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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих:: OzLand 21

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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих

The Marvelous Land of Oztby L. Frank Baum

Chapter 21. The Tin-Woodman Plucks [plAks] (срывает) a Rose

The Army of Glinda the Good looked very grand [grxnd] (величественной) and imposing [Im'pquzIN] (внушительной) when it assembled [q'sembld] (собралась) at daybreak ['deIbreIk] (рассвете) before the palace gates. The uniforms ['jHnIfLmz] of the girl soldiers were pretty and of gay [geI] (весёлых) colors ['kAlqz] (тонов), and their silver-tipped [tIpt] (с серебряными наконечниками) spears [spIqz] (копья) were bright and glistening ['glIs(q)nIN] (блестящие), the long shafts [SRfts] (древки) being inlaid ['In'leId] (инкрустированы) with mother-of-pearl [pE:l] (перламутром). All the officers ['PfIsqz] wore sharp, gleaming ['glJmIN] (блестящие) swords [sLdz] (мечи), and shields [SJldz] (щиты) edged [eGd] (обрамленные) with peacockfeathers ['pJkPk'feDqz] (павлиньими перьями); and it really seemed that no foe [fqu] (враг) could by any possibility ["pPsq'bIlItI] (возможность) defeat [dI'fi:t] (победить) such a brilliant ['brIljqnt] (блестящую, выдающуюся) army.

The Sorceress rode in a beautiful palanquin ["pxlqn'kJn] which was like the body of a coach [kqVC] (кареты), having doors and windows with silken ['sIlkqn] (шёлковыми) curtains [kE:tnz] (занавесками); but instead of wheels [wJlz] (колёс), which a coach [kqVC] (карета) has, the palanquin ["pxlqn'kJn] rested upon two long, horizontal ["hPrI'zPntl] bars [bRz] (брусьях), which were borne [bLn] (несли) upon the shoulders ['Squldqz] (плечах) of twelve [twelv] (двенадцать) servants ['sE:vqnts] (слуг).

The Scarecrow and his comrades ['kPmrIdz] (товарищи) decided to ride in the Gump, in order to keep up (чтобы не отставать) with the swift [swIft] (быстрым) march of the army; so, as soon as Glinda had started and her soldiers had marched away to the inspiring [In'spaIqrIN] (воодушевляющие) strains [streInz] (мелодии) of music ['mju:zIk] played [pleId] (которую играл) by the royal band [bxnd] (оркестр), our friends climbed into the sofas and followed. The Gump flew along slowly at a point [pOInt] (точке) directly [dI'rektlI] (прямо) over the palanquin ["pxlqn'kJn] in which rode the Sorceress.

"Be careful," said the Tin Woodman to the Scarecrow, who was leaning ['lJnIN] (наклонился) far over the side to look at the army below. "You might fall."

"It wouldn't matter," remarked the educated Woggle-Bug. "he can't get broke [brquk] (игра слов: broke - нищий; сломанный (устар.)) so long as he is stuffed with money."

"Didn't I ask you" began Tip, in a reproachful [rI'prquCf(q)l] (укоризненным) voice.

"You did!" said the Woggle-Bug, promptly ['prPmtli] (незамедлительно). "And I beg your pardon ['pRdn] (прошу прощения). I will really try to restrain [rIs'treIn] (сдерживать) myself."

"You'd better," declared the boy. "That is, if you wish to travel in our company."

"Ah! I couldn't bear [beq] (вынести) to part (расстаться) with you now," murmured ['mE:mqd] (прошептал) the Insect, feelingly ['fi:lINlI] (с чувством); so Tip let the subject ['sAbGIkt] (тему) drop [drPp] (оставил).

