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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих :: OzLand 14

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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих

The Marvelous Land of Oztby L. Frank Baum

Chapter 14. Old Mombi indulges [In'dAlGIz] (занимается) in Witchcraft ['wICkrRft] (колдовством)

They soon discovered that the Saw-Horse limped [lImpt] (хромал), for his new leg was a trifle ['traIfl] (чуток) too long. So they were obliged [q'blaIGd] (вынуждены) to halt [hLlt] (сделать привал) while the Tin Woodman chopped [CPpt] it down (подрубил) with his axe, after which the wooden steed [sti:d] (конь) paced [peIst] (шел) along more comfortably ['kAmftqb(q)li, 'kAmfqt-] (уверенно). But the Saw-Horse was not entirely satisfied ['sxtIsfaId] (удовлетворен), even yet.

"It was a shame [SeIm] (жаль) that I broke [brquk] (сломал) my other leg!" it growled [grauld] (ворчал).

"On the contrary ['kPntrqrI] (напротив)," airily ['eqrIlI ] (беззаботно) remarked the Woggle-Bug, who was walking alongside [q'lPN'saId] (рядом), "you should consider [kqn'sIdq] (рассматривать) the accident ['xksId(q)nt] (несчастный случай) most fortunate ['fLtSnIt] (удачный). For a horse is never of much use until he has been broken  (пока не объезжен - игра слов: broken = сломан, а также объезжен)."

"I beg your pardon ['pRdn] (извините)," said Tip, rather provoked [prq'vqukt] (сердито), for he felt a warm [wLm] (зд. живой) interest in both the Saw-Horse and his man Jack; "but permit [pq'mIt] (позвольте) me to say that your joke [dZquk] (шутка) is a poor one, and as old as it is poor."

"Still, it is a Joke [dZquk] (шутка)," declared the Woggle-Bug; firmly, "and a Joke derived [dI'raIvd] (происходящая) from a play [pleI] (игры) upon words is considered among educated people to be eminently ['emInqntli] (в высшей степени) proper ['prPpq] (пристойной)."

"What does that mean?" enquired the Pumpkinhead, stupidly [stjH'pIdIti] (с глупым видом).

"It means, my dear friend," explained the Woggle-Bug, "that our language contains [kqn'teInz] (содержит) many words having a double ['dAbl] (двойное) meaning ['mJnIN] (значение); and that to pronounce [prq'nauns] (произнесение) a joke [dZquk] (шутки) that allows [q'lauz] (позволяет) both meanings ['mJnINz] (значения) of a certain word, proves [prHvz] (доказывает) the joker ['Gqukq] (шутник) a person of culture ['kAlCq] (культурный) and refinement [rI'faInmqnt] (утонченный), who has, moreover [mL'rquvq] (более того), a thorough ['TArq] (полное) command of the language."

"I don't believe that," said Tip, plainly; "anybody ['enIbPdI] (любой) can make a pun [pAn] (каламбур)."

"Not so," rejoined ["rJ'GOInd] (возразил) the Woggle-Bug, stiffly ['stIfli] (холодно). "It requires [rI'kwaIqz] (требует) education of a high order (высшего порядка). Are you educated, young sir [sE:] (сэр)?"

"Not especially," admitted [qd'mItId] (признался) Tip.

"Then you cannot judge ['GAG] (судить о) the matter. I myself am Thoroughly Educated, and I say that puns [pAnz] (каламбуры) display [dIs'pleI] (свидетельствуют о) genius ['GJniqs] (гениальности) . For instance ['Instqns] (к примеру), were I to ride upon this SawHorse, he would not only be an animal he would become an equipage ['ekwIpIG]. For he would then be a horse-and-buggy ['bAgI] (кабриолет - игра слов buggy - кабриолет, а также кишащий клопами)."

At this the Scarecrow gave a gasp [gRsp] (замер) and the Tin Woodman stopped short and looked reproachfully [rI'prquCf(q)li] (укоризненно) at the Woggle-Bug. At the same time the Saw-Horse loudly ['laudli] (громко) snorted ['snLtId] (фыркнул) his derision [dI'rIZ(q)n] (осмеяние); and even the Pumpkinhead put up his hand to hide [haId] (скрыть) the smile which, because it was carved upon his face, he could not change [CeInG] (сменить) to a frown [fraun] (выражение неодобрения).

