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Читаем про рыцарей и королей без перевода

Добрый день, дорогие подписчики!

Как и было обещано, сегодня мы закончим с описанием одного из наших героев, и пойдем дальше.

One part of his dress only remains, but it is too remarkable to be suppressed; it was a brass ring, resembling a dog's collar, but without any opening, and soldered fast round his neck, so loose as to form no impediment to his breathing, yet so tight as to be incapable of being removed, excepting by the use of the file. On this singular gorget was engraved, in Saxon characters, an inscription of the following purport:--"Gurth, the son of Beowulph, is the born thrall of Cedric of Rotherwood."

Этап 1. Начинаем читать, обращая внимание на подлежащее и сказуемое:

One part of his dress only remains, but it is too remarkable to be suppressed; it was a brass ring, resembling a dog's collar, but without any opening, and soldered fast round his neck, so loose as to form no impediment to his breathing, yet so tight as to be incapable of being removed, excepting by the use of the file. On this singular gorget was engraved, in Saxon characters, an inscription of the following purport:--"Gurth, the son of Beowulph, is the born thrall of Cedric of Rotherwood.

One – один

Сказуемые в настоящем времени:

Is – является

Remains – остается

Сказуемые в прошедшем времени:

Was – был

Was engraved – был выгравирован

Теперь пытаемся связать подлежащее и сказуемое в осмысленные фразы:


One part

Одна часть









An inscription


Was engraved



Gurth, the son of Beowulph




Этап 2. Читаем, выделяя причастия (выделено красным) и предлоги (выделено синим)

One part of his dress only remains, but it is too remarkable to be suppressed; it was a brass ring, resembling a dog's collar, but without any opening, and soldered fast round his neck, so loose as to form no impediment to his breathing, yet so tight as to be incapable of being removed, excepting by the use of the file. On this singular gorget was engraved, in Saxon characters, an inscription of the following purport:--"Gurth, the son of Beowulph, is the born thrall of Cedric of Rotherwood."

Suppressed – подавленный, пропущенный

Resembling – напоминающий

Soldered – запаянный

Being removed – быть удаленным

Excepting – исключая

Born – рожденный

Of – указывает принадлежность чему-либо

But - но

And - и

As – настолько, что

Yet – все еще, все же

By – при (при действии чего либо)

In – в

Этап 3. Теперь выделяем все местоимения (выделено оранжевым) и существительные (выделено розовым)

One part of his dress only remains, but it is too remarkable to be suppressed; it was a brass ring, resembling a dog's collar, but without any opening, and soldered fast round his neck, so loose as to form no impediment to his breathing, yet so tight as to be incapable of being removed, excepting by the use of the file. On this singular gorget was engraved, in Saxon characters, an inscription of the following purport:--"Gurth, the son of Beowulph, is the born thrall of Cedric of Rotherwood."

Any – любой, всякий

His – его

Dress – платье

Ring – кольцо

Dog – собака

Collar – ошейник

Opening – замок

Neck – шея

Impediment – препятствие

Breathing – дыхание

File – пила

Gorget – ожерелье, воротник

Purport – смысл

Thrall – раб

Этап 4. Теперь попробуем разобраться в прилагательных:

One part of his dress only remains, but it is too remarkable to be suppressed; it was a brass ring, resembling a dog's collar, but without any opening, and soldered fast round his neck, so loose as to form no impediment to his breathing, yet so tight as to be incapable of being removed, excepting by the use of the file. On this singular gorget was engraved, in Saxon characters, an inscription of the following purport:--"Gurth, the son of Beowulph, is the born thrall of Cedric of Rotherwood."

Remarkable – замечательный

Brass – латунный

Dogs – собачий

Fast – прочный

Loose – свободный

Tight – тугой

Incapable – неспособный

Following – следующий

Этап 5. Теперь попробуйте прочитать еще раз и понять смысл написанного:

One part of his dress only remains, but it is too remarkable to be suppressed; it was a brass ring, resembling a dog's collar, but without any opening, and soldered fast round his neck, so loose as to form no impediment to his breathing, yet so tight as to be incapable of being removed, excepting by the use of the file. On this singular gorget was engraved, in Saxon characters, an inscription of the following purport:--"Gurth, the son of Beowulph, is the born thrall of Cedric of Rotherwood."

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