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Психотехники and English

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Психотехники and English

Психотехники and English

Илья Шальнов


10 October 20.00

Some questions about Internet discussions

1. Do you prefer emotionally touching deep topics or do you prefer neutral and safe talks not really touching your soul and mind? Do we come here to study English or to share our ideas?

2. Is Internet a proper place to have debates? Do you try to prove your point of view or do you prefer political correctness?

3. Do you feel comfortable when people try to teach you how to live? Does advice mean assault for you?

4. Do you always try to follow given topic or is it sometimes better to talk about everything what comes into your mind?

5. What can be a reason for a ban? When is it appropriate to say "if you don’t obey my rules I will ban you"?

6. Is it appropriate to interrupt the speaker? And what if he talks about things that are already clear and returns to the same things over and over again? What if he misinterprets your words?

7. Should there be the rule of two (three, four, five) minutes for each interlocutor? Should people talk by turn?

8. Should everybody have the same time or should active fellows who have what to say talk more?

Some questions about foreign languages

0. Why do you study foreign languages?

1. Is studying the foreign language a question of discipline for you? Do you force yourself? Do you try to coax yourself? Do you moderate yourself when you can't stop? Is the foreign language for you a job or a hobby?

2. Language is knowledge. It is grammar and lexis. Is it also phonetics for you or do you ignore this aspect? Are there other aspects?

3. Do you associate language with sport? What skills do you train? Speaking, reading, writing, listening? All of them? What about thinking? What about additional skills like translating, teaching, communicating, passing exams? Is the language for you like sport games or bodybuilding?

4. Is the language kind of sex or has it nothing to do with it? Are there some similarities? Can sex be substituted by languages?

5. Do you agree that language can be spiritual practice? Can it be a way to highest levels of existence? Can it be Yoga?

6. Language is war. Do you learn to speak to fight for the place under the Sun?

Помните, что чтение об эффективных способах работы
не может заменить самой работы!

Илья Шальнов

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