But the Woggle-Bug strutted ['strAtId] (шел с важным видом) along as if he had made some brilliant ['brIljqnt] (умное) remark [rI'mRk] (замечание), and the Scarecrow was obliged [q'blaIGd] (вынужден) to say:

"I have heard, my dear friend, that a person can become over-educated; and although I have a high respect [rI'spekt] (уважение) for brains, no matter how they may be arranged [q'reInGd] (организованы) or classified ['klxsIfaId] (классифицированы), I begin to suspect that yours [jLz] (твои) are slightly tangled [txNgld] (запутаны). In any event [I'vent] (случае), I must beg you to restrain [rIs'treIn] (сдерживать) your superior [sH'pI(q)rIq] (превосходное) education while in our society [sq'saIqtI] (обществе)."

"We are not very particular [pq'tIkjulq] (требовательные)," added the Tin Woodman; "and we are exceedingly [Ik'si:dINlI] (чрезвычайно) kind hearted ['hQ:tId] (добросердечные). But if your superior [sH'pI(q)rIq] (превосходная) culture ['kAlCq]gets [gets] (начнет) leaky ['li:kI] (протекать) again -- " He did not complete the sentence ['sentqns] (предложение), but he twirled [twE:ld] (повертел) his gleaming ['glJmIN] (блестящим) axe so carelessly ['keqlIsli] (небрежно) that the Woggle-Bug looked frightened, and shrank [SrxNk]away (отошел) to a safe [seIf] (безопасное) distance.

The others marched on in silence, and the Highly Magnified one, after a period ['pIqrIqd] of deep thought, said in an humble ['hAmbl] (покорным) voice:

"I will endeavor [In'devq] (постараюсь) to restrain [rIs'treIn] (сдерживать) myself."

"That is all we can expect [Ik'spekt] (ожидать)," returned the Scarecrow pleasantly; and good nature ['neICq] (дух) being thus happily ['hxpIlI] (счастливым образом) restored (восстановлен) to the party, they proceeded [prq'sJdId] (продолжили) upon their way.

When they again stopped to allow [q'lau] (позволить) Tip to rest -- the boy being the only one that seemed to tire [taIq] (уставать) -- the Tin Woodman noticed many small, round holes [hqulz] (норок) in the grassy ['grQ:sI] (покрытом травой) meadow ['medqu] (лугу) .

"This must be a village ['vIlIG] (деревня) of the Field Mice," he said to the Scarecrow." I wonder if my old friend, the Queen of the Mice, is in this neighborhood ['neIbqhud] (местности)."

"If she is, she may be of great service [sE:vIs] (be of ~ - быть полезной) to us," answered the Scarecrow, who was impressed [Im'prest] (поражен) by a sudden ['sAdn] (внезапной) thought. "See if you can call her, my dear Nick."

So the Tin Woodman blew [blH] (дунул) a shrill [SrIl] (пронзительную) note upon a silver whistle ['wIsl] (свистке) that hung around his neck, and presently a tiny grey  mouse popped [pPpt] (выскочила) from a near-by hole and advanced [qd'vRnst] (двинулась) fearlessly ['fIqlqsli] (бесстрашно) toward them. For the Tin Woodman had once saved her life, and the Queen of the Field Mice knew he was to be trusted ['trAstId] (доверять)."

"Good day, your Majesty, said Nick, politely addressing [q'dresIN] (обращаясь) the mouse; "I trust [trAst] (полагаю) you are enjoying [In'GOIIN] (находитесь в) good health [helT] (здравии)?"

"Thank you, I am quite well," answered the Queen, demurely [dI'mjuqli] (скромно), as she sat up and displayed [dI'spleId] (показала) the tiny golden crown upon her head. "Can I do anything to assist [q'sIst] (помочь) my old friends?"

"You can, indeed," replied the Scarecrow, eagerly ['Jgqli] (горячо). "Let me, I intreat [In'trJt] (прошу) you, take a dozen [dAzn] (дюжину) of your subjects ['sAbGIkts] (подданных) with me to the Emerald City."

"Will they be injured in any way?" asked the Queen, doubtfully ['dautf(q)lI] (с сомнением).

"I think not," replied the Scarecrow. "I will carry them hidden [hIdn] (спрятанными) in the straw which stuffs [stAfs] (набивает) my body, and when I give them the signal ['sIgnql] by unbuttoning ["An'bAt(q)nIN] (расстегнув) my jacket, they have only to rush [rAS]  out (выскочить) and scamper ['skxmpq] (нестить) home again as fast as they can. By doing ['dHIN] (сделав) this they will assist [q'sIst] (помогут) me to regain [rI'geIn] (вернуть) my throne, which the Army of Revolt has taken from me."

