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Подготовка к тестированию за 2 года выпуск5



Надеюсь, что вы хорошо поработали.  Начнем проверку домашнего задания с  Present Continuous.


1. Can I speak to Johny?- No, you can't speak to  him  now.  He  is having breakfast now.

( именно в этот момент он завтракает)


2. Can I take this magazine? - No, I  am  reading  it now.

Я читаю этот журнал не сию минуту. Я сейчас разговариваю с вами. Но я читаю журнал в настоящий отрезок времени. Смотрите правило в предыдущем выпуске.


3. What are they talking about?- They are  talking  about  literature.

 Если вы сделали ошибки на формы глагола to be, то напоминаю:

I am, he is, she is, it is, we are, you are, they are.

 И добавляем глагол с ing.


 А теперь проверим задание с местоимениями.

1. There's very little chalk left. Go and  fetch   some.

Chalk-мел- неисчисляемое существительное.


2. There aren't many pencils in the box , don't take  any.


3.Are there any French books in  your library?

4.There are no French books but there  are  very  many English books there.


5. It isn't my bag. I've left mine at home.

My-mine.   После my есть существительное. Во втором случае после местоимения нет существительного. И мы употребляем  mine.


6. Very few people know about it.

7. I haven't got much time today.

8. Has anybody seen Paul today?

9. Speak a bit louder, I don't hear anything


10. I haven't made any mistakes  in    my dictation.

11.My hands are warm but  yours, are very cold.

12. Is  anybody going to see the house today?

13.  Everything in the house is clean and good.

Обратите внимание на is в этом предложении.


Запомните строчку из учебника:



 Every seat in the theatre was taken.

 Everybody looks tired today.

 Everything he said was true.



 Has everyone got THEIR tickets?

 Everybody said THEY would come.



1.     We can't go out yet. It/ to rain/ hard.

2.The day is fine.

 There /to be/ some clouds  in  the  sky,

but the sun / to shine/.

3. What your brother / to do/? He / to read/ a magazine. He / to do/ it every evening.


И местоимения

1. Please, don't make so ( many, much) noise, there are too  (  many, few, much) little children here.

2. Your dictation is better , you have made ( less,  fewer)  mistakes than usual.


3. Does this book belong to Mary? - Don't you recognize  it?  It's  ( your, yours).

4.I can't find ( no, some, any) mistakes in ( yours, your) dictation.

5. There's very ( few, a little, little) money left in  (  mine,  my) purse.


6. Let ( they, them) read the story again.

7. I'd like to ask you ( a few, few, a little) questions.

8. There isn't ( much, little, many) furniture in the flat.


9. Will you give ( them, their) ( another, others, other) magazine to look through?

10. There aren't ( some, any) English books on the shelf.


11. Have you got ( much, few, many) work to do today?

12. Will you tell ( they, them) about Great Britain?

13. ( Your, yours) house is not far from ( my, mine).

14. I can't add ( nothing, anything) to what you've said.

15. There's too ( much, many) noise in the street.


16. Whose cigarettes are these?- They may be ( our, ours)  cigarettes. Oh, yes, they are ( our, ours).


И задание на артикли.


a, the.

1. What....nice garden!

2. Jack is ...fast runner. He is ....best runner in his school.


3. There was...man talking  to....woman  outside  the  house. 

... man looked tired.

4. At 6 o'clock we had ....dinner and then went out for...walk.

5. On ...day of my brother's arrival I had no classes.


6. I want something to read. Let's buy ...newspaper.

7. She will be down to ... breakfast in a quarter of .... hour.

8. There is.... washbasin with.... hot and cold water in the bathroom.


9. She is ....most important person I’ve ever  met.

10. He went to ....bed late and got up early.

11. When Helen came back, ...children  were still asleep.


Желаю успеха!



 А. Соболевская. Sobolevskaya@tut.by

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