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"My watch"

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Мы продолжаем разбор рассказа под названием «Мои часы» («My watch»)

“My watch”
by Mark Twain

  1. At the end of two months it had left all the timepieces of the town far in the rear, and was a fraction over thirteen days ahead of the almanac.
    — В конце второго месяца все городские часы остались далеко позади - мои убежали вперёд на тринадцать дней.

  2. It was away into November enjoying the snow, while the October leaves were still turning. It hurried up house rent, bills payable, and such things, in such a ruinous way that I could not abide it.
    — Они уже наслаждались ноябрьским снегом, в то время как всё ещё падали осенние листья. Они уже настоятельно рекомендовали мне оплатить все счета, а также внести ренту за дом.

  3. I took it to the watchmaker to be regulated. He asked me if I had ever had it repaired. I said no, it had never needed any repairing.
    — И я опять отправился в ремонт. Мастер спросил, отдавал ли я когда-нибудь эти часы в починку. Нет, они в этом никогда не нуждались.

  4. He looked a look of vicious happiness and eagerly pried the watch open, and then put a small dice box into his eye and peered into its machinery. He said it wanted cleaning and oiling, besides regulating -come in a week.
    — Тогда часовщик со злобным нетерпением вскрыл часы, вставил в глаз лупу и начал пристально вглядываться в механизм. Затем велел мне зайти через неделю, так как часы было необходимо вычистить и смазать, а также отрегулировать.

  5. After being cleaned and oiled, and regulated, my watch slowed down to that degree that it ticked like a tolling bell.
    — После столь кропотливого труда мои часы отстали настолько, что казалось, они работают в такт с погребальными колоколами.

  6. I began to be left by trains, I failed all appointments, I got to missing my dinner; my watch strung out three days' grace to four and let me go to protest;
    — Я начал опаздывать на поезда, пропускать все назначенные встречи. Стал даже забывать про собственный обед… Мои часы превратили трёхдневную отсрочку в четырёхдневную, что, безусловно, вызывало моё возмущение.

  7. I gradually drifted back into yesterday, then day before, then into last week, and by and by the comprehension came upon me that all solitary and alone I was lingering along in week before last, and the world was out of sight.
    — Постепенно я оказался на прошлой неделе. Вскоре я осознал, что совсем один нахожусь уже на позапрошлой неделе. Мир исчез из виду.

  8. I seemed to detect in myself a sort of sneaking fellow-feeling for the mummy in the museum, and desire to swap news with him.
    — Я даже обнаружил какую-то тайную симпатию к мумии в музее. Очень хотелось обсудить свои дела именно с ней.

  9. I went to a watch maker again. He took the watch all to pieces while I waited, and then said the barrel was "swelled." He said he could reduce it in three days.
    — И вновь мне пришлось идти к часовщику. Пока я ждал, он разобрал часы на части, а затем сказал, что они «опухли». Обещался исправить за три дня.

  10. After this the watch AVERAGED well, but nothing more.
    — После этого механизм работал вполне пристойно, но не более того.

  11. For half a day it would go like the very mischief, and keep up such a barking and wheezing and whooping and sneezing and snorting, that I could not hear myself think for the disturbance;
    — Полдня часы озорничали, как только могли: так кашляли, сопели, хрипели, чихали и пыхтели, что я не слышал сам себя.

  12. and as long as it held out there was not a watch in the land that stood any chance against it.
    — И до тех пор, пока всё это не прекращалось, все остальные часы страны даже и не пытались с ними соревноваться.


fraction / 'frækʃ(ə)n /– доля, порция, часть

ruinous / 'ruːɪnəs / – губительный, разрушительный

abide / ə'baɪd / – ждать, ожидать

eagerly / 'iːgəlɪ / – жадно, охотно, страстно

drift / drɪft / – плавно перемещаться

mischief / 'ʃɪvə / – вредина, проказник

bark / bɑːk / – лаять, (разг.) кашлять

wheeze / (h)wiːz / – дышать с присвистом; хрипеть, сопеть

snort / snɔːt / – хрипеть, фыркать


At the end of two months it had left all the timepieces of the town far in the rear, and was a fraction over thirteen days ahead of the almanac. - досл. В конце двух месяцев они оставили все часы/хронометры города далеко в тылу и был отрезок больше чем в тринадцать дней вперёд по календарю.


At the end of two months it had left all the timepieces of the town far in the rear, and was a fraction over thirteen days ahead of the almanac. It was away into November enjoying the snow, while the October leaves were still turning. It hurried up house rent, bills payable, and such things, in such a ruinous way that I could not abide it.

I took it to the watchmaker to be regulated. He asked me if I had ever had it repaired. I said no, it had never needed any repairing. He looked a look of vicious happiness and eagerly pried the watch open, and then put a small dice box into his eye and peered into its machinery. He said it wanted cleaning and oiling, besides regulating -come in a week.

After being cleaned and oiled, and regulated, my watch slowed down to that degree that it ticked like a tolling bell. I began to be left by trains, I failed all appointments, I got to missing my dinner; my watch strung out three days' grace to four and let me go to protest; I gradually drifted back into yesterday, then day before, then into last week, and by and by the comprehension came upon me that all solitary and alone I was lingering along in week before last, and the world was out of sight.

I seemed to detect in myself a sort of sneaking fellow-feeling for the mummy in the museum, and desire to swap news with him. I went to a watch maker again. He took the watch all to pieces while I waited, and then said the barrel was "swelled." He said he could reduce it in three days.

After this the watch AVERAGED well, but nothing more. For half a day it would go like the very mischief, and keep up such a barking and wheezing and whooping and sneezing and snorting, that I could not hear myself think for the disturbance; and as long as it held out there was not a watch in the land that stood any chance against it.

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 228 от 2013-07-04  
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 18034

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