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Выпуск No43

Переводи с английского сейчас и сразу!

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 46 (78) от 2009-10-29  
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 8710


Дорогие читатели!

Сегодня мы продолжим нашу работу над книгой Дэвида Эддингса – Обретение Чуда (David Eddings – The Pawn of Prophecy). Очень надеюсь, что она вам нравится.

by D. Eddings

1. Because of Faldor's good heart-and the magic of Aunt Pol's deft fingers-the farm was known throughout the district as the finest place to live and work for twenty leagues in any direction. (Благодаря доброму сердцу Фолдора и волшебству умелых рук тёти Пол, ферму знали по всей округе как лучшее место для проживания и работы на двадцать лиг в любую сторону) 2. Whole evenings were spent in the tavern in the nearby village of Upper Gralt in minute descriptions of the near-miraculous meals served regularly in Faldor's dining hall. (Целые вечера проводились в тавернах соседней деревни Верхний Гальт описывая в мельчайших деталях почти сверхъестественную еду, подаваемую регулярно в обеденном зале Фолдора) 3. Less fortunate men who worked at other farms were frequently seen, after several pots of ale, to weep openly at descriptions of one of Aunt Pol's roasted geese, and the fame of Faldor's farm spread wide throughout the district. (Менее удачливые работники с других ферм были часто замечены, после нескольких кружек эля, открыто рыдающими от описаний одного из жареных гусей тёти Пол, и слава фермы Фолдора распространялась по всему округу)

4. The most important man on the farm, aside from Faldor, was Durnik the smith. (Самым важным человеком на ферме, если не считать Фолдора, был Дерник, кузнец) 5. As Garion grew older and was allowed to move out from under Aunt Pol's watchful eye, he found his way inevitably to the smithy. (Когда Гарион подрос и ему разрешили уходить из под пристального взора тёти Пол, он неизбежно нашёл путь в кузницу) 6. The glowing iron that came from Durnik's forge had an almost hypnotic attraction for him. (Раскалённое железо выходящее из горна Дерника обладало почти гипнотическим притяжением для него) 7. Durnik was an ordinary-looking man with plain brown hair and a plain face, ruddy from the heat of his forge. (Дерник был человеком самым обыкновенным на вид, с коричневыми волосами и невыразительным лицом, красным от жара горна) 8. He was neither tall nor short, nor was he thin or stout. (Он был ни высоким, ни низким, ни худым, ни плотным) 9. He was sober and quiet, and like most men who follow his trade, he was enormously strong. (Он был воздержанным и тихим, и как большинство людей занимающихся его профессией, он был чрезвычайно силён) 10. He wore a rough leather jerkin and an apron of the same material. (Он носил грубую кожаную куртку и фартук из того же материала) 11. Both were spotted with burns from the sparks which flew from his forge. (Они оба были покрыты подпаленами от искр которые вылетали из его горна) 12. He also wore tight-fitting hose and soft leather boots as was the custom in that part of Sendaria. (Он также носил плотно облегающие штаны и мягкие кожаные башмаки, по традиции той части Сендарии) 13. At first Durnik's only words to Garion were warnings to keep his fingers away from the forge and the glowing metal which came from it. (Сначала единственными словами Дерника к Гариону были предупреждения держать свои пальцы подальше от горна и раскалённого металла) 14. In time, however, he and the boy became friends, and he spoke more frequently. (Со временем однако он и мальчик подружились и он стал разговаривать чаще)


1. deft - умелый
throughout – по всей площади
district – область
league – лига (мера расстояния)
Because of Faldor's good heart-and the magic of Aunt Pol's deft fingers-the farm was known throughout the district as the finest place to live and work for twenty leagues in any direction.

2. tavern – таверна, трактир
minute – мельчайший
miraculous – сверхъестественный
meal – приём пищи, еда
Whole evenings were spent in the tavern in the nearby village of Upper Gralt in minute descriptions of the near-miraculous meals served regularly in Faldor's dining hall.

