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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No3 (61) от 2009-01-24
Подписчиков: 1357 чел.


 Проверим задания.

30. If he goes by car. I'll join him.
31.You're always late! I'm tired of waiting  for you.

32.It's been raining  since yesterday afternoon.

33 The cook put too much salt in the food.
The cook- повар.    запомните.
34.The policeman said he had no more questions and told me to go  home.
35. You look  tired. Have you had a busy day?
36.The play was so boring    that I fell asleep.

37. I can't see well without my glasses.

38.They escaped from the tiger as quickly as possible.

39.I would take off my jacket if I felt hot.

40.She brought up three children on her own.
Bring up- воспитывать

А теперь посмотрим Passive Voice в Continuous.
CONT.:  AM/ IS, are being + done, cleaned
Active: Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment.
Passive: The room is being cleaned at the moment. PAST CONT. WAS/ WERE BEING + DONE, CLEANED
Active: Somebody was cleaning the room when I arrived. Passive: The room  was being cleaned when I arrived.
Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. We were being followed.
Active: The room looks nice. Somebody has cleaned it. Passive: The room looks nice. It has been cleaned.
Have you heard the news? The singer has been shot. Have you ever  been bitten by a dog? I'm not going to the party. I haven't been invited.
Active: The room looked much better. Somebody had cleaned it.
Passive: The room looked much better. It had been cleaned.
Jim didn't know about the change of plans. He had not been told.
Если вы помните  формулу для Passive Voice, то поставить глагол to be в нужную форму вы сумеете.

Но надо очень тщательно проработать формы образования  Cont. и Perfect, которые указаны выше.

Новые задания.

41. What is the synonym of the word "rich"?
a. poor                                 c. handsome
b. mean                                d. wealthy
42.What is the antonym of the word "wealthy"?
a. tidy                                  c. mean
b. awful                               d. poor
43.Who is painting a portrait?
a. scientist  c. artist
b. politician   d. farmer
44. When do leaves fall off trees?
a. spring
b. autumn
c. summer
d. winter
45. Where does the sun rise?
c. south
a. east.     b. west    d. north

46. Sorry to bother you.    - .
a. Don't mention it. c. That’s OK.
b. Not at all.   d) Here it is.
47. Would you join on a tour about the town?    -   ...
a. I won't.                           c. I mustn't.
b. I don't think.                    d. I'm afraid I can't.
48. Thank you very much indeed.
a. Please.                              c. That's nothing.
b. You are welcome. d. That's good.
49. May I help you?  c.Yes, please thank you.
a. Yes, you can.     d. Yes, help
b.Yes, you must.
50. What can I do for you?   - ...
a. I must travel first class.
b. I'd like to travel first class.
c. I need a first class.
d. I want to travel first class.

Не унывайте! Все получится.

А для поднятия настроения посмотрите:
Исследователи спросили детей в возрасте от 4 до 8 лет: "Что такое любовь?" Их ответы оказались очень искренними, наивными и глубокими.

Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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