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Джаз памяти Уиллиса Коновера

Джаз памяти Уиллиса Коновера
2018-04-30 07:25
В зале «Голоса Америки» прошел традиционный концерт, посвященный памяти легендарного Уиллиса Коновера.

Mixed race 'Joan of Arc' brings new twist to 589-year old tradition
2018-04-30 07:26
The Joan of Arc annual festival (Fetes de Jeanne d'Arc) kicked off in Orleans on Sunday with one difference from previous years — the heroine was for the first time impersonated by a mixed-race high school student. Scores of locals and tourists gathered to watch the opening commemorative ceremony of the ‘Joan of Arc Festival’ with a heroine whose choice drew a lot of attention in social media, 17-year-old Mathilde Edey Gamassou. In 1429, the ‘Maid of Orleans,’ France’s own 17-year-old heroine, arrived in the besieged city of Orleans during the Hundred Year’s War and helped the French army gain important victories against the English. Since 1430, the French people and the city of Orleans commemorate Joan of Arc’s heroic achievements by performing a re-enactment with a 17-year-old local girl impersonating her. The festival starts every year on April 29 and ends on May 8.

Afghanistan: Fatalities reported as explosions rock Kabul centre *GRAPHIC*
2018-04-30 08:22
At least four people died after two explosions struck the centre of Kabul early Monday, according to Afghan authorities. *MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW*

Chile: Santiago lights up for marijuana protest
2018-04-30 08:30
Protesters marched for the right to self-cultivate marijuana for medicinal and recreational use in Santiago, Chile, Sunday. Demonstrators gathered at Italia Square and walked to Los Heroes in the centre of the Chilean capital, holding banners, balloons and marijuana plants.

Университетский май. Кампус СПбГУ отправили на свалку. В студгородке УГТУ запретили компьютеры
2018-04-30 08:33
На видео от народных корреспондентом «ЭкоГрада» запись разговора администрации Университета со студентами. Выложено в сеть одним из студентов Ухтинского государственного технического университета (УГТУ). Это запись встречи с директором Индустриального института УГТУ Василием Завьяловым. По его собственным словам, Завьялов отставной сотрудник МВД и ФСИН. Директор рассказывает учащимся о своих взглядах на образование и студенческий быт, предлагает перевести общежитие на казарменное положение, снять двери в комнаты, запретить холодильники и компьютеры, а также упразднить любую мебель, кроме кровати, стула и тумбочки. Сообщение из Ухты (УГТУ), вместе с сообщением из Санкт-Петербурга (СПбГУ) http://ekogradmoscow.ru/vshody/eko-ekonomika/kampus-sankt-peterburgskogo-universiteta-predlozhili-postroit-na-svalke, где решением администрации университетский кампус решено открыть на территории незаконной свалки отходов — стали лидерами обсуждения университетских новостей месяца

Mexico: Caravan migrants arrive at border in search of US asylum
2018-04-30 11:55
SOT, Guillermo from El Salvador (Spanish): «Because it is very dangerous, the chaos, the delinquency and all other things.» A group of reportedly 250 Central-American migrants, including 50 children, are waiting at the US-Mexico border in Tijuana until they are granted asylum by the US, after they were rejected by the US Customs and Border Protection on Sunday. *MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW*

2018-04-30 12:00
Выпуск видеоновостей Радио Свобода

Лекарства от депутатов. Такие новости №126
2018-04-30 12:01
На этой неделе сенатор Сергей Лисовский предложил всем лечиться «марганцовочкой и аскорбиночкой». Таким образом, появилась уже вторая отечественная школа лечения.

Trading Signals
2018-04-30 12:03
Good morning, the Dukascopy TV team is here with the Monday’s Daily Trading Signals. Euro/Dollar has 4 neutral signals in both the 1 and 4-hour time scales. 5 models are pointing South in the daily range, in line with the close to 29% short interbank sentiment. Pound/Dollar’s hourly indicators show mixed results. Mid and long term charts both are mostly red, but the less than 10% short interbank stance is neutral. Dollar/Yen has 6 studies pointing North in the short term. 4 studies are neutral in the 4-hour scale and most of the models are bullish in the long term. Interbank exposure is just 2% short, just like the 4-hour models. Pound/Yen has 4 neutrals in the hourly scale. Mid and long terms both have 5 sell signals, but the 18% long interbank is bullish. Neutral signals are in the lead of all three time ranges for the Euro/Yen. Interbank sentiment is bullish at close to 32% long. These were the Daily Trading Signals for Monday with me Kiays Khalil.

Несколько журналистов погибли от взрыва смертника в Кабуле
2018-04-30 12:08
В результате двойного теракта в Кабуле погибли более 20 человек, в том числе минимум 7 журналистов, а еще более сорока человек были ранены. Среди погибших — журналисты афганской редакции Радио Свобода Абадулла Хананзия и Мухаррам Дурани, а еще один журналист Радио Свобода, Сабвун Какар, был ранен.

