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Русская Еврейская община в Нью Йорке

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Dear Friends:

You are cordially invited to attend the exhibition-sale of artwork that will take place in the house of Mr. and Mrs. Yakov Davydov located at 1159 East 12 Street, Brooklyn, New York.

The doors will be open 12pm to 4pm and 7pm to 10pm on Sunday, November 18, 2001. Entrance is free.

The exhibition has 2 parts:

  • Second floor - artwork of Mrs. Helen Davidov (framed copies are on sale)
  • First floor - are on sale originals and copies of artwork of today's Russian artists from Mr. Davidov collection and artwork of family's friends

The percentage of the sale will be donated for the needs of Kehilas Moreshes Yaakov.

Refreshments will be served.

Mariana Fradman

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