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Lotus iNotes Interim Fix 304.5CHF1 for Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 332 от 2010-05-07
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


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CommonTime's mobile enterprise solution mSuite is now compatible with the iPad. CommonTime mSuite 5.14 now includes compatibility with the Android 2.1 based HTC Legend and Samsung Moment as well.

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Bernd Hort ran into this message when he tried to run a query. While the syntax was correct, Notes "remembered" something that wasn't there.

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Peter Presnell takes the time to explain what IBM's new Project Vulcan is and how it might affect Notes. Peter expects more information to be available in the near future.

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Scott O'Keefe is running a survey of Domino Admins. He wants to know if you use Domino Configuration Tuner (DCT) and if not, why not.

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Peter Presnell has posted the first in a series of articles on Object Oriented Programming (OOP) for Notes developers. This article discusses organizing libraries and classes to use with a view.

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Niklas Waller has tried a few JavaScript frameworks but he's wondering if there's a better one. He'd like to know which framework you like best.

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Register by May 10, 2010, to save $100.

Dennis van Remortel mentioned this application earlier. Now there's a test version and he's posted a link, with the login information, if you'd like to try it out.

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It seems all the people we know with kids are going crazy for garden play-houses at the moment. Not wanting our kids to feel hard done by, Karen has asked that I build one. Not wanting to be out-done and having had too much time to think about it, I think I might have gotten a little carried away.

You can see the kind of thing I'm on about here. You know, this kind of thing:

Ours will go at the bottom of our garden which currently looks like this:


As you can see, I've started to accumulate some wood already.

The "concept" for the house was in my head until a few days ago, when I managed to get it down on paper:


The idea is that the house is on a raised platform and behind the fir tree, which will grow through the platform.

Entry/exit will be via the steps and slide, which I'll be recycling from this one that was given to us ages ago:


The tube in the photo above was going to be a part of it but I can see how it will fit in, so has now returned to dad's (don't ask).

The wood to build it has also come from dad - via my brother, Leo, who was going to throw it all on a big fire.


We're doing it on a shoe-string. Partly as we don't have money to splash out on such things, but also to prove you can do it for next to nothing to those who prefer to give Tesco and the like their money instead. Also because I like the idea of recycling while saving money at the same time.

I'll be keeping a tally of what gets spent, which so far is on 18 pounds. My budget is 100 - 150. Most of which I expect will go on screws.

So, Karen's away with the kids this weekend and I want to have it as near as finished as possible when they return.

I'll report back on Monday morning so you can how we (Dad's coming to help) got on...

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Femke Goedhart
Tags: search website
When doing searches I woul love to have a global search option acros all repositories that allows you to limit results to specific repositories. For instance search for just Wiki & forum posts or for Wiki posts & technotes.
Repositories should include all info resources currently available. See also "Provide a "big picture" navigation to the different places to find information (for example Greenhouse, wikis, forums, dw, knowledge base, etc.)"

Author: Mike Michael
Tags: LTIE Greenhouse Sametime
 Plenty of people already have the Greenhouse Community added to their Sametime client, but I have found some people did not even know you could do this or that the settings are available in Greenhouse. BleedYellow is great, but i do find some IBM folks via Greenhouse instead.

Author: Mike Michael
Tags: LTIE Greenhouse Sametime
 Plenty of people already have the Greenhouse Community added to their Sametime client, but I have found some people did not even know you could do this or that the settings are available in Greenhouse. BleedYellow is great, but I do find some IBM folks via Greenhouse instead.

Author: Foua Vang
Tags: forums forum
Ability to  chat with the author of an article/post  and to save the chat history to share with community.  It would be nice if you are just given a save chat option that would automatically take the chat history and save it as a response post to the orginal article/post - keeping it threaded and together without you having to manually create a response post then copy and paste the chat history into it...

Author: Foua Vang
Tags: forums forum
It would be nice when a user is posting to the forum that for example if they enter "DAOS", it would bring up related postings so that they would not repost something that someone already posted or this way for those that don't do searches before they post their questions, may find answers to their questions before they even post their questions and you don't get repost with reply to saying for the user to search the forum, etc.  Of course I may not want this feature if I was trying to do a reply to post an answer to a question...it would be nice if this feature or something similar could be implemented. 

