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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 334 от 2010-05-12
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Всем хорошего дня!

Есть два сервера Lotus 7.0.2. На одном стоит почта, на другом документооборот БОСС-Референт 2.*. Появилась задача сделать одну из баз БОСС-Референта (БД Канцелярия) как входящую (mail-in) для почты с целью преобразования входящих писем в черновики входящих документов документооборота. Я сделал все необходимы настройки по инструкции БОСС-Референта (прописал БД Канцелярия как mail-in база в lotus администратор, прописал это mail-in имя БД Канцелярия в настройках БОСС-Референт), но конечное действие не происходит.
Вся почта попадает в БД Канцелярия, но не одно из писем нельзя открыть, апри попытки запустить агента, который должен преобразовать почту в черновик документы появляется сообщение "Invalid universal id".

Такое ощущение что тело письма лежит отдельно от заголовка и не попадает в БД Канцелярия.

Буду благодарен за любые мысли по этому поводу.
Всем хорошего дня!

Есть два сервера Lotus 7.0.2. На одном стоит почта, на другом документооборот БОСС-Референт 2.*. Появилась задача сделать одну из баз БОСС-Референта (БД Канцелярия) как входящую (mail-in) для почты с целью преобразования входящих писем в черновики входящих документов документооборота. Я сделал все необходимы настройки по инструкции БОСС-Референта (прописал БД Канцелярия как mail-in база в lotus администратор, прописал это mail-in имя БД Канцелярия в настройках БОСС-Референт), но конечное действие не происходит.
Вся почта попадает в БД Канцелярия, но не одно из писем нельзя открыть, апри попытки запустить агента, который должен преобразовать почту в черновик документы появляется сообщение "Invalid universal id".

Такое ощущение что тело письма лежит отдельно от заголовка и не попадает в БД Канцелярия.

Буду благодарен за любые мысли по этому поводу.
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Tips. Советы

Lotus Notes now has its very own app store. The store sorts the applications by use - e-mail, administration, productivity, development, and training. Each section then lists commercially available applications with descriptions and links.

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This is a new article on the Lotus Notes and Domino Application Development wiki. It discusses the list of extension points provided by the JFace Text Editor and uses an end-to-end example to illustrate the steps to create and deploy the plug-in.

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Julian Buss shows two ways of processing documents through these steps, the "usual" way and a method for processing thousands of documents in a timely manner.

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Peter Presnell is working on .dominoFramework 2.0. To help him test the new framework, he's looking for some experienced Notes developers to put the framework through it's paces.

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Mary Beth Raven continues her series of quick tips for Notes and Domino with this one on getting messages to open in their own windows.

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Have you ever wanted to get rid of old Lotus Notes groups that were cluttering up your address book, but you weren't sure if they were used? Find Unused Groups can help.

Find Unused Groups will check your ACL, mail, multi purpose and server groups to help you determine if they are used, and who uses them.

Learn how to easily clean up your address book.

MayFlower Software wasn't able to attend Admin 2010, so they have 50 T-shirts to give away to people signing up for a trial of the SpamSentinel Hosted service.

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Bodek Frak, of the University of Windsor, has posted a series of tips on using Notes. Included are a number of short videos showing how the tips work. There's even a screen shot of a Notes 1.0 screen.

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Paul Withers has posted some LotusScript to help you track deletions, and attempted deletions, of Notes documents.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

Last night, reading A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages I broke down in hysterics at the point I read this.

1987 - Larry Wall falls asleep and hits Larry Wall's forehead on the keyboard. Upon waking Larry Wall decides that the string of characters on Larry Wall's monitor isn't random but an example program in a programming language that God wants His prophet, Larry Wall, to design. Perl is born.

Karen asked what was so funny and I told her "nothing, it's a geek thing". She couldn't help come and read it though. After the second read (to check if she'd missed the joke) she shrugged and said "It's just words", which made me laugh even more.

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With both ASP.NET and Flex you develop your code locally. Unlike with, say, Domino where you develop directly on a server (well, at least I do).

