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John West. Bear fight (1.38 Mb)
John West. Shark (1.14 Mb)

John West. Lesson 1

John West endured the worst to bring you the best!

Тема. Степени сравнения прилагательных (Comparison of adjectives).

Bear fight

Voiceover: At the river mouth the bears catch one of the tastiest, most tender salmon, which is exactly what John West wants.
John West: Oh, look, an eagle!
Bear: Where?
Voiceover: John West endured the worst to bring you the best!


Voiceover (with French accent): This was the moment we were most concerned. This majestic animal might cause itself injury against the confines of the harness.
John West: Alright lads.
Voiceover: John West endured the worst to bring you the best!

River mouth.

Устье реки.


Переживать, переносить, вытерпеть.

Озабоченный, обеспокоенный.

Причинять, вызывать.


[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

Грамматика. Степени сравнения прилагательных (Comparison of adjectives)

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1) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

Who catches salmon?
Where do the bears catch salmon?
What kind of salmon do the bears catch?
What does John West want?
What did John West endure?
What did John West want to bring?

2) Прочитайте текст.

John West Canned Fish

John West was founded in Liverpool in 1861 by two local merchants, who gave the company its original name - Pelling Stanley and Company. The partners soon recognised the potential of canned food, particularly salmon, as an aliment for workers in the industrial North of Britain: in 1871, they were the first to ship salmon from America to the UK. By 1879 the partners were acting as agents for several UK canned salmon brands, one of which was John West, the rights to which they purchased in 1888.

Today John West is a leading canned fish brand. Using a global network of suppliers, John West sources products in over 30 countries. Brand canned food offerings include tuna, salmon, oysters, sardines, mussels, kippers, herrings and anchovies.

Укажите, истинны ли перечисленные ниже утверждения или ложны.

John West was originally founded in America.
Canned fish was particularly favored by workers in Northern Britain.
The first company that imported salmon from America to UK was Pelling Stanley and Company.
John West was not the only brand used by the partners.
John West company was purchased by Pelling Stanley and Company in 1888.
There is a great variety of canned fish under John West brand today.
John West supplies many canned fish producers in the world.

3) Заполните пропуски, вставив прилагательные из скобок в сравнительной степени.

The neighbor's grass is _______ than ours. (green)
This summer is _______ than last one. (hot)
This book is ________ than that one. (interesting)
Turkey is _______ than Sweden. (sunny)
Robin is _______ than Terry. (patient)
Your watch is ________ than mine. (slow)
The weather was _________ yesterday than it is today. (bad)
The bus stop is ________ than the metro station. (close)
Things may be ________ than you think. (good)
Mr. Bean looks ________ than his girlfriend. (stupid)

4) Заполните пропуски, вставив прилагательные из скобок в превосходной степени.

That is _________ painting in the museum. (valuable)
The cathedral is _________ building in the city. (old)
Your _________ golf shots always occur when playing alone. (good)
It was _________ decision. (difficult)
The file you are looking for is always at the bottom of _________ pile. (large)
Tim is _________ student in the school. (big)
This is _________ route into town. (direct)
Amanda did __________ work of all the children in the class. (little)
Summer is usually _________ time of the year. (dry)
Who is _________ student in the school? (talented)

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