to discover with it.

What are your favorite subjects when designing your pieces? You seem to draw inspiration from both the natural and geometric worlds.
Mother Nature and Geometrics are indeed my main inspiration. My left brain is the control freak attraceted by geometrics and my right brain is a poet in love with nature's splendor and all living beings. I try to marry the two of them, which is much harder than you may think. I essentially want to speak with beads (because I like to tell stories) in a way that blends geometric and organic, like the flaming cuff Embers, or the leaf that can be seen in my necklace "The Leaf" created in negative space thanks to the little Trapezino bezels. I am also quite happy with my petal to pod creations, like Neytiri's and a piece made for a charity, the Jane Goodall Pendant. I also  like bead embroidery for it allows the use of a variety of non-beady materials which can also be very inspiring, like the images, metal stamps and perfume bottle used in "Seduction".

Embers Cuff - Partially Zipped All-Wing Bangle
What made you move on from beading to selling and finally teaching and tutorial writing?
In 2006, I subscribed to a francophone forum. It appeared that in the seed beads section there wasn't as much to learn as I hoped, but that I had knowledge to transmit. I was particularly active in the hints and tips section, which resulted in some beaders calling me the "MacGyver" of beading (LOL!). I didn't sell patterns back then, I just wrote simple tuts and shared them for free, which allowed me to learn how to use software to explain things. I wish that tutorials for tutorial writing had been available back then, but I developed my own style, which imho is not so bad. The first pattern that I wrote "for sale" in 2009 was in fact a complimentary pattern I sent to each person donating for charity when the Fukushima disaster happened. Only when I had to stop working for health reasons and my income dropped significantly, I decided to sell tuts to pay for beady supplies.

Mokuren - Scored 2nd in the Bead Mavens Vernal Visions Contest
 Your piece "Souls" is incredible (and I must admit, the tutorial is on my wish list!) You describe it as the most mindful pieces you've ever beaded; can you tell us a bit more?
Thank you! Souls is very special. It is an allegory of the walk of life or lives, and one of my first 'petal to pod' creations. I think that my left and right brain did a great job together. It tells the story of souls, which never die, but go through stages of development. I made pods with a rainbow of colors on the inside. A soul is in a body like a seed resides in a pod, and gets liberated when time has come. The colors are the chakras we have in us, like a rainbow, a stairway to heaven. Here and there a soul falls out of its pod, sometimes it is too much in the green or blue or red zone... Each color is of equivalent importance. To become enlightened, every step needs to be made, experienced. Therefor necklace has a very organic look, curling, moving, making tours and detours. The soul which has experienced everything and evolved to a miraculous level of consciousness has not one specific color, it has them all. Pure light is made of all colors, not none. The crystals at the far end of the necklace represent boddhisatvas, the enlightened.
And finally, on the inside of the necklace, there is a long 'diamond' (cupchain) path, that cannot always be seen. Things may sometimes seem to go awfully wrong, but whatever happens, wherever you are, the walk is paved with diamonds. They are not always visible, but they are there, all the way long, all the time, at every step. Because life is glorious. 

More details about Souls can be found here: http://samohtac.blogspot.ch/2013/06/rainbows-of-color.html
Also, there is a "Petal to Pod" group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PetalToPod/

Where do you prefer to do your beadwork?
Anywhere in a calm place, in a good chair with arm rests near a window, but not in the sun. I would love to bead outside, or in public, but my light sensitivity prevents me from doing that.

Tribute to Jane Goodall - A double-sided pendant / Sculpture / Toy - The doll's skirt protects the gorilla.

I understand that you blog about your beading adventures. Does writing about your beadwork help the creation process?
No, the creation process results in writing about it, in particular if it was a long or special work. I like to share my experience with other people who would like to learn about it as much as I like to read about the WIP of other beaders, like Marsha Wiest-Hines. This is how we can learn from one another despite the distance between us. It is also a way to tell people what they can do with what I teach in my tutorials if they take the step of exploring further and improvise.
What tips or advice can you share that has helped you lead such a successful beading career? I don't consider my beading activity as a career, but Maya Angelou said one day:
'Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.'
and maybe that is what makes my beading a successful journey.
Seduction - Finalist in the FMG seed bead beading contest 2016