Microsoft's Visual Studio is a bit like Domino Designer, in that when you develop locally and want to preview a website it starts a web server locally and points the browser to http://localhost:*/

Whereas Domino Designer's local web server listens on port 80 and so the URL is simply http://localhost/, Visual Studio uses some random port and you end up with URLs like http://localhost:23456/, which although they work  don't stick too well and make it hard to apply and test and settings at the IIS Manager level or use other apps like Flex Builder with it.

To help me develop in what feels a live environment I now tend to create a local host name with a name like that of the website I'm working on. For example, in order to work on www.grouplets.co.uk I've added a record to my hosts file to point http://grouplets.local to the local server, like so:


For this to work I also need to define a Website in my laptop's ISS Manager, like so:


Notice that I've pointed the "physical path" to the project folder for the ASP.NET app I'm working on. This is where IIS can find the default.aspx and other file it needs to deliver the website. Also note that I've bound the website to the new local Host Name I created. So the local IIS server knows that when I type grouplets.local in it should server this particular project. Now, with or without Visual Studio running, I can always view the website.

Developing With Flex For ASP.NET

Always having the ASP.NET site running comes in handy when developing the Flex side of a project as it means you don't necessarily need to run Visual Studio as well if you don't want to.

In order to make Flex development one step simpler I've got in to the habit of renaming my default MXML components "index.mxml", like so:


Now, when I press run/compile it creates a file call index.html in the output folder. The benefit of that should be obvious?

Now, you might be used to pressing Run in Flex and seeing your browser open a file directly from your file system. You can make this act more normally (authentication etc) by editing the Flex Build Path for the project, as below:


Notice I've changed the Output Folder (where Flex Builder places the HTML and SWF files) to a folder inside my ASP.NET project folder. Then, in the output folder URL, I've changed it to point to that folder -- via the new IIS Website I configured. Because Flex is creating a file called index.html opening the URL ending in "/name-of-output-folder/" without the name of the HTML file still works.

Now, in Flex Builder I press Run and it launches my browser to the actual website I'm working on. When I'm happy it works I use the Export Release Build tool and it puts all the files straight in to the right folder for me. No need for me to browse to the respective folders for both Flex Builder and Visual Studio and move files between them. All very slick.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Per Holmberg
Tags: Java
There should be no need calling recycle() on Domino Java objects. Java has a garbage collector and for almost every other Java API there is no need for doing this kind of memory clean-up.
The knowledge and documentation of how the use the recycle() (and if you need to use it) is poor.
It is also error-prone; accidentally calling recycle() twice on the same object may crash the Domino server!

If the Domingo project can do it, why can't IBM?

Backwards-compatibility is kept by making recycle() do nothing.

Author: Paul Davies
Tags: agents
if you had an agent which acts on many documentss and displays a message like this...
Select @all;
then CTRL BREAK does not terminate the agent, it merely acknowledges the @Prompt and the agent continues to the next document in the database. Your only choice is to either loop through every document (holding down the Enter key) or kill the Notes client.
CTRL BREAK should terminate the agent entirely.
edit: I have discovered that if you flood the keyboard buffer with CTRL BREAK then the agent will terminate - but it should still do so immeditly IMHO :D

Author: Robert Ibsen Voith
Tags: CopyPaste
Many times when I try to copy content from Internet Explorer, I get the "Invalid URL Syntax" dialog box. When pasting the exact same content into Word, re-select all in Word, and paste that into Notes it works. Seems to me like Notes is too picky about some missing close-tags or something.

Author: William Eberle
Tags: social networking
In addition to the many existing links to Lotus Community personalities on Facebook, provide similar links to LinkedIn.  I don't want to debate the relative merits of Facebook vs. LinkedIn, but LinkedIn is developing (has developed) a very strong and active Lotus Community presence and can provide another mechanism to access folks.  This is especially true in situations where social networking sites with other than business-related foci are blocked by companies.

Author: Stan Rogers
Tags: downloads
 Horrible "space", I know -- but it was downloading the Designer client that set me off. 700 megs is a lot of coffee at the ol' internet cafe (not the normal usage, perhaps, but I've worked in offices where the available speed on any given net node was less that what I have here), and torrents are robust (failure-tolerant by segment) and resumable. I know IBM wants to track downloads and such, but since there are basically no restrictions on downloads, why not torrent the trials?

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: tabbed table tabs drag-and-drop
this option would be more convienent...