"In that case [keIs] (случае)," said the Queen, "I will not refuse [rI'fju:z] (не откажу) your request [rI'kwest] (просьбе). Whenever [wen'evq] (когда) you are ready, I will call twelve [twelv] (двенадцать) of my most intelligent [In'telIGqnt] (умных) subjects ['sAbGIkts] (подданных)."

"I am ready now" returned the Scarecrow. Then he lay flat [flxt] (улегся) upon the ground and unbuttoned [An'bAtnd] (расстегнул) his jacket, displaying [dIs'pleIN] (показав) the mass [mxs] of straw with which he was stuffed.

The Queen uttered ['Atqd] (издала) a little piping ['paIpIN] (пискливый) call, and in an instant a dozen [dAzn] (дюжина) pretty field mice had emerged [I'mE:Gd] (появилась) from their holes [hqulz] (норок) and stood before their ruler, awaiting [q'weItIN] (ожидая) her orders ['Ldqz] (приказы).

What the Queen said to them none of our travelers could understand, for it was in the mouse language; but the field mice obeyed [qu'beId] (повиновались) without hesitation ["hezI'teISn] (колебания), running one after the other to the Scarecrow and hiding ['haIdIN] (пряча) themselves in the straw of his breast [brest] (груди).

When all of the twelve [twelv] (двенадцать) mice had thus concealed [kqn'sJld] (спрятали) themselves, the Scarecrow buttoned [bAtnd] (застегнул) his Jacket securely [sI'kjuqli] (надежно) and then arose [q'rquz] (встал) and thanked [TxNkt] (поблагодарил) the Queen for her kindness ['kaIndnIs] (доброту).

"One thing more you might do to serve [sE:v] (быть полезной) us," suggested the Tin Woodman; "and that is to run ahead [q'hed] (впереди) and show [Squ] (показывать) us the way to the Emerald City. For some enemy ['enImI] (враг) is evidently ['evIdqntli] (очевидно) trying to prevent [prI'vent] (не дать) us from reaching ['rJtSIN] (добраться до) it."

"I will do that gladly ['glxdli] (с удовольствием)," returned the Queen. "Are you ready?"

The Tin Woodman looked at Tip.

"I'm rested," said the boy. "Let us start."

Then they resumed their journey, the little grey Queen of the Field Mice running swiftly ahead [q'hed] (впереди) and then pausing ['pLzIN] (останавливаясь) until the travelers drew near, when away she would dart [dRt] (мчалась) again.

Without this unerring ['An'E:rIN] (верного) guide [gaId] (гида) the Scarecrow and his comrades ['kPmrIdz] (товарищи) might never have gained [geInd] (никогда не добрались бы до) the Emerald City; for many were the obstacles ['Pbstqk(q)lz] (препятствия) thrown [Trqun] (брошенные) in their way by the arts [Rts] (хитростями) of old Mombi. Yet not one of the obstacles ['Pbstqk(q)lz] (препятствие) really existed [Ig'zIstId] (существовало) -- all were cleverly ['klevqli] (ловко) contrived [kqn'traIvd] (придуманные) deceptions [dI'sepS(q)nz] (хитрости). For when they came to the banks [bxNks] (берега) of a rushing ['rASIN] (стремительной) river that threatened to bar [bR] (преградить) their way the little Queen kept steadily ['stedili] (неуклонно, твердо) on, passing ['pRsIN] (проходя) through the seeming ['sJmIN] (кажущийся) flood [flAd] (поток) in safety ['seIftI] (безопасности); and our travelers followed her without encountering [In'kauntqrIN] (не встретив ни) a single ['sINgl] (одной) drop [drPp] (капли) of water.

Again, a high wall of granite ['grxnIt]  towered ['tauqd] (возвышалась) high above their heads and opposed [q'pquzd] (препятствовала) their advance [qd'vRns] (продвижению). But the grey Field Mouse walked straight through it, and the others did the same, the wall melting ['meltIN] (растворилась) into mist [mIst] (туман) as they passed it.