The army moved steadily ['stedili] (неуклонно) on, but night had fallen ['fLlqn] (наступила) before they came to the walls of the Emerald City. By the dim [dIm] (тусклом) light of the new moon [mHn] (луны), however, Glinda's forces ['fLsIz] (войска) silently ['saIlqntli] (бесшумно) surrounded the city and pitched [pICt] (разбили) their tents [tents] (палатки) of scarlet ['skRlIt] (алого) silk upon the greensward ['grJnswLd] (дёрне). The tent of the Sorceress was larger than the others, and was composed [kqm'pquzd] (была сделана) of pure [pjuq] (чистого) white silk, with scarlet banners ['bxnqz] (флагами) flying above it. A tent was also pitched [pICt] (разбита) for the Scarecrow's party; and when these preparations ["prepq'reIS(q)nz] (приготовления) had been made, with military ['mIlItqrI] (военной) precision [prI'sIZqn] (точностью) and quickness ['kwIknIs] (скоростью), the army retired [rI'taIqd] (удалилась) to rest.

Great was the amazement of Queen Jinjur next morning when her soldiers came running to inform [In'fLm] her of the vast [vRst] (огромной) army surrounding [sq'raundIN] (окружившей) them. She at once climbed to a high tower ['tauq] (башню) of the royal palace and saw banners ['bxnqz] (знамёна) waving in every direction and the great white tent of Glinda standing directly [dI'rektlI] (прямо) before the gates.

"We are surely lost!" cried Jinjur, in despair [dIs'peq] (отчаянии); "for how can our knittingneedles ['nItIN'nJd(q)lz] (вязальные спицы) avail [q'veIl] (быть полезными) against the long spears [spIqz] (копий) and terrible swords [sLdz] (мечей) of our foes [fquz] (врагов)?"

"The best thing we can do," said one of the girls, "is to surrender [sq'rendq] (сдаться) as quickly as possible, before we get hurt."

"Not so," returned Jinjur, more bravely ['breIvli] (храбро). "The enemy ['enImI] (враг) is still outside the walls, so we must try to gain [geIn] (выиграть) time by engaging [In'geIGIN] (завязав) them in parley ['pRlI] (переговоры). Go you with a flag [flxg] of truce [trHs] (перемирия) to Glinda and ask her why she has dared [deqd] (осмелилась) to invade [In'veId] (вторгнуться) my dominions [dq'mInjqnz] (владения), and what are her demands [dI'mRndz] (требования)."

So the girl passed through the gates, bearing ['beqrIN] (неся) a white flag [flxg] to show she was on a mission ['mIS(q)n] (миссией) of peace [pJs] (мира), and came to Glinda's tent. "Tell your Queen," said the Sorceress to the girl, "that she must deliver [dI'lIvq] up (выдать) to me old Mombi, to be my prisoner ['prIznq] (пленной). If this is done I will not molest [mqu'lest] (досаждать) her farther."

Now when this message ['mesIG] (сообщение) was delivered [dI'lIvqd] (доставлено) to the Queen it filled her with dismay [dIs'meI] (тревогой), for Mombi was her chief [CJf] (главный) counsellor ['kaunslq] (советчик), and Jinjur was terribly ['terqb(q)li] (ужасно) afraid of the old hag [hxg] (ведьмы). But she sent for Mombi, and told her what Glinda had said.

"I see trouble ['trAb(q)l] (беду) ahead [q'hed] (впереди) for all of us," muttered ['mAtqd] (пробормотала) the old witch, after glancing ['glRnsIN] (взглянув) into a magic mirror ['mIrq] (зеркало) she carried in her pocket. "But we may even yet escape by deceiving [dI'sJvIN] (обманув) this sorceress, clever as she thinks [TINks] (считает, думает) herself."

"Don't you think it will be safer ['seIfq] (более безопасно) for me to deliver [dI'lIvq] (выдать) you into her hands?" asked Jinjur, nervously ['nE:vqsli] (нервно).

"If you do, it will cost [kPst] (будет стоить) you the throne of the Emerald City!" answered the witch, positively ['pPzqtIvlI] (уверенно). "But if you will let me have my own way, I can save us both very easily."

"Then do as you please," replied Jinjur, "for it is so aristocratic ["xrIstq'krxtIk] to be a Queen that I do not wish to be obliged [q'blaIGd] (вынужденной) to return home again, to make beds and wash dishes ['dISIz] (посуду) for my mother."

