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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No43 (44) от 2008-09-27
Подписчиков: 1230 чел.


16. I can’t find my bag anywhere, I might have left  it in the shop.

17. A fair face may hide a foul heart.
18. You  mustn’t steal other people’s property.
Здесь просто запрет.
19. The ship, the Queen’s Star, sailed next morning down the English Channel.
Название корабля.
20. He spent a week with an uncle who lives in Canada near  Lake Superior.

Lakes, usually without THE. Lake Superior.

21. He fell in love with her at  first sight.
22. Peter went shopping in Oxford Street yesterday.
23.  The dinner was a success.
Именно этот обед. Хотя обычно завтрак, обед и ужин- без артикля. Но- a big breakfast. A tasty supper.

24.If you are in luck, it won’t be raining when you leave.

25. He picked up a lot of French slang while he was in the factory.
26. We are looking forward to the holiday.
Это сочетание уже встречалось. Авторы тестов любят его вставлять в задания.

Продолжаем учить модальные глаголы.
    MAY AND MIGHT \future\

We use may or might to talk about  possible  happennings  or  possible actions in the future.
I'm not sure where to go for my holidays but I may go to  Italy.  =  / perhaps I WILL GO.
The weather forecast is not very good. It might rain this afternoon.= /perhaps it will rain./
I can't help you. Why don't you ask Tom? He might be able to help you. = /perhaps he will be able to help you.
The negative form is may not or might not/ mightn't./
Ann may not come to the party tonight. She isn't feeling well. =/perhaps she won't come./
There might not be a meeting on Friday because the director  is  ill.= /perhaps there won't be a meeting/.
It doesn't matter whether you use MAY or Might. YOU CAN SAY:
I may go to Italy. or  I might go to Italy.
There is also a continuous form: may/ might be doing. Compare this with WILL BE DOING
Don't phone at 8.30. I'll be watching the football match on television. Don't phone at 8.30. I may/ or might/ be watching the  football  match on TV.= /perhaps I'll be in the middle of watching it./
You can use the continuous when  you are  talking  about  possible  plans. Compare: I'm going to Italy in June. / for sure/.
I may/ or might/ be going to Italy in June. /It's possible/.
But you can also say: I may/ might go to Italy in June.
 Новое задание.
27. It’s raining, so we’ll put ….the picnic until next week.
 a. away, b, of, c, out, d off.
28. It’s late , I must be ….work now.
a. out of, b off to, c, up to, d after
29. Do you have  any books ….for your children?
a. suitable, b, suiting, c, convenient, d, sympathetic.
30. Forgive her- she can be ….shy with strangers.
a.  little bit, b, a little, c little a, d, a bit little.
31. You’ll have an accident  if you don’t drive …..
a carefully, b, carefree, c, carelessly, d careful
32. The little boy felt ……near his parents.
a security. b. secure. c. secured, d, securing
33. The book ….all the information you need.
a. excludes, b, contains, c, concludes, d, involves.
34. Once upon a time  nothing but herds ( СТАДО)  of …..went through here on their way from Normandy.
 a. ox, b, oxes, c oxen, d ox’s
35. Mr. Brown had been satisfied with the results of speaking  to ….fathers.
a. Tom’s and Nick’s , b, Tom and Nick’s , c, Tom and Nick, d, Toms’ and Nicks’.
36. I need ….sleep at night.
A. eight hour’s. B. an eight hours. C. eight-hours’. D. eight-hours’s.
37. Which is …:water or air?
A. most heavy. B. heaviest. C. heavier. D. the least heavy.
38. The dentist told him to open his mouth … .
A. wide. B. deep. C. widely. D. deeply.
39. Among all the crowd who came and went here she cared for … .
A. somebody. B. anybody. C. nobody. D. each.
40. I am afraid the weather is … than yesterday.
A. no better. B. any better. C. more better. D. the best.
41. Would you like to join us for the party?
A. You are welcome. B. Sure. C. No, I don’t. D. I like it.
42. Shall we go out tonight?
A. No, we shouldn’t. B. Yes, we should. C. Yes, we do. D. Yes, let’s.
43. Could you  pass me a glass of water , please?
a. Please. b. I’d love to. c. Here you are. d, Sorry, not at all.
44. The prominent people of England are buried in …..
a. Westminster Abbey. b. the Tower of London c. St. Paul’s Cathedral
d. Buckingham Palace
45. Sir Christopher Wren is a famous …..
a. writer, b, architect. c. painter, d salesman

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А. Соболевская

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