Afterward, when they had stopped for a moment to allow [q'lau] (позволить) Tip to rest, they saw forty ['fLtI] (сорок) roads [rqudz] (дорог) branching ['brRnCIN] (разветвляющихся) off from their feet in forty ['fLtI] (сорока) different directions [dI'rekS(q)nz, daI-] (направлениях); and soon these forty roads began whirling ['wE:lIN] around (вращаться) like a mighty ['maItI] (громадное) wheel [wJl] (колесо), first in one direction and then in the other, completely [kqm'plJtlI] (совершенно) bewildering [bI'wIldqrIN] (застилая) their vision ['vIZqn] (взор).

But the Queen called for them to follow her and darted ['dRtId] (помчалась) off in a straight line [laIn] (линии); and when they had gone a few paces ['peIsIz] (шагов) the whirling ['wE:lIN] (вращающиеся) pathways ['pRTweIz] (тропинки) vanished ['vxnISt] (исчезли) and were seen no more.

Mombi's last trick was the most fearful ['fIqf(q)l] (страшный) of all. She sent a sheet [Si:t] (стену) of crackling ['krxklIN] (потрескивающего) flame [fleIm] (пламени) rushing ['rASIN] (летящую) over the meadow ['medqu] (луг) to consume [kqn'sju:m] (поглотить) them; and for the first time the Scarecrow became afraid and turned to fly.

"If that fire reaches ['rJCIz] (доберется до) me I will be gone in no time!" said he, trembling ['tremb(q)lIN] (дрожа) until his straw rattled [rxtld] (зашуршала). "It's the most dangerous ['deInG(q)rqs] (опасная) thing I ever encountered [In'kauntqd] (сталкивался)."

"I'm off, too!" cried the Saw-Horse, turning and prancing ['prRnsIN] (скачя) with agitation ["xGI'teIS(q)n] (волнении); "for my wood is so dry it would burn [bE:n] (сгорит) like kindlings ['kIndlINz] (лучины)."

"Is fire dangerous ['deInG(q)rqs] (опасен) to pumpkins?" asked Jack, fearfully ['fIqf(q)li] (с испугом).

"You'll be baked [beIkt] (сваришься) like a tart [tRt] (пирог) -- and so will I!" answered the Woggle-Bug, getting ['getIN] down (становясь) on all fours [fLz] (четыре лапы) so he could run the faster ['fRstq] (быстрее).

But the Tin Woodman, having no fear of fire, averted [q'vE:tId] (предотвратил) the stampede [stxm'pi:d] (паническое бегство) by a few sensible ['sensqbl] (разумными) words.

"Look at the Field Mouse!" he shouted. "The fire does not burn [bE:n] (жгет) her in the least (нисколько). In fact, it is no fire at all, but only a deception [dI'sepSqn] (обман)."

Indeed, to watch [wPC] (увидев, как) the little Queen march calmly through the advancing [qd'vRnsIN] (приближающееся) flames [fleImz] (пламя) restored (восстановило) courage to every member ['membq] (члене) of the party, and they followed her without being even scorched [skLCt] (не опалившись).

"This is surely a most extraordinary [Ik'strLd(q)n(q)ri] (удивительное) adventure [qd'venCq] (приключение)," said the Woggle-Bug, who was greatly amazed [q'meIzd] (поражен); "for it upsets [Ap'sets] (нарушает) all the Natural ['nxCrql] (естественные) Laws [lLz] (законы) that I heard Professor Nowitall teach [ti:C] (преподавал) in the school-house."

"Of course it does," said the Scarecrow, wisely ['waIzli] (с умным видом). "All magic is unnatural [An'nxCrql] (противоестественна), and for that reason is to be feared and avoided [q'vOIdId] (избегать). But I see before us the gates of the Emerald City, so I imagine [I'mxGIn] (полагаю) we have now overcome ["quvq'kAm] (преодолели) all the magical obstacles ['Pbstqk(q)lz] (препятствия) that seemed to oppose [q'pquz] (мешали) us."

Indeed, the walls of the City were plainly visible ['vIzqbl] (видны), and the Queen of the Field Mice, who had guided ['gaIdId] (указывала путь) them so faithfully ['feITfulI] (точно), came near to bid [bId] (сказать) them goodbye [gud'baI] (до свидания).

"We are very grateful ['greItf(q)l] (благодарны) to your Majesty for your kind assistance [q'sIstqns] (помощь)," said the Tin Woodman, bowing ['bauIN] (поклонившись) before the pretty creature.

"I am always pleased to be of service [sE:vIs] (полезной) to my friends," answered the Queen, and in a flash [flxS] (мгновение ока) she had darted ['dRtId] (помчалась) away upon her journey home.

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