So Mombi called Jellia Jamb [Gxm] to her, and performed [pq'fLmd] (исполнила) a certain magical rite [raIt] (обряд) with which she was familiar [fq'mIljq] (знакома). As a result [rI'zAlt] (в результате) of the enchantment [In'CRntmqnt] (заклинания) Jellia took on the form and features ['fi:Cqz] (черты лица) of Mombi, while the old witch grew to resemble [rI'zemb(q)l] (походить на) the girl so closely ['klqusli] (сильно) that it seemed impossible anyone could guess [ges] (догадаться об) the deception [dI'sepSqn] (обмане).

"Now," said old Mombi to the Queen, "let your soldiers deliver [dI'lIvq] up (выдают) this girl to Glinda. She will think she has the real Mombi in her power ['pauq] (власти), and so will return immediately to her own country in the South."

Therefore Jellia, hobbling ['hPblIN] along (ковыляя) like an aged ['eIGd] (пожилая) woman, was led from the city gates and taken before Glinda.

"Here is the person you demanded," said one of the guards [gRdz] (охранниц), "and our Queen now begs [begz] (просит) you will go away, as you promised ['prPmIst] (обещали), and leave us in peace [pJs] (покое)."

"That I will surely do," replied Glinda, much pleased; "if this is really the person she seems to be."

"It is certainly old Mombi," said the guard [gRd] (охранница), who believed [bI'li:vd] (полагала) she was speaking the truth; and then Jinjur's soldiers returned within the city's gates.

The Sorceress quickly summoned ['sAmqnd] (вызвала) the Scarecrow and his friends to her tent, and began to question the supposed [sq'pquzd] (мнимую) Mombi about the lost girl Ozma. But Jellia knew nothing at all of this affair [q'feq] (деле), and presently she grew so nervous ['nE:vqs] (нервной) under the questioning ['kwesC(q)nIN] (распросами) that she gave way and began to weep [wJp] (плакать), to Glinda's great astonishment [qs'tPnISmqnt] (удивлению).

"Here is some foolish ['fHlIS] (глупый) trickery ['trIkqrI] (обман)!" said the Sorceress, her eyes flashing ['flxSIN] (сверкали) with anger ['xNgq] (гневно). "This is not Mombi at all, but some other person who has been made to resemble [rI'zemb(q)l] (походила на) her! Tell me," she demanded, turning to the trembling ['tremb(q)lIN] (дрожащей) girl, "what is your name?"

This Jellia dared [deqd] not (не осмеливалась) tell, having been threatened with death by the witch if she confessed [kqn'fest] (признается в) the fraud [frLd] (обмане). But Glinda, sweet [swJt] (милая) and fair [feq] (прекрасная) though [Dqu] (какая бы) she was, understood ["Andq'stud] (понимала) magic better than any other person in the Land of Oz. So, by uttering ['AtqrIN] (произнеся) a few potent ['pqutqnt] (мощных) words and making a peculiar [pI'kjHliq] (особый) gesture ['GesCq] (жест), she quickly transformed the girl into her proper ['prPpq] (истинное) shape [SeIp] (обличие), while at the same time old Mombi, far away in Jinjur's palace, suddenly resumed her own crooked [krukt] (горбатую) form and evil ['Jv(q)l] (злые) features ['fi:Cqz] (черты).

"Why, it's Jellia Jamb [Gxm]!" cried the Scarecrow, recognizing ['rekqgnaIzIN] (узнав) in the girl one of his old friends.

"It's our interpreter (переводчица)!" said the Pumpkinhead, smiling pleasantly.

