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Покушение на Мадуро: начато расследование

Покушение на Мадуро: начато расследование
2018-08-05 06:23
По факту покушения на президента Мадуро прокуратура Венесуэлы начала расследование. Для этого специально назначены три прокурора. Подробности расследования будут освещены на пресс-конференции.

В пять регионов России жизненно важные лекарства отправляют волонтеры
2018-08-05 06:30
В Ростов-на-Дону, Калининград, Коми, Краснодарский край, Североморск волонтеры вынуждены отправлять препарат «Купренил». Лекарства, которое входит в список жизненно важных, здесь нет. Пациентам с болезнью Вильсона-Коновалова должны выдавать «Купренил» бесплатно, но даже купить его сами они не могут.

Прекрасный и древний Выборг: жемчужину Ленобласти ждет масштабная реконструкция
2018-08-05 07:14
Владимир Мединский назвал Выборг туристической жемчужиной. В субботу глава Минкульта вместе с губернатором Ленобласти осмотрели ход реставрации в городе и посетили праздничные мероприятия в честь дня рождения региона.

Оно вам надо? — Воскресный проект Александра Герасимова.
2018-08-05 07:23
Хотели, как лучше. Почему в Конгресс США внесен законопроект о новых санкциях. Амбарная книга «Партии регионов». Как американский политолог заработал в Украине 70 миллионов долларов. Ереванский «enfant terrible» от политики. Возможно ли военное вторжение России в Армению в воспитательных целях.

Под знаком крещендо: маэстро Гергиев выступает во Владивостоке
2018-08-05 08:44
Во Владивостоке проходит международный дальневосточный фестиваль «Мариинский». Дальневосточных зрителей ждут шедевры Вагнера и Штрауса в исполнении маэстро Валерия Гергиева.

Дима Билан в новом клипе посмеялся над свадьбами
2018-08-05 10:36
Клип Димы Билана набрал почти 2,5 миллиона просмотров за выходные.

За покушением на президента Венесуэлы маячит «рука Вашингтона»
2018-08-05 10:39
На президента Венесуэлы Николас Мадуро было совершено покушение; он не пострадал. А произошло все во время крупного военного парада. Генпрокуратура республики начала расследование. Несколько человек уже задержаны.

Белое против красного: в Грузии сыграли шахматный матч бокалами с вином
2018-08-05 10:44
В Грузии чемпионка мира по шахматам Нона Гаприндашвили и чемпион Европы Зураб Азмайпарашвили сошлись в необычном матче — вместо фигур они играли бокалами с вином. Этот мероприятие было приурочено к 43-й олимпиаде по шахматам, которая 23 августа начнется в Батуми.

Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 05.08.2018
2018-08-05 11:29
Агрономы песчаных карьеров. И дольше века длится жизнь. Есть тут рыбка и большая, и маленькая. Карет уже нет, а скорая помощь осталась.

«Кинофакты»: «Начало»
2018-08-05 11:38
Фильм «Начало», сделавший Инну Чурикову актрисой, прославившейся на всю страну, на самом деле был всего лишь генеральной репетицией к большой картине о Жанне Д’Арк. Это стало причиной очень драматичного выбора: профессия или муж. По сюжету Чурикова исполняет одновременно роль актрисы, играющей Орлеанскую деву, и наивной провинциалки Паши Строгановой, которая только мечтает стать большой артисткой. Сценарий практически списан с биографии самой актрисы. Режиссер фильма Глеб Панфилов впервые увидел Чурикову именно в роли Бабы Яги, которую она исполняла в Московском ТЮЗе. В тот момент он готовился к съемкам их первой совместной работы «В огне брода нет» и утвердил Чурикову на роль.