2017-05-16 15:53 Anonymous

May Challenge Results
Congratulations to Sandra Allen of Bliss Works Studio who won both the team and the public vote!
Here are the results:
Team vote:  46 votes
1st place – Slice – Bliss Works Studio – 16 votes (35%)
2nd place – Strawberry Cream – CraftNicheDili – 10 votes (22%)
3rd place – Tropical Smoothie Beauty – 4uidzne – 8 votes (17%)
4th place – Sugar Skull Sugar Cookie – tattooedraven – 5 votes (11%)
5th place – Pavlova – SpringColors – 4 votes (9%)
6th place – Fuchsia Necklace – WizardIslandDesigns – 3 votes (6%)

Public vote: 165 votes
1st place – Slice – Bliss Works Studio – 74 votes (45%)
2nd place – Strawberry Cream – CraftNicheDili – 40 votes (24%)
3rd place – Sugar Skull Sugar Cookie – tattooedraven – 26 votes (16%)
4th place – Tropical Smoothie Beauty – 4uidzne – 17 votes (10%)

5th place – tie with Pavlova – SpringColors  and Fuchsia Necklace – WizardIslandDesigns – 4 votes each (2%)

May 2017 "My Favorite Dessert" Challenge
2017-05-09 01:31 Megan Petersen
Here are the entries for this month's "My Favorite Dessert" challenge!  VOTING WILL BE OPEN FROM MAY 9TH UNTIL MAY 15.  Please choose your favorite entry from the images or links below, then select your choice in the blog poll that will appear on the right sidebar during the days that voting is open.

Click on the image mosaic or links below to learn more about each entry and see larger, detailed images of each piece. 


Image Map

Interview with March "Greenery" Challenge Winner
2017-04-30 23:40 Elyse T.
Interview by Patti Parker

Albeny Weibel of AlbenaArtDesign

Q: First I would ask you to write a little about your background such as where you are from and live now, and what your occupation or life focus is.
A: I was born and grew up in Bulgaria. There I graduated at the Music Academy with Piano and Oboe. As a musician, I came to Switzerland, where I still live since more the 20 years. I’m married here and have two children. As my daily job, I’m selling electric appliances, such as Hairdryers, Microwave-Ovens and others…
I can’t live without beautiful things around me. I need music, flowers and colors. Flowers, for me, are the food for my positivism and optimism.
My jewelry is always a mirror of this. They are always like a duel between strong colors.

I love everything romantic: Sunrises, sunsets, romantic evenings and moments. This everything flows into my work.

Q:. How long have you been making and selling your work?
A: I’m not working with beads for a very long time- maybe 2 years. But therefore, I started very intensive. And I am so happy, that one month ago, I opened my shop in Etsy, which you can find here:

Q: What inspired you to start working with beads?

A: The first thing I started to do besides music, was painting pictures. There everything started. I event had the chance to show my paintings in exhibitions here in Switzerland, what went very successful.

Then I decided to create more flowers. But this not painted ones. So, I started to model them from sugar paste. This was the moment, when I started to decorate cakes with sugar flowers.

These were a lot of experiments, giving me a lot of experience, which I decided to use for making flowers from leather.

A: I first started to work with beads was, when a local fashion designer asked me, if I could make him a necklace for his new wedding collection. Then I started to watch a lot of tutorials with beading techniques and started to try. Every time I finished something new, I started to get more and more excited and confident. In the end, I succeeded to create my first wedding necklace.
This was the moment I really started to work with beads. Here is piece of the wedding jewelry, I made for the fashion show:

Q: What are your favorite materials to work with?

A: My most favorite materials to work with are beads, leather, Shibori silk and Soutache. I always experiment with new materials and techniques. 

Q: Which techniques do you enjoy using, and what are the things you like to make most?
A: Mostly I use stitching and embroidery for creating my jewelry.
One of the biggest challenges and joy for me are leather flowers. The way they start to live and bloom during the process of making them. How they start to shine after I painted them all the shades and shadows to make them look real.
Sometimes I combine the above materials with macramé or tatting.

Q: Describe your design process.
A: First I start with a drawing. That’s a quite long process, to figure out all details. Sometimes I start with one idea, but the result is completely different. It’s very flexible and organic process. 
Q: Are there any favorite places that have influenced your designs?
 A: One of my most favorite places, inspiring my work, is my balcony at home.

Every year it looks different. But always, it’s full with flowers and looks like a real garden Eden. I really love to watch, how the flowers grow and I enjoy all the beauty and greatness, nature gives to us. I really admire the range of colors, nature has to offer.
Every time I see a flower, I always imagine how I will transform it into a piece of art, made from leather or beads. To me, nature is the biggest inspiration.

