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Английский без правил

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Английский без правил

Добрый день, друзья!

Техника диссонирования предельно проста. Неприятно, слегка коробит, а ты терпишь, не впадая в истерику. И вот - как прозрение - глубокое ощущение счастья. Здесь. Сейчас. В любой стране. В любом возрасте. И искать диссонансов специально не нужно: просто необходимо выполнять то, что положено. 

āmĕʹn (or ah-) int. & n. “so be it,” an exclamation expressed at the end of a prayer or hymn; recorded from Middle English through ecclesiastical Latin, from Greek, from Hebrew “truth, certainty”


It is over. What is over?

Nay, how much is over truly! —

Harvest days we toiled to sow for;

Now the sheaves are gathered newly,

Now the wheat is garnered duly.

It is finished. What is finished?

Much is finished known or unknown:

Lives are finished; time diminished;

Was the fallow field left unsown?

Will these buds be always unblown?

It suffices. What suffices?

All suffices reckoned rightly:

Spring shall bloom where now the ice is,

Roses make the bramble sightly,

And the quickening sun shine brightly,

And the latter wind blow lightly,

And my garden teem with spices.

~ Christina Rossetti (1830-1894), English poet

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