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Issue 94

Деловой английский без отрыва от дел!

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 42 (158)   ||      www.english-moscow.ru
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Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 15945


Joint CO2 Reduction Effort Gets UN Nod - 19 October 2010.

The United Nations approved its first carbon-reduction joint implementation project in Russia under a new procedure after giving the go-ahead to an energy-efficient power plant by E.On, Germany's biggest utility.

The project, created under a UN Kyoto Protocol mechanism, will be located at the Shaturskaya thermal power plant near Moscow, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change said in a statement Monday. E.On said it wants to register two more projects in Russian power plants that will reduce carbon-dioxide emissions by a combined 4.3 million metric tons by 2012.



nod согласие, кивок
approve одобрять
carbon углерод
reduction уменьшение, сокращение
joint совместный
implementation осуществление, реализация
procedure метод
go-ahead разрешение или приказ к началу
power plant электростанция
utility коммунальное предприятие
thermal power plant теплоэлектростанция
emission выброс
combined в сумме


Getting Through

George: What's wrong, Pam?
Что случилось, Пэм?

Pam: I've lost my drivers lisence! I swear, I've looked everywhere by now.
Я потеряла свои права! Могу поклясться, я уже везде их искала.

G: Oh, is that what you were up to the whole morning?
А, так вот чем ты занималась всё утро?

P: Yes, I've been looking for hours. I can't find it. It's horrible.
Да, я их уже несколько часов ищу. И не могу найти. Ужас.

G: Are you sure you haven't left it in the car? Or at friends'? You were out last night.
Ты уверена что ты не оставила их в машине? Или у друзей? Тебя вчера вечером не было дома.

P: I already called Lucy, she says she can't find it at her house either. Oh, what should I do?
Я уже позвонила Люси, она говорит что и у себя дома тоже не может их найти. Что же мне делать?

G: Well, you'r in luck. I have an afternoon off. Do you want me to drive you to the DMV and you can get a new card. It's just 20$ and it takes an hour at most.
Ну, тебе повезло. Вторую половину дня я свободен. Хочешь, я отвезу тебя в отдел транспортных средств, и ты получишь новую карточку. Это стоит всего 20 долларов, и занимает от силы час.

P: But what if I find it later?
А что если я её потом найду?

G: You can't help that, can you? Besides, you always complained that your picture is ugly. This is your chance to get a new one.
Ну, тут ты ничего не изменишь. Кроме того, ты всегда жаловалась что у тебя там некрасивая фотография. Это твой шанс сделать новую.

P: I suppose. I do need the license, and I can't afford to wait for long and have people drive me all the time.
Наверное. Мне и правда нужны права, и я не могу долго ждать и заставлять людей постоянно подвозить меня.



insurance - an arrangement in which a company collects premiums from a person or organization and in return agrees to pay them a sum of money if they are involved in an accident, have something stolen, or cause harm or injury to others. The four main classes of insurance are accident, life, fire, and marine insurance. (страховка)

automobile insurance (= car insurance) – insurance against a car being stolen, or damage to it and other cars in an accident. (страхование автомобилей)

disability insurance – insurance against someone not being able to work through illness or an accident, often taken out by employers to cover their workers, especially in the US. (страхование от нетрудоспособности)

health insurance – insurance that will pay for someone's medical treatment if they are ill or injured, often taken out by employers for people who work for them, especially in the US. (страхование здоровья)

liability insurance – insurance against damage or injury caused by negligence. Professional people take out liability insurance to cover claims made against them by clients, and companies take it out to cover injury caused by their products, or negligence by people who work for them. (страхование ответственности)

unemployment insurance – in the US, insurance for people who lose their jobs. (страхвание по безработице)


sgd : signed

SGML : standard generalized mark-up language
стандартный обобщённый язык разметки

SIB : securities and investments board
совет по ценным бумагам и инвестициям

SIC : standard industrial classification
стандартная классификация отраслей США

SIG : special interest group
специальная группа (по какой-то проблеме)

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