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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих :: OzLand - 17

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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих

The Marvelous Land of Oztby L. Frank Baum

Chapter 17. The Astonishing [q'stPnISIN] (удивительный) Flight (полет) of the Gump

When the adventurers reassembled ["rJq'semb(q)ld] (вновь собрались) upon the roof it was found that a remarkably [rI'mRkqbli] (необыкновенно) queer assortment [q'sLtmqnt] (набор) of articles ['RtIk(q)ls] (предметов) had been selected by the various ['veqrIqs] (различными) members ['membqz] (участниками) of the party. No one seemed to have a very clear idea of what was required (требовалось), but all had brought something.

The Woggle-Bug had taken from its position over the mantle ['mxntl]-piece (каминной доской) in the great hallway ['hLlweI] (коридоре) the head of a Gump, which was adorned [q'dLnd] (украшена) with wide-spreading ['spredIN] (расставленными) antlers ['xntlqz] (рогами); and this, with great care and greater difficulty, the insect had carried up the stairs [steqz] (лестнице) to the roof. This Gump resembled [rI'zembld] (был похож на) an Elk's (лося) head, only the nose turned upward in a saucy ['sLsi] (дерзкой) manner and there were whiskers (борода) upon its chin [CIn] (подбородке), like those of a billy-goat ['bIlI-gqut] (козла). Why the Woggle-Bug selected this article ['RtIkl] (предмет) he could not have explained, except [Ik'sept] (помимо того) that it had aroused [q'rauzd] (возбудил) his curiosity [kjuqrI'Ps(I)tI] (любопытство).

Tip, with the aid [eId] (помощью) of the Saw-Horse, had brought a large, upholstered [Ap'hqulstq] (обитую) sofa to the roof. It was an oldfashioned ['quld'fxSqnd] (старомодный) piece of furniture ['fE:nICq] (мебели), with high back and ends, and it was so heavy that even by resting ['restIN] (положив) the greatest ['greItIst] (самый большой) weight [weIt] (вес) upon the back of the Saw-Horse, the boy found himself out of breath when at last the clumsy ['klAmzi] (громоздкая) sofa was dumped ['dAmpt] (свалена) upon the roof.

The Pumpkinhead had brought a broom [brHm] (метлу), which was the first thing he saw. The Scarecrow arrived [q'raIvd] (прибыл) with a coil [kOIl] (бухтой) of clothes-lines [laInz] (бельевых веревок) and ropes [rqups] (канатами) which he had taken from the courtyard (внутреннего двора), and in his trip [trIp] (подъема) up the stairs [steqz] (лестнице) he had become so entangled [In'txNg(q)ld] (запутался) in the loose [lu:s] (свободных) ends of the ropes [rqups] (канатов) that both he and his burden ['bE:dn] (ноша) tumbled ['tAmb(q)ld] (свалились) in a heap [hJp] (кучу) upon the roof and might have rolled off if Tip had not rescued ['reskjHd] (спас) him.

The Tin Woodman appeared [q'pIqd] (появился) last. He also had been to the courtyard (внутреннем дворе), where he had cut four great, spreading ['spredIN] () leaves from a huge ['hjHdZ] (огромной) palm [pRm]-tree that was the pride of all the inhabitants [In'hxbItqnts] (жителей) of the Emerald City.

"My dear Nick!" exclaimed the Scarecrow, seeing what his friend had done; "you have been guilty ['gIltI] (виновен) of the greatest ['greItIst] (величайшем) crime [kraIm] (преступлении) any person can commit [kq'mIt] (совершить) in the Emerald City. If I remember rightly ['raItlI] (верно), the penalty ['penltI] (наказание) for chopping ['CPpIN] (срубание) leaves from the royal palm [pRm]-tree is to be killed seven times [taImz] (раз) and afterward imprisoned [Im'prIznd] (заключен в тюрьму) for life."

"It cannot be helped [helpt] (ничего не поделаешь) now" answered the Tin Woodman, throwing down the big leaves upon the roof. "But it may be one more reason why it is necessary ['nesIsqrI] (необходимо) for us to escape. And now let us see what you have found for me to work with."

Many were the doubtful ['dautf(q)l] (полные сомнения) looks ['luks] (взгляды) cast upon the heap [hJp] (кучу) of miscellaneous ["mIsI'leInjqs] (ранообразного) material [mq'tI(q)rIql] that now cluttered ['klAtqd] (загромождал) the roof, and finally the Scarecrow shook his head and remarked:

"Well, if friend Nick can manufacture ["mxnju'fxkCq] (изготовить), from this mess [mes] (кучи) of rubbish ['rAbIS] (мусора), a Thing that will fly through the air and carry us to safety ['seIftI] (безопасность), then I will acknowledge [qk'nPlIG] (признаю) him to be a better mechanic [mI'kxnIk] than I suspected [sqs'pektId] (думал)."

