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"LearnSongs.ru" выпуск 93

ГЛАВНАЯ ∙ КАТАЛОГ ∙ РАССЫЛКИ ∙ АУДИРОВАНИЕ ∙ МАТЕРИАЛЫ ∙ киносценарии ∙ юмор ∙ ссылки ∙ о проекте ∙ контакты 


Выпуск 93

Feist - Gatekeeper

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Feist - Gatekeeper

Well it's time to begin as the summer sets in It's the scene You set for new lovers You play your part painting in a new start But each gate will open another June July and August said "It's probably hard to plan ahead" June July and August said "It's better to bask in each others" Gatekeeper seasons wait for your nod Gatekeeper you held your breath Made the summer go on and on Well they tried to stay in from the cold and wind Making love and making their dinner Only to find that the love that they grew in the summer When they froze February April said "Don't be fooled by the summer again" February April said "That half of the year, well we'll never be friends" Gatekeeper seasons wait for your nod Gatekeeper you held your breath Made the winter go on and on Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper Seasons wait for your nod

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    Выпуск подготовил: Александр Исаев (almix@learnsongs.ru)

    Нас читают: 4986 человек.
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