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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No9 (67) от 2009-03-07
Подписчиков: 1389 чел.


Richard asks his younger brother not to leave the door open.
The woman tells her little daughter not to   cross the street when the light is red.

41. What is the City?- a business centre               
42. The prominent people of England are buried in  Westminster Abbey.           
43. What is the capital and the national emblem of Scotland?- Edinburgh - the thistle
44. What is Thomas Gainsborough?- a painter

45. What is the longest river in the USA?- the Mississippi

46. - Let's buy that camera. - Which one do you mean?           

47. - Can I have a cheeseburger and an orange juice? - Here you are.

48. -I'd like to help you.- It's very kind of you.
49. - Sorry to keep you waiting. - That's all right.

50. -I want to ask you some questions. - Go ahead.
 Эти все ответы не требуют объяснения. Их надо запомнить.
Вот несколько строчек от Питера .
Reported speech
We use reported speech when we are saying what other people say, think or believe.
∙    He says he wants it.
∙    We think you are right.
∙    I believe he loves her.
∙    Yesterday you said you didn't like it but now you do!
∙    She told me he had asked her to marry him.
∙    I told you she was ill.
∙    We thought he was in Australia.
When we are reporting things in the present, future or present perfect we don't change the tense.
∙    He thinks he loves her.
∙    I'll tell her you are coming.
∙    He has said he'll do it.
А теперь продолжим наше знакомство с косвенной речью.
 Victor says , “I don’t remember her address”.
 Victor says ( that) he doesn’t remember her address.   Можно без that, поэтому скобки.
 Mother says , “ I ,ll come home  at six today”.
Mother says (that)  she will come home at six today.
 Сделайте сами: Steve ( to his elder brother): I shall go to the library.
Mrs. Brooks ( to her  husband) : I have left my umbrella at home.

А теперь несколько предложений для самостоятельной работы.

1.    Tom and Ann blamed ( thereselves, themselves, theirselves) for the accident.
2.. The man ( who, whom, what) robbed you has been arrested.
3.The woman ( which, that) we spoke to give us directions.
4.  She heard steps  behind ( her, herself).
5.. Among all the crowd  who came  and went she cared for ( anybody, nobody).  ( интересоваться кем-то).
6. busses into town  run ( each, every, all) 20 minutes  or so.
7. – What would you like to eat? – I don’t  mind ( anything, nothing, something). Whatever  you’ve got.
8, He’s lazy. He never does ( any, some, no, none) work.
9. I’m going to a wedding on Saturday. A friend of ( my, mine, me) is getting married.
10. We couldn’t buy anything, because  ( no one, none, ) of the shops were open.
11. The climate here is just right, neither cold ( not, or, nor, neither) hot.

Не забывайте заглядывать по ссылке http://alexvk.ru/sub/woman.asp.
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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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