«Специальный репортаж»: Счастье не за горами
2018-04-30 12:09
Сколько весит миллиард рублей? Как собирают новый российский двигатель для самолета МС-21? Что добывают на глубине 400 метров? Зачем русский хор поет на старофранцузском? И кто делает роботов-патриотов? Все ответы — в Пермском крае.

Желтый уровень опасности объявили в Москве из-за ветра
2018-04-30 12:22
В столице из-за усиления ветра объявлен желтый уровень погодной опасности.

Мастер-классы и экскурсии ждут москвичей на майские праздники
2018-04-30 12:26
В столице на майские праздники планируется много интересного. Это Рыцарский турнир, танцевальный парад-перформанс, мастер-классы.

Более 250 пикниковых точек открылось в Москве в 2018 году
2018-04-30 12:27
В столице в этом году открылось свыше 250 официальных пикниковых точек в парках.

Pakistan: Thousands rally to support Imran Khan's 11-point reform programme
2018-04-30 12:38
Roughly 100,000 Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) supporters gathered in Lahore on Sunday, as PTI leader Imran Khan unveiled his 11-point reform programme for the upcoming general election, in which he aims to become prime minister. The reform programme covers areas ranging from education and health, to corruption, as well as the police and judicial system. «I raised a voice against this war, I insisted on a non-contribution to America's war [in Afghanistan], I was against that,» Imran Khan also said in his speech.

Амурские тигрята родились в Крыму
2018-04-30 12:42
Четверо амурских тигрят появились на свет в крымском сафари-парке «Тайган». Три мальчика и одна девочка еще полностью не открыли глаза, но чувствуют себя отлично. Мать малышей тигрица Василиса демонстрирует полное спокойствие и умиротворение.

Стадион в Калининграде готовится принять ЧМ-2018
2018-04-30 12:45
Арена Балтика в Калининграде готовится принять групповые матчи чемпионата мира-2018. Стадион будет вмещать 35 тысяч зрителей. Несмотря на то, что объект неоднократно видоизменялся и был одним из самых проблемных, сейчас все почти готово. Уже началась продажа билетов.

Число пациенток с анорексией увеличилось перед пляжным сезоном
2018-04-30 12:51
Перед началом пляжного сезона в больницах выросло число пациенток с анорексией. Эксперты связывают это с пропагандой худобы.

Пожарные и военные спасли от огня 150 тысяч гектаров тайги
2018-04-30 12:59
Порядка 150 тысяч гектаров тайги удалось потушить на Дальнем Востоке за минувшие сутки. Это данные «Авиалесоохраны». Из них около 40 тысяч — территория Хинганского заповедника. Там с огнем боролись около двух недель.

2018-04-30 13:00
Выпуск видеоновостей Радио Свобода

Турнир Святого Георгия открывается в «Коломенском»
2018-04-30 14:29
В музее-заповеднике «Коломенское» собрались рыцари со всего мира: там открывается 4-й международный турнир Святого Георгия.

Лекции и консультации пройдут в московских клиниках в мае в рамках дней открытых дверей
2018-04-30 14:32
Сразу в нескольких клиниках пройдут лекции и консультации в рамках программы открытых дверей в мае.

Тысячи людей пришли на акцию в поддержку Telegram в Москве
2018-04-30 14:35
В Москве на митинг в поддержу мессенджера Telegram, который проходит в эти минуты на проспекте Сахарова, пришли около 5 тысяч человек. Об этом сообщают активисты. На митинг пришел оппозиционер Алексей Навальный. Политик заявил, что из-за сотрудников полиции ему удалось не сразу попасть на площадку, где проходит акция. В Москве в понедельник проходит митинг протеста против запрета в России мессенджера Telegram. Его организовали активисты Либертарианской партии России. Митинг поддержал основатель Telegram Павел Дуров. Радио Свобода ведет прямую трансляцию с проспекта Сахарова, где власти Москвы согласовали акцию с участием пяти тысяч человек.

«Песня с историей»: «Вологда»
2018-04-30 14:39
Сегодня наш главный герой — знаменитая песня, чья всесоюзная премьера состоялась 76-м году. В это же время СССР и США подписывают договор о подземных ядерных взрывах в мирных целях. А Алле Пугачевой нравится, что можно быть смешной. Леониду Брежневу присваивается воинское звание Маршала Советского Союза. А группа «Машина времени» не может разобрать — то ли люди, то ли куклы. Станция «Луна-24» совершает посадку на поверхность спутника Земли. А ансамбль «Песняры» объясняет, почему ему всегда мила Вологда.

Патриарх Кирилл: террористов может разоружить религия
2018-04-30 14:42
Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл находится с визитом в Албании. Накануне предстоятель провел торжественную литургию вместе с главой местной православной церкви. Служба собрала тысячи прихожан. Для страны это первый в истории визит Московского патриарха.