Q: Which artists or beaders do you admire?
I’m very lucky to be a member of a Bulgarian group of beaders, named “Beautiful Bulgarian beadwork”. A lot of the members there have so many great ideas and creativity. There I learned a lot of new things, when I started to work with beads. And I have to admit, that the Bulgarian beading school is very good.
Another artist I really admire is Serena Moreno. She was a great inspiration for me to start with beads, shibori and soutache.
A great help were also the beading tutorials of:
Gina's Gem Creations

April 2017 Challenge Results
2017-04-17 00:07 Anonymous

Congratulations to the nine members who created unique pieces for the April Challenge "Mesozoic World" and to Lea Paličková who won both the team and public vote!
Here are the results:
Team Vote 47 votes cast
1st place - Heart of Stone set – LeelaBeads with 25 votes (53%)
2nd place - Prehistoric World Creatures – BeadCatcher with 6 votes (13%)
3rd place – a 3 way tie with 3 votes each (6%)
              Magic Beauty – beadifuljewelry
              Night Butterfly Barrette – BeadsForBeauty
              Ammonite & Moth Choker Necklace – enchantedbeads
4th place – a 3 way tie with 2 votes each (4%)
              Fossil Pendant – Rudasbeading
              Dino Daisy – BlingJewelryDesigns
              Crystal Statement Necklace – SpringColors
5th place – Slice of History – STARARTjewelry with 1 vote (2%)

Public Vote 49 votes cast
1st place - Heart of Stone set – LeelaBeads with 21 votes (43%)
2nd place - Ammonite & Moth Choker Necklace – enchantedbeads with 7 votes (14%)
3rd place – a 3 way tie with 5 votes each (10%)
              Dino Daisy – BlingJewelryDesigns
              Prehistoric World Creatures – BeadCatcher
              Night Butterfly Barrette – BeadsForBeauty
4th place – a 3 way tie with 2 votes each (4%)
              Fossil Pendant – Rudasbeading
              Magic Beauty – beadifuljewelry
              Crystal Statement Necklace – SpringColors
5th place – Slice of History – STARARTjewelry with 0 votes

April 2017 Entries for "Mesozoic" Challenge
2017-04-08 01:04 Megan Petersen
Here are the entries for this month's "Mesozoic" challenge!  VOTING WILL BE OPEN FROM APRIL 9TH UNTIL APRIL 15.  Please choose your favorite entry from the images or links below, then select your choice in the blog poll that will appear on the right sidebar during the days that voting is open.

Click on the image mosaic or links below to learn more about each entry and see larger, detailed images of each piece. 

Image Map  

2017-03-17 22:44 Anonymous

Here are the results for the March challenge “Greenery”.  16 members created unique and beautiful pieces inspired by Pantone’s color of the year and the promise of springtime.

AlbenaArtDesigns won both the public and team votes with her Power of Springtime Necklace.

Public vote: 276 votes
1st place – The Power of Springtime by AlbenaArtDesigns with 85 votes (31%)
2nd place – Forest Greenery by Svetush with 69 votes (25%)
3rd place – Drops of Spring Time Dew by tattooedraven with 27 votes (10%)
4th place – Sun in My Heart by DereDereJewellery with 19 votes (7%)
5th place – Peacock Statement Brooch by enchantedbeads with 12 votes (4.3%)
6th place – a three way tie with 11 votes each (4%)
                   Green Jasper Necklace by suegoode
                   First Flowers of Spring by BeadCatcher
                   Bract by BlissWorksStudio
7th place - Springtime Necklace by WizardIslandDesigns with 8 votes (3%)
8th place – a two way tie with 5 votes each (2%)
                   Green Apple statement necklace by GrainesDeSable
                   Viridescence by BestofBetsDesigns
9th place – a two way tie with 4 votes each (1.5%)
                   Touch of Spring by ArtfulAr
                   Greenery Handbag by AngelqueCreations
10th place- a two way tie with 2 votes each (0.8%)
                    Crystal Statement Necklace by SpringColors
                    Green Cuff Bracelet by STARARTjewelry
11th place- embroidered ruffle bracelet by Hannah Rachel with 1 vote (0.4%)

