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Последние новости

Learn Finnish on YouTube
2011-02-06 02:13 Elan

Finnish Alphabet

Source: Furmilo

Essential Words and Phrases in Finnish

1. Learn how to introduce yourself in Finnish:

Source: Sulkasiipi

2. Learn how to count from 1 to 99 in Finnish:

Source: Sulkasiipi

3 - Days of the week in Finnish:

Source: Sulkasiipi

4. Months of the Year and Family Members:

Source: Sulkasiipi

5 - Colors in Finnish:

Source: Sulkasiipi

Greetings and Goodbyes in Finnish (among other phrases)

Source: Maija Valos

Finnish Language Resources

1 - Here is great site prepared by Kimberli to teach you some Finnish grammar.

2 - Virtual Finland brings you everything you need and want to know about Finland, the Finnish people and the Finnish language. One of my faves!

3 - If you want to learn about the "infamous" Finnish cases, visit this site prepared by Panu Mäkinen.

2011-02-04 17:25 Elan

Hebrew Online Dictionary

Babylon Hebrew Online Dictionary
I have Babylon installed on my computer and I must say that it is the most convenient translation tool I've ever used.

What is Babylon?

Simply put, Babylon is a desktop translation software that works on the idea of a single-click translation.

Here is a short YouTube presentation of Babylon software features:

Babylon also has an array of free Hebrew dictionaries and glossaries (for online use only): Check out their Hebrew dictionaries and glossaries. They even have some technical Hebrew-English-Hebrew glossaries.

Author's note: If you are a Hebrew speaker and would like to learn Brazilian Portuguese, please visit my blog פורטוגזית ברזילאית

2010-02-21 17:24 Elan
Are you learning Portuguese on the Internet? (or want to?)

If so, I strongly recommend you buy Babylon online Portuguese to English dictionary.

Truly speaking, Babylon is much more than a great online dictionary, it is a multi-functional, multi-language translation software.

Watch this short video and learn what Babylon can offer you:

Not to say that Babylon only wants to sell their translation software, they've recently put up all their content to be used online for free. It is called "The Lookup Pages" (I think the name is a little dorky, but still...:-).

Here are three of their online Portuguese to English Dictionary collection:

* Babylon's own dictionaries (containing over 200,000 Portuguese terms)

* Brazilian Slang (with explanations)

* Portuguese-English-Portuguese Business Dictionaries

If you already have this software on your computer - and you're learning Portuguese - I strongly recommend you to also acquire the great Dicionario Aurelio for a more detailed exploration of this language's vocabulary.


P.S.: For those interested in trying the software out, Babylon gives you a 7 day trial.

Related Posts

Facts of Brazil | Flag of Brazil | Brazilian Baby Names | Portuguese Verbs | Portuguese Alphabet
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Have you tried any of the resources above?

Leave your comments below!

Italian Language Resources
2009-12-17 13:09 Elan
Getting serious about learning Italian...

Hello and welcome to my post on Italian Language Resources.

Listed here are the best Italian resources I could find for you to continue your studies of the Italian language. (I am updating constantly!!)

I've placed here online resources for practicing Italian grammar, Italian phrases and Italian words.

If you are searching for a good Italian dictionary, visit my post Free Translation to Italian.


Recommended Books for Learning Italian

Although I haven't personally used all books and learning software listed, I've set my own personal criteria to to ensure that I've brought you what I think is the best material for learning Italian. For example, I made sure all materials had at least a 4 star rating (rated by 3 people or more), and read a couple of good and bad reviews.

In any case, you are invited to leave me a comment if you have used any of the materials here listed.

Italian Verbs:

Italian Grammar:

Sites for Learning Italian Verbs and Grammar

Learn Italian with AndrewTeach Yourself Italian is most certainly a labor of love by Andrew; his site, online since 1999, is one of the most complete sites for you to learn Italian grammar. It explains everything from Italian nouns, articles, adverbs, to a complete tutorial on the tricky Italian verb conjugations. Realy worth a visit!

On Italian Tutorial you have another great resource of Italian grammar on the web. It presents you with clear-cut explanations of all facets of the grammatica italiana. This site belongs to Boris and he has put a considerable amount of time and effort to bring us this excellent tutorial. A five-star Italian tutorial!

The Italian Language site is brought to you by Richard Willmer. On his site, he explains about the origins of the Italian language, its different accents and dialects, and, of course, he also has loads of Italian grammar lessons. For people who the Italian language, this is a must-visit site!

Italian Phrases

Italian Phrases with OmniglotOmniglot has a good collection of useful Italian phrases. All with audio!

Learn Italian with Travel PhrasesDon't forget to pay a visit to Travel Phrase before your next visit to Italy. They have dozens of Italian phrases for every situation you might find yourself in while in Italy.

Italian family tree Would you like to build your family tree? My Heritage offers you one of the best online platforms to help you perform your genealogical research. It provides an easy-to-use and intuitive platform that makes your job a real breeze.

The YouTubers

Studio 4 Learning




Learn Italian like Crazy

Byki TV

Related Posts

Italian Words | Italian Phrases | Free Translation to Italian

Did you like any of the resources listed here?

Leave your answer in the comments below!

2009-12-02 11:49 Elan
Learning Latin phrases (and more!) on YouTube...

On this post you will be learning some common Latin phrases, Latin pronunciation and Latin language grammar.

I intend to keep updating it so if you know of any YouTube Latin phrases video or other online resources, please let let me know. (Comments below)

Also, you can find a list of sites with hundreds of Latin phrases and quotes.


Interesting Latin Phrases

This short video presents us with a number of commonly used Latin phrases. It has been uploaded by Jigsaw2007890.