Завершена глубоководная укладка первой нитки «Турецкого потока»
2018-04-30 14:43
Глубоководная укладка морского участка первой нитки «Турецкого потока» у черноморского побережья Турции завершена, сообщили в «Газпроме». По словам главы компании Алексея Миллера, суммарно по двум ниткам построен уже 1161 километр газопровода. Это 62 % от всей его протяженности.

«Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Владимир Шевельков
2018-04-30 14:50
Почему фильм «Гардемарины, вперед!» едва не поставил точку в карьере актера Владимира Шевелькова? Как он пережил затишье в работе? И почему решил в итоге сделать паузу в профессии? Ответы на эти вопросы — из первых уст сегодня.

В центре «Космонавтика и авиация» на ВДНХ не работают кассы
2018-04-30 14:51
Кассы временно не работают в центре «Космонавтика и авиация» на ВДНХ, так что попасть туда можно только по электронным билетам.

Международный Рыцарский турнир открылся в «Коломенском»
2018-04-30 14:52
В музее-заповеднике «Коломенское» собрались рыцари со всего мира, там открылся 4-й международный турнир Святого Георгия.

На что обращать внимание при вызове уборщицы на дом
2018-04-30 14:54
Услуги по уборке становятся все популярнее в Москве, но часто оборачиваются неприятными последствиями. На что следует обратить внимание?

2018-04-30 15:00
Выпуск видеоновостей Радио Свобода

Italy: Far-right supporters perform Nazi salute in Milan
2018-04-30 15:01
Around 200 far-right extremists gathered at Via Paladini in Milan on Sunday in commemoration of the 43rd anniversary of the death of far-right activist Sergio Ramelli on April 29, 1975. They performed the Nazi salute at the site of a memorial plaque to Ramelli. Far-right supporters had earlier marched with red roses and gathered at a church to commemorate the death of the far-right activist. Sergio Ramelli was a 19-year-old member of the Youth Front, the youth branch of the right-wing Italian Social Movement party. He died on April 29, 1975, in Milan at the hands of militants belonging to the left-wing Workers Vanguard.

Полиция и Росгвардия обеспечивают безопасность в Москве на майских праздниках
2018-04-30 15:05
Майские праздники в Москве проходят под особым контролем: полиция и Росгвардия обеспечивают безопасность в столице.

Курортный сезон открыт: в Крыму туристов ждет рекордное тепло
2018-04-30 15:17
В Крыму уже начался курортный сезон. Несмотря на то что купаться в море пока рановато, температура воздуха практически летняя, даже рекордная. И уже через считанные недели добраться до полуострова можно будет по автомобильной части нового Крымского моста.

Midday Snapshot
2018-04-30 15:44
We're halfway through this week's first trading day, and it's time for the Midday Snapshot. Euro/Dollar moved sharply lower hours into the session to trade point 37% in the red. Turnover is low and neutral sentiment of the traders is 9% long. Late decline puts bearish market players in better positions so far today. Pound/Dollar took a steep decline as well and it puts the pair point 29% in the red. The Cable sees 39% less than typical funds and most of them have been driven by bullish expectations. Decline has brought risks, but the slow trading approach should help to cushion losses. Dollar/Yen has been on a rise a gain of a quarter of a percent has been posted. This pair sees just half of the monthly average funds and sentiment is neutral at 12% long. Uptrend makes a successful morning session more likely for those who were long. Pound/Dollar has seen its trend change and the pair was back near the opening level at 12 o’clock. Traded volume is average and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. A single trend hasn’t formed and success depends on the timing of the trades. Euro/Yen’s rise was followed by a decline of 50 pips. Traded volume is extremely low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, short positions are up by 11%. Both sides have seen only limited profit opportunities due to the passive trading approach. I'm Jack Everitt and this was the Midday Snapshot for Monday.

South Korea: 'Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize' — Moon
2018-04-30 15:49
South Korean President meeting with senior presidential secretaries, Seoul South Korean President Moon Jae-in reportedly said that US President Donald Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the standoff over North Korea's nuclear weapons program, during a meeting with senior presidential secretaries in Seoul on Monday. Moon called for a rapid ratification of the Panmunjom Declaration in the parliament, saying «through this Panmunjom Declaration, we should make this moment an irreversible historical moment for the Korean peninsula's peace and prosperity. But, we have only put forward our first step. It is only a beginning. With a new attitude and will, we should do our best to prepare to take follow-up measures.» The joint declaration was announced on Friday after the historic meeting between Moon and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jung-un in the border village of Panmunjom at Demilitarised Zone. The two leaders agreed on a «complete denuclearisation» of the Korean peninsula and the change of the current armistice agreement into a peace treaty by the end of this year.

2018-04-30 16:00
Выпуск видеоновостей Радио Свобода

Russia: Navalny participates in rally against Telegram app ban
2018-04-30 16:25
Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny took part in an authorised rally against blocking Telegram messenger ban in Moscow on Monday. According to the organisers, up to 5,000 participants -which is the maximum number of people allowed by the authorities- attended the rally. Protesters threw paper planes symbolising the Telegram messenger and chanted 'We will win!' Navalny called his supporters to participate in a nationwide rally on May 5 in Moscow ahead of Vladimir Putin's presidential inauguration scheduled on May 7. The Telegram application was banned across the entire territory of the Russian Federation, following a ruling by the Tagansky district court in Moscow on April 13. With its 15 million users, Telegram is one of the most popular messaging applications in Russia.