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: tabbed table tabs
it would be nice to have the option to select one tab as the default to be opened tab in a tabbed table.
currently it will open the first tab, sometimes this is not desirable.

There is a new release of the XPages Mobile Controls project which demonstrates how to take data from a Domino database offline on smartphones with webkit browsers. The app stores the last ten view entries and full blog entries on the OpenNTF blog ...
Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: bytes filesize attachments number field
just like available as in the column options....

Author: Ninke Westra
Tags: adminp accelerated create replica administration client
When you select a number of databases in the administration client and select Create Replica to create new replicas on another server the administration client / adminp will generate Accelerated Create Replica requests if possible.
Unfortunately if you select a large number of (large) databases this will pretty much mean that most other administration requests, (like password changes, will not be executed until all replicas have been created and populated.
At the moment we're preparing a move of 7k users to a new server environment and to allow other requests to be processed within a reasonable time we're issuing create replica requests in batches of about 100 db's which is time consuming.
I would like to see either an option in the administration client where you can choose if accelerated requests should be generated or perhaps a notes.ini setting for either the client or server(s) to disable this feature.

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: drafts idea status
It would be nice if ideas could be saved to draft or marked as private so the author can save the idea and then come back later to finish and publish the it. 

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: cache profile
I do not have an idea how to provide this and where (form property?) but a main argument not using profile documents is either the cache period on the server or no profile document is created when creating a new replica.
If we could define more precise the cache period for a profile document at leats we have tackled that issue.

Author: Robert Ibsen Voith
Tags: SAX lotusscript
Back in 2008 Bernfried Geiger reported in the Partner Forum 2008 about LotusScript class NotesSAXParser having massive memory leaks in certain scenarios. This was also commented by Daniel Nashed. This year I stumbled into this massive leak-problem with the NotesSAXParser, and asked about it in Parter Forum 2010. To my surprise IBM never commented on this, nor have I seen any fixes targeting this issue.
The leak shows itself as a separate nlnotes process eating memory as the SAX parser loops through the XML files. The memory is NOT freed when the agent terminates, and it's even still present when you terminate Notes!!! I our scenario the NotesSAXParser kept eating memory up to about 1.8 GB and then the machine crashed to the ground.
In my opinion this (very) unfortunately render NotesSAXParser almost useless, since you can't tell upfront what scenarios that will kill the machine or not, not without memory-consumption analysis.
Hope IBM grabs this!

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Статьи и Документация

Catalog went in doubt because dbdirman notified us that mail.box was deleted.
When you do a restore of an old NSF that was DAOS-enabled, in order to make all
An XPage in Domino 8.5.0 contained a variable that was created in the BeforePageLoad event. The rest of the XPage can access this variable. In 8.5.1 this no longer works and you get an error saying "Error 'v' not found" (where v is your variable)
You have created a class in your script library which throws an error. However ERL() misreports the line number.
You are opening a folder design element in Domino Designer from an application that is currently hosted on a remote Domino server. You find that the time it takes for the folder to open is longer than when the same process performed on a local application.
You have the Sametime Contacts sidebar set as a floating window. When you attempt to use the "Capture part of your screen" option, you find the dialog box does not have any menu options.
Attachment icons in MIME/HTML messages do not appear in printouts or print preview.
You create a plug-in that creates a hot key (accelerator key) for the Notes client. However, the hot key works only if you have a composite application selected.
The purpose of this knowledge collection is to provide links to a select group of documents and resources to educate readers on some items surrounding Directory Assistance issues that affect Lotus iNotesDomino Web Access(DWA). Directory Assistance is a feature a server can use to look up ...
Provides information for setup, troubleshooting, and problem submission for the Lotus Notes Traveler Companion Application.
http:www10.lotus.comlddddwiki.nsfdxMappingagentcodetocrashstacksmoved to Domino Designer wiki
http:www10.lotus.comlddddwiki.nsfdxMappingagentcodetoNSDcrashstackonWindowsMoved to Domino Designer wiki
In Notes mail files based on a Hebrew template, the type-ahead list of names for adding a calendar appears in the wrong position.
A Windows error sound plays whenever you attempt to set the tabs of a ruler in the description section of Calendar documents.
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