Learning more than Latin phrases with Brent

This is an extraordinary series of YouTube Latin lessons by Brent. On this tutorials he covers a wide range of Latin language topics such as Latin verbs, general grammar, vocabulary, Latin declensions, and more.

1 - Latin Pronunciation

2 - Latin Phrases and Words

3 - Latin Cases and Word Order

4 - Latin Nominative Case, Adjectives and the Verb to be

Part A

Part B

5 - Latin Accusative Case and Formation of Verbs

Part A

Part B

Latin Language Online Resources

Latin Phrases...
1 - Yuni has a great list of Latin phrases and Latin quotes in alphabetical order.

2 - The BBC has piled up a good number of Latin phrases, including "bumper sticker Latin phrases" and others.

3 - Latin Quotes is the one of the best resources on the Net for, of course, Latin quotes. You can find a Latin phrase and quote for all occasions.

4 - Here you can find a good list of Latin phrases used in the English language. Great resource!

5 - Latin Word is a newly born blog which intends to bring you all you need to know about Latin vocabulary, Latin phrases and even grammar.

More resources coming soon...

Know of any resources that should be listed here? Write to me at Learn a Language on YouTube or leave a comment.

Thank you!

Author's note: I am soon to be posting tutorials on the Spanish language. Meanwhile, you can pay a visit to my friend's blog and learn some verbs in Spanish. Enjoy! :-)

Italian Bread Recipes
2009-10-11 13:55 Elan
Italian bread recipesLearning some delicious Italian bread recipes...

I know, I know. This is a blog supposed to be about languages. But as I've been spending so much time at home watching and selecting language YouTube videos, I brought back into my every day life an old passion of mine: baking bread.

Yes, that's right. I love bread and over the years I've collected a good number of Italian bread recipes.

To go with the theme of this blog, I've selected for you YouTube videos teaching you (and me!!) the ins and outs of baking mouth-watering Italian bread.

I don't know about you, but I need simple recipes. So all the videos below will teach you simple Italian bread recipes that won't leave you frustrated with the results. Believe me, I tried two of them with success.


General Italian Bread Recipes

Joyce's Italian Bread Recipe

This next video, uploaded by Foxbytes, teaches us step-by-step how to easily bake Italian bread (it has subtitles so get your pen and paper ready!).

Brook's Italian bread recipe: Ciabatta

Brook61 has uploaded this great Italian bread recipe for Ciabatta bread (I tried it. It works great!:-)

Italian Bread Recipe: Italian Cornbread, Pane di Granoturco

Brought to us by the wonderful site Food Wishes, this easy-to-make Italian cornbread is real treat to the senses.

Italian Bread Recipes: Tomato Bruschetta

On this video Giulio teaches us how to make, on his words, the real Italian bruschetta.

Italian Bread Recipes: Bruschetta with sausage and bree cheese

I really love these video tutorials by Under the Tuscan Gun. Debbie and Grabiele teach us how to prepare a delicious - if not a little difficult to make - bruschetta.

Italian Bread Recipes: No Knead Focaccia

On this video, Dave teaches us how to make a focaccia that you don't have to knead.

Italian Bread Recipes: Roasted Tomato Focaccia

Keith Snows gives us this easy recipe to prepare roasted tomato focaccia. Delicious!

Meet the YouTube Chefs

All these delicious Italian bread recipes were generously prepared by these fantastic YouTubers:

Italian bread recipes with Foxbyte

Italian bread recipes with Keith
Keith Snow

Italian bread recipes with Brook61

Italian bread recipes with Food Wishes
Food Wishes

Italian bread recipes with Giulio
Italy Recipes

Italian bread recipes with Debbie and Grabiele
Under the Tuscan Gun

Italian bread recipes with Dave
Dave Scarpetti

Related Posts:

Italian Words | Italian Phrases | Italian English Dictionary | Italian Language Resources
| Traduttore Online Gratuito

Do you know more Italian bread recipes?

Share with us in the comments below!

2009-08-26 12:05 Elan
Taking your first steps in learning the French alphabet...

French Alphabet
Hello and welcome to my post on the French Alphabet!

Whether you just need a quick brush-up on French pronunciation, or you are at the beginning stages of learning French, this short post will help you.

Here you will learn the beautiful sounds of the French alphabet, and even have some chance to practice your pronunciation of basic French words.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!


Short presentation of the French alphabet. The sound is great and the pace is excellent for repetition.

This great video was prepared by Imagiers

Here is another video presentation of the French alphabet. This time the folks at Studio4Learning go a little deeper into the tricky pronunciation of some French letters.

Have you memorized the entire French alphabet already? If so, here is a collection of lessons teaching you how to read French and pronounce French words.

I haven't posted them in any specif order. However, if you already know the French alphabet, you will be able to see those French letters "in action".

French alphabet pronunciationFrench Alphabet pronunciation with ParisByPod.

On this video you will practice your pronunciation by learning how to say the colors in French:

Summing up...

1. Magenta

2. Mauve

3. Noir

4. Ocre

5. Olive

6. Orange

7. Parme


9. Pourple

10. Rose

11. Rouge

12. Safran

13. Turquoise

14. Vert

13. Violet

French alphabet pronunciation French Alphabet pronunciation with Jremy:

Learn how the sound of the letter x is pronounced in French words. The purpose of this video lesson by Rémy is to teach you the French numbers from 1 to 10.

Would you like to learn how to count in French up to 100? Visit my post on the French Numbers.

French alphabet pronunciationPronouncing the French r with Leyla.

Summing up...

Here are the sentences presented by Sheyla:

1. Je regarde par la fenêtre.

2. Arrête de rire!

3. J'ai très, très peur!

Related Posts:

French Numbers

That's it for now. If you need any other videos on the French alphabet or French pronunciation, leave a comment below. I will do my best to find it.

