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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих :: OzLand 15

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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих

The Marvelous Land of Oztby L. Frank Baum

Chapter 15. The Prisoners ['prIz(q)nqz] (узники) of the Queen

Approaching [q'prquCIN] (приблизившись к) the gateway of the Emerald City the travelers found it guarded ['gRdId] (охраняемые) by two girls of the Army of Revolt, who opposed [q'pquzd] (мешали) their entrance ['entrqns] (входу) by drawing ['drLIN] (вынув) the knitting-needles from their hair and threatening ['TretnIN] (угрожая) to prod [prPd] (пронзить) the first that came near.

But the Tin Woodman was not afraid.

"At the worst [wE:st] (в худшем случае) they can but scratch ['skrxC] (поцарапать) my beautiful nickel-plate [pleIt] (пластину)," he said. "But there will be no 'worst,' for I think I can manage ['mxnIG] (удастся) to frighten [fraItn] (напугать) these absurd [qb'sE:d] (нелепых) soldiers very easily. Follow me closely ['klqusli] (близко), all of you!"

Then, swinging ['swININ] (размахивая) his axe in a great circle [sE:kl] (кругу) to right and left before him, he advanced [qd'vRnst] (двинулся) upon the gate, and the others followed him without hesitation ["hezI'teISn] (колебания).

The girls, who had expected [Ik'spektId] (ожидали) no resistance [rI'zIstqns] (сопротивления) whatever, were terrified ['terIfaId] (пришли в ужас) by the sweep [swJp] (взмахом) of the glittering ['glItqrIN] (сверкающего) axe and fled [fled] (побежали) screaming ['skrJmIN] (пронительно крича) into the city; so that our travelers passed the gates in safety ['seIftI] (целости и сохранности) and marched down the green marble pavement ['peIvmqnt] (мостовой) of the wide street [stri:t] (улицы) toward the royal palace.

"At this rate [reIt] (если так пойдет и дальше) we will soon have your Majesty upon the throne again," said the Tin Woodman, laughing at his easy conquest ['kPNkwest] (победу) of the guards [gRdz] (стражей).

"Thank you, friend Nick," returned the Scarecrow, gratefully ['greItf(q)li] (с благодарностью). "Nothing can resist [rI'zIst] (устоять против) your kind heart and your sharp axe."

As they passed the rows [rquz] (ряды) of houses they saw through the open doors that men were sweeping ['swJpIN] (подметали) and dusting ['dAstIN] (стирали пыль) and washing ['wPSIN] (мыли) dishes ['dISIz] (посуду), while the women sat around in groups [grHps], gossiping ['gPsIpIN] (болтая) and laughing.

"What has happened?" the Scarecrow asked a sad [sxd] (грустного)-looking man with a bushy ['buSi] (густой) beard [bIqd] (бородой), who wore an apron ['eIprqn] (фартук) and was wheeling ['wJlIN] (вез) a baby ['beIbI]-carriage ['kxrIG] (коляску) along the sidewalk ['saIdwLk] (тротуару).

"Why, we've had a revolution ["revq'lu:Sqn], your Majesty as you ought to know very well," replied the man; "and since you went away the women have been running things to suit [sjHt] themselves (как им заблагорассудится). I'm glad you have decided to come back and restore [rIs'tL] (восстановить) order, for doing ['dHIN] (заниматься) housework ['hauswE:k] (работой по дому) and minding ['maIndIN] (заниматься с) the children is wearing ['weqrIN] out (истощает) the strength [streNT] (силу) of every man in the Emerald City."

"Hm!" said the Scarecrow, thoughtfully ['TLtf(q)li] (задумчиво). "If it is such hard work as you say, how did the women manage ['mxnIG] (справлялись) it so easily?"

"I really do not know" replied the man, with a deep sigh. "Perhaps the women are made of castiron ['kRst'aIqn] (чугуна)."

No movement ['mu:vmqnt] (движение) was made, as they passed along the street [stri:t] (улице), to oppose [q'pquz] (помешать) their progress ['prqugrqs] (продвижению). Several of the women stopped their gossip ['gPsIp] (болтать) long enough to cast curious looks ['luks] (взгляды) upon our friends, but immediately they would turn away with a laugh [lRf] (смешком) or a sneer [snIq] (ухмылкой) and resume [rI'zju:m] (возобновляли) their chatter ['Cxtq] (болтовню). And when they met with several girls belonging [bI'lPNIN] (принадлежавшими) to the Army of Revolt, those soldiers, instead of being alarmed [q'lRmd] (встревоженными) or appearing [q'pIqrIN] (казаться) surprised, merely stepped out of the way and allowed [q'laud] (позволяли) them to advance [qd'vRns] (продвигаться) without protest ['prqutest].

