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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Combinatorics, Algebra, and More: a Conference in Celebration of Peter Cameron

Combinatorics, Algebra, and More: a Conference in Celebration of Peter Cameron

8-10 July 2013

School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

This conference is to mark Prof. Peter Cameron's retirement, to celebrate
his many mathematical achievements (so far), and to encourage further research
in important areas of combinatorics and algebra. The conference will
feature talks by Peter himself, Joa~o Arau'jo, La'szlo' Babai, R. A. Bailey,
Michael Giudici, Timothy Gowers (tbc), Robert Johnson, Martin Liebeck,
Dugald Macpherson, Peter Neumann, Donald Preece, Thomas Prellberg,
Alan Sokal, Anatoly Vershik, Bridget Webb, and Geoff Whittle.

Please visit http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~camconf/

for more information and to register for this conference. We especially
encourage participation by PhD students, for whom reduced rates are

We hope to see you there!

Leonard Soicher
David Ellis

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