I intend to constantly update this post, so if you know any YouTube video for this section, let me know.

French Translation by Babylon is a great place to receive free autimatic translations. Easy to use.

Take care!


2009-06-04 13:05 Elan

So, you're looking for a Portuguese English online dictionary?

A good dictionary is an invaluable tool for any language learner. Below I've selected a great translation tool which is famous for its practicality. With Babylon you will be able to read articles in Portuguese with ease and therefore develop your Portuguese vocabulary fast.

If you know of other useful resources, please let me know.


Portuguese-English Online Dictionary

Babylon Portuguese English dictionarySimply put, Babylon is a desktop translation software that works on the idea of a single-click translation.

Babylon has partnered with Michaelis dictionaries, a major world publisher of Portuguese dictionaries, to deliver you translation results from and to Portuguese in a variety of languages.

Here is a short YouTube presentation of Babylon software features:

Babylon offers a collection of free English to Portuguese online dictionaries. Their dictionaries are one of the most complete English to Portuguese and Portuguese to English translation tools available, also containing general dictionaries and technical glossaries.

A tradução eletrônica não se compara em qualidade com a tradução humana

Babylon.com é uma das mais estabelecidas empresas no ramo de dicionários online. Ela trabalha com grandes nomes mundiais do setor, entre eles, com os famosos da lingua portuguesa: o dicionário Michaelis e dicionário Aurélio.
Babylon tem como iniciativa promover o trabalho de tradutores experientes e qualificados em todo o mundo, pois ela acredita que somente um tradutor humano, em comparação com tradutores eletrônicos, pode atingir o mais alto nível de qualidade.

Old English Alphabet
2009-05-29 18:11 Elan
Pronouncing the letters in the Old English alphabet...

Old English manuscript showing the Old English alphabet letters
Hello everyone and welcome to my post on the Old English alphabet!

Here you will find a video presenting you with a reading and translation of a text written in Old English. This video can be used as a "listening practice" and help you learn to pronounce the letters of the Old English alphabet.

Also, I've listed a number of great sites where you can learn more about Old English lettering system.

Hope it helps you and let me know if you find other videos and online resources for this post.


Here is a video lesson by Alexander Arguelles, Ph.D. where we can learn what the sounds of the Old English alphabet might have been.

The Old English Alphabet with Richard Nokes

I know this next series of videos are not strictly about the Old English alphabet, but I found Professor Nokes's lessons really interesting, and another way to hear the pronunciation of Old English. If you would like to know more about his work, old English grammar and other interesting related sites, visit his blog.

1 - Old English Verbs:

2 - Old English Nouns I:

Professor Nokes has a series of 4 videos on Old English Nouns (for more info, don't forget to visit his excellent blog!)

Old English Alphabet Online Resources

TIP: Have a look at these sites and return to hear how the Old English alphabet letters are pronounced.

Old English Alphabet at OmniglotOmniglot has a very interesting article with the history of the Old English alphabet in a nutshell. You will also find pictures and pronunciation charts to help you pronounce the letters of the Old English alphabet. A five-stars resource.

Old English alphabet in WikipediaWikipedia: Read this extensive article the history of the Old English (with extensive cover of the development of the Old English alphabet).

Englisc Onstigende Wordbōc is great online dictionary providing translations from Modern English to Old English.

Old English Links brings you everything under the online sun you could want to know about Old English, the Old English alphabet, texts, and much more.

I just love this site on the Elisabethan Era. This link will take you straight onto their Old English alphabet's page, where you can you read very interesting articles on the Old English alphabet and its letters.

If you feel like deepening your studies on Old English, this site will give you a thorough introduction into the subject. In it you can learn from the Old English alphabet system to old English grammar and vocabulary. Great resource!

Meet the YouTubers
2009-03-03 13:27 Elan

Meet the YouTubers!

Hi there everybody!

Finally I have some time to sit and do a little on this page.

This page is entitled "Meet the YouTubers" and here I intend to post news, updates, and let you know a little about the wonderful people who have uploaded the tutorials you can find on this blog and, of course, on YouTube.




Video lessons: HEBREW

WEBSITE: Bnai Pueblo

My first featured YouTuber is Gershon. He has prepared and uploaded a wonderful and instructive series teaching us to read the Hebrew alphabet.

Here is the moving Email I received from him:


Normally, we don't talk about being converts, but perhaps my story can help others. Feel free to use it.

I was raised as a catholic, attending catholic schools through high school. I pretty much retired after high school although there were periods I attended church and I did like to read the bible. But the connection with the Divine never seemed to be what it should. I tried other churches, but nothing seemed to work there either.

Then in January 2003, I felt an urge to go back to church. I drove around town until I dropped into a small spiritual church that emphasized a direct connection with G-d. I wouldn't call it christian. I'm not sure what it was.

At the same time, I felt a very strong desire to learn Hebrew. I googled it, found the alphabet and got started. Progress was very slow.

I started reading the "Bible" as I called it then and found a whole new image of G-d emerge. A kind,nurturing G-d rather than the one I'd known before. One that used situations to teach us how to behave and Who truly loved us.

In April, I was talking to one of my clients who knew a woman he said knew Hebrew. So I called her and she invited me to attend a Shabbat Shacharis at the local Conservative Shul.

As soon as I walked in, I knew I was home. When the Torah came out, the tears flowed like I found the family that had been missing for generations. Even thinking about it brings tears to my eyes now.

