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Toolbars de-selected after upgrading Notes 6.5.x/7.x to 8.5 Basic Configuration

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 427 от 2010-12-15
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Tips. Советы

Thomas Duff says if you are routing from Notes apps to Exchange, the [Sign] flag in @MailSend will not work. He provides a work around.

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Power Tools simplifies management of the Notes/Domino environment by automating routine tasks. Power Tools can manage or monitor mail files, groups, ACLs, agents, LOG.NSF, templates and more.

Download a trial version from helpsoft.com.

If you are running Traveler, IBM has identified a vulnerability that could be exploited by attackers. Vupen Security has posted particulars.

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Ben Langhinrichs says it looks like someone is publishing books that are little more than downloads of information on Wikipedia. He's found some titles, purporting to be from IBM, that you might want to avoid.

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This Redguide is entitled, "Stopping Internet Threats Before They Impact Your Business using IBM Security Network Intrusion Prevention Systems". The document can be downloaded in PDF format.

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Tap here for more information and to try a free demo course!


The growth chart we keep of our kids grew a row longer yesterday as Felix turned four.


Not quite as impressive as this but I'm glad I do it and that I haven't forgotten to do it on any of their actual birthdays so far.

I have an idea floating round in my head to create a website that lets parents build their own charts. It wouldn't take much doing. One day maybe.

Anyway, here's to my special little Sausage McDinkle Face. He makes me such a proud father. I couldn't choose a favourite but I'd be lying if I said the fact he was male and my first born didn't make him just a teeny weeny bit special.

I could watch videos of my kids all day long. Here's one of my favourites of Felix from a while back, which I watch with no sound and it makes my want to cry every time.

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For a long time now I've been planning a review of my online security. The approach I had, which was once an adequate solution to my needs, is now fundamentally flawed and open to abuse.

The Old Approach

The old approach was simple but also overly-complicated and hard to manage. It involved an assortment of email addresses and a set of three passwords of increasing-strength.

Site Email Address/login Password
Online Banking, PayPal etc Something @ a domain I own Strongest
IBM.com, Adobe.com, Twitter etc jakehowlett@ a free email domain Medium
Sites I have little interest in but have no choice but to register for Free email address I have access to but never check Lowest

Although I rarely remembered exactly which combo worked on which site it never took much guessing to gain access. As time went on though I found myself in situations where the medium-strength password was used on sites like Amazon.co.uk, which remembers my credit card details for me. So I found myself changing the payment-linked sites to use the strong password as well as on sites like LinkedIn.com and Twitter.com which I considered "important".

Before long my strongest password was being used all over the place. Anybody who could find it out for one site could access them all (as well as my email accounts). This made me uneasy. Especially as the password I call my "strong" one would be rated medium by most password generators.

Another down-side to this approach is that I've ended up with so many email accounts I now rely on. The idea was once that I'd give out address like @Yahoo so that, should they fall victim to over-spamming, I could move elsewhere. Nice idea, but once you give out that Yahoo address to dozens of sites, letting it go isn't quite so simple.

The New Approach

Now that email to codestore.net, rockalldesign.com and jakehowlett.com is all sent to Gmail I no longer need to worry about spam, as it does such a good job of handling it. It's time to let go of the free email accounts for everything but testing email during development and for sites I don't trust.

As for passwords, the new approach hinges on the fact that most of my online activity takes place from one PC (my laptop). It's very, very rare that I login to the likes of Amazon, Ebay or whatever from anywhere but my laptop. With this in mind I realised I don't need to use the same password but can use software like 1Password to generate and store ultra-strong passwords.

So, I've started changing passwords on all sites, starting with those that I consider important and/or those that have my card details stored. These new password are generated using 1Password and look like the following:

rv2s7sdlgNorN, 9uJWLg53!/-/J, o53k/=b>w2Maj (these aren't my actual passwords ;-)

Each site I am a member of has a different password. The fact I have no hope of remembering them doesn't matter as 1Password does that for me. The only password I need to remember is the master password to get in to 1Password's vault and the password for the email accounts registered with each service.

