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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No55 (56) от 2008-12-20
Подписчиков: 1337 чел.

 Давайте посмотрим, что получилось.

31. We had  such a hard time trying to persuade him that we gave up.
 I didn't enjoy the book.  The story was SO stupid.
I didn't enjoy the book.  It was  SUCH a stupid story.
We use SUCH with an adjective WITH A NOUN: SUCH a stupid STORY. You can also use  SO with an adverb.
He's difficult  to understand because he speaks  SO QUICKLY.

32. I’m applying for a job of an interpreter.
Если речь идет о поиске работы, то apply for

33. We met on purpose .

34. Can you give me any good advice  ?
Some nouns are usually uncountable in English but  often  countable
in other languages.
accommodation,  advice,  baggage,    behaviour,    bread,    furniture, information, luggage, news, permission,  progress,  scenery,  traffic, travel, trouble, weather, work.
These nouns are uncountable, they cannot be plural.
Надо выучить эти слова.

35. This is a  fifty page book. Why don't you open ...page five?
Запомните это сочетание, так легче во время теста.
36- Everyone has to do their own research.
We use a singular verb  afrer EVERY/ EVERYONE/ EVERYBODY/ EVERYTHING.
 Everybody looks tired today.
But we often use THEY/ THEM/ THEIR  after everyone, everybody.
Has  everyone got their tickets?
 Everybody said they would come.- отнеситесь очень внимательно к этому разделу.  
37. Did you spend all the  money yesterday?
38 Each  of you should do your own task.
39. I've never eaten a tastier cake!

40. The longer the issue was debated, the more people became involved.

41. - I'd like lo have another look at it.
-You are welcome, ,
42. Must i do it at once?
-You neen’t , thank you.

43.W hen was the text  like?
 It was rather difficult.

44. Westminster Abbey is famous for its  Poets’Corner.
Приношу свои извинения за искажение текста в задании.

45. Who of the American presidents gave freedom to the Negro slaves?
       - Abraham Lincoln
а теперь предложения с wish, как и обещала.
 We also use THE PAST for a present situation  after  WISH.  We  use WISH to say that we  regret something , that  something  is not as we would  like to be.
I WISH I KNEW SUE'S TELEPHONE NUMBER.( but I don't know it.)
Хотела бы я знать номер телефона Cью.
Do you ever wish you could fly?( You can't fly.
I wish I didn't have to work.
c. In IF sentences and after WISH you can use WERE instead of WAS.

If I were rich I would buy a castle.  I wish I would taller.
write with WISH.

 ex.: I don't know many people / and I'm lonely/.- I wish I knew  more
1. I can't give up smoking ? (but I'd like to/. I wish I__________ 2. I haven't any cigarettes/ and I need one/. I wish _____________
3. Tom isn't here. / and I need him/. I wish Tom ________
4. It's cold / and I hate cold weather/. I wish _________
5. I live in London / and I hate London/. I wish ______________ 6. Tina can't come to the party. / she is your best  friend/.  I  wish Tina ____
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А. Соболевская

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