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Слововбиватель (радикальное запоминание английских слов) - 75

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Слововбиватель (word-hammer) - радикальное запоминание английских слов

Сайт рассылки - English4.ru - Курс английского языка для начинающих

Зеленым цветом показаны звуковые ссылки. Они доступны только в режиме онлайн. Web-страница c выпуском: http://english4.ru/0_lessons/75.htm (обновление урока 75).

New words:

build (built) - строить;

I want to build a comfortable house for my family.
- Я хочу построить для своей семьи комфортабельный дом.

It seems to me they are building the library too slowly.
- Мне кажется, библиотеку строят слишком медленно.

Last month a new cinema was built in our town.
- В прошлом году в нашем городе был построен новый кинотеатр.

hope - (v) надеяться; (n) надежда;

I hope you are OK.
- Я надеюсь, у тебя всё нормально.

We hope our teachers will be able to do it themselves.
- Мы надеемся, наши учителя смогут сделать это сами.

Probably we can find several minutes for a conversation. - I hope so.
- Наверно мы сможем найти несколько минут для разговора. - Надеюсь, что да.

offer - предлагать;

Our company would like to offer you new software for bookkeeping.
- Наша компания хотела бы предложить вам новое программное обеспечение по бухгалтерскому учету.

We offered you all possible ways to get there.
- Мы предложили Вам все возможные способы как добраться туда.

Perhaps they will offer us reasonable equipment.
- Возможно они предложат нам подходящее оборудование.

disappear - исчезать;

Believe me, all your troubles will disappear soon.
- Поверь мне, все твои беды скоро исчезнут.

She was afraid Peter would disappear again.
- Она боялась, что Питер снова исчезнет.

The secret data disappeared from the main computer.
- С главного компьютера исчезли секретные данные.

price - цена;

These pants have a wonderful price.
- У этих брюк замечательная цена.

We can offer the same thing for half price.
- Мы можем предложить такую же вещь за полцены.

In the future the prices will be changed.
- В будущем цены будут меняться.

It is almost double [dbl] the price!
- Да это почти двойная цена!

The prices are very high in that supermarket.
- В том супермаркета цены очень высокие.

worry - беспокоиться;

What worries you?
- Что тебя беспокоит?

Don't worry, dear! Everything will be fine.
- Не беспокойся, дорогая. Всё будет прекрасно.

Actually there's no reason to worry about it.
- Вообще-то, нет причин беспокоится об этом.

simple - простой;

It's not a simple question.
- Это не простой вопрос.

Email is quite a simple way of communication.
- Электронная почта - довольно простой способ коммуникации.

It would be simpler just to kill them all!
- Было бы легче просто убить их всех!

low - низкий;

The plane flew low above the ground.
- Самолет летел низко над землей.

In winter the temperature is very low in Yaroslavl.
- Зимой в Ярославле очень низкая температура.

The price of vodka in Russia is even lower than I thought.
- В России цена на водку даже ниже, чем я думал.

age - 1) возраст; 2) век;

People of all ages visit our website.
- На наш сайт заходят люди всех возрастов.

In Britain children start to go to school at the age of five.
- В Британии начинают ходить в школу в возрасте пяти лет.

The term Stone Age has been used since the early 1800s (произносится eighteen hundreds).
- Термин "Каменный Век" используется с начала 1800-х годов.

How can we know what people ate in the Middle Ages?
- Как мы можем узнать, что люди ели в Средние века?

The Ice Age people did a lot for themselves and us.
- Люди ледникового периода много сделали для себя и для нас.

rush - стремительное движение, спешка;
gold rush - золотая лихорадка;

The Gold Rush is one of Chaplin's simplest, loveliest films.
- "Золотая лихорадка" - один из самых простых и восхитительных фильмов Чаплина.

Although there have been many gold rushes, the California Gold Rush brought over 200,000 new people to California in just a few years.
- Хотя случалось много золотых лихорадок, калифорнийская Золотая Лихорадка привлекла свыше 200000 (новых) человек в Калифорнию всего за несколько лет.

She was in such a rush. She forgot her bag.
- Она была в такой спешке. Она забыла свою сумку.


Let's read two last chapters of the book.

Bill Gates. The Road Ahead

Chapter 9. The Internet "Gold Rush".