This action ['xkS(q)n] (действите) rendered ['rendqd] (сделало) the Scarecrow uneasy.

"I'm afraid we are walking into a trap [trxp] (ловушку)," said he.

"Nonsense ['nPnsqns] (чепуха)!" returned Nick Chopper, confidently ['kPnfIdqntli] (уверенно); "the silly ['sIli] (глупые) creatures ['krJtSqz] (создания) are conquered already!"

But the Scarecrow shook his head in a way that expressed [Iks'prest] (выражал) doubt [daut] (сомнение), and Tip said:

"It's too easy, altogether [Lltq'geDq] (всё). Look out for trouble ['trAb(q)l] (беды) ahead [q'hed] (впереди)."

"I will," returned his Majesty. Unopposed ["Anq'pquzd] (беспрепятственно) they reached the royal palace and marched up the marble steps, which had once been thickly ['TIkli] (густо) crusted ['krAstId] (покрыты) with emeralds ['em(q)rqld] (изумрудами) but were now filled with tiny holes [hqulz] (дырочками) where the jewels had been ruthlessly ['rHTlqsli] (безжалостно) torn [tLn] (выдраны) from their settings ['setINz] (оправы) by the Army of Revolt. And so far not a rebel ['rebl] (повстанец) barred [bRd] (преграждал) their way.

Through the arched [RCt ] (аркообразные) hallways ['hLlweIz] (коридоры) and into the magnificent [mxg'nIfIsnt] (величественный) throne room marched the Tin Woodman and his followers ['fPlquqz] (спутники), and here, when the green silken ['sIlkqn] (шелковый) curtains [kE:tnz] (занавес) fell behind them, they saw a curious sight.

Seated ['sJtId] (усевшись) within the glittering ['glItqrIN] (сверкающем) throne was General Jinjur, with the Scarecrow's second-best crown upon her head, and the royal sceptre ['sqptq] (скипетром) in her right hand. A box of caramels ['kxrqmelz], from which she was eating, rested in her lap [lxp] (коленях), and the girl seemed entirely at ease [Jz] (совершенно спокойно) in her royal surroundings [sq'raundINz] (окружении).

The Scarecrow stepped forward and confronted [kqn'frAntId] (встал напротив) her, while the Tin Woodman leaned [lJnd] (оперся) upon his axe and the others formed [fLmd] (образовали) a half-circle [sE:kl] (круг) back of his Majesty's person.

"How dare [deq] (смеешь) you sit [sIt] (сидеть) in my throne?" demanded the Scarecrow, sternly ['stE:nlI] (сурово) eyeing ['aIIN] (смотря на) the intruder [In'trHdq] (самозванца). "Don't you know you are guilty ['gIltI] (виновна) of treason ['trJzn] (измене), and that there is a law [lL] (закон) against treason ['trJzn] (измены)?"

"The throne belongs [bI'lPNz] (принадлежит) to whoever [hH'evq] (любому кто) is able to take it," answered Jinjur, as she slowly ate [et ] (ела) another caramel ['kxrqmel]. "I have taken it, as you see; so just now I am the Queen, and all who oppose [q'pquz] (противостоят) me are guilty ['gIltI] (виновны) of treason ['trJzn] (измене), and must be punished ['pAnISt] (наказаны) by the law [lL] (закону) you have just mentioned ['menS(q)nd] (упомянул)."

This view of the case [keIs] (дело) puzzled the Scarecrow.

"How is it, friend Nick?" he asked, turning to the Tin Woodman.

"Why, when it comes [kAmz] (речь идет) to Law [lL] (Законе), I have nothing to, say" answered that personage. "for laws [lLz] (законы) were never meant [ment] (предназначены) to be understood ["Andq'stud] (пониматься), and it is foolish ['fHlIS] (глупо) to make the attempt [q'tempt] (попытку)."

"Then what shall we do?" asked the Scarecrow, in dismay [dIs'meI] (с тревогой).

"Why don't you marry ['mxri] (жениться на) the Queen? And then you can both rule," suggested the Woggle-Bug.

Jinjur glared [gleqd] (бросила взгляд) at the insect fiercely ['fIqsli] (свирепый).

"Why don't you send her back to her mother ['mADq], where she belongs [bI'lPNz] (где ей место)?" asked Jack Pumpkinhead.