But the Tin Woodman seemed at first by no means sure (совершенно не уверен) of his powers ['pauqz] (силах), and only after polishing ['pPlISIN] (полирования) his forehead vigorously ['vIgqrqsli] (усердно) with the chamois ['Sxmi] (замша) -leather ['leDq] (кожа) did he resolve [rI'zPlv] (решился) to undertake ["Andq'teIk] (взяться за) the task [tQ:sk] (дело).

"The first thing required for the machine [mq'Si:n]," said he, "is a body big enough to carry the entire party. This sofa is the biggest thing we have, and might be used for a body. But, should the machine [mq'Si:n] ever tip sideways ['saIdweIz] (накренится), we would all slide [slaId] off (соскользнем) and fall to the ground."

"Why not use two sofas?" asked Tip. "There's another one just like this down stairs [steqz] (внизу)."

"That is a very sensible ['sensqbl] (разумное) suggestion [sq'GesCqn] (предложение)," exclaimed the Tin Woodman. "You must fetch [feC] (принести) the other sofa at once."

So Tip and the Saw-Horse managed, with much labor ['leIbq] (трудом), to get the second sofa to the roof; and when the two were placed together, edge [eG] (край) to edge, the backs and ends formed [fLmd] (образовали) a protecting [prq'tektIN] (защитный) rampart ['rxmpRt] (вал) all around the seats [sJts] (сидений).

"Excellent!" cried the Scarecrow. "We can ride within this snug [snAg] (уютном) nest (гнездышке) quite at our ease [Jz] (удобно)."

The two sofas were now bound firmly together with ropes [rqups] (канатами) and clothes-lines [laInz] (бельевыми веревками), and then Nick Chopper fastened (прикрепил) the Gump's head to one end.

"That will show which is the front end of the Thing," said he, greatly pleased with the idea." And, really, if you examine [Ig'zxmIn] (осмотрите) it critically ['krItIkli], the Gump looks ['luks] (выглядит) very well as a figure ['fIgq]-head (носовое украшение). These great palm [pRm]-leaves, for which I have endangered [In'deInGqd] (подверг опасности) my life seven times [taImz] (раз), must serve [sE:v] (послужить) us as wings (крылья)."

"Are they strong enough?" asked the boy.

"They are as strong as anything we can get," answered the Woodman; "and although they are not in proportion [prq'pLSqn] to the Thing's body, we are not in a position to be very particular [pq'tIkjulq] (привередливыми)."

So he fastened (прикрепил) the palm [pRm]-leaves to the sofas, two on each side.

Said the Woggle-Bug, with considerable [kqn'sIdqrqbl] (большим) admiration ["xdmq'reISqn] (восхищением):

"The Thing is now complete (готова), and only needs [nJdz] (необходимо) to be brought to life."

"Stop a moment!" exclaimed Jack." Are you not going to use my broom [brHm] (метлу)?"

"What for?" asked the Scarecrow.

"Why, it can be fastened to the back end for a tail (хвост)," answered the Pumpkinhead. "Surely you would not call the Thing complete (готовой, завершенной) without a tail."

"Hm!" said the Tin Woodman, "I do not see the use of a tail. We are not trying to copy a beast, or a fish, or a bird. All we ask of the Thing is to carry us through the air.

"Perhaps, after the Thing is brought to life, it can use a tail to steer [stIq] (управлять) with," suggested the Scarecrow. "For if it flies [flaIz] (полетит) through the air it will not be unlike ['An'laIk] (непохожей на) a bird, and I've noticed that all birds have tails [teIlz] (хвосты), which they use for a rudder ['rAdq] (руль) while flying."

"Very well," answered Nick, "the broom [brHm] (метла) shall be used for a tail," and he fastened it firmly to the back end of the sofa body.

Tip took the pepper-box from his pocket.

"The Thing looks ['luks] (выглядит) very big," said he, anxiously; "and I am not sure there is enough powder left to bring all of it to life. But I'll make it go as far as possible."

"Put most on the wings," said Nick Chopper; "for they must be made as strong as possible."

"And don't forget [fq'get] (забудь) the head!" exclaimed the Woggle-Bug.

"Or the tail!" added Jack Pumpkinhead.

"Do be quiet," said Tip, nervously ['nE:vqsli]; "you must give me a chance [CRns] to work the magic charm (заклинание) in the proper ['prPpq] (правильным) manner."