The next week, I started calling family members to ask about my grandmother's past. I don't know why I did this. I found out she was born in 1885 in Bukosko, Poland. That much I knew. What I didn't know is she was raped by a catholic man when she was 18 because she was the daughter of the rabbi in town. The next day, the man somehow got caught in some farm machinery and chopped to pieces very slowly. The guy was alone, and people knew that, but she had to leave out of fear for her life.

Somehow, in a twist of irony, a catholic man agreed to marry her and take her to the United States. What was she to do? She had no money. She did what she had to do to survive.

There were little hints looking back. She never had christmas lights. Just Channukah candles in the window. She never ate ham even when others were eating it.

I found out her maiden name was Jasiczek. From someone who specializes in genealogy in Bukosko, I found this was a popular Jewish name. I also found out no Jasiczeks survived the war. For some reason the Germans specially hunted them out.

I was able to find someone who went to Bukosko and they checked the baptismal records in the local Catholic churches. There was no record of my grandmother being baptised there nor being married. I'm thinking it didn't happend.

Anyway, on my third time at shul, Rabbi Abraham Raich called me up for an Aliyah.

He stood to his left side of the Bema and he got completely pale. As he was in his 80's I was concerned he was having a heart attack. It appeared as if his hair was blowing in the wind, however there was no fan on. He said "Gershon, Gershon ben Franja, come up here" while looking straight at me.

My name is Gary. But my mother's polish name is Franja. He had no way of knowing that. She lived 1500 miles away with no phone listing. I looked at the guy next to me and said "I'm not Jewish." He said "The rabbi says to go up, so go up."

Somehow, I made it through the Aliyah. It seemed the most natural thing in the world. The words just came out of my mouth from someplace.

Later, I learned he was considered to have the Ruach HaKodesh for recognizing Jewish souls. Given that my mother's mother was a practicing Jew, I was technically Jewish without having the need to convert.

Well, about that time, I found Paltalk. Rabbi Elirok gives great Torah classes in the Jewish Home. (He still does this.) He know I was still figuring out my spiritual path and that never concerned him. Mostly I just sat and listened.

At that point in time, I considered myself fully Jewish. Oh, I knew I'd have to either prove my genealogy or convert, but I knew where I was headed.

I continued learning Hebrew. The rabbi even asked me to lead a portion of the Shabbat Shacharis which is probably forbidden by some obscure rule. He just insisted I lead it in Hebrew which I stumbled through. The people were amazingly patient. Without this, I may not have had the motivation to practice.

At the same time, a wonderful family invited me to their home for Torah Study each Shabbat. It was the high point of the week. The teacher stuck only to Pshat which was just what I needed.

Then came a very difficult time in my path. I would open a class in Paltalk each morning and just read from Hebrew books. The Artscroll Study Series at first. Then other books. All from Jewish sources. I got unmercifully attacked by many of the Jews there. They would say I wasn't Jewish. I'd say fine as technically I probably wasn't at the time. Then they would accuse me of being a missionary. I wasn't. I had no interest in the other stuff. I'd get booted from rooms and lied about to the Paltalk administrators until I got banned. It finally stopped when I took legal action.

Normally, I wouldn't talk about such things, but it's important to how I feel. G-d forbid that a Jewish soul should come to my website and be turned away from Hashem because I say something like "You aren't Jewish." G-d forbid a person trying to find their way to Torah should be turned away from me. Everything I've read suggests such a person is higher than a high priest and attains a level no born Jew can ever attain.

What did a born Jew have to give up? What beliefs did they have to change? What did they do to deserve to become Jewish? Did their family and friends ever reject them because they were changing their faith?

If a christian wants to take one step towards Torah, I welcome them. I don't try to push them off by telling them to be a Noahide. For all I know, they could be the Moshiach. Afterall, Rabbi Akiva was a pagan until age 42.

All I ask is we don't debate christian beliefs. Let's just learn Torah. If it's good for that person, great. If not, that's fine, too.

The pain of being rejected by the Jewish people is something that will never leave me. I know I was born with a Jewish soul. But it has also taught me to be fully accepting of people wherever they are in their spiritual journey.

Well, a couple of years later, Rabbi Hersh Mendyl Shatzka asked me to study with him. We started with translating the Kedushat Levi. At first just a few lines a week. After a year or so, we started on Tzvat HaRivash.

In June 07, I went to the Miqvah.

Learning Hebrew was just something I had to do. Somehow it enhanced my connnection with the Holy One of Blessing. The more I learned, the closer I felt. It didn't matter if I even understood the topic. Just the process formed a connection.

I believe learning Hebrew awakens the Jewish soul. It's my belief that only a Jewish soul can become really proficient at Hebrew. This is NOT the same as saying all Jewish souls can learn Hebrew. I think there are reasons many can't.

So, I started the Youtube site last spring to awaken Jewish souls. I knew just a few letters would awaken people. I also knew the Aleph Beyt was the most difficult part. Those that were awakened would find a path.

I also know many people of other faiths will use the website. I would never discourage that. But perhaps it should come with a warning label. "Warning - learning Hebrew can be hazardous to your old beliefs."

Well, due to a computer glitch, I lost all my data as well as my website. So I left youtube for awhile. But then noticed more people were coming. And each day in my email there would be a couple more subscribers. I decided to add more. Then my rabbi started getting calls from his friends. They had found the videos and were using them in their congregation.

Somehow, I was able to recover most of the old data on my computer. It wasn't lost afterall thanks to a chance backup I'd made.

Well, I know this doesn't tell a person how to learn Hebew. The answer is simple. Just learn it.

1. Learn the Aleph Beyt.
2. Start stumbling through words in the Tanach or Siddur.
3. Start to Davan slowly in Hebrew. A little each day.
4. Start to translate whatever seems fun to you.

Repeat 2, 3 and 4 until one gets there. I

On my website at www.bnaiorpueblo.com I've organized the lessons a little better to access the Youtube videos. Most of them are the same videos.

