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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих :: OzLand 18 (исправлено)

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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих

The Marvelous Land of Oztby L. Frank Baum

Chapter 18. In the Jackdaw's Nest

"This," said the Gump, in a squeaky ['skwi:kI] (пискливым) voice not at all proportioned [prq'pLS(q)nd] (не соответствующим [размеру]) to the size of its great body, "is the most novel ['nPvql] (новый) experience I ever heard of. The last thing I remember distinctly ['dIstINktli] (отчетливо) is walking through the forest and hearing ['hIqrIN] (услышал) a loud noise [nOIz] (шум). Something probably killed me then, and it certainly ought to have been (должен был придти) the end of me. Yet here I am, alive again, with four monstrous ['mPnstrqs] (чудовищными) wings and a body which I venture ['venCq] (осмелюсь) to say would make any respectable [rIs'pektqbl] (уважающее себя) animal or fowl [faul] (птицу) weep [wJp] (плакать) with shame [SeIm] (стыда) to own. What does it all mean? Am I a Gump, or am I a juggernaut ['GAgqnLt] (военный корабль)?" The creature, as it spoke, wiggled ['wIg(q)ld] (покачало) its chin [CIn] (подбородка) whiskers (усами) in a very comical ['kPmIk(q)l] manner.

"You're just a Thing," answered Tip, "with a Gump's head on it. And we have made you and brought you to life so that you may carry us through the air wherever [weqr'evq] (куда бы ни) we wish to go."

"Very good!" said the Thing. "As I am not a Gump, I cannot have a Gump's pride or independent ["IndI'pendqnt] (свободолюбивый) spirit ['spIrIt] (дух). So I may as well become your servant ['sE:vqnt] (слугой) as anything else. My only satisfaction [sxtIs'fxkSqn] (удовлетворение) is that I do not seem to have a very strong constitution ["kPnstI'tju:Sqn] (телосложение), and am not likely ['laIklI] (скорее всего не) to live long in a state [steIt] (положении) of slavery ['sleIvqrI] (рабства) ."

"Don't say that, I beg of you!" cried the Tin Woodman, whose excellent heart was strongly ['strPNli] (очень) affected [q'fektId ] (задет, тронут) by this sad [sxd] (грустной) speech." Are you not feeling ['fJlIN] (не чувствуешь) well today [tq'deI] (сегодня)?"

"Oh, as for that," returned the Gump, "it is my first day of existence; so I cannot judge ['GAG] (судить) whether I am feeling ['fJlIN] (чувствую себя) well or ill (плохо) ." And it waved [weIvd] (помахал) its broom [brHm] (метлой) tail to and fro [frqu] (туда-сюда) in a pensive ['pensIv] (задумчивой) manner.

"Come, come!" said the Scarecrow, kindly ['kaIndlI] (доброжелательно). "do try, to be more cheerful ['Ciqf(q)l] (веселым) and take life as you find it. We shall be kind masters ['mRstqz] (хозяевами), and will strive [straIv] (постараемся) to render ['rendq] (сделать) your existence (жизнь) as pleasant (приятной) as possible. Are you willing ['wIlIN] (готов) to carry us through the air wherever [weqr'evq] (куда бы ни) we wish to go?"

"Certainly," answered the Gump. "I greatly prefer to navigate ['nxvIgeIt] (лететь по) the air. For should I travel on the earth [E:T] (земле) and meet with one of my own species ['spi:Si:z] (вида), my embarrassment [Im'bxrqsmqnt] (смущение) would be something awful ['Lf(q)l] (ужасным)!"

"I can appreciate [q'prJSieIt] (понять) that," said the Tin Woodman, sympathetically ["sImpq'TetIkli] (сочувственно).

"And yet," continued the Thing, "when I carefully look you over, my masters ['mRstqz] (хозяева), none of you seems to be constructed [kqn'strAktId] (изготовлен) much more artistically ['RtIstIk(q)li] (искусно) than I am."

"Appearances [q'pIqrqnsIz] (внешний вид) are deceitful [dI'si:tf(q)l] (обманчив)," said the Woggle-Bug, earnestly ['E:nIstli] (серьезно). "I am both Highly Magnified (увеличенный) and Thoroughly Educated (хорошо образованный)."