Team Vote: 65 votes
1st place – The Power of Springtime by AlbenaArtDesigns with 19 votes (65%)
2nd place – a two way tie with 9 votes each (14%)
                   Forest Greenery by Svetush
                   Drops of Springtime Dew by tattooedraven
3rd place - a two way tie with 6 votes each (9%)
                  Green Jasper Necklace by suegoode
                  Green Apple Statement Necklace by GrainesDeSable
4th place - Embroidered Ruffle Cuff Bracelet by HannahRachel with 4 votes (6%)
5th place – a three way tie with 3 votes each (4.6%)
     Peacock Statement Brooch by enchantedbeads
     Springtime Necklace by WizardIslandDesigns
     First Flowers of Spring by Beadcatcher
6th place – Green Cuff Bracelet by STARARTjewelry with 2 votes (3%)

7th place – Crystal Statement Necklace by SpringColors with 1 vote (1.5%)

March 2017 Challenge Entries for "Greenery"
2017-03-08 02:46 Megan Petersen
Here are the entries for this month's "Colors of Love" challenge!  VOTING WILL BE OPEN FROM MARCH 9TH UNTIL MARCH 15.  Please choose your favorite entry from the images or links below, then select your choice in the blog poll that will appear on the right sidebar during the days that voting is open.

Click on the image mosaic or links below to learn more about each entry and see larger, detailed images of each piece. 


Image Map

Interview with the January Challenge "Rising Star" Winner
2017-03-06 14:23 Elyse T.

Lea Paličková is the 2017 Rising Star!

Congratulations on winning the Rising Star challenge. Your necklace is spectacular! 

First if you could provide a little background such as where you are from or live now and what your work or career is. Your Etsy shop profile mentions you study geography, are there any favorite places or influences that sparked your interest in that subject?

I come from Czech Republic, the home of well-known Czech glass beads. I’m just a regular girl that grew up in the country. I came to the „big city“ after getting accepted to the University, where I chose to study nature and geography. I wouldn’t say that anything specific led me this way, I’ve been just interested in all the things around me. I’ve always been interested mainly in the abiotic part of nature, and I’m still fascinated by weather… And now, when my university studies are over, this subject of knowledge makes my living. And what do I do when I come home from work? Beading, of course…

In your shop you offer many wonderful pieces of beadwork. How long have you been beading and how much time weekly do you devote to your craft?

I started with beading when I was a young girl, when I was stringing my mom’s and grandma’s beads. As I said before, my country is one of the biggest beads producer. Almost in every house you can find in the attic a huge chest full of old beads… So, it was easy to start playing with beads. I started beadweaving after years, approx. in 2009. This technique charmed me so much that even now I am able to spend most of my time beading. It’s hard to say how much time a week I spend beading, it depends on many conditions. I would say I spend with beading about 10-15 hours a week.

Do you have friends or relatives who also work with seed beads, or are there any beading societies or groups you belong to?

No one from my family is beading. If someone beads something, the initial impulse comes from me. Quite often my sister-in-law asks me to bring some beads along, because she wants to do something for herself. She uses my tutorials to create some floral jewelry.
On the other hand, beading is quite popular in Czech Republic and I’ve met a lot of interesting and inspirational people thanks to beading. Beading societies, like you can know from US, aren’t common here. Here it’s more a question of arranging meeting bead friends for a dinner or a glass of beer and then beading together all night long.

 Your work shows a wonderful interpretation of nature, is that the main source of your inspiration?

Yes, mainly I’m trying to find my muse in nature. This is the reason why I enjoy working with nature materials the most. I’m not good at using shiny Swarovski crystals, but psst don’t tell anybody. When I walk outside, I’m trying to perceive all colors and shapes of nature surrounding us. My most favorite season of year is definitely autumn. You can find everything in it: beautiful color transitions and often unsuspected color combinations, mysterious morning fogs and first hoarfrost as well. Anywhere around us is a lot of inspiration, you just have to keep your eyes open.

What artists or bead workers do you admire or feel have influenced your work?

I’m trying, as I always did, not to get influenced by other authors. Because of it, I use Pinterest as little as possible. I would like my work to reflect just my ideas and moods
However, there is a lot of beaders that I adore greatly. One of many is for example Kinga Nichols with her color and material combinations, Apollinariya Koprivnik with her sparkling treasures, queen of sea urchins Joanne Zammit and I can’t forget to mention my best-bead-friend Denisa Kangas

What are some of your favorite materials to work with?

I love to work with any natural material. Gemstone cabochons, druzies, any kind of fossils, pearls and shells, wooden beads, ceramics and so on… I rather work with irregularly shaped material. Glitter and perfectly polished surfaces gets me a little insecure, because I’m not always sure how to work with them to get the perfect result. I really love combination of matt and gloss and Czech glass beads.