If ever I really, really had to login to one of these sites from outside the house then all I need is access to my email inbox so I can use the "Forgot Password" reminder process to gain access.

It's going to be a long drawn-out process reviewing every site I've ever registered with. By the end of 2011 I hope to no longer be using my free email accounts day-to-day. If by the end of next year I've not had an email from or cause to login to a website then I'll consider it no longer necessary. By then I will no longer be using the old "strong" password

I know what you're thinking. What if my laptop gets stolen? Well, the password are encrypted and the the master password is what I'd consider unguessable by anything but a sustained attack. But what about losing my passwords? Well, 1Password does a daily backup to my NAS server, so that's covered.

I'd be interested to hear what your approach is and if you think the above approach is in any way flawed?

The quest for a simple life online continues...

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In this episode Chris Miller, Carl Tyler, and Epilio talk about Sametime plugins and Plantronics. This episode is available as a video instead of the regular podcast.

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Dave Hay ran into this one recently. He apparently had to read the message several times before it sank in... "The WebSphere Application Server version is not supported"

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Declan Sciolla-Lynch has posted some Lotuscript code to let you merge two Notes databases AND keep all the folders. While he warns it isn't a perfect solution, it's better than doing the old copy and paste.

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Bastian Wieczorek says IBM is now shipping Traveler, which includes support for Android devices. He's posted additional information on the release.

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By Mick Moignard

There's been a ripple of interest since my article in August discussing the state of the Notes application development space. I'm not alone in the view that Notes still has a lot to give to so many organisations.

Damien DuBos wrote:

I am one of those high priced developers you refer to. Been doing it since V3. Although I have some impressive apps under my belt, the best ones are the simple ones. Often I am with a customer on one project when they mention a problem they are having with another process. I tell them I can have something for them the same day or the next and they are blown away. Granted its simple stuff, but it solves so many mundane tasks.

Others commented on how they're able to crank out well-formed and well-received Notes and Domino apps, only to have "upper management" pull the plug on future application development with Notes.

Yet others explained how the whole process of getting applications deployed now takes a great deal of time and effort, so much, that often the immediacy of the application need is lost.

This gets me wondering again where it's all going?
Are we building the right applications? Are we doing it the right way? Has the corporate IT model moved away from what Notes can do?

Let's discuss some of these points, and see what we can do about it all.

Tap here and Mick will take you through his thinking. It's good stuff, well worth the read.

Let us know how we can assist you with your migration.

  • Do you have Rich Text Fields that need to be exported?
  • Do you wish to combine main documents with their response documents and put them or store them together?
  • Do you wish for metadata to be combined with your documents?
  • Do you have multi-value fields?
  • Do you wish to enhance and clean up the data while exporting?
Email sales@integra4notes.com today. Visit us at Lotusphere on booth #601.

Download our 15 day trial by registering on the Integra for Notes website.

Following the security review I mentioned yesterday I now feel considerably more relaxed about my online existence.

When I was writing yesterday's post I had no idea the Gawker thing was about to kick off. Talk about timing. Not that I had a Gawker account but who knows who else Gnosis might pick on!?

The same password is no longer used on more than one of the services I use.

More importantly, none of my logins use the same email/password combination as used for the inbox for that email account. School boy error!

Until yesterday my Apple ID's password was the same as for the GMail account to which it was tied.  You'd like to think you could trust both parties implicitly but I prefer to treat all websites as having an equal potential for being compromised.

It's nice to know everything is backed up and in one central repository. And it's not just website logins I've registered. I've also covered all the SSH and RDC passwords to servers I host. Also the FTP and SQL passwords for websites I host. And then there's the passwords for my hardware - routers etc. Until you write them all down you don't realise just how complicated it all is.

Big sigh of relief!

