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English: The woman in white


Выпуск 147 от 17.11.2012

English: The Woman in White

by Wilkie Collins

Дорогие друзья! Мы с Вами продолжаем совмещать приятное с полезным: изучать английский язык, читая роман Уилки Коллинза «Женщина в белом» в оригинале. Сегодня мы продолжаем читать восьмую главу романа. Напоминаю, что повествование ведет Уолтер Хартрайт, учитель рисования. «Ваш словарик» - «Your vocabulary» познакомит Вас со словами, которые могут вызвать затруднения в понимании сегодняшнего фрагмента текста. Перевод всех слов находится ЗДЕСЬ.  Профессиональный перевод Т.Л.Лещенко-Сухомлиной Вы можете прочитать в разделе  «The translation». Сам текст в оригинале представлен в рубрике «Thе woman in white». «The pronunciation» снимет возможные трудности в произношении. «What we have read about»- краткое содержание прочитанного.

 What we have read about

«The woman in white»

In those few words she unconsciously gave me the key to her whole character: to that generous trust in others which, in her nature, grew innocently out of the sense of her own truth. I only knew it intuitively then. I know it by experience now.

We merely waited to rouse good Mrs. Vesey from the place which she still occupied at the deserted luncheon-table, before we entered the open carriage for our promised drive. The old lady and Miss Halcombe occupied the back seat, and Miss Fairlie and I sat together in front, with the sketch-book open between us, fairly exhibited at last to my professional eyes. All serious criticism on the drawings, even if I  had been disposed to volunteer it, was rendered impossible by Miss Halcombe's lively resolution to see nothing but the ridiculous side of the Fine Arts, as practised by herself, her sister, and ladies in general. I can remember the conversation that passed far more easily than the sketches that I mechanically looked over. That part of the talk, especially, in which Miss Fairlie took any share, is still as vividly impressed on my memory as if I had heard it only a few hours ago.


Your vocabulary

The pronunciation

The translation

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