"Indeed!" murmured ['mE:mqd] (прошептал) the Gump, indifferently [In'dIfrqntlI] (безразлично).

"And my brains are considered remarkably [rI'mRkqbli] (очень) rare [req] (редкими) specimens ['spesImInz] (образцами)," added the Scarecrow, proudly [praudli] (гордо).

"How strange!" remarked the Gump.

"Although I am of tin," said the Woodman, "I own a heart altogether [Lltq'geDq] (абсолютно) the warmest ['wLmIst] (самое теплое) and most admirable ['xdm(q)rqb(q)l] (замечательное) in the whole [hqul] (всем) world."

"I'm delighted (рад) to hear [hIq(r)] (слышать) it," replied the Gump, with a slight [slaIt] (легким) cough [kPf] (кашлем).

"My smile," said Jack Pumpkinhead, "is worthy ['wE:DI] (достойна) your best attention. It is always the same."

"Semper idem ['aIdem]," explained the Woggle-Bug, pompously ['pPmpqsli] (напыщенно); and the Gump turned to stare [steq] (посмотреть) at him.

"And I," declared the Saw-Horse, filling ['fIlIN] (заполняя) in an awkward pause, "am only remarkable [rI'mRkqbl] (замечательный) because I can't help it (не могу с этим ничего поделать)."

"I am proud, indeed, to meet with such exceptional [Ik'sepSqnl] (исключительными) masters ['mRstqz] (хозяевами) ," said the Gump, in a careless ['keqlIs] (небрежным) tone. "If I could but secure [sI'kjuq] (получить) so complete an introduction ["Intrq'dAkSqn] (представление) to myself, I would be more than satisfied ['sxtIsfaId] (удовлетворен)."

"That will come in time," remarked the Scarecrow. "To 'Know Thyself (себя)' is considered quite an accomplishment [q'kAmplISmqnt] (достижение), which it has taken us, who are your elders ['eldqz] (старшие), months [mAnTs] (месяцы) to perfect ['pE:fIkt] (совершить). But now," he added, turning to the others, "let us get aboard [q'bLd] (на борт) and start upon our journey."

"Where shall we go?" asked Tip, as he clambered ['klxmbqd] (вскарабкался) to a seat [sJt] (сидение) on the sofas and assisted [q'sIstId] (помог) the Pumpkinhead to follow him.

"In the South Country rules a very delightful [dI'laItf(q)l] (очаровательная) Queen called Glinda the Good, who I am sure will gladly ['glxdli] (с радостью) receive us," said the Scarecrow, getting ['getIN] (садясь в) into the Thing clumsily ['klAmzili] (неуклюже). "Let us go to her and ask her advice [qd'vaIs] (совет)."

"That is cleverly ['klevqli] (умно) thought of," declared Nick Chopper, giving ['gIvIN] (~ a boost - подсаживая) the Woggle-Bug a boost [bu:st] () and then toppling ['tPplIN] (повалив) the Saw-Horse into the rear [rIq] (задний) end of the cushioned ['kuS(q)nd] (с подушками) seats [sJts] (сидений) ." I know Glinda the Good, and believe she will prove a friend indeed."

"Are we all ready?" asked the boy.

"Yes," announced the Tin Woodman, seating ['sJtIN] himself (усаживаясь) beside the Scarecrow.

"Then," said Tip, addressing [q'dresIN] (обращаясь к) the Gump, "be kind enough to fly with us to the Southward ['sauTwqd] (Юг); and do not go higher ['haIq] (выше) than to escape (избежать) the houses and trees, for it makes [meIks] me dizzy ['dIzI] (вызывает головокружение) to be up so far."

"All right," answered the Gump, briefly ['brJfli] (коротко).

It flopped [flPpt] (взмахнул) its four huge ['hjHdZ] (огромными) wings and rose slowly into the air; and then, while our little band [bxnd] (группа) of adventurers clung [klAN] (вцепилась) to the backs [bxks] (спинки) and sides [saIdz] (бока) of the sofas for support [sq'pLt] (поддержки), the Gump turned toward the South and soared [sLd] (взмыл) swiftly and majestically [mq'GestIklI] (величаво) away.