In 1994 and early 1995, when there was a lot of excitement about the Information Highway, it seemed that almost everyday one company or another was trying to become part of the plans to build it, to be the first to offer users video through cable television, for example, or video-telephone systems.
It was like an exciting dream – small and large companies hoped to make a lot of money with new electronics and ideas on how to build and run the Highway. Everyone wanted to win. They didn't see much of a place for the personal computer in this picture of the future.
Then, later in 1995, people suddenly seemed to notice the Internet. Communication from one personal computer to another – from office to office, home to home or country to country around the world – was clearly an early move toward a future Information Highway. The excitement over building the Highway turned quickly to excitement over the power that people already had through their personal computers on the Internet. It was a welcome change of thinking for Microsoft, where our thinking and planning was already for "a personal computer on every desk and in every home."

notice - замечать;

clearly - ясно;
toward - к; по направлению к;

welcome - (зд.) желанный;

Plans changed fast at every communications, computer and software company. They dropped their ideas for the Information Highway and started to look much more carefully at the "World Wide Web" of personal computers that people were already using. Companies quickly began to make computer hardware and software specially for the Internet, to give users new ways of sending and getting information on almost any subject, of doing business and of making friends, for example.

world wide - всемирный;
web - паутина;

hardware - "железо" (детали компьютера);

Internet software is still becoming better and more powerful everyday, and in the near future video and telephone systems will probably run on it, just as people thought when they were making plans for the Information Highway years ago.
The early days of the Internet are like the early days of the California Gold Rush. People will make money in surprising ways.
In 1852, about three years after the start of the Gold Rush, thousands of men hoped to find gold and get rich quickly. A man named Levi Strauss opened a store in San Francisco. Twenty years later, when many people were still dreaming of finding gold, another man from Nevada offered Strauss an idea for a new sort of pants, made of blue "denim." They agreed to go into business together – and they got reach, but it wasn't from gold. Since then the Levi Strauss company has sold more than a billion pairs of blue jeans all over the world – blue gold, we could say.

denim - грубая хлопчатобумажная ткань;

since then - с тех пор;
pair - пара;

Almost everybody will some day share in the "reaches" of the Internet. It will grow so that almost everyone in the richer countries of the world, and large numbers in the poorest countries, will be users. Microsoft is already working toward that goal.
toward - к; по направлению к;


Chapter 10. Moving into the Information Age.

This is an exciting time in the world of computers and information. It is a beginning. New things are coming, and new jobs are coming with them.
I hope for great things from the future, but I worry a little, too. Workers will have to learn these new jobs. Countries will become nearer together, and this will change the way we feel about neighboring countries. There will be new problems, but today we can only guess what they will be.
neighboring - соседний;
guess - (у)гадать;
Sometimes, with everything changing, it seems that the world will be completely different from one day to the next. It won't. But we have to be ready for some changes.
completely - полностью;
For most people the problem is "Where will my place be in all this?" They worry about new jobs and their children's jobs. These are serious questions. Some jobs will disappear. But these are the same questions I heard when the personal computer arrived in the work-place, and nothing terrible happened then.
Each time a job disappears, the worker who has that job is free to do something new. This means people do more work, and that is good for everyone.
Before we had machines, most people lived or worked on farms. Today, only a few people in the United States do this work. The children and the grandchildren of farmers didn't stop working; they just found new jobs. In 1990, more than half the 501 different jobs you could have were jobs that weren't there in 1940.
Computers frighten almost everyone (everyone but children) before they learn to use them. When people spend more time with computers, they understand them better. You can start by playing computer games or doing other simple things. Once you start using them, I think you'll like them.

but - (зд.) кроме;

once - как только;

The most important users will be today's children and young people. The Internet is for the future. To give the children this future, we have to do two things. We have to get both girls and boys in front of computers. There are women in the computer business, but there are places for many more. We also have to get the Internet into the schools the lowest price possible for using it.
both ... and - и ... и.
What will the price of the Internet be? People worry about that. Because the Internet needs as many users as it can get, it will not be expensive.
People are also afraid of sharing too much personal information. Computers already have a lot of information about all of us - the telephone numbers we call, how we did in school or college, where we work and how much we make. Today, these facts are in many different computers. Each computer knows something about you, but no computer knows everything. But the Internet will change that because the computers can all talk to each other. There will have to be new rules for this information: who can see it and how they can use it. We will have to decide on those rules carefully.

At the same time, it's important to remember that computers can also "hide" information. You can keep your information safe by using a secret password or number. Computers today have very good systems for this. Computers of the future will have almost perfect systems. Without that password or number, no one will be able to read what's in your computer. Your personal information will be safer, in fact, than ever before.

Yes, there will be problems, but not impossible ones. There will be mistakes, but we will learn from them.
Fifty years ago, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a famous French writer and airplane pilot, was talking about the airplane, the telephone and the movies when he said that the best things people have made are all things that bring people together.
The Internet will be a road to many places. I've had an interesting time thinking about some of these places. And I'm excited to be on that road.

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