Комендант общежития при колледже в Ухте рассказала о скандальном директоре
2018-04-30 16:26
Студенты колледжа в Ухте пожаловались на директора, который угрожал переделать их общежитие в казармы без дверей.

Московские поликлиники перешли на праздничный график работы
2018-04-30 16:58
На праздничный график работы перешли столичные поликлиники, центры госуслуг «Мои документы» и ЗАГСы.

Собянин пригласил москвичей в «Лужники» на открытие летнего сезона
2018-04-30 16:59
1 мая в «Лужниках» стартует первый после реконструкции летний сезон, Сергей Собянин пригласил горожан на мероприятия.

Федор Емельяненко одержал победу над Фрэнком Миром за 48 секунд
2018-04-30 17:02
Легенда смешанных единоборств Федор Емельяненко уничтожил бывшего чемпиона UFC Фрэнка Мира, отправив его в нокаут.

Групповое изнасилование «волчьей стаей»: почему десятки тысяч испанцев вышли на улицы
2018-04-30 17:08
На пике протестного движения, около 35 тысяч людей вышли на улицы Памплоны 28 апреля, высказывая свое негодование решением суда по делу о групповом изнасиловании. Суд признал обвиняемых виновными, но не в изнасиловании, а в насильственных действиях сексуального характера

Stop Shaking
2018-04-30 17:12
Put an end to vomit inducing shaky footage with the new DJI OSMO mobile 2.

Armenia: Opposition leader Pashinyan calls for fair elections
2018-04-30 17:36
Nikol Pashinyan, Armenian opposition leader (Armenian): «I want to underline that such topics were not a matter of the discussions and I think it is not right to speak about it.» Journalist (Armenian): «Was a name Pashinyan used in a context of a candidate of people's Prime Minister during the meeting? « Nikol Pashinyan, Armenian opposition leader (Armenian): «As far as I know, yesterday or a day before they stated that they were going to vote for me.» Journalist (Armenian): «Do you have any concerns about it?» Nikol Pashinyan, Armenian opposition leader (Armenian): «What kind of concerns? On the contrary, this is an opportunity to finally break through, this is a good chance for Armenia to develop rapidly.» Journalist (Armenian): «Do you think that RPA's program will not be accepted?» Nikol Pashinyan, Armenian opposition leader (Armenian): «It is obvious for everyone that fair elections are needed but election time and dates are still unknown. This decision cannot be made unilaterally, we should discuss it with other parliamentary fractions and with RPA and find a compromise option. But there is a more important principle — to make sure that we did everything we could to hold fair, people's elections. We should hold elections which will not give a reason to doubt them. They will be legitimate elections.» Opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan began negotiations with parliamentary fractions in Yerevan on Monday calling for fair elections of country's Prime Minister. In order to be elected as a new Prime Minister Pashinyan has to gain 53 out of 105 MPs votes. Pashinyan said that it is an 'opportunity to finally break through,' adding it is a good chance for Armenia 'to develop rapidly'. Armenians have been on the streets since April 13, after the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) nominated former President Serzh Sargsyan for the prime minister's post. On April 23, Sargsyan stepped down after a few days in his new post, stating that «the street movement was against» him.

Караван иммигрантов у границы США
2018-04-30 17:42
Около 50 граждан государств Центральной Америки — часть, так называемого, «каравана иммигрантов» — пытаются получить убежище в США. Среди тех, кто достиг пункта перехода Сан-Исайдро на границе США и Мексики — женщины, дети и трансгендеры

«Мы были злыми сами на себя». Селихов — о победе над «Амкаром»
2018-04-30 17:43
Вратарь «Спартака» после игры в Перми.

Bulgaria: Fan cycles from Cairo to Moscow ahead of 2018 World Cup
2018-04-30 17:48

2018-04-30 18:00
Выпуск видеоновостей Радио Свобода

Бразильский серфер установил рекорд, покорив волну 24-метровую волну
2018-04-30 18:01
Бразильский серфер Родриго Кокса стал рекордсменом мира. 8 октября 2017 года он покорил волну высотой в 24,38 метра.

До 35 метров в секунду: по Уралу прошел ураган
2018-04-30 18:02
В Челябинске устраняют последствия урагана, который пронесся по региону накануне. Как результат — десятки поваленных деревьев и рекламных щитов.

Afghanistan: Dozens rushed to hospital after deadly double suicide attack in Kabul
2018-04-30 18:09
Dozens of injured people were transported to the Wazir Mohammad Akbar Khan National Hospital in Kabul on Monday, after a deadly double suicide bombing in the city centre, which also killed at least 25 people. The first detonation was carried out by a person riding a motorcycle in the capital's Shashdarak district, close to the offices of Afghanistan's main intelligence agency, according to reports citing government officials. After medical workers, citizens and journalists had arrived at the scene a second explosion occurred some 15-20 minutes later. The so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack.

