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Big Dog Walking 4-Legged Tank/Mule
2006-09-23 17:00 elk

Big Dog Walking 4-Legged Tank/Mule
"Big Dog Walking 4-Legged Tank/Mule" on Google Video
Вполне устойчивый робот на 4х лапах всего. На мой взгляд не хватает idle режима - даже когда он стоит на месте , все равно танцует, т.е потребляет энергию.

Even more signs of the Evil Robot Overloards/Apocalypse:

A nimble, four-legged robot is so surefooted it can recover its balance even after being given a hefty kick. The machine, which moves like a cross between a goat and a pantomime horse, is being developed as a robotic pack mule for the US military.

BigDog is described by its developers Boston Dynamics as “the most advanced quadruped robot on Earth”.

Raibert says the latest version of BigDog can handle slopes of 35° – a steeper gradient than one in two. The hydraulics are driven by a two-stroke single-cylinder petrol engine, and it can carry over 40 kg, about 30% of its bodyweight. The robot can follow a simple path on its own, or can be remotely controlled.

The legs on the next version of BigDog, V3, will each have an additional powered joint and will be able to take on even steeper slopes and rougher terrain at higher speed, its makers say.

<i>Thanks to NewsScientist.com for the description [edited] </i>