Your patterns in your shop are lovely. I especially like the way you use the two holed beads in your designs. What are some of the joys you have experienced or challenges you have faced selling on Etsy?

The greatest joy is when you receive positive feedback of your work. Like when customer send me a picture of finished piece of jewelry made with my tutorial.

Where do you see your work with bead weaving evolving in the future?

My big dream is to have my own studio – room just for me and my craft passions. I hope it will be soon, because we are planning reconstruction with my boyfriend and I hope he will be kind enough to let one room for me in our future home
Anyway in this „dream studio“ I would like to have a craft oven for making ceramic, glass or even copper enamel. I would love to create my own components for my beaded jewelry.

Interview by Patti Parker

April 2017 "Mesozoic" Challenge!
2017-02-27 20:56 Elyse T.

Lea Paličková from LeelaBeads has chosen our April Challenge topic!

  "Mesozoic world"

Dive into the depths of prehistoric era and create jewelry with a touch of it! Your entry should contain a fossil - ammonite, fossil coral, orthoceras, dinosaur bone etc...

Make sure to have your entry listed in your Etsy shop by April 5, 2017 23:59 EST. Please refer to the Challenge Rules for details on what is allowed in Challenge entries and don't forget to include EBWC in the title and tags of your entry. 

The Winners February Challenge "The Colors of Love"
2017-02-16 22:22 Anonymous

Here are the results for the February Challenge “The Colors of Love”.  Thank you to the 11 members who created some truly gorgeous pieces!

 Team Vote 52 votes
1st Place: Bracelet with Roses – SpringColors with 11 votes (21.25%)
2nd Place: Bead Embroidery Brooch – BenitaStyleBG with 9 votes (17.31%)
3rd Place: tie The Colors of Love-Amethyst bead embroidered bracelet – JudesArt and Color of Love Heart Brooch – MaryTDesigns each with 7 votes (13.46%)

Public Blog Vote 137 votes
1st Place: Valentine’s DayNecklace – Svetush with 56 votes (41%)
2nd Place: Bead EmbroideryBrooch – BenitaStyleBG with 34 votes (25%)
3rd Place: Color of LoveHeart Brooch – MaryTDesigns with 13 votes (9%)

January 2017 Challenge Entries for "Colors of Love"
2017-02-07 21:36 Megan Petersen
Here are the entries for this month's "Colors of Love" challenge!  VOTING WILL BE OPEN FROM FEBRUARY 9TH UNTIL FEBRUARY 15.  Please choose your favorite entry from the images or links below, then select your choice in the blog poll that will appear on the right sidebar during the days that voting is open.

Click on the image mosaic or links below to learn more about each entry and see larger, detailed images of each piece. 

Image Map  

March 2017 "Greenery" Challenge
2017-02-06 18:53 Elyse T.
Evi Csizmadia Lajosne has proposed the theme of "Greenery" as it is the Pantone color of the year!
Check it out here: http://www.pantone.com/color-of-the-year-2017

"The spring buds burst, green plants slip out of the earth..."

The main color of your entry should be the color of the year (or very close!) and should be inspired by hopes for an early spring.

Make sure to have your entry listed in your Etsy shop by March 5, 2017 23:59 EST. Please refer to the Challenge Rules for details on what is allowed in Challenge entries and don't forget to include EBWC in the title and tags of your entry.

Shop Feature! Sarah Cryer, The Indecisive Beader
2017-01-26 14:21 Elyse T.

Sarah Cryer, owner of Etsy shop “Sarah Cryer Beadwork” is a London-
based beadwork artist whose part-time passion for beadweaving has yielded big-time results.
A busy wife and mother of two, who also works secularly, Sarah uses her spare time to design
and create impressive geometric-shaped wearable art pieces. It is evident that her spare time,
is time well spent because she has won more than one Etsy Beadweavers challenge.
Sarah’s skill in 3D sculptural beading along with her love and excitement for beadweaving,
pushes her to produce high-quality, innovative designs. 

Whether you purchase a finished piece or a tutorial from her Etsy shop you know exactly what you are getting
because her item descriptions are thorough, her designs are precise and beautifully
photographed, and her tutorials are fully illustrated, detailed and clear.
Sarah was kind enough to do a Q&A, learn more about her work below.

Q. How long have you been beadweaving and how did you get started?

Sarah Cryer: I’ve been beadweaving for around 8 years - prior to that I was stringing and
playing with polymer clay, but then I discovered beadweaving and was hooked.