Jinjur frowned [fraund] (нахмурилась).

"Why don't you shut her up in a closet ['klPzIt] (чулане) until she behaves [bI'heIvz] herself (начнет вести себя как следует), and promises ['prPmIsIz] (пообещает) to be good?" enquired Tip. Jinjur's lip [lIp] (губы) curled [kE:ld] (скривились) scornfully ['skLnfqli] (в презрительной усмешке) .

"Or give her a good shaking ['SeIkIN] (встряску)!" added the Saw-Horse.

"No," said the Tin Woodman, "we must treat [trJt] (обращаться с) the poor girl with gentleness ['GentlnIs] (добротой). Let us give her all the Jewels she can carry, and send her away happy ['hxpi] (счастливой) and contented [kqn'tentId] (довольной)."

At this Queen Jinjur laughed [lRft] (засмеялась) aloud [q'laud] (громко), and the next minute ['mInIt] clapped [klxpt] (хлопнула в) her pretty hands together thrice [TraIs] (трижды), as if for a signal ['sIgnql].

"You are very absurd [qb'sE:d] (глупые) creatures ['krJtSqz] (создания)," said she; "but I am tired of your nonsense ['nPnsqns] (чепухи) and have no time to bother ['bPDq] (заниматься) with you longer."

While the monarch and his friends listened in amazement to this impudent ['Impjudqnt] (дерзкую) speech, a startling ['stRtlIN] (удивительная) thing happened. The Tin Woodman's axe was snatched [snxCt] (вырван) from his grasp [grRsp] (рук) by some person behind him, and he found himself disarmed [dIs'Rmd] (обезаруженным) and helpless ['helplIs] (беспомощным). At the same instant a shout [Saut] (раскат) of laughter ['lRftq] (смеха) rang [rxN] (зазвенел) in the ears of the devoted [dI'vqutId] () band [bxnd] (группы), and turning to see whence [wens] (откуда) this came they found themselves surrounded by the Army of Revolt, the girls bearing ['beqrIN] (держали) in either hand their glistening ['glIs(q)nIN] (сверкающие) knitting-needles. The entire throne room seemed to be filled with the rebels ['reblz] (повстанцами), and the Scarecrow and his comrades ['kPmrIdz] (друзья) realized ['rIqlaIzd] (поняли) that they were prisoners ['prIz(q)nqz] (узниками).

"You see how foolish ['fHlIS] (глупо) it is to oppose [q'pquz] (выступать против) a woman's wit [wIt] (ума)," said Jinjur, gaily ['geIlI] (весело); "and this event [I'vent] (событие) only proves [prHvz] (доказывает) that I am more fit (подходящая) to rule the Emerald City than a Scarecrow. I bear [beq] (желаю) you no ill will (зла), I assure [q'Suq] (уверяю) you; but lest [lest] (чтобы не) you should prove troublesome ['trAblsqm] (причинили проблемы) to me in the future ['fjHCq] (будущем) I shall order you all to be destroyed [dIs'trOId] (уничтожены). That is, all except [Ik'sept] (кроме) the boy, who belongs [bI'lPNz] (принадлежит) to old Mombi and must be restored to her keeping ['kJpIN] (возвращен в ее владение). The rest of you are not human ['hju:mqn] (люди), and therefore it will not be wicked to demolish [dI'mPlIS] (уничтожить) you. The Saw-Horse and the Pumpkinhead's body I will have chopped [CPpt] up (изрублены) for kindlingwood ['kIndlIN'wud] (растопку); and the pumpkin shall be made into tarts [tQ:ts] (пироги). The Scarecrow will do nicely ['naIsli] (хорошо) to start a bonfire ['bPn"faIq] (костер), and the tin man can be cut into small pieces and fed [fed] (скормлен) to the goats [gquts] (козлам). As for this immense [I'mqns] (огромного) Woggle-Bug -- "

"Highly Magnified, if you please!" interrupted ["Intq'rAptId] (прервал) the insect.

"I think I will ask the cook [kuk] (повара) to make green-turtle ['tE:tl] (черепаший) soup [su:p] of you," continued the Queen, reflectively [rI'flektIvli] (задумчиво).

The Woggle-Bug shuddered ['SAdqd] (содрогнулся).

"Or, if that won't do, we might use you for a Hungarian [hAN'geqrIqn] (венгерский) goulash ['gu:lxS], stewed [stjHd] (тушеный) and highly spiced [spaIst] (приправленный пряностями)," she added, cruelly ['krHqli] (безжалостно).