В Кабуле погибли журналисты РСЕ/РС
2018-04-30 18:18
В двойном теракте смертник притворился оператором. Двое журналистов Радио Свобода/Свободная Европа стали жертвами этого взрыва

State of Palestine: Haniyeh calls for 'immediate' elections in light of 'March of Return'
2018-04-30 18:27
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh called for elections on all levels of Palestinian leadership as he rendered the current council devoid of legitimacy and unrepresentative of Palestinians' needs and wants in a press conference in Shati refugee camp, in northern Gaza Strip on Monday. Haniyeh also highlighted the importance of 'March of Return' in the liberation of Palestinians as he undermined the US President Donald Trump in his attempts to broker an alleged peace talk between Israel and Palestine. «The strategic priority now is the fall of the Trump's deal and preventing its implementation and stopping the security partnership with the occupation,» Haniyeh said speaking of Trump's decision in December 2017 to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Haniyeh also outlined some of the more important goals in Hamas' agenda mentioning, «Releasing the hands of our people in the West Bank, get involved in the popular resistance and to confront the occupation,» among others. The six-week long 'March of Return' will continue until May 15, the 'Nakba' (Catastrophe), which marks the expulsion and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Protesters are demanding a right of return to land which is now claimed by Israel.

Фильмы о городах-героях покажут на фасаде «Манежа»
2018-04-30 18:45
В мини-роликах зрители увидят Сталинград, Москву, Ленинград и Мурманск

Красно-зеленый Краснодар. Файер-шоу фанатов «Локомотива»
2018-04-30 18:50
Болельщики лидера чемпионата зажгли перед игрой.

Russia: More than 12,000 attend Moscow's Telegram rally — reports
2018-04-30 18:52
Protesters (Russian): «No!» Thousands of Muscovites gathered on Moscow's Sakharova Avenue to protest against the Telegram messenger ban on Monday. Opposition leaders such as Aleksei Navalny and head of Russian Libertarian Party Mikhail Svetov attended the rally. According to Navalny, he is not going to tolerate those who say «You behave badly on your internet so we will gobble down your internet.» Protesters threw paper planes symbolising the Telegram messenger. Authorised rally was organised by the Libertarian Party of Russia. According to the organisers, up to 5,000 participants — which is the maximum number of people allowed by the authorities — were expected to attend the rally. As police reports, 7,500 finally attended. According to the White Counter project, more than 12,300 people passed through metal detection arches to Sakharova Avenue. The Telegram messenger was banned across the entire territory of the Russian Federation, following a ruling by the Tagansky district court in Moscow on 13th April. Telegram's representatives had announced earlier that they did not plan to follow the order of the regulator to provide the FSB with encryption keys needed to access the data.

Как бывший топ-менеджер ТНК-ВР Роберт Дадли ссорился с Россией
2018-04-30 19:04
Топ-менеджера British Petrolium Роберта Дадли пытались отравить в Москве 10 лет назад, заявил бывший консультант ТНК-ВР Илья Заславский. В интервью Настоящему Времени он заявил, что попытка отравления Дадли связана с давлением российских властей на британских акционеров ТНК-ВР

Музей принцессы во Флориде
2018-04-30 19:14
Житель Флориды организовал домашний музей, посвященный британской принцессе Диане

МЧС предупредило о грозе и сильном ветре
2018-04-30 19:15
Водителей попросили быть осторожней в условиях плохой видимости

«Локомотив» сразится с «Краснодаром» за победу в чемпионате России
2018-04-30 19:15
Игра московской команды с Краснодаром проходит на поле соперника

India: 2 militants, 1 civilian dead in violent clashes with security forces in Kashmir
2018-04-30 19:24
Two Hizbul Mujahideen militants were gunned down by the Indian police in Drabgam area of south Kashmir's Pulwama district on Monday as deadly clashes also claimed a civilian's life. Civilians were allegedly trying to repel the Indian security forces by throwing stones as they closed down on the militants' hideout making heavy use of teargas to disperse the crowds. The hideout was later set on fire as the Indian forces reportedly shot barrel grenade on site. The bodies of the slain separatist militants identified as top commander Sameer Ahmad Bhat alias Tiger of Drubgam and his associate Aqib Mushtaq Khan of Rajpora were later put to rest in a funeral procession attended by thousands of Kashmiris in the village of Arihal. «We want full independence from Indian occupation because they are oppressing us and we are not going to accept Indian brutality anymore,» a protester said as the procession called for liberation from the Indian rule. Since an insurgency erupted in 1989, Kashmiri separatists have demanded independence or a merger with neighbouring Pakistan.

