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Issue 4

Деловой английский без отрыва от дел!

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск No 3 (63)   ||      www.english-moscow.ru
(495) 680-66-73, 680-83-45, 507-87-09
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 10507


Russia's space sector expands in 2008 - RBC, 26.01.2009, Moscow 11:38:31.

Russia's space and rocket companies increased finished output by 12.6 percent to RUB 225bn (approx. USD 6.84bn) in 2008, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said during a meeting of the Russian Federal Space Agency's board. He noted that the sector saw a rise in production more than two times higher than that of the whole country. By the same token, labor productivity grew more than 13 percent in the space industry.

Earlier, the space agency announced that the state funding of Russia's private space sector amounted to $1.538bn in 2008, 11.6 times less than in the United States ($17.903bn). In Russia, however, the figure grew 14.78 percent in 2008 compared to the previous year, while decreasing 4.87 percent in the United States. Furthermore, Russia launched 43 space vehicles in 2008, while the United States launched 17, China 14, and both the European Space Agency and India 11 space vehicles each.


space - космический

finished output - готовая продукция

see - испытывать

times - раз (two times higher = в два раза выше)

by the same token - кроме того

state - государственный

launch - запускать

vehicle - летательный аппарат

space vehicle - космический корабль


Discounts and Fines

Rob: “Advertiser Jr.” Good morning. My name is Rob, how may I help you?
“Advertiser Jr.” Доброе утро. Меня зовут Роб, чем я могу Вам помочь?.

Marry: Hello. We would like to place advertising in your newspaper. Please, have the prices for advertising changed compared to the last year?
Здравствуйте. Мы хотели бы разместить рекламу в вашей газете. Скажите, изменились ли цены на рекламу по сравнению с прошлым годом?

R: No, currently the price is staying at the same level. If we sign a contract right now, it will remain the same for you even if it will be revised later.
Нет, на данный момент цены пока остаются на том же уровне. Если мы сейчас заключим договор, то эти цены для вас останутся даже если будут пересмотрены позже.

M: That's nice! Also what is the minimal area that we have to guarantee to use in order to sign the contract?
Это хорошо! А какова минимальная площадь, которую мы должны гарантированно использовать для заключения договора?

R: The contract is signed when using at least 500 cm2 a year.
Договор заключается при использовании минимум 500 кв.см в течении года.

M: What discounts are available when signing a contract?
А какие скидки предусмотрены при заключении договора?

R: When using from 500 to 1000 cm2, the discount is 10%, from 1000 to 2000 cm2 - 15%, for more than 2000 cm2 - 20%. However, if you do not use the whole area declared in the contract, you will be liable to pay a fine.
При использовании от 500 до 1000 кв.см скидки составляют 10%, от 1000 до 2000 кв.см - 15%, более 2000 кв.см - 20%. Но если вы не используете заявленную в договоре площадь, то будете обязаны заплатить штраф.

M: Alright, thanks for the information. You’ve been of great help. We will contact you tomorrow once we’ve had a chance to think about the offer.
Отлично, спасибо за информацию. Вы нам очень помогли. Мы свяжемся с вами завтра, когда обдумаем предложение.

R: Thank you for your interest. Have a great day.
Спасибо за то что заинтересовались нами. Отличного дня.

M: You too.
И Вам также.



advertising - Paid message communicated through the various media by industry, business firms, nonprofit organizations, or individuals. Advertising is designed to influence the purchasing behavior and/or thought patterns of the audience. (реклама, рекламная деятельность)

brandа) A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a manufacturer.
б) product line so identified (товарный знак)

product - Something produced by human or mechanical effort or by a natural process. (товар)

serviceа) Work done by one person that benefits another.
б) Type of business that sells assistance and expertise rather than a tangible product. For example, the field of management consulting is a service industry. (услуга)

competition - Rivalry in the marketplace. It tends to reward the more efficient producers and/or suppliers and so lead the economy toward efficient use of resources. (конкуренция)

perfect competition = pure competition - Market condition wherein no buyer or seller has the power to alter the market price of a good or service. Characteristics of a perfectly competitive market are a large number of buyers and sellers, a homogeneous (similar) good or service, an equal awareness of prices and volume, an absence of discrimination in buying and selling, total mobility of productive resources, and complete freedom of entry. (совершенная конкуренция)

monopolistic competition = imperfect competition - A type of competition within an industry where:
1. All firms produce similar yet not perfectly substitutable products.
2. All firms are able to enter the industry if the profits are attractive.
3. All firms are profit maximizers.
4. All firms have some market power, which means none are price takers.
In monopolistic competition production does not take place at the lowest possible cost. Because of this, firms are left with excess production capacity. (монополистическая конкуренция)


MNC : Multinational corporation
Многонациональная корпорация

NME: Non-market economy
Нерыночная экономика

OTC : Over-the-counter
Внебиржевый (на пример – рынок)

QTY : Quantity

Y2K : Year 2000
2000й год

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