This programme ['prqugrxm] of extermination [Iks"tE:mI'neISqn] (уничтожения) was so terrible that the prisoners ['prIz(q)nqz] (пленники) looked upon one another in a panic ['pxnIk] of fear. The Scarecrow alone [q'lqun] (один) did not give way to despair [dIs'peq] (отчаянию). He stood quietly ['kwaIqtli] (спокойно) before the Queen and his brow [brau] (брови) was wrinkled [rINk(q)ld] (сморщены) in deep thought as he strove [strquv] (пытался) to find some means to escape (способ совершить побег).

While thus engaged [In'geIGd] (поглощенный размышлениями) he felt the straw within his breast [brest] (груди) move [mHv] (двигается) gently ['Gentli] (слегка). At once his expression changed [CeInGd] (сменилось) from sadness ['sxdnIs] (грусти) to joy [GOI] (радость), and raising [reIzIN] (подняв) his hand he quickly unbuttoned [An'bAtnd] (расстегнул) the front of his jacket.

This action ['xkS(q)n] (действие) did not pass [pQ:s] (не прошло) unnoticed ['An'nqutIst] (незамеченным) by the crowd [kraud] (толпой) of girls clustering ['klAstqrIN] (столпившихся) about him, but none of them suspected [sqs'pektId] (догадывалась) what he was doing until a tiny grey mouse leaped [lJpt] (выскочила) from his bosom ['buzqm] (груди) to the floor and scampered ['skxmpqd] (побежала стремглав) away between the feet of the Army of Revolt. Another mouse quickly followed; then another and another, in rapid ['rxpId] (быстрой) succession [sqk'seSqn] (последовательностью). And suddenly such a scream [skrJm] (крик) of terror ['terq] (ужаса) went up from the Army that it might easily have filled the stoutest ['stautIst] (смелое) heart with consternation ["kPnstE:'neISqn] (ужасом). The flight (отступление) that ensued [In'sjHd] (последовало) turned to a stampede [stxm'pi:d] (паническое бегство) , and the stampede [stxm'pi:d] to a panic ['pxnIk].

For while the startled mice rushed wildly [waIldlI] (дико) about the room the Scarecrow had only time to note a whirl [wE:l] (кружение) of skirts [skE:ts] (юбок) and a twinkling ['twINk(q)lIN] (мерцание) of feet as the girls disappeared from the palace -- pushing ['puSIN] (толкаясь) and crowding ['kraudIN] (налетая) one another in their mad [mxd] (безумных) efforts ['efqts] (попытках) to escape.

The Queen, at the first alarm [q'lRm] (тревоге), stood up on the cushions (подушках) of the throne and began to dance [dRns] frantically ['frxntIkli] (безумно) upon her tiptoes ['tIptquz] (кончиках пальцев). Then a mouse ran up the cushions, and with a terrified ['terIfaId] () leap [lJp] (прыжком) poor Jinjur shot [SPt] (бросилась) clear [klIq] (прямо) over the head of the Scarecrow and escaped through an archway ['RCweI] (проход под аркой) -- never pausing ['pLzIN] (останавливаясь) in her wild [waIld] (диком) career [kq'rIq] until she had reached the city gates.

So, in less time than I can explain, the throne room was deserted [dI'zE:tId] (покинут) by all save the Scarecrow and his friends, and the Woggle-Bug heaved [hJvd] (издал) a deep sigh of relief [rI'li:f] (облегчения) as he exclaimed:

"Thank goodness ['gudnIs] (слава богу), we are saved!"

"For a time, yes;" answered the Tin Woodman. "But the enemy ['enImI] (враг) will soon return, I fear."

"Let us bar [bR] (забаррикадируем) all the entrances ['entrqnsIz] (входы) to the palace!" said the Scarecrow. "Then we shall have time to think what is best to be done."

So all except [Ik'sept] (кроме) Jack Pumpkinhead, who was still tied [taId] (привязан) fast to the Saw-Horse, ran to the various ['veqrIqs] (различным) entrances ['entrqnsIz] (входам) of the royal palace and closed [klquzd] (закрыли) the heavy doors, bolting ['bqultIN] (запирая на засов) and locking ['lPkIN] (запирая на ключ) them securely [sI'kjuqli] (надежно). Then, knowing ['nquIN] (зная) that the Army of Revolt could not batter ['bxtq]  down (снесет) the barriers ['bxriqz] in several days, the adventurers gathered ['gxDqd] (собрались) once more in the throne room for a council ['kaunsl] (совета) of war.

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