Q. What do you love about beadweaving?

Sarah Cryer: I love the variety of textures and forms I can make, the fact that I can work on a
tray on my lap (important in a busy house) and I find the act of beadweaving very therapeutic.
Most of all though I do really, really love the beads themselves - the shapes, the finishes, the
sparkle and just in the infinite, tiny variety!

Q. What moved you to become an Etsy seller and then a member of the
Etsy Beadweavers Team?

Sarah Cryer: When I first started selling it was on Folksy - a UK based handmade
marketplace. I still sell there, and do well with my finished pieces, but when I moved into
tutorials Etsy was the obvious choice with its digital download service and international reach. I
already knew about the EBWT as an author friend (Sophia Bennett) discovered you when she
was writing a young adults book about fashion and beading, and shared you on Facebook, and
I’d been watching member’s designs for a while.

Q. Which Etsy Beadweavers Team challenges have you won?

Sarah Cryer: I was joint winner of the first challenge I entered, only days after joining the team,
with my ‘Inspired by Chihuly’ Nasturtium Ring.

That was a big boost, and it’s still one of my favourite pieces - it almost beaded itself (although attempts to recreate in 11s instead of tiny 15s have since failed). Not long afterwards I won the ‘Abstract’ challenge with a large winged peyote bangle inspired by Monet’s Water Lilies  - that was more of a surprise as the piece itself was a bit of a battle and wouldn’t work the way I wanted it to - I had to challenge myself to let go and just see where it went. I’ve not had time to enter more than a few challenges since then as I’ve either been focusing on other projects or couldn’t
get pieces to work.

However earlier this year I won the Stitch and Craft Beads Butterfly Challenge Professional category with my ‘Semele’s Cuff’which was a huge honour and pleasure, and I’m pushing myself to enter their challenge again next year, and also a couple of other competitions - they
pull me out of my comfort zone, force me to work to the highest standards, and often result in
pieces suitable for tutorials which is great.

Q. You are a very busy working mom with a husband, how do you find time for

Sarah Cryer: My house is very dusty - that probably accounts for some of the time! Seriously
though, when you have young children you don’t go out much, so the evenings we previously
spent going to the ballet or the opera, or enjoying drinks or meals out are but a distant memory.
I work three days a week, with two at home with the youngest boy, and also sing so usually
have at least one evening away at rehearsals. Once the boys are in bed though I can bead on
the sofa, or work on patterns and kits, and although I don’t spend as much time as I would like
on it, and can’t really teach or do fairs, it seems like a good balance for now. My 3-day a week
job is as an IT Business Analyst for a leading UK department store, so I get lots of transferrable
digital and more importantly shop-keeping and process efficiency skills from there which help.

I’ve learned a lot over the last few years about how to streamline the business side to free up
more time, and next month my youngest will be in pre-school three hours a day, so I’m planning
to spend one three-hour chunk on pretending to be domesticated, and the other on beading or
dressmaking (my other, rarely managed love).

Q. Why do you call yourself the indecisive beader?

Sarah Cryer: When I was starting to blog I didn’t have the confidence to use my own name as
the title, so I wanted to come up with an interesting pseudonym. I’m hopeless at getting on with
a project - I can easily spend days just choosing the beads, starting, stopping, unpicking, pulling
more beads, and my husband jokes that I spend more time choosing beads than beading -
hence the name. At the moment I’m even worse than usual - I’m going through a period of
experimentation with new techniques and have a horrible desire for perfection (born of pre-
Christmas tiredness) which means that the three pieces I’m trying to do are all spending more
time having new sets of beads pulled or being completely re-worked, than they are on being

Q. How would you describe the type of jewelry you make?

Sarah Cryer: Bold but hopefully wearable, using a mix of off-loom techniques and beads.
Colour is incredibly important to me - I discovered the work of Kaffe Fassett in my teens and
have been working with bold, bonkers colours ever since - back then in patchwork, knitting and
needlepoint, and now in beads (which are even more fun as you have finish and shape as well
as colour to play with). I tend to tone that down a bit for my materials packs and finished pieces
that are for sale because not everyone shares my taste, but the pieces I make for myself do
tend to push the colour palette almost to the unwearable! I use Miyuki seeds and delicas, and
lots of Czech beads, although I’m largely resisting the shaped bead revolution for now, and I do
love crystals, although I tend to use them sparingly. My go to stitches are peyote and RAW,
plus that weird mix of netting & embellishment that so many use to build 3D structures - the
peyote is shaped, and comes from an early and continuing affinity with my friend Jean Power’s
amazing work, and the RAW and 3D work from Sabine Lippert and Marcia DeCoster - that
combination probably explains why my style is still a bit eclectic rather than focused, but I’m still
learning and enjoying the journey!