3. fortunate – счастливый
frequently – часто
pot – кружка
ale – эль
weep – рыдать
roasted – жареный
goose (geese) – гусь (гуси)
fame – слава
spread – простираться
wide – широко
Less fortunate men who worked at other farms were frequently seen, after several pots of ale, to weep openly at descriptions of one of Aunt Pol's roasted geese, and the fame of Faldor's farm spread wide throughout the district.

4. aside – кроме, не считая
smith – кузнец
The most important man on the farm, aside from Faldor, was Durnik the smith.

5. allow – разрешать
watchful – бдительный
inevitably – неизбежно
smithy – кузница
As Garion grew older and was allowed to move out from under Aunt Pol's watchful eye, he found his way inevitably to the smithy.

6. glowing – раскалённый, светящийся
iron – железо
forge – горн
hypnotic – гипнотический
attraction – притяжение
The glowing iron that came from Durnik's forge had an almost hypnotic attraction for him.

7. ordinary – обыкновенный
plain – простой
ruddy – красный
heat – жар
Durnik was an ordinary-looking man with plain brown hair and a plain face, ruddy from the heat of his forge.

8. neither ... nor – ни ... ни
stout – плотный
He was neither tall nor short, nor was he thin or stout.

9. sober – воздержанный
follow – заниматься
enormously – чрезвычайно
He was sober and quiet, and like most men who follow his trade, he was enormously strong.

10. wear (wore) – носить (носил)
rough – грубый
leather – кожаная
jerkin – короткая мужская куртка
apron – фартук
He wore a rough leather jerkin and an apron of the same material.

11. spotted – запятнанный
burn – ожог
spark – искра
Both were spotted with burns from the sparks which flew from his forge.

12. tight-fitting – плотно пригнанный
hose – рейтузы, лосины
custom – обычай
He also wore tight-fitting hose and soft leather boots as was the custom in that part of Sendaria.

13. warning – предупреждение
metal – металл
At first Durnik's only words to Garion were warnings to keep his fingers away from the forge and the glowing metal which came from it.

14. however – однако
In time, however, he and the boy became friends, and he spoke more frequently.


1. known as – известен как
Because of Faldor's good heart-and the magic of Aunt Pol's deft fingers-the farm was known throughout the district as the finest place to live and work for twenty leagues in any direction.

2. near-something – почти какой-то
Whole evenings were spent in the tavern in the nearby village of Upper Gralt in minute descriptions of the near-miraculous meals served regularly in Faldor's dining hall.


Because of Faldor's good heart-and the magic of Aunt Pol's deft fingers-the farm was known throughout the district as the finest place to live and work for twenty leagues in any direction. Whole evenings were spent in the tavern in the nearby village of Upper Gralt in minute descriptions of the near-miraculous meals served regularly in Faldor's dining hall. Less fortunate men who worked at other farms were frequently seen, after several pots of ale, to weep openly at descriptions of one of Aunt Pol's roasted geese, and the fame of Faldor's farm spread wide throughout the district.

The most important man on the farm, aside from Faldor, was Durnik the smith. As Garion grew older and was allowed to move out from under Aunt Pol's watchful eye, he found his way inevitably to the smithy. The glowing iron that came from Durnik's forge had an almost hypnotic attraction for him. Durnik was an ordinary-looking man with plain brown hair and a plain face, ruddy from the heat of his forge. He was neither tall nor short, nor was he thin or stout. He was sober and quiet, and like most men who follow his trade, he was enormously strong. He wore a rough leather jerkin and an apron of the same material. Both were spotted with burns from the sparks which flew from his forge. He also wore tight-fitting hose and soft leather boots as was the custom in that part of Sendaria. At first Durnik's only words to Garion were warnings to keep his fingers away from the forge and the glowing metal which came from it. In time, however, he and the boy became friends, and he spoke more frequently.

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