Although one thing still troubles me. As good as all these ultra-high-strength passwords are there's still a single point of failure -- all sites have a "Forgot my password" process.

All you need to do is know things like "the name of my first pet" and I'm compromised. If the website email you a new password then this is all fine, but what if they ask you a "secret" question and then let you reset the password there and then? Bad, bad, bad.

My approach to "secret answers" has been to use the same non-word answer for all them. That way I always know what the answer should be and nobody ought to be able to guess it. Any flaws in that approach?

And Finally

The prize for the dumbest approach to password management goes to... ...Screwfix.com who convert your password to all lower-case, without telling you. In some perverse way this may have made sense to the developer at the time, but you try and work out why you can't get in!

That aside, yesterday I changed my (all lower case) Screwfix password to a new one generated by 1Password. But, like an idiot, I forgot to copy what I'd submitted. Never mind, they must have a password retrieval process, right? Yes, they do, but it doesn't help. All it does it email you your sefl-set "hint". If, as in my case, your hint doesn't help then you're snookered.

I Tweeted the Screwfix people about this and all I got in return was a stock "Call our support team on this number and they will help" response. They completely missed the point, which is that they've made it impossible for me (a customer) to give them (a business) my money.

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As part of this on-going online security review I closed the PayPal account I've been using for years and year now. Perhaps I'm overly-paranoid but it always made my uneasy that they had Direct Debit access to both my personal and business bank accounts.

Until a couple of years ago it was a just a normal PayPal account, but then a customer insisted on paying me via PayPal, which meant converting it to a business-related account. Since then I've been accidentally buying things like kids pirate dressing up costumes off eBay through my company bank account. Not good. I'm hoping my accountant is going to write them off somehow or other.

So, now I've cancelled the account and logged in to both my personal and business bank accounts to cancel the Direct Debit arrangements as well.

I had no solid grounds for concern and have never been wronged by PayPal but I feel a whole lot safer now.

At the time I closed it I'd not purchased on eBay for a while and hadn't done any work for the PayPal-loving customer for a year or more, so it seemed ok to do so. But the very next day I bought a replacement laptop part and had to create a new PayPal account. Doh. This time though without linking it my actual bank account!

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

I've published a new sample on OpenNTF - XPages For Connections. XPages can be used to extend IBM Lotus Connections functionality. This project shows how to build XPages that can be wrapped as iWidgets and added to the Connections home page, community ...
As mentioned in another blog entry there is a tool to generate documentation for XPages controls. There is a live version of the result of that tool. Phil Riand and Dave O'Connor have now open sourced this tool - XPages Documentation ...
Author: David Harris
Tags: book proposals was db2 how to
This is response to Ben Langhinrichics' request for book proposals.
"With companion products for Domino relying on Websphere Application Server, DB2, LDAP, how does a Domino Administrator go about deploying Sametime, Connections, et al, safe in the knowledge that the WAS/DB2/LDAP structure gives them the same data replication and granular security that Domino gives them across the global enterprise?
This (yet-to-be-written) book will show the concepts behind a WAS/DB2 environment for a Sametime or Connections (or both) deployment across a multi-site enterprise, in terms that a Domino administrator will be able to relate to concepts they're used to, such as...
  • How to achieve failover (does DB2 have clustering like Domino has clustering?)
  • How to set up data replication between sites, even continents (Connection documents, anyone?)
  • How to tweak a .properties xml file like it's notes.ini or a Configuration doc
  • NAB vs LDAP
  • How to see what's running, and when, like you can on your server console
  • How to deploy product 2 (eg Connections) into an environment built for product 1 (eg Sametime)
  • Where are the logs, and how do you read them?
As Domino administrators, we're sometimes spoiled by an Administration client that tells us everything we want to know, and plenty our servers think we ought to want know.
On top of designing and building enterprise WAS/DB2 systems that integrate with your Domino deployment, this book will make them (almost) as easy to maintain as well."