Yemen: Thousands march for Houthi chief al-Sammad killed in airstrike
2018-04-30 20:01
Thousands rallied in the streets of Sa'dah on Monday to protest the killing of senior Houthi official Saleh Al-Sammad in Saudi-led coalition airstrike on April 19th. Al-Sammad was allegedly killed in an air raid with his six companions on the way to meeting with local officials in Hodeidah. Former director of the Houthis leader office Mahdi al-Mashat was later sworn in as president of the Supreme Political Council, replacing Sammad. The Saudi-led bombing campaign continues in Yemen with US backing. The United Nations estimated that more than 10,000 have been killed and more than three million people have been displaced since beginning of the war in March 2015.

Russia: Foster mother of eight disabled children shares her story
2018-04-30 20:12
Journalist (Russian): «Do they want to return to the orphanage? What do they say, do they remember it?» Madinat Shakhbulatova, mother of adopted children (Russian): «No, they don't want to. When some people ask them they say no, they want to stay with mother.» Foster mother of eight disabled children Madinat Shakhbulatova shared the story behind her decision to adopt orphans in an interview filmed on 26th of April in the Makhachkala region in Dagestan. She said she made a vow to adopt children if he helped her son Ramazan to heal. Ramazan had been badly injured while serving in a law-enforcement body and spent six months in a critical condition. «At first we took three boys. I watched their reaction. Three months later we took three children more. Then took a girl, then more [children] and the last one is this little [child],» Shakhbulatova said. «If she made a promise, I think she did the right thing. I'm supporting her in this situation,» Ramazan, now fully recovered, commented on his mother's decision. According to Madinat, the children don't want to return to the orphanage and want to stay with her.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnians rally in support of arrested General Dudakovic
2018-04-30 20:22
Hundreds of Bosnians rallied in Bihac on Monday in support of General Atif Dudakovic, who had been arrested on suspicion of war crimes committed during the Bosnian War. General Dudakovic was arrested by the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) on Friday, alongside several other members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Army. Former fighters, who were among the participants of the rally, emphasized the General's key role in the war and claim that they defended the country honourably. During the war, General Dudakovic was commander of the Fifth Corps of Bosnia and Herzegovina, headquartered in Bihac. Rallies were also held in several other cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Откуда взялось слово «джаз»?
2018-04-30 20:37
Сегодня отмечается Международный день джаза. Этот праздник учредила в 2011 году Генеральная конференция ЮНЕСКО. Ксения Туркова рассказывает об истории слова «джаз», в которой до сих пор много загадок

Караван пришел
2018-04-30 21:31
Те, кто пришел в караване мигрантов из Гватемалы, Гондураса и Сальвадора, начали переходить американскую границу и просить убежище

Ливень и град обрушились на Тулу
2018-04-30 21:45
Местные жители опубликовали фото и видео непогоды

Israel: 'Iran lied' — Netanyahu takes on Tehran's 'secret nuclear weapon project'
2018-04-30 21:49
«Iran's leaders repeatedly deny ever pursuing nuclear weapons,» said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a press conference at the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv Tel Aviv on Monday, as he went on to unveil a «stash of 55,000 pages and 55,000 files on 183 CDs of Iran's secret nuclear weapon project.» Netanyahu proclaimed: «Tonight I'm here to tell you one thing: Iran lied.» The Israeli Prime Minister then went on to present via a PowerPoint presentation the details of Iran's nuclear warhead project Amad, «to design, build, and test nuclear weapons.» Netanyahu's reveal came after him meeting the newly-sworn-in US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday.

Брифинг 30 Апреля
2018-04-30 21:51
Визит президента Нигерии в США//Необычный способ решить проблему с оружием//Биомеханическая рука для ветерана

Afghanistan: Hundreds attend funeral of photographer killed in suicide bombing
2018-04-30 21:56
Hundreds attended the funeral of Shah Marai, Agence France-Presse chief photographer in Kabul's Guldara District on Monday. Marai was one of at least 25 killed in a double suicide bombing in the centre of the Afghan capital earlier. The funeral was held in a home village of Shah Marai with his relatives and friends attending. At least 25 people died and more than 49 were wounded in a double suicide bombing in the centre of Kabul, early Monday with at least 8 journalists also among the casualties. The first detonation was carried out by a person riding a motorcycle in the capital's Shashdarak district, close to the offices of Afghanistan's main intelligence agency, according to reports citing government officials. After medical workers, citizens and journalists had arrived at the scene a second explosion occurred some 15-20 minutes later. The so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Germany: AfD and PEGIDA hold joint rally in Zwickau
2018-04-30 22:04
Far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and anti-Islam PEGIDA organisation held a joint rally in Zwickau, Saxony on Monday, drawing around 200 supporters near the Alter Gasometer. The rally was held under the motto 'Courage Towards The Truth'. The protesters exhibited numerous German flags and placards against Chancellor Angela Merkel, as they listened to speeches from AfD politicians such as Bjoern Hoecke, Andre Poggenburg and Janin Klatt-Eberle. The rally also prompted a counter-demonstration, organised by local antifa activists, who set up a camp close to the far-right rally. Despite the vicinity of the oposing groups. The high number of police officers succeeded in keeping both sets at a safe enough distance.