I also have a section on learning by singing. Little songs that will help build vocabulary and pronunciation and will be easy to remember. Eventually the songs will get longer. There will likely be 100's of them. All recorded at our Shul. The goal of learning these songs is not to learn Hebrew. That's a side effect. The goal is transformation in our lives.

The site will expand to other areas. I'm currently working on a translation of Shmirat HaLashon from the Chofetz Chiam. (Guarding the Tongue.) Learning to get along with other people is one of the most important aspects of Judaism. Perhaps THE most important aspect.

Eventually, there will also be a link to a place where people can find study partners. It's very difficult to study alone without someone at our own level. A teacher is simple. We can go to the writings of the sages. It's not as good as a person, but it works to some extent. Having a study partner to motivate us to keep studying and to grow together is essential.

Finding such a person in today's small communities is very difficult. But with the internet, there are more opportunities.




2009-02-25 14:16 Elan
Learning some basics of the Maori language...

Maori language on YouTube.Welcome to my post on the Maori language!

Maori, or also called Te Reo, is the official language of New Zealand, together with English.

Maori status as a national language gained significant strength after the Maori Language Act of 1989, was implemented.

Te Reo is spoken by over 150,000 people and it is part of the national curriculum of schools in New Zealand.

Truly, it has been a little hard to find video tutorials on this beautiful Polynesian language. So, Meanwhile I posted only one video tutorial on the Maori language teaching you how to count in Maori.

I'll keep on searching...Let me know if you find a Maori language YouTube video lesson.


This video lesson is a musical video presentation teaching you how to count in Te Reo from 1 to 10.

It has been uploaded by Talk Maori.

Maori Language online resources:

1 - Wikipedia has excellent articles for those interested in understanding more about the Maori language and culture.

2 - www.maorilanguage.net is the place to visit for learning Maori on the Net. It has, among other things, lessons on the Maori alphabet, list of Maori dictionaries (in print and online), and lessons on how to pronounce Maori.

3 - On Kōrero Māori you can learn basic Maori pronunciation, find the lyrics of famous Maori songs, read Maori proverbs and even read on Maori mythology.

4 - The The Maori Language Commission contains information on publications, relevant Maori language issues and many, many resources for you to discover this language.

2009-02-16 20:03 Elan
Understanding your Chinese zodiac sign...

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: the Dragon.

The fabric of Chinese culture is intrinsically woven with the Chinese Zodiac Symbols; they permeate countless Chinese legends, and are a rich source of wisdom as well as of entertainment.

Here you will find a "crash course" on the Chinese Zodiac Symbols: Each video tutorial provides a quick introduction into the main traits and characteristics of each sign.

On the second session of this post, you will be presented with all the Zodiac symbols written in Chinese.

After the videos, you have a summing up of all the animals for astrological signs for Chinese astrology.

If you know of other YouTube videos on the Chinese zodiacs, please let me know.


Dates and Traits of each of the Chinese Zodiac Symbols

This amazing collection of videos is brought to us by the folks of Expert Village.

The presenter (sorry, I just can’t get her name right...), gives us brief explanations of the traits pertaining to each Chinese Zodiac Symbol. She does go a little but too quickly, though; therefore, I wrote a summary of each Chinese zodiac sign at the end of this post.

Highly educative and a must-watch!

1 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Rat

2 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Ox

3 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Tiger

4 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Rabbit

5 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Dragon

6 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Snake

7 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Horse

8 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Sheep

9 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Monkey

10 - Chinese Zodiac Signs: The Rooster

11 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Dog

12 - Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Pig

Writing the Chinese Zodiacs

This next presentation will show you the zodiac symbols written in Chinese and teach you the strokes necessary to write them.

It was uploaded by crazyhanyu (Cool name! :-).

Summing up...

Here you have a list with all the animals for astrological signs for Chinese astrology:

Chiense Zodiac Symbols: The Rat.Dates: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008...

Strengths: Systematic, meticulous, charismatic and charming.

Weaknesses: Selfish, judgmental and scheming.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Ox. Dates: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009...

Strengths: Calm, patient, a hard worker.

Weaknesses: narrow minded, strict, demanding.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: the Tiger. Dates: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 210...

Strengths: Daring, vigorous, sincere.

Weaknesses: quick-tempered, reckless, selfish.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Rabbit. Dates: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011...

Strengths: Kind, amiable and elegant.

Weaknesses: Detached, moody and opportunistic.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Dragon. Dates: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012...

Strengths: Vigorous, self-confident and noble.

Weaknesses: Demanding, dogmatic and brash.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Snake. Dates: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013...

Strengths: Wise, sensual and shrewd.

Weaknesses: distrustful, loner and not communicative.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Horse. Dates: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014...

Strengths: Cheerful, perceptive and agile both physically and mentally.

Weaknesses: arrogant, rude and stubborn.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Sheep. Dates: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015...

Strengths: Sympathetic, shy and gentle.

Weaknesses: Pessimistic, indecisive and a complainer.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Monkey. Dates: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1943, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016...

Strengths: Motivator, inquisitive and innovative.

Weaknesses: Cunning, manipulative and snobbish.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Rooster. Dates: 1909, 1921, 1933, 1944, 1957, 1969,, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017...

Strengths: Neat, organized and decisive.

Weaknesses: Critical, egotistical and opinionated.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Dog. Dates: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018...

Strengths: Loyal, attractive and unpretentious.

Weaknesses: Pessimistic, a worrier and a tad judgmental.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols: The Pig. Dates: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019...

Strengths: Honest, humble and sociable.

Weaknesses: naive, over-dependent and fatalistic.