Q. What is your design process when creating/writing a tutorial?

Sarah Cryer: Only one of my current pieces was designed specifically as a tutorial, and that
was really an experiment to see if I could work in a focused way with that purpose in mind - I
managed it, but that one hasn’t sold well, and I think that is probably fair as it’s not as innovative
as my others, and I didn’t really enjoy the process. The successful tutorials such as the
Baroque Tape Measure Surround and Space Needle Case  were born
of pieces made as experiments in form, or technique, and often for competitions, where at some
point in the process or even years later I thought ‘yes, I could write this up, I think it might sell’.

As I don’t have lots of time I’m pretty strict now with what I do publish - the piece must be
individual rather than derivative, have been honed to provide the simplest technical beading
experience possible, and I need to be able to explain clearly in words and diagrams what I’ve
done. So that means at the moment that in my queue of ‘to write ups’ I’ve got several paused
because I can’t find a way to describe the 3D structure, another which is just too simple, and
another where the thread paths and order of steps needs some serious re-working before I’ll
consider publishing. So for now I’m concentrating on beading new work and hoping some of it
will end up being suitable - if it’s not, then I’ll still have some lovely beadwork at the end!

Q. What tips or advice can you share that has helped you run a successful Etsy

Sarah Cryer: Evolution not revolution - focus on the essentials at first and allow the peripherals
to evolve.
I would say the essentials are good product, very good photos to show how good your products
are, a simple look and feel, and engagement with your market. For me, a macro lense for our
SLR and a helpful patient husband sorted out the photography, to engage with customers I use
my blog www.theindecisivebeader.com and the associated Facebook page, and for good
product I have to rely on hard work and inspiration, and try to resist the temptation to list
everything I finish. Everything else - the business cards, packaging, paid marketing, etc is
pointless without those three essentials as no one will buy anything - you can evolve those as
you go along, gently trying out different options as you have sales to try them on, only then will
you understand how well you and your processes work. And I’ve probably also evolved to focus
my limited time on the things that sell - I’d love that to be finished work, but it’s not, it’s tutorials
and kits.

Q. What other ways do you market your finished pieces and tutorials?

Sarah Cryer: I mainly use my blog www.theindecisivebeader.com and Facebook page
www.facebook.com/theindecisivebeader/ . They cover my whole beading life - so everything I’m
making, including reviews of other beaders patterns & books, failures, UFOs, sewing, and life in
general rather than just being about the commercial side, which I hope makes them more
engaging for customers and friends. I also seem to get good conversions from the Etsy shop
updates feature, and good traffic through from Pinterest (SarahBeady) where I am a devoted
pinner of gorgeous pieces from other beaders (I try and remember to sneak in the odd pin of my
stuff and it seems to work). I’m also very lucky to have made friends, both in the flesh and
digitally, with some wonderful beaders both in London and across the world, and their support
on social media in particular has been hugely instrumental in getting some of my key pieces to a
wider audience, as well as being a lovely experience. Realistically though, that following is
largely composed of beaders, so whilst it works well for tutorials and kits, I’ve still not found a
really successful method for marketing finished work - I’d be interested in ideas and tips there!

Q. Have you made use of the EBW Instagram page?

Sarah Cryer: I’m very new to Instagram as The Indecisive Beader (a matter of weeks) so I’m
still feeling my way around a bit, but you’ll see me there soon!
Sarah Cryer may be “The Indecisive Beader”, but she is also proof that “it’s not how much time
you have to bead that matters, it's how you use the time you have to bead that makes the

January 2017 "Rising Star" Challenge Results
2017-01-18 13:20 Elyse T.
Congratulations to Lea Paličková who won both the team  vote with her stunning Galactica Neckalce!

 Team Vote
1st Place: 29.9% Galactica- LeelaBeads
2nd Place: 20.8% The Coral Reefs of Roatan - RebeccasWell
3rd Place: 14.6% Beaded Blue Wrist Cuff - STARARTjewelry
 Public Vote
1st Place: Strauss Evening Embroidery Necklace - SheWalksinCrystal 34%
2nd Place: Age of Materia - HumdrumAuguries 28%
3rd Place: Galactica - LeelaBeads 9%

January 2017 Challenge Entries for "Rising Star"
2017-01-07 02:12 Megan Petersen
Here are the entries for this month's "Rising Star" challenge!  VOTING WILL BE OPEN FROM JANUARY 9TH UNTIL JANUARY 15.  Please choose your favorite entry from the images or links below, then select your choice in the blog poll that will appear on the right sidebar during the days that voting is open.