Author: Darren Duke
Tags: book proposals
Based on Ben's request one of the missing pieces of Domino a coherent workflow engine what can be used both in Lotus Notes and XPages. I'm sure someone has one to share, that they can document in an ebook and make some money. I'd buy it.
Ben's request : http://www.geniisoft.com/showcase.nsf/archive/20101214-0422

Author: Tim Paque
Tags: book proposals development
This is also response to Ben Langhinrichics' request for book proposals.
I still like my rejected abstract: SQL Plus NSF have your cake and eat it too. Was going to show examples of creating rich and web apps that tie into SQL Enterprise data using various methods.  Such as dynamically writing pages based on query data.

Author: Ulrich Krause
Tags: linux foundation domino small Office Server book proposal
This is response to Ben Langhinrichics' request for book proposals.
The book gives step-by-step instructions to build your own Lotus Notes foundation server on Linux.
Learn how to setup Linux from the ground up, how to harden the kernel and install Domino on Linux.
The book contains everything you need to know about backup and restore your system in case of disaster recovery.
You will learn to gather platform statistics and use Domino Configuration Tuner to optimize your environment for best performance.
Install and administer Lotus Notes Traveler to keep your users in touch with your company.

Author: Ulrich Krause
Tags: book proposals linux desktop lotus notes for Linux
This is response to Ben Langhinrichics' request for book proposals.
The book contains step-by-step instructions to setup a Linux environment that enables the user to do everything from Mail to calendar, writing letters, sending faxes, calculating and presenting the latest keynumbers, communicating with friends and colleagues and even developing new application for Lotus Notes/ Domino on a Linux desktop. ( using WINE to run the Desgner client )
Learn how to setup your Linux environment for best performance and how to keep your users from doing destructive things on the system by providing least privelige security.
Use Open Management architecture to put your installation onto a brand new laptop or desktop.
If you want to live in a $MS free world then this book is for you.

Author: Ulrich Krause
Tags: connections book proposals
This is response to Ben Langhinrichics' request for book proposals.
As Lotus Connections is almost unaffordable for 99% of all companies, we will show you in this book, how to use standard templates ( blog, wiki, address books, journals ) to build your own Lotus Connections fork.
Learn what can be done out of the box and where you have to modify the templates and how.
The book contains all code and a CD with all modifications and enables you to setup your own version of Lotus Connections.

Author: Ulrich Krause
Tags: book proposals
This is response to Ben Langhinrichics' request for book proposals.
YALSB ( Yet another LotusScript book ) starts where the "Programming Bible" ends.
From over 10 years of working in a forum, I can say that 80% of all Developers do not know or use many of the functions in LotusScript. Aside from db.UnprocessedDocuments, do you know what the StampAllMulti method of the NotesDocumentCollection class is used for? Do you know, how to style RichText using methods that are build into the core product?
Are you an experienced developer and are missing a specific function in the core classes? Raise your arse and build them on your own using LSX or even LS2CAPI to manipulate Richtext on the CDRecord level.
The book contains kick butt code to open your eyes on the abilities of LotusScript. The code might be EInstein leveled at some point, but we will explain every bit and pieces so not only geeks will understand it.  LotusScript is dead or "legacy" ? No way. ...

Author: Ulrich Krause
Tags: book proposals tivoli TDI
This is response to Ben Langhinrichics' request for book proposals.
Setup an run TDI to get data from sources like SAP or Oracle into your Lotus Notes Application or leverage the power of a relational database to do advanced calculations on a huge amount of data and access the results from your well known Lotus Notes Client.

Author: Ulrich Krause
Tags: twitter tweet
In addition to the "embed idea" functionallity, pls. add a "Tweet This Idea" button to the UI

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: book proposals ui design oneui
This is response to Ben Langhinrichics' request for book proposals.
This book discusses real world scenarios for XPage application. It provides examples & tips on how to build attractive interfaces for your Domino applications using IBM Lotus User Interface.
If you happen to have questions when to use which component and how to implement it, this book will give you the answer.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find it, maybe you can hire at your library... The book IBM Lotus User Interface matters.

