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Управление софтверными проектами в Украине Have Fun with UML and Win a Laptop!

УАППО http://www.uaswd.org.ua/

Have Fun with UML and Win a Laptop!

Worldwide "UML Jokes" Contest Is Launched

International Software & Productivity Engineering Institute (INTSPEI) launched the Worldwide "UML Jokes" contest on October 2, 2007. The Grand Prize, a high performance laptop, will be presented to the person who sends in the funniest UML diagram. Other valuable prizes will also be awarded. The UML Jokes contest will explore the broad, expressive power of UML and raise community awareness of UML as an efficient modeling language.

The idea for the contest comes from previous experiments that explored the potential of human-computer synergy conducted by Vladimir L. Pavlov, INTSPEI Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer, starting in 2001. One segment of these experiments concerned software modeling with a very unusual restriction: the team of architects could only use UML language when designing a software system, even when communicating amongst themselves. Usage of any natural human languages was prohibited, so the team was forced to pantomime and converse with UML diagrams. Another experiment consisted of translation from UML to a human language and back to UML. As a result of these experiments new approaches in software development were discovered namely new modeling and validation methods.

INTSPEI offers sponsorship opportunities for the UML Jokes contest to companies who would like to promote their UML/modeling tools and services.

For further information visit: http://www.umljokes.com/

The International Software and Productivity Engineering Institute (http://www.intspei.com) is a multinational corporation with offices in New York and Kiev (Ukraine). It was incorporated in the first quarter of 2007 to develop and distribute advanced software engineering methodologies based on the original award-winning research conducted by its founders since 2001.

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