"The scenic ['si:nIk] (живописный) effect [I'fekt], from this altitude ['xltItjHd ] (высоты), is marvelous," commented ['kPmqntId] the educated Woggle-Bug, as they rode along.

"Never mind (не обращайте внимания на) the scenery ['si:nqrI] (пейзаж)," said the Scarecrow. "Hold on tight [taIt] (крепко), or you may get a tumble ['tAmbl] (вывалиться). The Thing seems to rock (трястись) badly.'

"It will be dark soon," said Tip, observing [qb'zE:vIN] (заметив) that the sun was low on the horizon [hq'raIzn]. "Perhaps we should have waited until morning. I wonder if the Gump can fly in the night."

"I've been wondering that myself," returned the Gump quietly ['kwaIqtli] (спокойно). "You see, this is a new experience to me. I used to have legs that carried me swiftly (быстро) over the ground. But now my legs feel [fJl] (дают ощущение) as if they were asleep [q'sli:p] (спавшие)."

"They are," said Tip. "We didn't bring 'em to life."

"You're expected [Ik'spektId] (должен) to fly," explained the Scarecrow. "not to walk."

"We can walk ourselves [auq'selvz] (сами)," said the Woggle-Bug."

I begin to understand what is required of me," remarked the Gump; "so I will do my best to please you," and he flew on for a time in silence.

Presently (вскоре) Jack Pumpkinhead became uneasy.

"I wonder if riding ['raIdIN] (путешествие) through the air is liable (может) to spoil (испортить) pumpkins," he said.

"Not unless you carelessly ['keqlIsli] (неосторожно) drop [drPp] (уронишь) your head over the side," answered the Woggle-Bug. "In that event [I'vent] (случае) your head would no longer ['lPNq] (больше не) be a pumpkin, for it would become a squash [skwPS] (кашей)."

"Have I not asked you to restrain [rIs'treIn] (ограничить) these unfeeling [An'fi:lIN] (жестокие) jokes [Gquks] (шутки)?" demanded Tip, looking at the Woggle-Bug with a severe [sI'vIq] (строгим) expression.

"You have; and I've restrained [rI'streInd] (ограничил) a good many of them," replied the insect. "But there are opportunities ["Ppq'tjHnItiz] (возможности) for so many excellent puns [pAnz] (каламбуров) in our language that, to an educated (образованного) person like myself, the temptation [temp'teISqn] (искушение) to express [Iks'pres] (выразить) them is almost irresistible ["IrI'zIstqbl] (непреодолимо)."

"People with more or less education discovered those puns [pAnz] (каламбуры) centuries ['senCurIz] (столетия) ago [q'gqu] (назад)," said Tip.

"Are you sure?" asked the Woggle-Bug, with a startled (удивленным) look.

"Of course I am," answered the boy. "An educated Woggle-Bug may be a new thing; but a Woggle-Bug education is as old as the hills [hIlz] (холмы), judging ['GAGIN] (судя) from the display [dIs'pleI] (шоу) you make of it."

The insect seemed much impressed [Im'prest] (поражен) by this remark [rI'mRk] (замечанием), and for a time maintained [meIn'teInd] (сохранял) a meek [mi:k] (покорное) silence.

The Scarecrow, in shifting ['SIftIN] his seat [sJt] (поменяв место), saw upon the cushions the pepper-box which Tip had cast aside [q'saId] (отбросил в сторону) , and began to examine [Ig'zxmIn] (изучать) it.

"Throw [Trqu] (брось) it overboard ['quvqbLd] (за борт)," said the boy; "it's quite empty ['emptI] (пустая) now, and there's no use (нет смысла) keeping ['kJpIN] (хранить) it."

"Is it really empty ['emptI] (пустая)?" asked the Scarecrow, looking curiously (с любопытством) into the box.

"Of course it is," answered Tip. "I shook out every grain [greIn] (крупицу) of the powder.

"Then the box has two bottoms ['bPtqmz] (дна)," announced (объявил) the Scarecrow, "for the bottom on the inside [In'saId] (внутренней стороны) is fully an inch [InC] (дюйм) away from the bottom on the outside (внешней стороны)."