Feng Shui and the Chinese Astrology

Fancy throwing an oriental party? First, learn the tips on how to do it from Chinese Astrologer, Ting-Foon Chik. On this YouTube video, she takes us on a learning journey on how to use Chinese Zodiac Symbols to prepare a great and energy-balanced party, from decoration to food:

Books on the Chinese Zodiac Symbols

The YouTubers

All these videos posted are thanks to the wonderful work done by the following YouTubers:

Chinese Zodiac Symbols with the Expert Village.
Expert Village

Chinese Zodiac Symbols with Foon Chic

Chinese Zodiac Symbols with Crazyhanyu

For more information on the Chinese Zodiac Symbols, visit these sites:

1 - Want to know more about Chinese Astrology? Visit Chinese Zodiac for an overview of what the Chinese Horoscope is all about.

2 - I found http://horoscopes.aol.tarot.com/astrology/chinese/ to be very thorough in their descriptions of the Chinese Zodiac. Tell me what you think about it…

3 - Ningtiger's wonderful blog offers us an introduction on Chinese Astrology and brief explanations on the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs. Pay her a visit and discover how the Chinese Horoscope works.

4 - Most of the photographs on this blog comes from Stock-XCHNG, one of the best sites for free (and paid) photos on the Web. Their archive of photos is astounding!

2009-02-10 14:40 Elan

Learn a Language on YouTube is my token of love to language learning and language teaching.

You are welcome to participate by sending your tips for learning a language on YouTube, questions, suggestions, criticism, or what have you.

So, what language do you want to learn?

Arabic | Chinese | Finnish | French | Hebrew | Icelandic | Italian | Japanese | Latin | Maori | Old English | Portuguese | Sign Language | Swedish | Welsh |


Arabic Alphabet
Learn how to say the Arabic alphabet and read easy words.

Arabic Writing.
YouTube video lessons on how to write the Arabic alphabet letters.

Arabic Numbers
Short post for those wanting to know how to count in Arabic from 0 to 1,000,000.

Arabic Language Resources
List of sites and books for learning Arabic.

Online Arabic Dictionary
List of online and offline Arabic language dictionaries and glossaries.


Chinese Writing and Phrases
YouTube video tutorials teaching some basic Chinese phrases. (Includes Chinese writing.)

Chinese Zodiac Symbols
Post for those interested in learning about the Chinese horoscope signs.


Finnish Language
Learn some basics of Finnish, from the alphabet to useful phrases and words.


French Numbers
Learn how to count in French from 0 to 100.

French Alphabet
In this section you learn how to pronounce the French letters of the alphabet.


Hebrew Alphabet
Thorough introduction into the Hebrew alphabet and the Hebrew reading system.

Hebrew Language Resources
Sites where you can find Hebrew vocabulary, writing and even Hebrew online lessons.

Hebrew Online Dictionaries
Find here some online Hebrew dictionaries and glossaries by Babylon.


Icelandic Language
Video tutorials teaching you the basics of the Icelandic language, from the alphabet to useful Icelandic phrases.


Basic Italian Vocabulary
You learn some basic Italian words such as the seasons, colors, etc.

Basic Italian Phrases
Find videos teaching you some basic Italian greetings and sentence formation.

Italian Language Resources
Online resources where you can learn more Italian words, phrases and grammar.

Italian Dictionaries
List of online and offline Italian-English-Italian dictionaries.


Japanese Hiragana
Video tutorials teaching Japanese Hiragana symbols and how to read them.

Hiragana Writing
Learning how to write the Japanese Hiragana.

Video tutorials teaching Japanese Katakana symbols, how to read and write them.

Japanese Phrases (Includes Japanese grammar.)
Learn how to greet, say goodbye and other common Japanese phrases and expressions.

Japanese Numbers
Learn how to count in Japanese and how to say the time.

Japanese Language Resources
Other sites and materials to help you learn Japanese.

Japanese Symbol Dictionary
Collection of online and offline Japanese dictionaries.

Latin Language

Latin Phrases
Learn some commonly used Latin phrases together with Latin grammar.

Maori Language

Basic Maori Language
On this still short post, you will learn how to count in Maori from 1 to 10..

Old English

Old English Alphabet
Short post presenting you with a video to learn the Old English pronunciation and other online resources.


Brazilian Portuguese Alphabet
Learn how to pronounce Brazilian Portuguese vowels and consonants.

Brazilian Portuguese Verbs
Learn the basics of how to conjugate verbs in Portuguese together with useful everyday phrases.

Portuguese Language Resources
Brings you online dictionaries, grammar tutorials, online verb conjugator, etc.

Sign Language

Sign Language Alphabet
Video tutorials teaching sign language alphabet from all over the world.


Swedish Language
Online lessons on the Swedish alphabet and Swedish phrases. (Includes Swedish grammar.)

Swedish Language Resources
Online and offline resources to learn Swedish.


Welsh Language
Learn the Welsh alphabet, Welsh numbers, and some basic everyday Welsh phrases.

Learn Icelandic
2009-02-09 16:44 Elan
Learning some basics of Icelandic...

Welcome to my post on the Icelandic language!

The Icelandic language is the official language of Iceland and it is spoken by over 300,000 people.

Due to the language's relative geographical isolation, Icelandic still has a high degree of inflection when compared to other modern European languages.

Below you can find video tutorials teaching you the basics of Icelandic, from the Alphabet to useful phrases.


Icelandic Alphabet

Here is a video lesson by Rammsteinfreak93 where she teaches us the Icelandic alphabet. Great video to start practicing your pronunciation in Icelandic.

She also teaches how to count in Icelandic from 1 to 10.

Here is another presentation by Rammsteinfreak93. In it, she teaches the sounds of special letters in the Icelandic alphabet.

