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Последние новости

anton cell pic
2011-01-11 11:25 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

anton cell pic

I told him I needed a new picture for my cell phone background cause I erased all my photos by accident. This kid needs a haircut, or two.

now is the winter of our discotent
2011-01-11 11:25 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

now is the winter of our discotent

Mikella and Anton were playing house in the tent upstairs today, she had on a shirt with mirror sequins and was pretty much a walking disco ball. Check out the reflections on Antons' sweater. She would stand in the sun and they would all shout "bees, BEES!" at the reflections.

anton golden six
2011-01-11 11:24 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

anton golden six

Happy Birthday Anton 01/06/11

anton cross eyed
2010-12-08 04:04 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

anton cross eyed

he crazy

xmas blur
2010-12-08 04:04 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

xmas blur

all about the attitude, or the 'tude

boys cars jump
2010-12-08 04:04 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

boys cars jump

he wanted me to take a photo, but he didn't want me to miss the cars, so he taped them in place on the track, they are not rolling

augusts trains on track
2010-12-08 04:04 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

augusts trains on track

photo by august

augusts trains
2010-12-08 04:04 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

augusts trains

photo by august

august concentrating
2010-12-08 04:04 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

august concentrating

hands working

Anton bites his lip
2010-10-28 09:02 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

Anton bites his lip

He wasn't drinking from that bottle of whiskey behind him, he wasn't.

Anton updates a Slow Loris
2010-10-06 02:10 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

Anton updates a Slow Loris

Got a free print in our t-shirt order, Anton had a few ideas on how it could be improved, artist!

jumping together
2010-09-13 18:15 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

jumping together

I was trying to get a shot of them jumping together, this is the closest I was able to get, we'll keep working on this one.

proper hula hoop
2010-07-07 19:16 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

proper hula hoop

Nothing says fun like a hula hoop, Anton is getting his groove on as August watches on from the sandbox.

drawing robots on a rainy day
2010-05-31 20:38 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

drawing robots on a rainy day

Anton was happily steam-breath tagging the window outside the Interbay Magic Dragon while waiting for our to-go dinner. Oh yeah, Seattle, could you please stop raining?

The ride, the passenger
2010-05-08 10:34 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

The ride, the passenger

@Seattle Center

new friend
2010-04-27 20:25 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

new friend

I asked Anton to pose with his new panda from IKEA as it will never be as white as it is here. Maybe I'll post an update of him with the panda in a few months.

beep beep
2010-04-10 09:36 Chumford

Chumford posted a video:

beep beep

Anton says, "it's starting dark".

test run
2010-04-10 09:36 Chumford

Chumford posted a video:

test run

just the right amount of "crash"

cracking up
2010-03-12 09:08 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

cracking up

brothers, Anton had just squeezed Augusts cheeks to make him smile, it cracked him up, the boys have recently started an acapella singing group, they practice at bath time.

laughing kid
2010-03-12 09:06 Chumford

Chumford posted a photo:

laughing kid

though believe it or not there was some crying only minutes later!