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Слововбиватель (радикальное запоминание английских слов)

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Слововбиватель - радикальное запоминание английских слов.
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Web-страница c выпуском: http://english.inrussia.org/0_lessons/50.htm

1. Начнем изучение новых слов с самого легкого - со слова

square [skw] - площадь.

Как его легче запомнить? - По его другому значению - "сквер". Т.е., предлагаю последовательность: square - сквер - площадь.

Red Square - Красная площадь;
in the square - в скверике;
on the square - на площади;
across the square - через площадь.

There's a square in front of the hospital.
- Перед больницей расположена площадь.
We sat in the village square.
- Мы сидели в поселковом скверике.
Red Square is the most famous square of this country.
- Красная площадь - самая знаменитая площадь нашей страны.

2. Вы любите кроссворды? А задумывались ли Вы над происхождением этого слова? Кросс-ворд, cross-word, cross-слово, пересеченное слово. Cross - крест; пересекать. А от него произошло

across ['krs] - через, поперек.

across the street - через улицу;
across the river - через реку;
across the square - через площадь;
across the road [rud] - через дорогу;
across the chair [] - поперек стула.

* * *

Давайте вспомним слово watch (смотреть, наблюдать). Есть в английском языке и существительное

watch - часы (наручные).

Т.е., прибор, на который мы часто смотрим, с помощью которого наблюдаем за временем.

She looked at her watch. - It was already late.
- Она посмотрела на часы. - Было уже поздно.
I'm afraid your watch isn't right.
- Боюсь, твои часы идут неправильно.
What's the time? My watch stops.
- Который час? Мои часы остановились.

Особенно обратите внимание, что английское слово watch - в единственном числе, тогда как русское "часы" - в форме множественного.

* * *

По аналогии со словом today (сегодня) образуется слово

tonight [t'nait] - сегодня вечером (ночью).

We're going to climb to the old mine tonight.
- Сегодня вечером мы полезем в старую шахту.
I can pay tonight.
- Я смогу заплатить сегодня вечером.
When is he leaving? - Tonight.
- Когда он уезжает? - Этой ночью.

3. Вегетарианцы едят овощи. Вегетарианцы едят овощи. Вегетарианцы едят овощи ...
Повторив раз десять это предложение, Вы подготовите себя ко встрече со словом

- ['veitbl] - vegetable.

Естественно, vegetable - это "овощ". Соответственно, vegetables - овощи.

to grow vegetables - выращивать овощи;
garden vegetable - садовое растение;
fruit and vegetables - фрукты и овощи.

При произнесении этого слова довольно часто возникают проблемы. Послушайте его еще раз и произнесите вслух - сначала медленно - ['ve - i - t - bl], затем быстрее, стараясь добиться естественного темпа: - ['veitbl].

* * *

Ну раз уж речь зашла о пище, то давайте выучим

fish [fi] - рыба.

throw a fish - бросить рыбу;
go fishing - ходить на рыбалку;
smoked fish - копченая рыба;
a lot of fish - много рыбы.

4. Посмотрим на однотипные словосочетания:

have breakfast ['brekfa:st]- завтракать;
have lunch [ln] - обедать;
have dinner ['din] - обедать (ближе к полднику);
have supper ['sp] - ужинать.


breakfast - завтрак;
lunch - второй завтрак, обед;
dinner - обед (ок.3 часов);
supper - ужин.

Есть еще одна "трапеза" - т.н. "чай", чаепитие, обычно в 5 часов вечера. В это время не обязательно пьют чай, но называется это событие именно так.

tea [ti:] - чай;
have tea - пить чай.

What about having tea with us?
- Попьете чайку с нами?
There's no tea tonight.
- Сегодня вечером мы без чая.
Let's go home for our tea.
- Пойдем домой пить чай.

Из предыдущих слов обратим особое внимание на

dinner - обед.

What will we have for dinner?
- Что у нас будет на обед?
He told me he would come after dinner.
- Он сказал, что прийдет после обеда.
And tonight we'll buy dinner from the fish shop.
- А сегодня мы купим продукты для обеда в рыбном магазине.

Словосочетание have dinner рассматривают как цельную лексическую единицу ("обедать"). Поэтому в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях с ним обязательно используются вспомогательные глаголы do и will.

When did you have dinner?
- Когда ты обедал?
Will your friend have dinner with us?
- Твой друг пообедает с нами?

Глагол have в этом словосочетании не может использоваться в качестве вспомогательного.

5. Есть вещи, которые никого не оставят равнодушным. Такие вещи могут быть или хорошими, или плохими. Если они вызывают у Вас каки-либо эмоции, они надолго остаются в памяти. - Вот представьте себе семью алкоголиков, которые пропивают все деньги. К несчастью, в этой семье есть дети, - всегда грязные, голодные. Грязные дети, грязные, грязные дети. Ужасно. Грязные дети. ДЁТИ дети, дёти дети. дёти, грязные, грязные, ['d:ti] - грязные - .

dirty ['d:ti] - грязный.

dirty children - грязные дети;
dirty window - грязное окно;
dirty village - грязная деревня;
dirty, dangerous streets - грязные, опасные улицы;
dirty money - грязные деньги.