Author: Charles Reid
Tags: Wiki second life redbook redbooks knowledge
I've been in SL for years now and have attended LS in the virtual site IBM/lotus had for LS.  Across the street. They had, I just found out that IBM has all but pulled out of SL, a office building that housed product information and redbooks.  All the land is now abandoned.  So I don't know what this means for IBM and virtual worlds.  But my idea was to have a place in SL that is like a library to deliver information.  Books on shelves that take  you to or deliver the information you need.  It can launch video's, host virtual class's and meetings.  Have sametime links to subject matter experts or sales people.   I believe that for the people who relate to virtual environments and need cheap audio conferencing  that SL can be a very useful tool.  White papers could be delivered.  Events like LS comes to you could reach more people.  Youtube videos could be organised in a way that can be eaiser to find.  instead of searching for an article with a search engine  you could walk to the Library area and see the redbook or the wall chart of white papers or see avatar's of subject matter experts  and work visually not using the hunt and peck of google searches methodology.  Also the environment would be able to deliver advertising content continually as people walked through the Library. 
With IBM pulling out of SL it maybe a mute point, but maybe with sametime 3D if IBM opened up a region they could have sametime users connect in.   Just an Idea.

Author: Charles Reid
Tags: Wiki second life redbook redbooks knowledge
I've been in SL for years now and have attended LS in the virtual site IBM/lotus had for LS.  Across the street. They had, I just found out that IBM has all but pulled out of SL, a office building that housed product information and redbooks.  All the land is now abandoned.  So I don't know what this means for IBM and virtual worlds.  But my idea was to have a place in SL that is like a library to deliver information.  Books on shelves that take  you to or deliver the information you need.  It can launch video's, host virtual class's and meetings.  Have sametime links to subject matter experts or sales people.   I believe that for the people who relate to virtual environments and need cheap audio conferencing  that SL can be a very useful tool.  White papers could be delivered.  Events like LS comes to you could reach more people.  Youtube videos could be organised in a way that can be eaiser to find.  instead of searching for an article with a search engine  you could walk to the Library area and see the redbook or the wall chart of white papers or see avatar's of subject matter experts  and work visually not using the hunt and peck of google searches methodology.  Also the environment would be able to deliver advertising content continually as people walked through the Library. 
With IBM pulling out of SL it maybe a mute point, but maybe with sametime 3D if IBM opened up a region they could have sametime users connect in.   Just an Idea.

Author: Charles Reid
Tags: wiki standards articles format
We in the roundtable came up with a way to help promote content in wiki's.   Templates. new idea for notes people.   Templates, faq's and wizards.    Formating tools to help choose the right format for articles, faq's, wiki entries, questions, procedures, etc.   This would help people who are not writers create content.  It would standardize on the way information is delievered.  And these tools could be done in Symphony or Notes db's and then have the template upload content to the correct area.  

Author: Femke Goedhart
Tags: design element NotesViewColumn
You can create and manage views and columns directly form Lotusscript controlling virtually every setting on the columns. But setting this (rather) important setting just doesn't seem to be available.

Author: Femke Goedhart
Tags: design element NotesViewColumn
You can create and manage views and columns directly form Lotusscript controlling virtually every setting on the columns. But setting this (rather) important setting just doesn't seem to be available.

