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Soft-Obzor Daily Digest! #11

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Soft-Obzor Daily Digest! #11

Дайджест дискуссионного листа Soft-Obzor от 2005-11-30.

Dead Disk Doctor 1.1

Программа для копирования файлов с поцарапанных дисков или других частично нечитаемых носителей.

Download | 1926 Kb | Freeware | Rus

Page2CHM 2.3

Программа для сохранения в браузере Opera веб-страниц в компактном формате *.CHM
Что нового:
[!] Исправлена ошибка с зависанием браузера Opera
[!] Исправлена ошибка с сохранением файлов аналогично Internet Explorer
[!] Исправлена ошибка с работой Page2CHM с Opera v8.02
[+] Добавлен плагин Scripter для использования с Page2CHM сторонних программ
[!] Исправлена ошибка "Размеры окна" в редакторе профиля для CHM
[+] Добавлено быстрое сохранение
[+] Добавлены горячие клавиши
[!] Исправлена ошибка с интегратором
[+] Добавлена возможность добавлять в html разметки
[!] Исправлены мелкие ошибки в интерфейсе

Download | 334 Kb | Freeware | Rus | OS: Windows 98/ME/NT/2K/XP

Download Master 4.41.939

Обновился популярный качальщик с очень большими возможностями.

Download | 2.1 Mb | Freeware | Rus

The Bat! Beta 3.63.05

Очередная бета-версия популярной почтовой программы.
Список изменений по сравнению с версией 3.62.14 (к сожалению, только на английском языке):
[-] (#0004175) Only a part of address book photo was printed
[-] (#0005312) Empty warning on saving attach instead of opening
[-] (#0005310) "account|change server password" was enabled when a common folder was selected
[-] (#0005310) account properties dialogue: checkboxes depending on "use multiple connections to IMAP" server option were not enabled/disabled as they should
[-] (#0005311) A visual glitch in Account properties dialogue
[-] Export and import of messages is now logged if the option "Verbose Logging" is ON the the account properties.
[-] Double click on message header was working only for the currently selected field
[-] (#0005323) Better working with scrollbars in treelist controls
[-] (#0005318) Message list Tab: Access Violation appears, when I close "Select folder..." dialog by Esc
[-] (#0005315) It is possible to set Virtual folder as destination for "Move the message to a folder" in Filtering system
[-] When deleting a certificate containing a private key and there exist another certificate containing the same key, The Bat! doesn't offer to delete the private key on the token.
[-] Files could not be extracted from signed messages
[-] (#0005301) password was asked twice on attempt of opening password-protected account with a "+" key
[-] (#0004603) AV Error when the last message was deleted from a filtered message list.
[-] (#0005307) set memo action was not updating displayed message lists
[-] (#0004732) Preview Pane: Attachment pane settings were not reflected in menus on start
[-] Strings for table buttons in HTML editor
[-] Adding deleted message to the POP server deletion queue could be omitted some times
[-] Message List: Group names weren't shown under Win9x
[-] With On-The-Fly encryption, if you change something in the interface (e.g. select different theme or move a toolbar) and exit the program, the change has been lost.
[-] When writing config to INI-files, relative path names weren't stored properly
[-] It was impossible to move out of the message header control using TAB key
[-] (#0005317) Changes in columnes of Chat folder are not saved
[-] (#0005336) Filter doesn't send auto-reply immediately
[-] Scheduler: bug in calculation of next time for some recurrence types
[-] Mail Ticker options weren't backuped.
[*] Splitting of large messages made faster
[*] Encoding of large attachments is now faster
[-] (#0005342) Incorrect background of group boxes which are not inside page control.
[-] IMAP: new queue
[-] IMAP: new list request
[*] (#0005335) %ABnnnFNAME(LNAME,MNAME) macros added to avoid confusion
[-] The Bat! didn't offer to restore from a backup archive on the first run after the installation
[-] Header settings (Main Menu|View|Message Headers) weren't backuped/restored.
[-] Message Ticker Settings weren't backuped/restored.
[-] Voyager did store Header settings (Main Menu|View|Message Headers) and Message Ticker Settings in the Windows Registry.
[-] (#0005375) Need some more width for labels
[-] The Bat! could draw very slowly long header lines, e.g. when subject could contain more than 2000 characters.
[-] (#0004084) Specials|Create filter was not working when a message was not loaded into preview pane
[-] Settings to open attachments (disabled file masks, etc) and editor header settings weren't stored properly in the Voyager.
[-] (#0005194) Time conditions in filters weren't stored after change
[-] (#0005378) TAB characters were not converted in the %TEXT macros
[-] Voyager did store XLT configuration in Registry.
[-] Custom tables in Options|Preferences|Character Sets (XLATs) are now backuped/restored.
[-] System hotkeys are now stored properly in the Voyager.
[*] Search now works must faster with non-encrypted messages

Download | 3865 Kb | Shareware | Rus | OS: Windows All

Total Commander 6.53 PowerPack 1.80

Файловый менеджер с набором лучших плагинов. Cостав Total Commander 6.53 PowerPack: Русский Total Commander 6.53 (файловый менеджер); TweakTC 6.03 SR-2 (настройка командера); AkelPad 2.1.5 (замена для блокнота); Плагины: Mmedia 2.46 (воспроизведение мультимедиа), Imagine (просмотр любых графических файлов), ListDOC 1.20 (просмотр файлов Word), Excellence 1.11 (просмотр файлов Excel), SWFView 1.21 (просмотр файлов Flash), MSIplus 0.5 (открытие всех установок Windows Installer), ISO 1.7.3 Beta 2 (работа с образами дисков), ArchView (отображение любой информации об архивах), CHMDir 0.4 Beta 6 (распаковка справок chm), ShellDetails 1.07 (информация о файлах), IEView 1.94a (уникальный просмотрщик файлов). Внешние архиваторы: подключаемые через MultiArc 1.13 (7-Zip 4.30, CAB 0.63, UHA 0.6b) и консольные (ACE 2.04 и RAR 3.51).

Download | 3444 Kb | Shareware (Full) | Rus | OS: Windows All

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Ведущий рассылки: Alexander Popov
Количество подписчиков: 940 (статистика)

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