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Последние новости

Millionaire stops cosplaying as poor person when he realizes it’s super hard to exist with health issues and no insurance or money
2024-04-21 18:23 /u/BitterAttackLawyer

Millionaire stops cosplaying as poor person when he realizes it’s super hard to exist with health issues and no insurance or money submitted by /u/BitterAttackLawyer to r/antiwork
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Zelenskyy: ‘We will have a chance at victory’ thanks to weapons provided to Ukraine in new U.S. aid package
2024-04-21 17:23 /u/eaglemaxie

Zelenskyy: ‘We will have a chance at victory’ thanks to weapons provided to Ukraine in new U.S. aid package submitted by /u/eaglemaxie to r/worldnews
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To warn teachers of an impending assault.
2024-04-21 16:31 /u/Ok_Low3197

To warn teachers of an impending assault. submitted by /u/Ok_Low3197 to r/therewasanattempt
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Horror: Inherited Mansion [OC]
2024-04-21 16:13 /u/BrianWonderful

Horror: Inherited Mansion [OC] submitted by /u/BrianWonderful to r/comics
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In Shutter Island (2010), every time Leonardo DiCaprio smokes he gets his cigarettes lit by someone else (explanation in comments)
2024-04-21 16:06 /u/rasterblaster1111

In Shutter Island (2010), every time Leonardo DiCaprio smokes he gets his cigarettes lit by someone else (explanation in comments) submitted by /u/rasterblaster1111 to r/MovieDetails
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Gargle my balls, Microsoft
2024-04-21 15:56 /u/linuxaddict334

Gargle my balls, Microsoft submitted by /u/linuxaddict334 to r/CuratedTumblr
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me irl
2024-04-21 15:16 /u/nibsitaas

me irl submitted by /u/nibsitaas to r/me_irl
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Years long ongoing feud between Japanese community and crows results in enlisting professional pest control hawks to safeguard against damage to electrical infrastructure
2024-04-21 15:13 /u/SinjiOnO

Years long ongoing feud between Japanese community and crows results in enlisting professional pest control hawks to safeguard against damage to electrical infrastructure submitted by /u/SinjiOnO to r/Damnthatsinteresting
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The stark difference between a Kroger and farmers market strawberry
2024-04-21 14:56 /u/DoodleNoodle08

The stark difference between a Kroger and farmers market strawberry submitted by /u/DoodleNoodle08 to r/mildlyinteresting
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Marjorie TRAITOR Greene Loses!
2024-04-21 14:38 /u/dunncrew

Marjorie TRAITOR Greene Loses!


submitted by /u/dunncrew to r/UkraineWarVideoReport
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TIL When "New Coke" was released Pepsi gave their employee's the day off and ran full page newspaper ads to declare victory in the cola wars.
2024-04-21 14:35 /u/jeffnnc

TIL When "New Coke" was released Pepsi gave their employee's the day off and ran full page newspaper ads to declare victory in the cola wars. submitted by /u/jeffnnc to r/todayilearned
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He was so intrigued ��
2024-04-21 14:10 /u/severalaces

He was so intrigued �� submitted by /u/severalaces to r/MadeMeSmile
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Seattle PD fatally shoots 67 year old pedophile looking to meet up with 2 children
2024-04-21 13:37 /u/Efficient-Tap5585

submitted by /u/Efficient-Tap5585 to r/ThatsInsane
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"You kids are overeducated and over-gay"
2024-04-21 13:19 /u/Jiiggg

"You kids are overeducated and over-gay" submitted by /u/Jiiggg to r/BrandNewSentence
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Are you a biologist?
2024-04-21 12:08 /u/PotentialMidnight325

Are you a biologist? submitted by /u/PotentialMidnight325 to r/clevercomebacks
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Are there men out there who don’t actually talk to girls while single?
2024-04-21 08:55 /u/jadeakiss_

Girl here (28) met a guy who claims he spent a year not talking to any girls after coming out of a relationship. Maybe I have skewed views on men but I always assumed men are always seeking out women.

Edit: talk meaning no romantic interest or even trying to hook up

submitted by /u/jadeakiss_ to r/AskMen
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I have quit sex with my husband
2024-04-21 06:45 /u/Own_Warning_2994

This is in response to Grateful2030. My husband sent me your post and said to me "There better be something wrong with you" as if your thread was proving his point.

I stopped being physically intimate with my husband seven months ago. Why? The comments on your thread basically said why. I didn't feel connected to him anymore. He used to give me small touches, little acts of affection, and in general, made me feel like the light of his life. After we had kids, those signs of affection went 100% to his children. I became an afterthought, worse actually, I became an annoyance. I could never do anything right. I was by his words "always forgetting" and "lazy" for small things such as forgetting to put leftovers in the fridge.

So obviously over time, I don't really feel safe with him, or even enjoy hanging out with him. The irony is that I love him so much that I want to be physically intimate with him because he's great in bed and selfless. But I just don't desire him. He's not kind to me or the kids when he's grumpy which is most of the time. I've told him if he could just be happy, if he could just enjoy us, we would have a perfect life. That's all I want - kind words, no criticism, small touches. We'd be having so much sex!

But nah, that's too hard. What he's decided to do is withdraw. Give up. Marriage lite he calls it. No talking. No interaction. If he doesn't get sex, he's going to just do the bare minimum, for the family. Because sex comes first, then he'll be nice. Smart guy but he's literally doing the opposite and saying that's the solution to his lack of sex problem.

Obviously, we're headed towards divorce even though I don't want it.

Edit: We have tried marriage counseling at my ask. We stopped because he said there was no point paying someone to tell us what he already knows. I have already scheduled another session but I expect to be attending that alone.

I'm not here for advice despite the flair. It's hard unraveling 20 years of a relationship. I love him but I've fallen out of love and he has too (but he doesn't know it). It's possible to save our relationship but what I'm asking for - mutual respect, compassion, kindness... Is not something he's used to. I always sucked it up and just taken it because I'm a people pleaser. I've realized life is short and I deserve a rage free space to make mistakes and do my own thing.

submitted by /u/Own_Warning_2994 to r/TwoHotTakes
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Did Obama worsen race relations? This is a common right wing criticism of his presidency.
2024-04-21 06:37 /u/HatefulPostsExposed

Did Obama worsen race relations? This is a common right wing criticism of his presidency. submitted by /u/HatefulPostsExposed to r/Presidents
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Teen McDonald’s Employee Was Beaten by Adult Customer in Parking Lot
2024-04-21 01:35 /u/YeOldSpacePope
submitted by /u/YeOldSpacePope to r/news
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What was your reaction when you saw this scene from Signs (2002) for the first time?
2024-04-21 00:28 /u/lightskintastebud

What was your reaction when you saw this scene from Signs (2002) for the first time? submitted by /u/lightskintastebud to r/moviecritic
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