Author: Alberto Valverde
Tags: multiple activities connections drag & drop menu
I really miss the ability to expand in tree mode the activities content (todos and endtries) from the main activities list. This way the move option into every single entity could be replaced with a simple (smarter?) drag and drop feature. If not removing the mentioned option, a recursive tick for moving also nested items should be usefull.
I mean between all activities not inside one. Now you can only open the activity from the main activities section. I miss expand/collapse like you can do into each activity. Usefull for moving a big number of todos/entries from one activity to another.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: autosave workspace close
As you know, when you close the Notes Client all open tabs (databases, documents) are saved, they open up again the next time you open Notes.
There are some problems of this functional:
1. If, after the closure of Notes to open it under a different user, then open the saved previous user Workspace. If you try to go to one of the documents from the previous session, but to which the current user does not have access, the message "Operation stopped are request". All this is wrong; and each user must open the saved from his previous session Workspace.
2. When you load a Client, the user must open the document, which was on the screen at the close of the Client. It is very convenient - the user can immediately continue to work rather than seek the required document among multiple tabs.
3. If you change the user (location) open tabs not remembered, as a result of all open documents in the next time will have to seek and open anew. If you change the user, his workspace should remember be analogous to close of the Notes Client.
In addition, it would be very nice if Notes Client allowed to save a set of Workspaces, by analogy with the Working Set in Domino Designer, and later work with the saved sets.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: autosave workspace close
As you know, when you close the Notes Client all open tabs (databases, documents) are saved, they open up again the next time you open Notes.
There are some problems of this functional:
1. If, after the closure of Notes to open it under a different user, then open the saved previous user Workspace.
  • If you try to go to one of the documents from the previous session, but to which the current user does not have access, the message "Operation stopped are request".
  • To set itself on Workspace "Set bookmark as homepage", it is applied to all users...
All this is wrong; and each user must open the saved from his previous session Workspace.
2. When you load a Client, the user must open the document, which was on the screen at the close of the Client. It is very convenient - the user can immediately continue to work rather than seek the required document among multiple tabs.
3. If you change the user (location) open tabs not remembered, as a result of all open documents in the next time will have to seek and open anew. If you change the user, his workspace should remember be analogous to close of the Notes Client.  
In addition, it would be very nice if Notes Client allowed to save a set of Workspaces, by analogy with the Working Set in Domino Designer, and later work with the saved sets.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: autosave workspace domino designer
1. It would be convenient to have similar functionality, as well as at the closing-opening Notes Client, that is, when loading the Domino Designer automatically recover a set of open in the previous session of design elements.
All requirements for the keeping / restoration Workspaces set out in the idea Perfection of AutoSave Workspace on close Notes Client.
2. Be able to save a set of open elements of design, and later work with the saved Sets.
Example: often work with several libraries, agents and so on from different databases, re-open (search) them takes a very long time...(  

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: autosave workspace domino designer
1. It would be convenient to have similar functionality, as well as at the closing-opening Notes Client, that is, when loading the Domino Designer automatically recover a set of open in the previous session of design elements.
All requirements for the keeping / restoration Workspaces set out in the idea Perfection of AutoSave Workspace on close Notes Client.
2. Be able to save a set of open elements of design, and later work with the saved Sets.
Example: often work with several libraries, agents and so on from different databases, re-open (search) them takes a very long time...(  

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: size size of indent code
Size of Tab (for me) is very large, the code very quickly drives off to the right ... I would like for the font "Courier New" to set to the size of Tab corresponded to three spaces (I know of extreme-programmers who likes, when indentation is two spaces :) ).
I ask to add this setting in section Domino Designer -> LotusScript Editor -> Fonts and Colors.

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: database management
The Move Database function in the Admin client is intended to move a database from one server to another.  A more common need is to move it to a different directory on the same server.  The Move function is not safe for this because it creates a second replica to do it.  Once upon a time this could be done at the OS level (first do a dbcache flush), but with Domino 8.5.1 and with Win Server 2008 that can cause semaphore locks and even crash the server.  Not to mention it won't work with transaction logging  or DAOS.
The workaround is to create a replica of the database on your client or on another server, delete the original, then create the new replica in the new target directory.  This obviously has many drawbacks.
Even better would be to allow drag and drop of a database from one location to another (then prompt to confirm).  Then extend this to allow dragging and dropping to another server to create a new replica on the target server.

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Статьи и Документация

This readme document provides information on Lotus iNotes Interim Fix 304.5CHF1 for Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2. This Interim Fix is cumulative and is applicable to the following platforms: Windows,AIX, AIX 64-bit, Linux and Solaris. (Lotus iNotes was previously named Lotus Domino Web Access)
A Notes user assigns a mail only group access to their schedule under calendar preferences. When members of this group perform a busy time/free time lookup on that user they get "info restricted".
This article is the first in a series that explores how IBM middleware capabilities can be integrated to address the technical requirements of the financial markets front office. The front office requirements necessitate the need for specialized software that can handle high volumes of data at extremely high speeds. This article series describes an algorithmic trading scenario that was implemented as part of an IBM Software Group incubation project. This first article provides a high-level overview of an integration blueprint that was produced within the project. This blueprint illustrates how the components in the scenario interconnect. Future articles will drill deeper into the technical details around the integration of the various products in the blueprint and how the products were used in the scenario.
The user enabled the display of unprocessed ghost) calendar entries via More -> Preferences -> Calendar -> Display -> Views -> 'Display new (unprocessed) notices'. When the user receives a new meeting invitation, the meeting is not appearing on the calendar. The issue is resolved by recreating the $calendar view.
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