Кэп сделал глубокий вдох и оглядел свое заведение, затем подался вперед и поднял взгляд на приятеля:
— Сейчас я скажу тебе, Лэнс, чем мне не нравится твоя идея. Ты никогда не был особенно сообразительным, знаешь ли. Девки вечно вешались тебе на шею, поскольку думали, будто ты парень что надо. Но мозги — это не по твоей части.
— Спасибо, дружище.
«Девочка, которая любила Тома Гордона», Стивен Кинг
Посмотрела на расплющенный пакет с ленчем и решила, что не сможет заставить себя заглянуть вовнутрь, разобраться, в каком состоянии сандвич с тунцом и оставшиеся печенья «Туйнкиз». Зрелище-то будет печальное. Хорошо хоть она съела яйцо до того, как оно превратилось в яичный салат. В другой ситуации эта мысль вызвала бы у нее смех, но, вероятно, запасы смеха у Триши иссякли. Колодец со смехом, который ее мать считала бездонным, временно пересох.
Тема: Прямая и косвенная речь (продолжение)
6(e) ‘Last month?’ said Pat. Her eyes met Bert’s, found no reflection there of what she was thinking – probably against her will, Alice believed; and, so as not to meet Alice’s, lowered themselves to the business of eating one golden crisp fatty chip after another. This was not the first time Alice had caught (f) suggestions that Jasper liked being bound over – needed the edge it put on life. (g) She said apologetically, ‘Well, he has
had to be careful so long, watching every tiny little thing he does, I suppose…’ She was examining Bert (h) who, she knew, could tell her what she needed to know about the arrest. Jasper was arrested, but Bert not; that in itself…
7Pat pushed over some chips, and Alice primly ate one or two, thinking about cholesterol.
8(j) ‘How many did they arrest?’
9(k) ‘Seven. Three we didn’t know. But the others were John, Clarissa and Charlie. And Jasper.’
10(l) ‘None of the trade union comrades?’
11(m) No.’
12 A silence.
13 Then (n) Bert, ‘They have been fining people twenty-five pounds.’
14(p) Alice said automatically, ‘Then probably Jasper will get fifty pounds.’
15(q) ‘He thought twenty-five. I gave him twenty so he’d have enough.’
16 Alice, who had been about to get up, ready to leave, ® said quickly, ‘He doesn’t want me down there? Why not? What did he say?’
17(s) Pat said, carefully, ‘(t) He asked me to tell you not to come down.’
18(u) ‘But I’ve always been there when he’s been arrested. Always. I’ve been in court every time.’
19(v) ‘That’s what he said, ‘said Bert. ‘(w) Tell Alice not to bother.’
Задание.1. Переведите тексты.
«The Partner» John Grisham
“Everybody wants this guy alive. Think about it. Everybody. Feds. The lawyers. The cops. The guy whose money got stolen. Everybody. Except, of course, that fleabag who lets you live in her house. She needs him dead. If you pull this, and somehow knock him off, the cops go straight to her. She, of course, will be completely innocent because you'll be there to take the fall. That's what little stud puppies are for. He's dead. She keeps the money, which you
and I know is the only thing that matters to her, and you go back to Parchman because you've got a record, remember? For the rest of your life. She won't even write you.”
2)Chronology of Personal Computers
(month unknown)
At the National Association of Music Manufacturers convention, a group of electronic music companies agree to establish a set of digital transmission standards for electronic music. (A year later, MIDI is born.) [629.25]
An insurance company contracts with programmer Wilton Jones to create a PC word processing program that mimics Wang word processing. That program becomes MultiMate. [33]
MicroPro releases WordStar for PC-DOS. [1298.188]
Altos Computer Systems introduces Altos Net for connecting Altos computers via a network. [862.74]
Non-Linear Systems shows the prototype Kaypro 5, with 5 MB hard drive. [885.216]
Vector Graphic introduces the Vector 4 system, leaving them with US$3 million in stock of the Vector 3 system. [202.213]
Grid Systems ships the GridCase microcomputer. [1058.131]
Andrew Fluegelman begins distributing his PC-Talk communications software, the first copyrighted program distributed as shareware. [315.32]
Robert Lissner begins work on Apple Pie, which would be marketed by Apple Computer as AppleWorks for the Apple II. [218]
The Businessland computer retail store chain is founded. [34] [734.202]
Jack Tramiel resigns from Commodore International, but later takes his position back. [349.30]
John Warnock and Charles Geschke founds Adobe Systems. [346.146] [1299.385]
Altos Computer Systems introduces the Altos 586-20 multi-user computer. It features an Intel 8086, 512 kB RAM, 14-inch green monitor with 80x24 text and graphics, 1 MB 5.25-inch disk drive, 19 MB hard drive, six serial ports, and runs XENIX, MP/M-86 or Pick operating system. [880.112]
3)«The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon» Stephen King
Trisha sat on the bank of the little stream, which was less than three feet across here, and disconsolately ate potato chips, first out of the burst chip-bag and then plucking them off her lunch-sack and finally dredging the smallest fragments out of the bottom of her pack. A big bug droned past her nose and she cringed from it, crying out and raising a hand to protect her face, but it was only a horsefly.
At last, moving as wearily as a woman of sixty after a hard day's work (she felt like a woman of sixty after a hard day's work), Trisha replaced everything in her pack—even the shattered Gameboy went back in—and stood up.
2. Для начинающих
Тема: Словообразование
tele- употребляется для образования новых слов, которые указывают на удалённость предмета либо на действия, происходящие на расстоянии. Например, telephone «телефон» - это устройство, передающее звук на большое расстояние, обеспечивая возможность общения, а telecommunications «связь; техника связи» - это технология, позволяющая посылать сигналы и сообщения
на большие расстояния путём использования специальных электрических устройств.
Список слов с данным значением:
telecommunications – связь; техника связи
telecommuter – надомный работник, профессиональный надомник (сотрудник, работающий вне офиса и связывающийся с ним по сети)
telegram – телеграмма
telegraph – телеграф
telepathy – телепатия
telephone – телефон
telephoto – фотоснимок, сделанный телеобъективом
teleprinter – телетайп
telescope – телескоп
televise – передавать (смотреть) телевизионную программу, показывать по телевидению
television – телевидение
Обратите внимание, чтоtele- употребляется также в качестве сокращённой формы слов telephone«телефон» и television «телевидение». Например, telesales означает «продажа товаров по телефону», а telecast - «телевизионное вещание».
Список слов с данным значением:
telecast – телевизионноевещание
telesales – продажа товаров по телефону
teletext – телетекст, вещательная видеография
theo- употребляется для образования новых слов, значение которых определяется словом god «Бог». Например, theocracy «теократия» - это общество, которым управляет священник – ставленник Бога, аtheologian «теолог, богослов» обозначает человека, изучающего божественную природу и отношения между Богом
и людьми.
Список слов с данным значением:
theocracy – теократия
theological – теологический
theology – теология
theosophy - теософия
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