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Последние новости

Introducing the 828
2024-01-09 20:00

MOTU is now shipping a complete redesign of its popular 828 rack-mounted (1U) audio interface for macOS, Windows and iOS. With superb analog performance driven by renowned ESS Sabre32 Ultra™ DAC technology, the 28x32 828 connects to a Mac, PC or iPad via 5 Gbps USB3 with low-latency, high-performance drivers to deliver 60 total channels of I/O and 24-channel mixing with on-board effects processing, including reverb, 4-band EQ and compression.

MOTU and macOS Sonoma
2023-09-26 20:12 Jared Wong

Apple has announced macOS® Sonoma (version 14.x). MOTU is continuing to work with Apple to ensure current MOTU products are compatible with macOS Sonoma, and to provide a smooth transition for your MOTU products when you upgrade to macOS Sonoma.

Introducing the M6
2022-11-01 19:01 Jared Wong

Now shipping, the M6 is a new USB-C bus-powered audio interface for Mac, Windows and iOS offering best-in-class audio quality, best-in-class speed (ultra-low latency) and best-in-class metering with a full-color LCD. 

MOTU and macOS Ventura
2022-10-24 20:02 Jared Wong

Apple has announced macOS® Ventura (version 13.x). MOTU is continuing to work with Apple to ensure current MOTU products are compatible with macOS Ventura, and to provide a smooth transition for your MOTU products when you upgrade to macOS Ventura.

MOTU and macOS Monterey
2021-10-13 20:18 Jared Wong

Apple has announced macOS® Monterey (version 12.x). MOTU is continuing to work with Apple to ensure current MOTU products are compatible with macOS Monterey, and to provide a smooth transition for your MOTU products when you upgrade to macOS Monterey.

MOTU and Windows 11
2021-10-05 20:07 Jared Wong

Are you thinking about upgrading to Windows® 11? Have you already made the jump? Current versions of all MOTU software products and hardware drivers available at motu.com/download (latest versions only) appear to be compatible with Windows 11, although final compatibility testing is still on-going.

Digital Performer 11 Adds Articulation Maps, MPE Support and More
2021-07-06 17:57

Digital Performer version 11 is now shipping! This exciting upgrade adds Articulation Maps, Audio Retrospective Record, support for MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE), a completely redesigned Nanosampler 2.0 instrument plug-in, support for macOS Big Sur, native compatibility with Apple silicon Macs and dozens of additional user-requested enhancements.

Introducing the UltraLite-mk5
2021-04-06 19:01

The all-new UltraLite-mk5 is a ground-up redesign of MOTU's award-winning 18 x 22 half-rack USB audio interface for macOS, Windows and iOS. The 5th-generation UltraLite-mk5 matches the connectivity of its popular predecessors with a total of 40 simultaneous I/O channels, including two front-panel XLR/TRS combo-style mic/line/hi-Z guitar inputs with preamps (+74 dB of gain), 6 x 10 balanced quarter-inch analog I/O, 8-channel ADAT optical (switchable to stereo TOSLink), stereo RCA S/PDIF I/O and MIDI in/out jacks, all housed in a fully redesigned steel enclosure with molded aluminum alloy end caps.

MOTU, macOS Big Sur and the new Apple silicon Macs
2020-11-12 19:22

Apple has announced macOS® Big Sur (version 11.0) and a new line of M1-powered Macs. This article discusses the latest compatibility information for MOTU products with Big Sur and the new M1-powered Macs.

MOTU at NAMM 2020
2020-01-10 20:13

NAMM 2020 (#namm2020) will be held January 16-19 at the Anaheim Convention Center. The MOTU booth (#15908) stands near the main entrance to the new North Hall (lower level), so be sure to swing by and check out the new audio technology neighborhood established there. MOTU will be running a full schedule of presentations each day, featuring in-depth clinics and special guests you won't want to miss.