Very carefully he began sprinkling ['sprINklIN] (посыпать) the Thing with the precious (драгоценным) powder. Each of the four wings was first lightly ['laItli] (слегка) covered with a layer ['leIq] (слоем). then the sofas were sprinkled ['sprINk(q)ld] (посыпаны), and the broom [brHm] (метла) given a slight [slaIt] (небольшой) coating ['kqutIN] (слой).

"The head! The head! Don't, I beg of you, forget [fq'get] (забудь о) the head!" cried the Woggle-Bug, excitedly [Ik'saItIdli] (взволнованно).

"There's only a little of the powder left," announced Tip, looking within the box." And it seems to me it is more important [Im'pLtqnt] (важно) to bring the legs of the sofas to life than the head."

"Not so," decided the Scarecrow. "Every thing must have a head to direct [dI'rekt] (направлять) it; and since this creature is to fly, and not walk, it is really unimportant ['AnIm'pLt(q)nt] (неважно) whether its legs are alive or not."

So Tip abided [a'baIdId] (подчинился) by this decision [dI'sIZqn] (решению) and sprinkled ['sprINk(q)ld] (посыпал) the Gump's head with the remainder [rI'meIndq] (остатками) of the powder.

"Now" said he, "keep silence while I work the charm (заклинание)!"

Having heard old Mombi pronounce [prq'nauns] (произносила) the magic words, and having also succeeded [sqk'sJdId] (совершив удачную попытку) in bringing the Saw-Horse to life, Tip did not hesitate ['hezIteIt] (колебался) an instant in speaking the three cabalistic ["kxbq'lIstIk] words, each accompanied [q'kAmpqnId] (сопровождаемое) by the peculiar [pI'kjHliq] (особым) gesture ['GesCq] (жестом) of the hands.

It was a grave [greIv] (серьезная) and impressive [Im'presIv] (впечатляющая) ceremony ['serImqnI].

As he finished ['fInISt] (закончил) the incantation ["Inkxn'teISqn] (заклинание) the Thing shuddered ['SAdqd] (вздрогнула) throughout [TrH'aut] (всем) its huge ['hjHdZ] (огромным) bulk [bAlk] (корпусом), the Gump gave the screeching ['skrJCIN] (хриплый) cry that is familiar [fq'mIljq] (свойствен) to those animals ['xnIm(q)lz] (животным), and then the four wings began flopping ['flPpIN] (хлопать) furiously ['fju(q)riqsli] (неистово).

Tip managed to grasp [grRsp] (схватиться за) a chimney ['CImnI] (трубу), else he would have been blown [blqun] (был бы сдут) off the roof by the terrible breeze [brJz] (ветром) raised [reIzd] (поднятым) by the wings. The Scarecrow, being light in weight [weIt] (вес), was caught up bodily ['bPdIlI] (целиком) and borne [bLn] (поднят) through the air until Tip luckily ['lAkIli] (к счастью) seized [sJzd] (схватил) him by one leg and held him fast (крепко). The Woggle-Bug lay flat [flxt] (плашмя) upon the roof and so escaped harm [hRm] (вреда), and the Tin Woodman, whose weight [weIt] (вес) of tin anchored ['xNkqd ] (закрепил) him firmly, threw [TrH] (схватил) both arms around Jack Pumpkinhead and managed to save him. The Saw-Horse toppled ['tPp(q)ld] (опрокинулся) over upon his back and lay with his legs waving helplessly ['helplIsli] (беспомощно) above him.

And now, while all were struggling ['strAglIN] (пытались) to recover [rI'kAvq] themselves (встать на ноги), the Thing rose slowly from the roof and mounted ['mauntId] (поднялась) into the air.

"Here! Come back!" cried Tip, in a frightened voice, as he clung [klAN] (держался) to the chimney ['CImnI] (трубу) with one hand and the Scarecrow with the other. "Come back at once, I command you!"

It was now that the wisdom ['wIzdqm] (мудрость) of the Scarecrow, in bringing the head of the Thing to life instead of the legs, was proved beyond [bI'jPnd] (вне) a doubt [daut] (сомнения). For the Gump, already high in the air, turned its head at Tip's command and gradually ['grxGuqli] (постепенно) circled ['sE:k(q)ld] (стал кружить) around until it could view the roof of the palace.

"Come back!" shouted the boy, again.

And the Gump obeyed [qu'beId] (послушался), slowly and gracefully ['greIsf(q)li] (грациозно) waving its four wings in the air until the Thing had settled [setld] (села) once more upon the roof and become still (неподвижной).

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