I know you might think I am getting a little carried away here with the Icelandic alphabet, but I found this video by Mizenki17 and it is a great tutorial in Icelandic pronunciation.

Another chance to get those tricky sounds right. :-)

Icelandic Phrases and Expressions

The next videos on my Icelandic language post belong to the wonderful folks at Expert Village.

Natalia, the teacher, gives us a handful of everyday Icelandic phrases and expressions. It is a great way to practice pronunciation while learning useful Icelandic sentences.

1 - How to make introductions in Icelandic:

2 - Greetings:

3 - How to thank someone, say please and ask for help:

4 - Phrases used in everyday communication in Icelandic:

5 - Icelandic phrases to get to know someone:

Beautiful Iceland...

I could not resist ending this post with a beautiful slide show presented to us by Extolment.

2009-02-04 17:12 Elan
Un, Deux, Trois, Quatre...

Welcome to my post on the French numbers!

By going through all the videos, you will learn how to count in French from 0 to 100. (I will be soon uploading higher numbers.)

If you feel like practicing what you've learned, there is a "Drilling Session" at the bottom of this post.

Enjoy! :-)

This presentation, by Je French, will teach you numbers 1 to 10 in French.

Their tutorial is paced, and gives you plenty of time for repetition.

This video teaches French numbers from 11 to 20.

It is an excellent video by LearnLanguages1.

This series of presentations teaches us how to count in French from 20 to 100.

It is brought to us by Vicent Lefrançois, from Imagiers.

I recommend you watch each video a couple of times as French numbers get a little tricky after 69...

...And I must say I LOVE Vicent, la grenouille :-).

French Numbers: 20 to 30

French Numbers: 30 to 40

French Numbers: 40 to 50

French Numbers: 50 to 60

French Numbers: 60 to 70

French Numbers: 70 to 80

French Numbers: 80 to 90

French Numbers: 90 to 100

Related Posts:

French Alphabet

2009-02-03 16:25 Elan
Your first lessons in Welsh can start here...

Learning Welsh on YouTubeHello and welcome to my post on the Welsh Language!

Welsh is a vibrant language still spoken by over 750,000 people in Wales and throughout the world (even in Patagonia, Argentina.)

Although the Welsh language has a long history of struggle for her survival, it has been gaining more and more prominence, especially after the Welsh Language Act of 1993.

Nowadays, Welsh has equal status to English in all public sectors throughout Wales.

Below you have a series of videos teaching the basics of this beautiful - and, for me, enigmatic - language.


Learning the Welsh Alphabet

The next video was uploaded by Adam. He teaches us the Welsh alphabet and gives us a thorough introduction into the pronunciation of Welsh letters. (See the link to Adam's page below)

Learning the Welsh alphabet with Adam
Learning the Welsh alphabet with Adam

Learning the Welsh Numbers

The Welsh Numbers with the Purple Librarian

The Welsh Numbers with the Purple Librarian (See link on "YouTubers" - below)

Purple Librarian (love that name!:-) has uploaded this tutorial teaching us how to count from 1 to 21 in Welsh. The sound is great and her (his?) pronunciation is clear. Great vid!

Learning Welsh numbers with Adam
Learning Welsh numbers with Adam

Again by Adam are these next two excellent video lessons teaching us how to count in Welsh from twenty to a million.

Learning some Welsh Words

This next set of videos teaches some really useful Welsh words. All videos in this section were prepared by Adam. They are a wonderful pronunciation practice after you've learned the Welsh alphabet.

Here goes a huge THANK YOU to Adam for his Welsh language tutorials! (See the link to his site below)

1 - Days of the Week

2 - Months of the Year

3 - Colors

Learning Welsh Phrases

This video teaches some basic Welsh Sentences; uploaded by walesyddraiggoch, it is a BBC production for learning the Welsh language. I checked out the BBC site, and it is a great one for those interested in taking a self-study course in Welsh (See link below)

Books for Learning Welsh

Books about Wales and Welsh culture

Welsh Language Online Resources

Learn Welsh with the BBC The Welsh Language Course on the BBC site brings you hundreds of listening, vocabulary and grammar activities for the beginner, intermediate and advanced learners.

If you want to learn about Wales and be updated with the country's latest event, BBC Wales is the perfect site for you.

Welsh-English Dictionary Babylon has two sets of online Welsh-English dictionaries.

You can either search a Welsh term online, or download their translation software and receive Welsh-English-Welsh translations by clicking on a word in you desktop. (The software is for pay, but they give you a seven-day trial with no commitment).

Omniglot does it again!

They have compiled a great collection of Welsh phrases (with audio!.

The Welsh Language YouTubers

Learn Welsh with the Purple Librarian
Purple Librarian

Learn Welsh
Learn Welsh Dysgwch - by Adam

2009-02-02 22:28 Elan

Online Arabic Dictionaries

Babylon's Arabic online dictionaryBabylon is a translation wonder tool for its practicality and user-friendly translation software.

What is Babylon?

Simply put, Babylon is a desktop translation software that works on the idea of a single-click translation.

Here is a short YouTube presentation of Babylon software features:

Babylon’s English-Arabic dictionaries (Free) is a wide collection of bilingual dictionaries including highly specialized Arabic glossaries.

Arabic online dictionary with Dicts.info
With Dicts.info's English to Arabic and Arabic to English dictionaries, you have a great online Arabic translation tool. As a bonus, it provides related expressions for each translation requested.

Arabic Language Related Posts

Arabic Alphabet | Arabic Writing | Arabic Numbers | Arabic Language Resources

Rate this post:

2009-02-01 21:08 Elan

Italian English Dictionary

Free translation to Italian by BabylonBabylon is a translation wonder tool for its practicality and user-friendly translation software.