Author: Ulrich Krause
Tags: linux extension manager CAPI adminp
This is response to Ben Langhinrichics' request for book proposals.
Ever wanted to develop your own extension managers on Linux. Want to be able to enhance the functionallity of the Adminostration Process by adding functions that are not included in the core product ( like ( removeGroupMember ).
This book will show how to setup a development environment to compile and test your custom extension manager or server addin using the Notes/Domino CAPI

Author: Bas van Gestel
Tags: native os fields disabled
The Notes style fields with the field delimiters are old fashioned. For that reason a lot of apps display them without field delimeters in single cell table and apply formatting to the table to mimick Native OS type fields.
So using Native OS style fields could save a lot of work. If only Native OS type fields would not have so many issues:
- A computed text field has the same format as an editable text field. However a combobox field is displayed as disabled when in read mode.
- In read mode all editable Native OS text fields look editable. You can add an Input Enabled formula with @IsDocBeingEdited, but that only works if you refresh the document after modechange.
- Native OS type fields are much slower
- When disabled the background color is gray and the text color is a darker grey. Especially in Notes 6 (and 7??) clients it is hard to read.
It would be great to have the following changes:
- Display Native OS style fields as disabled when not editable (sound logical doesn't it??)
- Add properties to the field to select background and text color for the disabled state
- Having the option to show no border on disabled would also be great. 
- Fix the enabled/disabled changes on modechange event

Phil Riand has released a new version of the XPages Extension Library. He describes the new functionality in the release notes: << Many new fixes and enhancements to the library: - REST services: the parameters names of the View services ...
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Статьи и Документация

When the Notes Client is upgraded from a 6.5.x or 7.0.x build to Notes 8.5 Basic Configuration, the Universal, Editing, Address and Navigation Toolbars are de-selected.
How to bind the server controller to a specific IP address
IBM will host an Open Mic conference call with Lotus Development and Support Engineers on 13 April 2011. The topic will be "Domino Admin 101." The call will be geared toward new Notes and Domino administrators.
Unable to book the room if the site name contains special characters using find rooms option in the calendar
IBM will host an Open Mic conference call with Lotus Development and Support Engineers on 16 March 2011. The topic will be "All about Notes databases." Discussion points will include database in general, database design, ODS version compatibility, etc.
About language dictionaries There are two kinds of dictionaries available for Lotus Notes users traditional .dic dictionaries and Java XTAF dictionaries. In an English Lotus Notes installation, English and Canadian French traditional and XTAF dictionaries are installed. The English ...
If Lotus Notes is launched using the 'File -> Send to -> Mail' menu from Lotus Symphony, the new mail message with attachment will not be created.
What is the Domino language pack? A Domino Language pack is the translated version of the standard English version of the Domino templates. It includes the translated versions of standard Domino system templates, such as the Discussion and Mail templates, as well as certain binary files ...
IBM® Lotus® iNotesTM 8.5.2 introduces many new improvementsthe most notable of which is an improved look and performance for the compose message form. Beginning in version 8.5 of iNotes the new ultraAjax framework was introduced to the feature rich full mode. These framework updates included ...
Restricted/hidden Domino groups are added to Recent Contacts after a member of the group receives an email addressed to the Group. Consequently, type ahead finds the Group, which should be hidden from the user. The namespicker does not display the group as expected.
The IBM® Lotus Notes® Traveler client provides a simple, easytouse interface with a minimal number of additional configuration settings required. The client allows users to customize how they are notified when new data arrives. Depending on device capabilities, users can set the device to ...
This document contains information about IBM Lotus Notes Traveler APAR fixes by release. For the latest maintenance releases and download information see the Lotus Notes Traveler Recommended Maintenance page. Note: All Lotus Traveler maintenance is cumulative. All fixes in a release are ...
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