"Let me see," said the Tin Woodman, taking the box from his friend. "Yes," he declared (объявил), after looking it over, "the thing certainly has a false [fLls] (двойное) bottom. Now, I wonder what that is for?"

"Can't you get it apart [q'pRt] (разобрать), and find out?" enquired Tip, now quite interested ['IntrIstId] (заинтересовавшись) in the mystery ['mIst(q)rI] (тайной).

"Why, yes; the lower ['lquq] (нижнее) bottom unscrews ['An'skrHz] (отвинчивается)," said the Tin Woodman. "My fingers ['fINgqz] (пальцы) are rather stiff [stIf] (негибкие); please see if you can open it."

He handed ['hxndId] (передал) the pepper-box to Tip, who had no difficulty ['dIfIkqltI] (сложности) in unscrewing ['An'skrHIN] (отвинтить) the bottom. And in the cavity ['kxvItI] (полости) below were three silver pills (таблетки), with a carefully folded ['fquldId] (свернутой) paper ['peIpq] (бумагой) lying underneath ["Andq'nJT] (под) them.

This paper ['peIpq] (бумагу) the boy proceeded [prq'sJdId] (продолжил) to unfold ['An'fquld] (разворачивать), taking care (стараясь) not to spill [spIl] (просыпать) the pills, and found several lines [laInz] (строк) clearly ['klIqlI] (ясно) written ['rItn] (написанных) in red ink [INk] (чернилами).

"Read it aloud [q'laud] (вслух)," said the Scarecrow, so Tip read, as follows ['fPlquz] (следующее):

"DR ['dPktq]. NIKIDIK'S CELEBRATED ['selqbreItId] (знаменитые) WISHING PILLS (таблетки желания)

"Directions [dI'rekS(q)nz, daI-] (указания) for Use: Swallow (проглотите) one pill; count (сосчитайте до) seventeen by twos; then make a Wish (загадайте желание). - The Wish will immediately (немедленно) be granted ['grRntId] (исполнено). CAUTION ['kLS(q)n] (предостережение): Keep in a Dry and Dark Place."

"Why, this is a very valuable ['vxljuqbl] (ценное) discovery [dIs'kAvqrI] (открытие)!" cried the Scarecrow.

"It is, indeed," replied Tip, gravely ['greIvli] (серьезно). "These pills may be of great use to us. I wonder if old Mombi knew they were in the bottom of the pepper-box. I remember hearing ['hIqrIN] (слышал, как) her say that she got the Powder of Life from this same Nikidik."

"He must be a powerful Sorcerer ['sLsqrq] (волшебник)!" exclaimed the Tin Woodman; "and since the powder proved a success [sqk'ses] (успешным) we ought to have confidence ['kPnfIdqns] (доверие) in the pills."

"But how," asked the Scarecrow, "can anyone count seventeen by twos? Seventeen is an odd [Pd] (нечетное) number ['nAmbq] (число)."

"That is true," replied Tip, greatly disappointed ["dIsq'pOIntId] (разочарованный). "No one can possibly ['pPsqblI] (в состоянии) count seventeen by twos."

"Then the pills are of no use to us," wailed [weIld] (завопил) the Pumpkinhead; "and this fact overwhelms ["quvq'welmz] (переполняет) me with grief [grJf] (горем). For I had intended [In'tendId] (намеревался) wishing that my head would never spoil."

"Nonsense ['nPnsqns] (чепуха)!" said the Scarecrow, sharply [SRpli] (резко). "If we could use the pills at all we would make far better wishes ['wISIz] (желания) than that."

"I do not see how anything could be better," protested poor Jack. "If you were liable (должны были) to spoil at any time you could understand my anxiety [xN'zaIqti] (беспокойство)."

"For my part," said the Tin Woodman, "I sympathize ['sImpqTaIz] (сочувствую) with you in every respect [rI'spekt] (отношении). But since we cannot count seventeen by twos, sympathy ['sImpqTI] (сочувствие) is all you are liable (можешь) to get."

By this time it had become quite dark, and the voyagers ['vOIGqz] (воздухоплаватели) found above them a cloudy ['klaudI] (покрытое облаками) sky, through which the rays [reIz] (лучи) of the moon [mHn] (луны) could not penetrate ['penItreIt] (проникнуть).