* * *

У нас в тексте постоянно мелькает одно слово. Оно попадалось уже раз десять. И будет попадаться снова и снова, вновь и вновь, again and again.

again ['gen] - снова, вновь.

"Where's the letter?" she asked again.
- Где письмо? - снова спросила она.
You are right again.
- Ты опять прав.
Don't do it again.
- Не делай этого больше.
We want all the children to be well again.
- Мы хотим, чтобы все дети вновь были здоровыми.

* * *

- ['raiv] - прибывать;

The police have already arrived.
- Полиция уже прибыла.
They will begin to arrive in the village tonight.
- Они начнут прибывать в деревню вечером.
My little brother was hungry when I arrived home.
- Мой маленький брат был голодным, когда я пришел домой.
Do you remember when he arrived?
- Ты помнишь, когда он приехал?
The lorry will arrive in fifteen minutes.

- Грузовик приедет через 15 минут.

6. The text.

The black smoke from the mine was very bad. People had their windows closed all the time because of it. Sometimes at one o'clock in the afternoon it was dark. People never laughed or smiled and big lorries from the new mine drove quickly through the village. It was dangerous to walk across the street in the centre of the village. sometimes ['smtaimz] - иногда;
dark [da:k] - темный;
Julie and I never went to the Country Park because it was too dangerous so we sat and talked next to the river. Then the river turned black. The black smoke, the mine and Mr Beech ruined everything. turn - зд. превращаться, становиться;
"Where can we walk now?" Julie asked.  
"In our back gardens!" I said. I was angry. "All the village is black and dirty because of that new mine!"  
"Where's that television detective?" Julie said. "We spoke to David North weeks ago about Mr Beech."  
Julie and I walked to the shops in the afternoon and watched Mr Beech. He stood outside his supermarket and smiled. Some people smiled back but others didn't look at him.  
"Come along this street," I said. "I don't want to be near that man!" along ['l ] - вдоль, по;
We went across the road. Outside the breadshop a young man waited for the bus. "What's the time?" he asked. He didn't look at us. He watched the supermarket and Mr Beech. road [rud] - дорога;
breadshop ['bredp] - хлебный магазин;
Julie looked at her watch. "It's two o'clock," she said.  
"Who's that, outside the supermarket?" the man asked.  
"Mr Beech," I said. I looked closely at the man. "Everybody knows Mr Beech."  
"So you're Susan," he said to me.  
"Yes. How do you know?"  
"I saw your photograph," he said. "You were in the newspaper and my friend sent it to me."  
"Are you David North's friend?" Julie asked.  
"Yes, that's right - and you're Julie?" he said.  
"Yes," Julie said. "What's your name?"  
"John Morton," the man said. "Now, tell me again - that man outside the supermarket is Mr Beech?"  
"Yes," Julie and I said together.  
"Good - you see, Susan and Julie, I'm filming Mr Beech so I don't want you to say anything."  
We didn't speak for some time. Mr Beech walked up and down the street and smiled at people. John Morton filmed him.  
"Does that black smoke come from the new mine?" John asked.  
"Yes, it does.", "Julie and I said together.  
"Are people here getting ill because of the black smoke?" John asked. "It's very thick and dirty." thick [ik] - густой, толстый;
"Yes, children and babies are getting ill because of the smoke, John. Ask the doctor - he's always working now," Julie said.  
"And the old people," I said. "Mr George isn't very well and the village is very noisy now. It was a quiet, beautiful place before Mr Beech came."  
"Now, big lorries drive quickly through the village. They're very dangerous," Julie said.  
"I understand," John said. "Things are very different now. Let's go for a walk and you can tell me all about the new mine, the Country Park and Mr Beech."  
"It's a long story," Julie said. long - зд. долгий;
"Tell me everything," John said. "I want everybody to know all about Mr Beech!"  

The next weekend John Morton arrived in the village with more people. "Today," John said, "we're filming at the Country Park and the new mine. We'll find Mr Beech and ask him some questions." find [faind] - найти;
question ['kwesn] - вопрос;
"Be careful," Julie said. careful ['kful] - осторожный;
"Mr Beech isn't a nice man," I said. "And his dogs..."  
On the Saturday afternoon, Julie and I sat in the village square. It was winter now and a cold day. Most people were at home, away from the black, dirty smoke.  
At three o'clock, John walked across the square. "The dog got me," he said, "but I've got Mr Beech! We filmed him at the new mine with his big dogs."  
"Have you filmed the river and the black sky over the village?" Julie asked. sky - небо;
"Yes - and the children," John said.  
"Good," I said.  
"Now, tell me more about the day Mr Beech tried to bribe you," John said.  
John filmed Julie and me talking about the day Mr Beech tried to bribe us with money and a job.  
"He wants Julie and me to be quiet so that he can ruin our village and the Country Park," I said.  
"He's taking everything out of our village," Julie said. "We want him to leave and take his dirty mine with him. We want all the children to be well again. We want them to be better!"  
John looked at his watch and then at the man filming us. "That's OK," he said. "Julie and Susan, thank you. We'll be back next week - can you help us again?" John asked.  
"Yes!" we said.  
Julie and I said goodbye to John and walked back home. We were excited. "We'll be famous," I said. I was laughing. excited [ik'saitid] - взволнованныЙ;
"Yes ... and we'll tell the world all about Mr Beech. He must leave then!" Julie said.  
"I can't wait to see this on television," I said.  
"I'm hungry," Julie said.  
"Me too. Let's go home for our tea," I said. We were happy again.  

