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English-подготовка к тестированию за 2 года продолжение

_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No41 (99) от 2009-11-21
Подписчиков: 1950 чел.

 Ответы на прошлое задание.
1.    1 well, fast, awful, hard, hard, well, fatally, easy, fine, freely.
2.    2. late, lately, high, highly, high, mostly, most, soundly, sharp, sharply,
3.    wide, widely, then,  quite often, afterwards, great, unhappy, nice, anywhere, low
4.    near, nearly, yet, recently, recently, a lot, much, too, either, much
5.    at Wembley, on Saturday, at the station on Sunday morning, to my office at six o’clock, terribly, with you in a moment, carefully, well, publicly, aloud, wide
6.    6. black leather, new J. car, lovely red,  posh German sports, , well, bored, worried, warmer, tired, pretty,
7.    exciting, fantastic, interested, tired, tired, interested, tallest, more quietly, as hard as, worse
8.    as tasty as, oldest, more quickly, interesting, much, as, as, richer, richer, so, as.
9.    less, more, older, wiser, very, huge, such, such, older, shyest, further, least
10.    10. slightly less, luckier, last, quicker, most modern, busiest, last, fewer, best, the latest.
Продолжаем изучать правила.
   Had better do something. It's time someone did something.
a) HAD BETTER DO something
The meaning of HAD BETTER (I'D BETTER) is similar to SHOULD. I'D BETTER DO something = I should do something.
I have to meet Tom in ten minutes. I'd better go now or I'll be late. Shall I take an umbrella? Yes, you'd better, It might rain.
We've almost run out of petrol. We'd better stop at  the  next  petrol station to fill up.
The negative form is HAD BETTER NOT ('D BETTER NOT).
 You don't look very well. You'd better not go to work today.
Are you going out tonight? I'd better not. I've got a lot of  work  to do.
b) It's time....
You can say  IT'S TIME ( for someone) TO DO something.
It's time to go home. It's time for us to go home.
There is another structure : IT'S TIME SOMEONE DID something.
It's nearly midnight. It's time we went home.
We use the PAST ( went) after It's time someone... but the meaning  is present or future, not past.
Why are you still in bed? It's time you got up.
We use this structure when we are complaining or criticising  or  when we think someone should have already done something.
It's time the children were in bed. It's long after their bed time. You've been wearing the same clothes  for  ages.  Isn't  it  time  you bought some new ones? I think it's time the government did something  about the taxes.
We also say : IT'S HIGH TIME/ IT'S ABOUT TIME - SOMEONE DID something.
    This makes the complaint or criticism stronger.
You are very selfish. It's high time you realised that you're not  the most important person in the world.
It's about time Jack did some work for his exams.
  Тщательно проработайте эти предложения.  Переведите их на русский. Потом наоборот.
 Теперь для новичков.
Проверим, как вы подружились с Present Simple.
1 Do you  know English well?
Надеюсь, что вы заметили вопросительный знак в конце предложения, и вопрос надо построить по известной схеме:
Do you speak English?
2. I often   read detective  stories.
I – первое лицо, никакого окончания. Я ЧАСТО читаю…. Это подсказка, что надо именно Present Simple.
3. He is very hard- working. He often  works until midnight. It is 11 p.m. now and he is  working.
Он работает часто. Вот мы и написали works, так как He- 3 лицо единственного числа.
 А дальше - сейчас 11 часов вечера и он работает. Он работает СЕЙЧАС. Вот вам и Present Continuous.
4. They usually  play in the garden in the  afternoon.
Обратите внимание на слово USUALLY.
 Теперь артикли.
Ted is going to have a party. He has already invited a few  friends. Now  he  must  prepare  everything  for the  party.  He's  got   enough of orange juice and beer, but he needs sausage and cheese.
2. The teacher told the children to be quiet until she came back.
И предлоги:
1. I like to look  at the books on my shelves and to  feel that I have my friends round me.
2. The rain is beating at the windows.
3. I like to listen  to the radio.
Beat at- запишите в свою тетрадь.
А теперь продолжим работу с Present Simple
When you make a SUGGESTION, you can say WHY DON'T YOU...?
-I'm tired. -Why don't you go to bed early?
Ниже вы прочитаете глаголы, которые не употребляются в Continuous.
Запишите их в свою тетрадь.
Теперь особое внимание глаголу
/HAVE\when the  meaning  is  /'possess'/ .глагол to have не употребляется в Continuous  в значении ИМЕТЬ.
 Глагол THINK не  бывает в Continuous  when  the  meaning  is
-    Believe. Это значит - полагать, думать
-    What do you think Tom will do?


Ваш друг задумался и вас не замечает. Вы подходите к нему и спрашиваете: WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?

Сделайте самостоятельно.
1. I / to live/ in London and I / to work/ there too. I'm  a  computer engineer.
2 You / to be angry/ with me? - Yes, but why you / to ask me?

3.They / to speak/ only English in class.
4. She often / to take/ my dictionary but seldom / remember/ to  bring it back.
5.I'm an engineer. And what about you? What you / to do/?

6.Nancy / to look/ like her father.
7. You / to know/ the student over there?
8. Mr.Taylor / to keep/ his money in the bank.
9. It is cold today. It / to snow/. It often / to snow/ at  this  time of the year.
А теперь несколько предложений на разные правила.
1. We usually ask our teacher  to explain  ...difficult problems to us.
a) the, b)-, c) a, d) this
2. Playing  ...guitar is an interesting hobby.
a)-, b)a, c) the,  d) mine

3. Our city is famous for ... beautiful ancient buildings.
a) its, b) it, c) it’s, d) his
4. Her hair is long and fair. Everybody admires.....
a) them, b) it, c) they, d) its
5. Last summer our neighbour decided to drive to Scotland  ... a short holiday.
a) at, b) to, c) on, d) for
 Напоминаю: заучите глаголы, которые не употребляются в Continuous.
Напомните своим близким, что на сайте http://www.lubludachu.ru есть много полезной информации для любителей комнатных цветов.   Дачники найдут информацию, которая им пригодится в новом сезоне.

Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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