The Gump flew steadily ['stedili] (ровно) on, and for some reason the huge ['hjHdZ] (огромная) sofa-body rocked [rPkt] (раскачивалась) more and more dizzily ['dIzIlI] (головокружительно) every hour.

The Woggle-Bug declared he was sea [si:]-sick [sIk] (ему было плохо от качки); and Tip was also pale [peIl] (бледный) and somewhat distressed [dIs'trest] (подавленный). But the others clung [klAN] (держались) to the backs [bxks] (спинки) of the sofas and did not seem to mind the motion ['mquSqn] (движение) as long as they were not tipped [tIpt] (выброшены) out.

Darker ['dRkq] (темнее) and darker grew the night, and on and on sped [sped] (несся) the Gump through the black heavens ['hev(q)nz] (небеса). The travelers could not even see one another, and an oppressive [q'presIv] (гнетущая) silence settled [setld] (воцарилась) down upon them.

After a long time Tip, who had been thinking ['TINkIN] (задумался) deeply ['dJplI] (глубоко), spoke.

"How are we to know when we come to the pallace (дворец) of Glinda the Good?" he asked.

"It's a long way to Glinda's palace," answered the Woodman; "I've traveled ['trxv(q)ld] (прошел) it."

"But how are we to know how fast the Gump is flying?" persisted [pq'sIstId] (настаивал) the boy. "We cannot see a single ['sINgl] (единой) thing down on the earth [E:T] (земле), and before morning we may be far beyond [bI'jPnd] (позади) the place we want to reach."

"That is all true enough," the Scarecrow replied, a little uneasily [An'Jzili] (тревожно). "But I do not see how we can stop just now; for we might alight [q'laIt ] (приземлиться) in a river, or on, the top of a steeple ['sti:pl] (шпиль); and that would be a great disaster [dI'zRstq] (катастрофа)."

So they permitted [pq'mItId] (позволили) the Gump to fly on, with regular ['regjulq] (постоянными) flops [flPps] (взмахами) of its great wings, and waited patiently ['peISqntli] (терпеливо) for morning.

Then Tip's fears ['fIqz] (опасения) were proven ['prHvqn] to be (оказались) well founded ['faundId] (обоснованными); for with the first streaks [skrJks] (лучами) of gray dawn [dLn] (рассвета) they looked over the sides [saIdz] (бокам) of the sofas and discovered rolling ['rqulIN] (холмистые) plains [pleInz] (равнины) dotted ['dPtId] (усыпанные) with queer villages ['vIlIGIz] (деревушками), where the houses, instead of being domeshaped ['dqum'SeIpt] (в виде купола) -- as they all are in the Land of Oz -- had slanting ['slRntIN] (покатые) roofs ['rHfs] (крыши) that rose to a peak [pi:k] in the center. Odd [Pd] (странно) looking animals ['xnIm(q)lz] (животные) were also moving ['mHvIN] (перемещались) about upon the open plains [pleInz] (равнинам), and the country was unfamiliar [Anfq'mIliq] (незнакома) to both the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow, who had formerly ['fLmqli] (раньше) visited ['vIzItId] (had ~ - посещал) Glinda the Good's domain (владения) and knew it well.

"We are lost (мы заблудились)!" said the Scarecrow, dolefully ['dqulfqli] (печально). "The Gump must have carried us entirely out of the Land of Oz and over the sandy ['sxndI] (песчаные) deserts ['dezqts] (пустыни) and into the terrible outside world that Dorothy told us about."

"We must get back," exclaimed (воскликнул) the Tin Woodman, earnestly ['E:nIstli] (зд. громко). "we must get back as soon as possible!"

"Turn around!" cried Tip to the Gump. "turn as quickly as you can!"

"If I do I shall upset [Ap'set] (перевернусь)," answered the Gump. "I'm not at all used to flying, and the best plan [plxn] () would be for me to alight [q'laIt ] (приземлиться) in some place, and then I can turn around and take a fresh [freS] (новый) start."