«Мстители: Война бесконечности» установили новый рекорд по кассовым сборам в мире
2018-04-30 22:08
Ушел из жизни основатель фестиваля Burning Man / Дженнифер Лоуренс закрутила новый роман

Мэй, Макрон и Меркель — договор с Ираном следует расширить
2018-04-30 22:08
Лидеры Великобритании, Германии и Франции считают, что договор следует распространить на ряд новых сфер

«Краснодар» обыграл «Локомотив» со счетом 2:0
2018-04-30 22:15
Московская команда не смогла досрочно стать победителем в чемпионате России

Где провести майские праздники в столице
2018-04-30 22:15
Насыщенная культурная программа ждет москвичей 1 мая

Новости США за 60 секунд. — 30 апреля 2018 года
2018-04-30 22:23
Трамп принял Бухари // Помпео призвал к переговорам // Смена флага // «Караван мигрантов» // Огонь в Аризоне

USA: Trump promises decision on Iran nuclear deal 'on or before the 12th'
2018-04-30 22:29
US President Donald Trump supports recent Israeli claims that Iran 'lied' about its nuclear program, speaking during a press conference with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari in Washington DC on Monday . The US President went on to say that Iran is «setting off missiles which they say are for television purposes,» adding that he doesn't believe those claims. Trump pledged to make a decision on Iran nuclear deal stressing that it «doesn't mean we won't negotiate a real agreement». «I'm not telling you what I'm doing, but a lot of people think they know. And on or before the 12th, we'll make a decision,» Trump said in reference to the May deadline by which he either has to issue new waivers to suspend US sanctions against Iran or exit the nuclear accord. When asked on his take on alleged Trump comments calling some countries 'shitholes,' Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said that he is not sure if such comments were true or not. «The best thing for me is to keep quiet,» he answered.

США и Африка
2018-04-30 22:30
Отношения между Соединенными Штатами и африканскими государствами всегда были сложными и даже противоречивыми. Однако связи Америки и Африки всегда были крепки. Александр Григорьев расскажет подробнее

«Интересы Кремля не совпадают с интересами западных демократий»
2018-04-30 22:32
Политологи в США призывают Белый дом понять, что распространение нестабильности — благоприятный климат для Москвы

Man miraculously survives being run over by TANK
2018-04-30 22:42
Footage released on Monday shows the horrific scenes of the T-60 tank driving over people during the military Combat Steel Festival in St. Petersburg. Organisers gave people the opportunity to climb on military vehicles and ride the T-60 tank but this ended up in tragedy. Reportedly, seven people sat on top of the armoured vehicle. Three of them, including two children, fell down and got injured as the tank was travelling over an embankment. One man hit the caterpillar tracks, but fortunately survived, breaking only his ankle. An investigative committee has opened an investigation into the incident.

«Я являюсь адвокатом, и я являюсь информатором»
2018-04-30 22:49
Российский адвокат и связи с Кремлем

«Дуров стал политическим субъектом». Организатор акции за Telegram о главном на митинге
2018-04-30 22:52
Тысячи человек за прекращение блокировки Telegram. Митинг на проспекте Сахарова в Москве прошел днем в понедельник, 30 апреля. Участники бросали в воздух бумажные самолетики, прямую трансляцию акции смотрел в интернете и создатель Telegram, Павел Дуров

Join Piquet and friends for a ride onto the Barca victory bus! *EXCLUSIVE*
2018-04-30 23:14
While FC Barcelona football players were rejoicing claiming La Liga and Copa del Rey titles atop a victory parade bus moving among ecstatic fans in Barcelona on Monday, centre-back Gerard Pique took it upon himself to grab the camera and film himself and his teammates, laughing, and blowing kisses to the camera. Join the bus ride with Lionel Messi giving a thumbs up and Luis Suarez laughing his hearts out as the jubilant crowds called out their names.

USA: Trump considers meeting Kim Jong-un at DMZ
2018-04-30 23:26
US President Donald Trump said that the Korean Demilitarized Zone is being considered as a possible venue for a potential meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, speaking at a press conference with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari in Washington DC on Monday. The US President added that «if things work out, there is a great celebration to be had on the site, not in a third-party country.» He noted: «it has a chance to be a big event.» On the 27th of April, Trump announced that he would meet the North Korean leader at some point in the next few weeks.

Armenia: Thousands flood Yerevan’s Republic Square to support Pashinyan
2018-05-01 00:32
Thousands of demonstrators led by Armenian opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan held a mass rally at the Republic Square, in Yerevan on Monday. Earlier Pashinyan, as the head of the opposition 'Way Out' (Yelk) Faction, has been nominated for the post of Prime Minister, becoming the sole candidate. With reference to the Armenian Constitution, «In case the Prime Minister submits a resignation or in other cases of the office of the Prime Minister becoming vacant, the factions of the National Assembly shall be entitled to nominate candidates for Prime Minister within a period of seven days after accepting the resignation of the Government. The National Assembly shall elect the Prime Minister by majority of votes of the total number of Deputies.» Armenians have been on the streets since April 13, after the ruling RPA nominated former President Serzh Sargsyan for the prime minister's post. On April 23, Sargsyan stepped down after a few days in his new post amid massive actions against his premiership.

