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ГЛАВНАЯ ∙ КАТАЛОГ ∙ РАССЫЛКИ ∙ АУДИРОВАНИЕ ∙ МАТЕРИАЛЫ ∙ киносценарии ∙ юмор ∙ ссылки ∙ о проекте ∙ контакты 


Выпуск 92

The Black Ghosts - Full Moon

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Из русского - Павел Кашин

The Black Ghosts - Full Moon

When the thorn bush turns white That's when I'll come home I am going out to see what I can saw And I don't know where I'll go And I don't know what I'll see But I'll try not to bring it back home with me Like the morning sun your eyes will follow me As you watch me wander, curse the powers that be Cause all I want is here and now But its already been and gone Our intentions always last that bit too long Far far away, no voices sounding, no one around me and You're still there Far far away, no choices passing, no time confounds me and You're still there In the full moons light I listen to the stream And in between the silence hear you calling me But I don't know where I am and I don't trust who I've been And If I come home how will I ever leave

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    Выпуск подготовил: Александр Исаев (almix@learnsongs.ru)

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