Just then, however, there seemed to be no stopping ['stPpIN] (для остановки)-place that would answer their purpose ['pE:pqs] (цели). They flew over a village ['vIlIG] (деревней) so big that the Woggle-Bug declared it was a city, and then they came to a range [reInG] (гряде) of high mountains ['mauntInz] (гор) with many deep gorges ['gLGIz] (ущелий) and steep [stJp] (крутых) cliffs [klIfs] (утесах) showing ['SquIN] (видных) plainly.

"Now is our chance [CRns] (шанс) to stop," said the boy, finding they were very close to the mountain ['mauntIn] (гор) tops. Then he turned to the Gump and commanded: "Stop at the first level ['levl] (ровном) place you see!"

"Very well," answered the Gump, and settled [setld] down (опустился) upon a table ['teIbl] (плато) of rock that stood between two cliffs [klIfs] (утесами).

But not being experienced [Ik'spI(q)riqnst] (опытным) in such matters ['mxtqz] (делах), the Gump did not judge ['GAG] (не рассчитал) his speed [spJd] (скорость) correctly [kq'rektlI] (правильно); and instead of coming to a stop upon the flat [flxt] (ровной) rock he missed [mIst] (не попал) it by half the width [wIdT] (ширину) of his body, breaking ['breIkIN] off (отломив) both his right wings against the sharp edge [eG] (край) of the rock and then tumbling ['tAmblIN] over (скатываясь) and over down the cliff [klIf] (утесу).

Our friends held on to the sofas as long as they could, but when the Gump caught on a projecting (выступающую) rock the Thing stopped suddenly -- bottom side up - and all were immediately dumped ['dAmpt] (выброшены) out.

By good fortune ['fLCHn] (к счастью) they fell only a few feet; for underneath ["Andq'nJT] (под) them was a monster ['mPnstq] (громадное) nest, built by a colony ['kPlqni] of Jackdaws (галок) in a hollow ['hPlqu] (полом) ledge [leG] (выступе) of rock; so none of them -- not even the Pumpkinhead -- was injured by the fall. For Jack found his precious head resting ['restIN] (лежащей) on the soft breast [brest] (груди) of the Scarecrow, which made an excellent cushion ['kuSqn] (подушкой); and Tip fell on a mass [mxs] of leaves and papers ['peIpqz] (бумаг), which saved him from injury ['InGqrI] (ран). The Woggle-Bug had bumped [bAmpt] (ударился) his round head against the Saw-Horse, but without causing ['kLzIN] (не причинив) him more than a moment's inconvenience ["Inkqn'vJnjqns] (неудобства).

The Tin Woodman was at first much alarmed [q'lRmd] (встревожен); but finding he had escaped without even a scratch ['skrxC] (царапины) upon his beautiful nickle ['nIk(q)l]-plate [pleIt] (пластине) he at once regained [rI'geInd] (вернул) his accustomed [q'kAstqmd] (свойственное ему) cheerfulness ['CIqfqlnIs] (веселое настроение) and turned to address [q'dres] (обратиться) his comrades ['kPmrIdz] () .

"Our Journey had ended rather suddenly," said he; "and we cannot justly ['GAstli] (справедливо) blame [bleIm] (винить) our friend the Gump for our accident ['xksId(q)nt] (аварии), because he did the best he could under the circumstances ['sE:kqmstqnsIz] (обстоятельствах). But how we are ever to escape (выбраться) from this nest I must leave [lJv] (оставить) to someone ['sAmwAn] (кому-нибудь) with better brains than I possess [pq'zes] (имею)."

Here he gazed [geIzd] (посмотрел) at the Scarecrow; who crawled to the edge [eG] (краю) of the nest and looked over. Below them was a sheer [SIq] (крутой) precipice ['presIpIs] (обрыв) several hundred ['hAndrqd] (сотен) feet in depth [depT] (глубиной). Above them was a smooth [smHD] (гладкая) cliff [klIf] (скала) unbroken ['An'brqukqn] (целая) save (кроме) by the point [pOInt] (места) of rock where the wrecked [rekt] (разрушенный) body of the Gump still hung suspended [sq'spendId] (подвешанный) from the end of one of the sofas. There really seemed to be no means of escape, and as they realized ['rIqlaIzd] (осознали) their helpless ['helplIs] (беспомощное) plight [plaIt] (положение) the little band [bxnd] (группа) of adventurers gave way to their bewilderment ['bI'wIldqmqnt] (замешательству).