«Первый пункт — подготовка свободных и демократических выборов»
2018-05-01 01:02
Лидер протестной Армении в интервью Грузинской службе Радио Свобода

USA: Pennsylvania Reps lead guns rights rally at State Capitol in Harrisburg
2018-05-01 01:48
Gun rights supporters and Pennsylvania State Representatives held a rally at the Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg on Monday, to voice their support for the 2nd amendment. Speakers and State representatives talked about second amendment rights and gun control laws. Matt Dowling, Pennsylvania representative said «Our forefathers gave us the right to own the military great technology of their day and they would want us to have the ability to organise in this age, as a well-regulated militia that can stand up to the tyranny of governments.» Butler County sheriff Mike Slupe explained how he forbade his deputies from using services of companies who have cut ties with the National Rifle Association (NRA) in support of the Parkland movement. «"I've always said sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest choice you make because it won't be popular, but it's the right thing,» Slupe stated, adding: «I've taken some criticism and I'm going to tel you, if I get crucified, I'll be in damn good company.»

«Top Fashion Video»
2018-05-01 02:11

Syria: Buses prepare to evacuate militants from Yarmouk to Idlib
2018-05-01 02:17
Footage from Yarmouk in the south of Damascus on Monday, shows buses preparing to evacuate militants and their families to the Idlib province, after the Syrian government reportedly reached an evacuation deal with the Hayet Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) militant group. According to the Syrian state news agency, the Syrian government reached an agreement with the Hayet Tahrir al-Sham group, which allowed them and their families to relocate out of the area into the opposition-held northwestern Idlib province.

Germany: AfD rally supporting police shooting of refugee hit by counter-protests
2018-05-01 03:05
Supporters of the right-wing Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party gathered in Fulda on Monday, to hold an anti-refugee demonstration in support for the police, after an unarmed 19-year-old Afghan youth was shot and killed by German police on April 13. The demo attracted a large amount of counter-protesters, who heckled the speakers, whistled and banged on pots and pans to disrupt the speakers. Although the situation became tense during some moments, no clashed erupted. On April 13, an 19-year-old Afghan refugee was shot and killed by German police after allegedly attacking a delivery driver and smashing the windows of a bakery in the city of Fulda.

Пылающая Аризона
2018-05-01 03:09
Более 500 пожарных борются с природными пожарами в штате Аризона. Выгорело уже около 3,5 тыс га растительности, жители пострадавшего от огня района вынуждены были оставить дома.

Economic Calendar
2018-05-01 09:00
Financial markets are closed in a number of countries on May the 1st due to Labour day, but economic calendar is still busy, so let’s take a look. A couple of UK releases open this agenda at 8:30 in the morning, including Manufacturing PMI for April. The Index was almost unchanged in March as it rose by one tenth of a point. Lending to individuals for March will be available at the same time. Net lending was stronger than expected in February as it jumped by 5.4 billion. Loonie dollar could be shaken up by the Canadian GDP report for February at a half past noon GMT. Economy slipped by point 1% in January mainly due to lower output of non-conventional oil extraction and decreased activity in real estate. 2 PM GMT will be busy for Greenback traders with two releases regarding the US economy and the high importance ISM Manufacturing PMI for April is one of them. Index slipped by 1 and a half percent in March, but of the 18 manufacturing industries, 17 reported growth. Construction spending for March is the other item out at this time. Spending during February was estimated at point 1 percent above the revised January level. Then we have another potential Loonie Dollar shaker at 6:30 PM as the Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz will speak on household debt in Yelloknife. The high importance data run continues at a quarter to 11 PM with the first quarter New Zealand Labour Force Survey. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate declined to 4.5 percent in fourth quarter, which is the lowest unemployment rate since the last quarter of 2008. China Manufacturing PMI for April follows at 1:45 AM. A disappointing slide brought the index a lot closer to the 50 level in March. And Japanese Consumer Confidence for April wraps up this agenda at an early 5 AM. Confidence stood unchanged at 44.3 in March. These were the news events that could provide some trading opportunities on Tuesday. Bye for now.

«Мы из будущего»: А Родину кто защищать будет? Анонс
2018-05-09 16:00
Четверо ребят, наших современников, связаны общим делом: они ищут и продают боевые трофеи времен Второй мировой войны, зарабатывая тем самым неплохие деньги. Их называют «черными копателями». Лидер в этой компании — Борман. Он выбирает место для раскопок, читает много книг, написанных участниками военных событий. Череп — скинхед, мечтающий найти немецкое оружие. Спирт — современный музыкант, ему просто нужны деньги, чтобы заниматься любимым делом, а Чуха — компьютерщик, подсевший на виртуальные игры.

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