Click on the image mosaic or links below to learn more about each entry and see larger, detailed images of each piece. 

Image Map  

Interview with November 2016 Challenge Winner Évi Csizmadia Lajosné of Vicus
2016-12-13 17:54 Elyse T.

Évi Csizmadia Lajosné of Vicus is the winner of both the public and team votes for the November 2016 Challenge 'November Guest'

What initially attracted you to beads as a medium?
Several years ago, I was about 8-9 years old when I began to explore the world of beads.

And, more specifically, how was your imagination drawn to bead weaving?
At the time, cross stitch embroideries were being made. It was a favorite magazine subject, where I saw at first bead jewelry making. I really liked one design and thought that I could make it. The first attempt was very well done and then on I liked the world of beads.

What was your route to becoming an artist?
I began simpler pieces, I always made jewelry that was complex and time-consuming. I learned on the Internet, bought samples, attended forums. I was looking for beaded groups on the Internet. I learned a lot, including new techniques.

Tell us a bit about your favorite techniques.
A new technique suddenly appeared in the bead embroidery magazine I read. I loved it, I knew right away that this is my thing. Hatvani Annie was the first one who displayed embroidered bead jewelry. His knowledge about using more about the bead embroidery spoke to me.
Using the Internet has opened the world of beading to me. I recognized all over the world various bead artists. I saw fantastic jewelry. Both inspired me to create my jewelry that is similar, but according to their my own plans.

Do you design the piece before starting? If not, what prep work do you do?

A small piece of jewelry does not always need a plan in advance. For a ring, pendant or something less, in the central part, I choose and find out on the fly how to include more beads. The bracelets and necklaces are planned more in advance, drawn on paper.

What currently inspires you?

I enjoy the diversity of new beads which have coming out lately. I love to try them. They offer a lot of new possibilities. But my big love is Swarovski stones and gemstones. I make a lot of jewelry that combines the two.

Who have been your major influences, and why?
Nowadays there are Russian artists with pieces that have a great impact on me.
I love it when my jewelry can be worn either in formal settings or on weekdays as well. I love the elegant, unique jewelry, or what was once seen that unique. I love it when the owner of the jewelry turns even more beautiful thanks to my pieces

What is your favorite thing about working with beads?

Not so long ago since I made pattern samples. A request was made at first by a beading magazine. There are also simpler designs that even beginners can feel free to make, but I make more complicated, more complex samples. The ease of patterns and beauty of the jewelry are equally important.

February2017 "Colors of Love" Challenge
2016-11-22 17:37 Elyse T.

February's theme will be "Colors of Love" Valentine’s Day is known around the world as a celebration of love. Traditionally it is associated with romantic love and the color red. But there are many types of love and many associated feelings. February’s challenge is to express love using other colors and limiting the use of red to a secondary or accent color. 

Make sure to have your entry listed in your Etsy shop by February 5, 2017 23:59 EST. Please refer to the Challenge Rules for details on what is allowed in Challenge entries and don't forget to include EBWC in the title and tags of your entry.

November 2016 Challenge Results
2016-11-17 16:50 Anonymous

Congratulations to Évi Csizmadia Lajosné who won both the team and public vote with her stunning Foggy Colors Collar!

Team Vote:
1st place: Évi Csizmadia Lajosné - Vicus
2nd place: Jacquie Champion - AngelqueCreations
3rd place: Agnieszka Klepajczuk - Rudasbeading
Public Vote:
1st place: Évi Csizmadia Lajosné - Vicus
2nd place: Jacquie Champion - AngelqueCreations
3rd place: Zvia Ben-Ami - zviagil

November 2016 Challenge Entries for "November Guest"
2016-11-08 01:33 Megan Petersen
Here are the entries for this month's "November Guest" challenge!  VOTING WILL BE OPEN FROM NOVEMBER 9TH UNTIL NOVEMBER 15.  Please choose your favorite entry from the images or links below, then select your choice in the blog poll that will appear on the right sidebar during the days that voting is open.

Click on the image mosaic or links below to learn more about each entry and see larger, detailed images of each piece. 

Image Map