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Слововбиватель (радикальное запоминание английских слов) - 74

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Слововбиватель (word-hammer) - радикальное запоминание английских слов

Сайт рассылки - English4.ru - Курс английского языка для начинающих

Зеленым цветом показаны звуковые ссылки. Они, как и рисованные транскрипционные значки, доступны только в режиме онлайн. Web-страница c выпуском: http://english4.ru/0_lessons/74.htm (обновление урока 74).

New words:

education [,edju'kein] - образование;

This table shows different education costs in different countries.
- Эта таблица показывает различную стоимость образования в разных странах.

Do you think distance education courses over the Internet are helpful ?
- Вы думаете, дистанционные образовательные курсы через интернет могуть принести пользу?

These new systems seem to be used in their education system.
- Кажется, эти новые системы используются в их системе образования.

teacher - учитель;

The teacher hasn't come here yet.
- Учитель еще не пришел к нам.

The teacher was interested in the conversation with her parents.
- Учитель был заинтересован в разговоре с ее родителями.

Almost all English teachers at our school have had practice in Britain.
- Почти все учителя английского языка нашей школы прошли практику в Британии.

teach (taught [t:t]) - учить (кого-л.), преподавать;

'What South Africa Can Teach the Middle East' is written by Allister Sparks.
- "Чему Южная Африка может научить Средний Восток" написана Аллистером Спаркс.

I teach my students using conversations on news, movies, sports, etc.
- Я учу своих студентов, используя диалоги из новостей, фильмов, спортивных программ и т.д.

Children can be taught – must be taught - how to behave. Or they will have lots of troubles in the future.
- Детей можно учить - надо учить - как вести себя. Или же в будущем у них будет много неприятностей.

cinema ['sinm] - кино(театр);

We couldn't choose a cinema to go to.
- Мы не могли выбрать, в какой же кинотеатр пойти.

Even small towns had several cinemas.
- Даже в маленьких городах было несколько кинотетров.

People from other countries could say that there are two kinds of cinema in Poland.
- Люди из других стран могли бы сказать, что в Польше существует два вида кино.

comfortable ['kmftbl] - удобный, комфортабельный;

'Sunny Equipment' designs, makes and sells cases for clothes which are comfortable to carry.
- Фирма "Солнечное Оборудование" разрабатывает, производит и продает коробки для одежды, которые удобно переносить.

They live in a very comfortable flat in the middle of Moscow.
- Они живут в очень комфортабельной квартире в центре Москвы.

We had an uncomfortable conversation with the lady who shared my compartment [km'pa:tmnt] about the politics of President Putin.
- У нас состоялся очень нелегкий разговор с женщиной, ехавшей со мной в одном купе, о политике президента Путина.

console ['knsul] - пульт, консоль, панель;

The switch on the radio console is broken.
- Выключатель на панели радиоприемника сломан.

Actually nobody has used the word "console" for years and years.
- Вообще-то никто не использует слово "консоль" уже многие годы.

Xbox is a game console from Microsoft.
- "Эксбокс" - игровая консоль (приставка) от Майкрософт.

probably ['prbbli] - наверно.

You probably missed the email I sent to you.
- Ты наверно не получил (пропустил) письмо, которое я посылал тебе по электронной почте.

Japan's central bank will probably keep monetary policy unchanged this week.
- Валютная политика центрального банка Японии наверно будет оставаться неизменной на этой неделе.

You probably have tried several different strategies without any positive result.
- Вы наверно испробовали несколько различных стратегий (путей) без какого-либо положительного (позитивного) результата.

The text:

Bill Gates. The Road Ahead

Chapter 7. Education in the Future.

Businesses will be different, and schools will have to change, too.
Howard Gardner from the Harvard Graduated School of Education says that you have to teach each child in a different way because people see the world differently.
graduated school - аспирантура;
Some teachers are already using the Internet. Many teachers are already using personal computers. In Union City, New Jersey, a telephone company called Bell Atlantic gave 140 computers to students and teachers. These computers went into the homes and the school. At home, children used them to do their homework. Parents used them, too, to talk to the school about their children.
Electronic documents will help teachers to give different parts of the same lesson to different students. All children will learn in the way that is best for them.
A lot of people don't believe this. They have heard about computers in the classroom, but they haven't seen much difference because of them. There is a simple reason for this: money. The schools don't have enough money to buy the right computers. School computers just aren't strong enough and smart enough to do the job. But this will change because it has to change. The computer has to be in the schools of tomorrow.