What is Babylon?

Simply put, Babylon is a desktop translation software that works on the idea of a single-click translation.

Babylon works in conjunction with the world's leading publishers such as The Concise Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary which brings you an authoritative translation tool with over 175,000 terms and phrases, covering an extensive range of subjects and topics.

Here is a short YouTube presentation of Babylon software features:

Babylon also has an amazing and free collection of Italian English Italian dictionaries (to be used online only) which is no doubt one of the best available free English to Italian translation tools on the Net.

Italian English Dictionary with Wordreference Word Reference is one of the most established online community for people interested in languages. It offers language forums and language online dictionaries. On their Italian forum you can you can receive free translation to Italian from other participants. It also offers verb conjugations. Invaluable!

Italian English dictionaryAromatic offers you a basic Italian English dictionary with approximately 2000 terms. The coolest thing about it is that you can add words to the dictionary.

Italian English Dictionary with FreedicThe Free Dictionary has an excellent Italian dictionary presenting you every term with sound. Although it does not offer a free translation to Italian and English, you can still learn loads of idiomatic expressions and usages in Italian. It is more suitable to those with an intermediate knowledge of Italian.

In any case, even if you are a complete beginner in Italian, you can use this resource to hear the pronunciation of each new word you learn.

Italian English Dictionary on Amazon

Related Posts

Italian Words | Italian Phrases | Italian Language Resources

Blog Map
2009-01-28 19:55 Elan

Learn a Language on YouTube is an ongoing project and I will always strive to bring you the best quality videos and sites I can find.

That’s my commitment to you.

Please feel free to send me your comments and suggestions.

So, choose a language and start learning!

Here is the selection of languages (and topics!) already available:

Arabic Language Resources | Arabic Alphabet | Arabic Writing | Arabic Numbers | Arabic Online Dictionary

Chinese Language | Chinese Zodiac Symbols

Hebrew Language | Hebrew Language Resources

Italian Words | Italian Phrases | Italian English Dictionary | Italian Language Resources | Free Translation to Italian

Hiragana | Hiragana Writing | Katakana | Japanese Numbers | Japanese Origami | Japanese Symbol Dictionary | Japanese Language Resources

Portuguese Language Resources | Portuguese Verbs | Portuguese Alphabet | Brazil's Flag | Facts of Brazil | Brazilian Baby Names

Swedish language | Swedish Language Resources

Welsh Language

2009-01-28 02:10 Elan

Learn a Language on YouTube will help you learn a foreign language, especially if you are at the beginning stages.

This blog is my labor of love to language learning and teaching; it is an ongoing project and I intend to search and post new videos regularly.

Send me your comments, suggestions, or submit a video at: Learn a Language on YouTube.


Learn Arabic on YouTube
Learn Arabic on YouTube.

On this post you will find video tutorials teaching the basics of the Arabic alphabet and Arabic writing. It will take you from zero knowledge of the Arabic alphabet to being able to write full words using the Arabic letters.

If you're searching for other Arabic learning online materials, visit my posts of Arabic Learning Resources and Arabic Online Dictionary.

Learn Chinese on YouTubeLearn Chinese on YouTube

You will be taught Chinese language pronunciation, useful Chinese phrases and a thorough introduction to the Chinese writing system.

A related post to this language is a number of video tutorials on the 12 Chinese Zodiac Symbols.

Learn Hebrew on YouTubeLearn Hebrew on YouTube

In this series of videos teaching you the Hebrew alphabet you will learn much more than the basics. It is a long series of video tutorials of the Hebrew language, but it is basically a "full course" on learning how to read and write in Hebrew.

For more Hebrew tutorials, visit: Hebrew Language Resources.

Learn Japanese on YouTubeLearn Japanese on YouTube

Find an array of Japanese video tutorials on Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji and even Japanese phrases (with grammar) and Japanese numbers. You will also find an instructive and entertaining post on Japanese origami.

Visit my post Japanese Language Resources to find out sites and other materials to help you learn Japanese.

Click here if you need a good Japanese Symbol Dictionary.

Learn Portuguese on YouTubeLearn Brazilian Portuguese on YouTube

Helps you learn the Portuguese alphabet (including tutorials on Brazilian Portuguese vowels and consonants pronunciation), Portuguese verbs (with useful Brazilian Portuguese phrases).

You will also find a number of Brazilian related posts such as posts about Brazilian flag, Facts of Brazil (with Brazilian history videos) and Brazilian Baby Names.

For online Portuguese grammar, verb conjugations, Portuguese dictionaries, etc, visit my post Portuguese Language Resources.

Learn Swedish on YouTube Learn Swedish on YouTube

My Swedish language post brings you an excellent collection of videos teaching you from the elementary sounds of the Swedish alphabet to grammar and sentence structure.

To find out more sites where you can learn Swedish, please visit my post Swedish Language Resources

Learn Italian on YouTubeLearn Italian on YouTube

Want to start learning some Italian?

Start on my post Italian words, where you learn a small vocabulary of everyday usage.

Also enjoy learning some useful sentences in modern Italian on my post Italian phrases. I've post video tutorials teaching you everything from the most common ways of greetings and saying goodbye, to Italian numbers and telling the time.

Learn the Sign Language Alphabet on Youtube
Learn the Sign Language Alphabet on YouTube

If you would like to become a polyglot in using using sign language, visit my post Sign Language Alphabet and learn how the sign language alphabet is used in different countries.

Learn Welsh on YouTube Learn Welsh on YouTube

On this post you will video lessons teaching you some basics of the Welsh language such as the Welsh alphabet, how to count in Welsh, and some basic everyday Welsh phrases.