"This is a worse [wE:s] (более плохая) prison ['prIz(q)n] (тюрьма) than the palace," sadly ['sxdli] (с грустью) remarked the Woggle-Bug.

"I wish we had stayed [steId] (остались) there," moaned [mqund] () Jack.

"I'm afraid the mountain ['mauntIn] (горный) air isn't good for pumpkins."

"It won't be when the Jackdaws (галки) come back," growled [grauld] (проворчал) the Saw-Horse, which lay waving its legs in a vain [veIn] (тщетном) endeavor [In'devq] (усилии) to get upon its feet again. "Jackdaws are especially fond [fPnd] (любят) of pumpkins."

"Do you think the birds will come here?" asked Jack, much distressed [dIs'trest] (обеспокоенно).

"Of course they will," said Tip; "for this is their nest. And there must be hundreds ['hAndrqdz] (сотни) of them," he continued, "for see what a lot of things they have brought here!"

Indeed, the nest was half filled with a most curious collection [kq'lekSqn] (коллекцией) of small articles ['RtIk(q)ls] (предметов) for which the birds could have no use, but which the thieving ['TJvIN] (воры) Jackdaws had stolen ['stqulqn] (украли) during many years from the homes [hqumz] (домов) of men. And as the nest was safely ['seIfli] (надежно) hidden [hIdn] (укрыто) where no human ['hju:mqn] (человеческое) being could reach it, this lost property ['prPpqtI] (собственность) would never be recovered [rI'kAvqd] (возвращена).

The Woggle-Bug, searching ['sE:CIN] (порывшись) among the rubbish ['rAbIS] (мусоре) -- for the Jackdaws stole [stqul] (украли) useless ['jHslqs] (бесполезные) things as well as (так же, как и) valuable ['vxljuqbl] (ценные) ones -- turned up with his foot a beautiful diamond ['daIqmqnd] (бриллиантовое) necklace ['neklIs] (ожерелье). This was so greatly admired [qd'maIqd] (любовался) by the Tin Woodman that the Woggle-Bug presented [prI'zentId] (передал) it to him with a graceful ['greIsf(q)l] (изящной) speech, after which the Woodman hung it around his neck with much pride, rejoicing [rI'GPIsIN] (радуясь) exceedingly [Ik'si:dINlI] (очень) when the big diamonds ['daIqmqndz] (алмазы) glittered ['glItqd] (сверкали) in the sun's rays [reIz] (лучах).

But now they heard a great jabbering ['GxbqrIN] (трескотня) and flopping ['flPpIN] (хлопанье) of wings, and as the sound [saund] (звук) grew nearer ['nIqrq] (ближе) to them Tip exclaimed:

"The Jackdaws are coming! And if they find us here they will surely kill us in their anger ['xNgq] (гневе)."

"I was afraid of this!" moaned [mqund] (простонал) the Pumpkinhead. "My time has come!"

"And mine [maInd] (моё), also!" said the Woggle-Bug; "for Jackdaws are the greatest ['greItIst] (самые большие) enemies ['enImiz] (враги) of my race [reIs] (вида)."

The others were not at all afraid; but the Scarecrow at once decided to save those of the party who were liable to be injured by the angry birds. So he commanded Tip to take off Jack's head and lie [laI] (лечь) down with it in the bottom of the nest, and when this was done he ordered ['Ldqd] (приказал) the Woggle-Bug to lie beside Tip. Nick Chopper, who knew from past [pQ:st] (прошлому) experience just what to do, then took the Scarecrow to pieces (all except [Ik'sept] (кроме) his head) and scattered ['skxtqd] (рассыпал) the straw over Tip and the Woggle-Bug, completely [kqm'plJtlI] (полностью) covering ['kAvqrIN] (закрыв) their bodies ['bPdiz] (тела).

Hardly ['hRdlI] (едва) had this been accomplished [q'kAmplISt] (сделано) when the flock [flPk] (стая) of Jackdaws reached them. Perceiving [pq'sJvIN] (заметив) the intruders [In'trHdqz] (незваных гостей) in their nest the birds flew down upon them with screams [skrJmz] (криками) of rage [reIdZ] (ярости).

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