Then Jellia was forced [fLst] (вынуждена) to tell of the trick Mombi had played [pleId] (разыграла) and she also begged [begd] (умоляла о) Glinda's protection [prq'tekSqn] (защите), which the Sorceress readily ['redIlI] (охотно) granted ['grRntId] (предоставила). But Glinda was now really angry, and sent word to Jinjur that the fraud [frLd] (обман) was discovered and she must deliver [dI'lIvq] up (выдать) the real Mombi or suffer ['sAfq] () terrible consequences ['kPnsIkwensIz] (последствия). Jinjur was prepared [prI'peqd] (готова) for this message ['mesIG] (сообщению), for the witch well understood ["Andq'stud] (поняла), when her natural ['nxCrql] (настоящая) form was thrust [TrAst] (вернулась) upon her, that Glinda had discovered her trickery ['trIkqrI] (трюк). But the wicked old creature had already thought up a new deception [dI'sepSqn] (обман), and had made Jinjur promise to carry it out. So the Queen said to Glinda's messenger ['mesIndZq] (посыльному):

"Tell your mistress ['mIstrIs] (хозяйку) that I cannot find Mombi anywhere ['enIweq] (нигде), but that Glinda is welcome ['welkqm] (может свободно) to enter ['entq] (войти в) the city and search herself for the old woman. She may also bring her friends with her, if she likes ['laIks] (захочет); but if she does not find Mombi by sundown ['sAndaun] (заката), the Sorceress must promise to go away peaceably ['pJsqbli] (с миром) and bother ['bPDq] (не беспокоить) us no more."

Glinda agreed to these terms [tE:mz] (условия), well knowing ['nquIN] (зная) that Mombi was somewhere ['sAmweq] (где-то) within the city walls. So Jinjur caused the gates to be thrown [Trqun] open (приказала распахнуть ворота), and Glinda marched in at the head of a company of soldiers, followed by the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, while Jack Pumpkinhead rode astride [qs'traId] (верхом на) the Saw-Horse, and the Educated, Highly Magnified Woggle-Bug sauntered ['sLntqd] (шёл) behind in a dignified ['dIgnIfaId] (величавой) manner. Tip walked by the side of the Sorceress, for Glinda had conceived [kqn'sJvd] (почувствовала) a great liking ['laIkIN] (симпатию) for the boy.

Of course old Mombi had no intention [In'tenS(q)n] (намерения) of being found by Glinda; so, while her enemies ['enImiz] (враги) were marching ['mRCIN] (двигались) up the street [stri:t] (улице), the witch transformed herself into a red rose growing ['grquIN] (растущую) upon a bush [buS] (кусте) in the garden ['gRdn] (саду) of the palace. It was a clever idea, and a trick Glinda did not suspect; so several precious hours [auqz] (часов) were spent [spent] (проведены) in a vain [veIn] (тщетных) search for Mombi.

As sundown ['sAndaun] (закат) approached [q'prquCt] (приближался) the Sorceress realized ['rIqlaIzd] (поняла) she had been defeated [dI'fJtId] (потерпела поражение) by the superior [sH'pI(q)rIq] (огромной) cunning ['kAnIN] (хитрости) of the aged ['eIGd] (старой) witch; so she gave the command to her people to march out of the city and back to their tents [tents] (палаткам).

The Scarecrow and his comrades ['kPmrIdz] (товарищи) happened to be searching ['sE:CIN] (искали) in the garden ['gRdn] (саду) of the palace just then, and they turned with disappointment ["dIsq'pOIntmqnt] (разочарованием) to obey [qu'beI] (подчиниться) Glinda's command. But before they left the garden ['gRdn] the Tin Woodman, who was fond [fPnd] (любил) of flowers, chanced [CRnst] (случайно) to espy [Is'paI] (заметил) a big red rose growing upon a bush [buS] (кусте); so he plucked ['plAkt] (сорвал) the flower and fastened it securely [sI'kjuqli] (надёжно) in the tin buttonhole ['bAtnhqul] (бутоньерке) of his tin bosom ['buzqm] (груди).

As he did this he fancied ['fxnsId] (показалось, что) he heard a low moan [mqun] (стон) proceed [prq'si:d] (исходил) from the rose; but he paid no attention to the sound [saund] (звук), and Mombi was thus carried out of the city and into Glinda's camp [kxmp] (лагерь) without anyone having a suspicion [sq'spIS(q)n] (подозрение) that they had succeeded [sqk'sJdId] (они удачно завершили) in their quest [kwest] (поиски).

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