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Последние новости

she got her birthday present from us
2023-09-13 10:26 nobody@flickr.com (Sándo r)

Sándo r has added a photo to the pool:

she got her birthday present from us

60 colour pencils

birthdaygirl turned 12
2023-09-06 10:11 nobody@flickr.com (Sándo r)

Sándo r has added a photo to the pool:

birthdaygirl turned 12

niece, Jakarta

ice cream with cat
2023-09-04 14:13 nobody@flickr.com (Sándo r)

Sándo r has added a photo to the pool:

ice cream with cat

swimmingpool girls
2022-12-21 14:21 nobody@flickr.com (Sándo r)

Sándo r has added a photo to the pool:

swimmingpool girls

damm homework
2022-09-18 07:18 nobody@flickr.com (Salai i)

Salai i has added a photo to the pool:

damm homework

the girls
2022-09-02 10:30 nobody@flickr.com (Sándo r)

Sándo r has added a photo to the pool:

the girls


Melati President Family Villa
2022-08-26 18:01 nobody@flickr.com (Sándo r)

Sándo r has added a photo to the pool:

Melati President Family Villa


soap bubbling
2022-08-22 16:19 nobody@flickr.com (Sándo r)

Sándo r has added a photo to the pool:

soap bubbling

in our summerhouse

summerhouse Gunung Tiga
2022-08-22 15:09 nobody@flickr.com (Sándo r)

Sándo r has added a photo to the pool:

summerhouse Gunung Tiga

Nusrat and Shagor
2022-02-19 20:02 nobody@flickr.com (Salai i)

Salai i has added a photo to the pool:

Nusrat  and Shagor

little Family. They are Beggars,
but she lets her son out of the Business which is pretty unusual and what I apreciate a lot.
Mother is younger as she may look like,
They have a hard life, but she is taking care very much for her son, as much as it is possible on the street.
as you can see her son can be happy with onyl a little fun and entertainment. Hiding in her clothers was enough in the moment and lhe had some fun for few Minutes

Monks XXS
2022-01-08 08:52 nobody@flickr.com (Salai i)

Salai i has added a photo to the pool:

Monks XXS

Taken in a Monastry in the South of Sri Lanka
The kids were just coming from school.
the light came very strong and direct from their back, but since i was in a litlle narrow alley the sun hit only the wall behind me , which gave this strange and inetresting light

Strong Team
2021-11-13 09:22 nobody@flickr.com (Salai i)

Salai i has added a photo to the pool:

Strong Team

2021-10-10 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (Salai i)

Salai i has added a photo to the pool:


2021-01-09 09:06 nobody@flickr.com (Salai i)

Salai i has added a photo to the pool:


2020-11-14 12:22 nobody@flickr.com (Salai i)

Salai i has added a photo to the pool:


2016-11-05 00:47 nobody@flickr.com (RURO photography)

RURO photography has added a photo to the pool:


Zoë lives in Belgium. She goes skul, of course, but her real dream is becoming a model. This is a good start, am I right?

Asia - Philippines / Cebu
2016-08-22 20:44 nobody@flickr.com (RURO photography)

RURO photography has added a photo to the pool:

Asia - Philippines / Cebu

2015-07-05 00:48 nobody@flickr.com (RURO photography)

RURO photography has added a photo to the pool:


My name is Ashley, I am twelve years old. I live in Belgium, Europe, together with my older sister, my father and my mother.
I am now in skul, first year aso.
My hobby is gaming and I also like animale and doing photoshoots of course...

Ik ben Ashley. Ik ben twaalf jaar en zit nu in het eerste jaar ASO. Mijn hobby is gamen, fotoshoots en ik hou van dieren...

Enjoy my photos...

Asia - Philippines / Luzzon Aeta boy
2011-03-09 19:33 nobody@flickr.com (RURO photography)

RURO photography has added a photo to the pool:

Asia - Philippines / Luzzon Aeta boy

The Aeta (pronounced as “eye-ta,”), Agta or Ayta are an indigenous people who live in scattered, isolated mountainous parts of Luzon, Philippines. They are considered to be Negritos, who are dark to very dark brown-skinned and tend to have features such as a small stature, small frame, curly to kinky afro-like textured hair with a higher frequency of naturally lighter hair color (blondism) relative to the general population, small nose, and dark brown eyes. They are thought to be among the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines, preceding the Austronesian migrations.

The Aeta were included in the group of people termed "Negrito" during Spanish colonial rule as Negritos. Various Aeta groups in northern Luzon are known as "Pugut" or "Pugot," a name designated by their Ilocano-speaking neighbors, and which is the colloquial term for those with darker complexions. In Ilocano, the word also means "goblin" or "forest spirit."

Asia - Philippines / Cebu - teenagegirl playing
2011-02-28 23:48 nobody@flickr.com (RURO photography)

RURO photography has added a photo to the pool:

Asia - Philippines / Cebu - teenagegirl playing

Palihog ihubad ang Ingles nga bersiyon ning maong seksiyon.