simple - простой;

People often ask "Will computers take the place of teachers?" I can answer them, "No, they won't!" A computer is a tool that a teacher uses.
tool - инструмент;
We've all had teachers who made a difference in our lives. But when teachers do great work and give wonderful lessons, they are only helping their 20 or 30 students. In the future, teacher will share their work with other schools across the country, or around the world.
There will be good software programs for the lessons. When a teacher is talking about the sun, for example, she'll be able to choose one of many pictures. She'll have other pictures to show when students ask questions. After the lesson, the students will be able to look for more facts on their computers.
There will be other programs, too, to help the teachers. For each student, she will have a special program with information about that student. Teachers can work better with students and their parents when they know more about the students.
Computers can also help with tests, one of school's most frightening things. Many students are afraid of tests. A student who doesn't do well on tests often starts to be frightened of school in general.
do well - преуспевать;
in general - в общем;
With computers, students will be able to take tests any time, with or without the teacher. When they make a mistake, the computer will help them. Then, when the teacher gives a real test, the students will have a better idea of what they know.
Every school will have a wonderful library, because the Internet will bring millions of books to the school's computer screens. It will also bring electronic documents, like the encyclopedia. Students will be able to ask questions and get answers about almost everything.
Some parents aren't happy when they see their children in front of the computer. "Go read a book," they say. But they are only thinking of computer games. In the future, books will be in the child's computer.
Having all this information isn't the only answer to the problems that many schools have today. But it will help. And our schools are the most important places we have. But there are other places, too, where people need to learn. People everywhere will be able to learn from great teachers, and people of all ages will be able to "go to school" any time they sit down in front of their computer.



age [ei] - возраст;

Chapter 8. A Home for the Future.

Many people believe that computers will take away the time we spend with our friends. Some think that we'll become too comfortable at home and we won't want to leave it. Some think that when we start talking to computers, we'll stop talking to people. I don't believe this.
spend - проводить (время);
In the 1950s, people said that cinemas would die; television will kill them, they said. But cinemas are still here. People aren't always right.
In fact, the Internet will bring many of our old friends back to us. It will be easier to keep friends who have moved because we will be able to write and talk to them more often and it won't cost as much.
The Internet will help us to make new friends, too. Many of your conversations will start on the computer, but soon you will want to meet.
The Internet will also give you a louder voice in your town or city. If something is making you angry, you'll be able to find other people who feel the same way. Then you will be able to do something together to change the problem, and make your town or city better.
loud [laud] - громкий;
Some parents are afraid of the Internet because it will be a place where their children can learn about anything they want, good or bad. This is a difficult problem.

What comes into the home will be different, but the home will also be different. We won't need many of the things we now have; paper dictionaries and encyclopedias, CDs, the boxes with old letters and old photographs. All this will disappear into the computer. We won't lose them. They will be safe inside out computers. But we will only look at them when we choose.

dictionary ['diknri] - словарь;


disappear - исчезать;

I'm thinking about of this because I've recently built a new house. My house is a house for the future. It is pretty. But most of all, it is comfortable. It's where my family and I live.
recently ['ri:sntli] - недавно;
built - страд. прич. от <build - строить>
My house is made of wood, glass and stone. It is also made out of software.
glass - стекло;
If you come to visit, you'll probably be surprised when you come in. Someone will give you an electronic pin to wear. This pin tells the house who and where you are. The house uses this information to give you what you need. When it's dark outside, the pin turns on the lights nearest you, and then turns them off as you walk away from them. Music moves with you too. If the house knows your favorite music, it plays it. The music seems to be everywhere, but in fact other people in the house hear different music or no music. If you get a telephone call, only the nearest telephone rings.
favorite/favourite - любимый;
Of course, you are also able to tell the house if you want something. There is a home control console, a small machine that turns things on and off around you.
control [kn'trul] - контроль, регулирование;
The pin and the console are new ideas, but they are in fact like many things we have today. If you want to go to a movie, you need a ticket. If I give you my car keys, you can use my car. The car works for you because you have the keys. My house works for you because you wear the pin or hold the console.

ticket - билет;
I believe that ten years from now, most new homes will have the system that I've put in my house. The systems will probably even be bigger and better than the ones I've put in today.
I like to try new ideas. I know that some of my ideas will work better than others. But I hope that one day I will stop thinking of these systems as new, and ask myself instead, "How did I live without them?"
hope - надеяться;
instead [in'sted] - вместо.

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