Mum and Dad were unhappy when I arrived home. They didn't smile or look at me when I walked into the house.  
"Where were you today?" Dad asked.  
"Why?" I said.  
"Answer me!" he said. "Where were you today?"  
"With John Morton, filming," I said. "Why are you asking?"  
"Filming? Will it be on the television?" Mum asked. She smiled at me then. "What's the film about?"  
"It's about the new mine and Mr Beech," I explained. "Is there any tea, please? I'm hungry."  
"No, Susan, there's no tea," Dad said. "Mr Beech closed the supermarket door to us today - we can't do our shopping there."  
"Why?" I was surprised.  
"Because of you, Susan, again. Mr Beech says that we can't go to the supermarket because of the filming," Dad said.  
"And the car isn't working so we couldn't go to the supermarket in the next village..." Mum said.  
"What about the bus?" I asked. Dad didn't say anything, he was very angry.  
"There's no tea tonight and no breakfast, dinner or tea tomorrow," Mum said. breakfast ['brekfst] - завтрак;
"I'm sorry," I said.  
"Please, Susan, please, please, please leave Mr Beech to his business."  
"No!" I said. "Mr Beech is ruining our village - somebody must stop him. After the film, everybody will know about Mr Beech."  
"Did you think about this family, Susan? What about us? We'll be hungry because of you!" Dad said.  
"We can catch the bus to the next village," I said. "Mr Beech can't ruin our village with the dirty black smoke from the mine, Dad," I said. catch [k] - зд. сесть на;
"She's right," Mum said. She put her hand on Dad's back. "Susan's right. That man is ruining things for everybody in this village." Dad didn't speak.  
"Thanks, Mum," I said. "Tomorrow I'll telephone John Morton and tell him about the supermarket."  
"God," Mum said. "And tonight we'll buy dinner from the fish shop."  
"Lovely," I said.  
Dad sat quietly and looked at the fire. "Susan, ask John Morton to visit my garden. The vegetables are all black - we can't eat them this year," he said. "I made a mistake about Mr Beech. I thought he was all right." fire [fai] - огонь, камин;
mistake [mis'teik] - ошибка;
"I'm sorry, Dad," I said.  
Now Dad knew that Mr Beech ruins everything. "And it isn't only my vegetables - other people's vegetables are ruined, too. Our village was beautiful," Dad said. He began to cry. "Now, look at i! Why did he do it?" cry - зд. плакать;
"For money, Dad," I said quietly. "All for money."  
"Yes," Mum said, "for money." Dad was very said and he cried quietly for some time. He loved his garden and his vegetables. Mum didn't go to the fish shop for our dinner so I was hungry when I went to bed. I was sad for my Dad but inside I was happy - at last he understood about Mr Beech. at last [la:st] - наконец.

to be continued - продолжение следует.

Из переписки с читателями.

>> Я подписан на Вашу рассылку, и хотел бы спросить, какой курс можно выбрать
для преподавания и по какой методике лучше обучать других?
Сам я изучаю язык по курсу American Language Course ..., но аналога
ему я не нашел даже по интернету. Может быть Вы что-нибудь посоветуете, ведь
хочется найти и использовать как можно лучший метод и курс.

Мне кажется, сколько преподавателей, столько и методик. Конечно, в ВУЗах нас
учат преподаванию на основе каких-то определенных учебников и методик. Но
последующая практика показывает, что не все это годится в реальной жизни. И
со временем у каждого возникает что-то свое. Мое мнение - изучать язык можно
по любому курсу и любой методике, кроме тех, которые явно показали свою
непрактичность и которые не кажутся лично Вам неудобными.
Что же касается преподавания - нужно учитывать разные факторы: возраст,
уровень умственных и иных способностей, подход (массовый/индивидуальный),
продолжительность и частота занятий и тд. Я перепробовал множество учебников
и методик и решил, что для меня будет удобнее всего методика УМК
Верещагиной, разумеется, адаптированная для взрослого контингента. Чисто
своим могу назвать упор на запоминание слов, чего не видел ни в одной другой
Как ни странно звучит, интернет беден конкретным методическим материалом для
русскоязычных преподавателей английского. Даже платных ресурсов подобного
рода нет. Я, к примеру, не смог найти ни одного учебного и ни одного
частотного словаря.
Так что действуйте так, как вам подсказывает "чутье". Со временем у Вас
сложится свой собственный метод преподавания.
И позволю себе один совет - не оглядывайтесь на "авторитетов от образования", ни один
авторитет не знает всех особенностей Вашей ситуации.

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