Белый дом не пустил аккредитированного журналиста на конференцию. За нее вступились коллеги
2018-08-05 11:47
У журналистов из пула Белого дом немало разногласий. Но когда аккредитованную коллегу решили не пустить на мероприятие якобы из-за выкрикивания вопросов президенту, даже конкуренты встали на ее защиту

USA: Trump rallies faithful before Ohio special elections
2018-08-05 12:31
SOT, audience: «CNN sucks, CNN sucks» SOT, audience: «Red wave, red wave.» SOT, Donald Trump, US President: «But you got to get out and do it. You got to get out and vote. You got to get out. Because, they want to take away what we've given. They want to take away. Did you ever see this? I mean, did you see Pelosi? Who, by the way, again, controls Danny O'Connor, whoever the hell that is, but, you know. Danny O'Connor.» US President Donald Trump held a rally in Ohio in a bid to promote Republican candidate Troy Balderson before Tuesday's special elections for the 12th congressional district at the Lewis Centre in Delaware County on Saturday. Balderson's challenger is Democratic Party nominee Danny O'Connor. Trump rejected previous claims suggesting he initially supported another candidate, calling these reports «fake news» and causing audience to chant «CNN sucks». The US leader also praised his achievements during his presidency stressing, «this has been some successful period for our country. Our country has never, ever, been like this. Levels of enthusiasm the likes of which nobody has ever seen.» The special elections for Ohio's 12th congressional district will be held on August 7. This week's vote in the majority Republican state could indicate a swing away from the current president, as polls now show Balderson and O'Connor neck and neck.

В Херсонесе Путин пообщался со звездами балета и побывал во Владимирском храме
2018-08-05 12:33
Владимир Путин побывал на открытии второго международного фестиваля «Опера в Херсонесе». В субботу на территории античного города выступали звезды мирового балета. После открытия президент пообщался с артистами и поблагодарил их за выступление.

Власти Венесуэлы сообщили об атаке дронов на президента Мадуро
2018-08-05 12:37
Власти Венесуэлы утверждают, что на президента страны Николаса Мадуро было совершено покушение. Согласно заявлениям, это произошло в субботу, 4 августа, на военной церемонии в Каракасе. В сети появилось видео выступления Мадуро, во время которого слышен хлопок. Сразу после этого охрана начинает закрывать президента специальными щитами, а сам он смотрит вверх. Отмечается, что пострадали семь человек.

Вести. Эфир от 05.08.2018 (11:00)
2018-08-05 12:38
Столкнувшиеся под Красноярском вертолеты были исправны. Следственные действия возобновились с рассветом. 6 августа в крае — день траура. Атака дрона со взрывчаткой: в Каракасе пытались убить Николаса Мадуро во время выступления на военном параде. Вместо ярких декораций — античные башни и бескрайнее море: фестиваль «Опера в Херсонесе» собрал звезд балета.

ТАК! Выпуск №48. Началась великая битва за Германию
2018-08-05 13:23
За 6 лет прямые китайские инвестиции в экономику Европы выросли в 22 раза. Как это уже сейчас сказывается на мировом раскладе сил и что нас ждет в дальнейшем?

Venezuela: Military parade ends in panic after Maduro 'assassination attempt'
2018-08-05 13:50
C/U Soldier's face W/S Bodyguards evacuate Maduro from under parade tents, military parade disperses A military parade in Caracas ended in panic as soldiers fled an explosion thought to be a failed assassination attempt of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas on Saturday. Two drones loaded with explosives were allegedly detonated close to the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard of Venezuela in the capital's downtown. Mid-speech, Maduro and his wife Cilia Flores looked up, after hearing the sound of an explosion. Bodyguards then escort the president away from the event, followed by soldiers fleeing. Seven members National Guards were reported injured. Maduro and other government figures were unharmed. Maduro blamed Colombia and elements in the US for the «an attempt to kill me.» The Colombian government refuted the allegations. An online resistance group 'Soldados de Franelas' — meaning Soldiers in T-shirts in English — claimed involvement on Twitter. The group did not provide evidence and has not responded to requests for comment. Three firefighters at the scene said the explosion was from a gas tank in a nearby apartment. The comments were made anonymously and no further details have emerged so far. MANDATORY CREDIT: Venezolana De Televisión

Стивен Сигал получил должность в МИД России
2018-08-05 14:40
Стивен Сигал назначен на должность спецпредставителя МИД России по гуманитарным связям с США. Актер будет помогать развитию отношений двух стран в сфере культуры, искусства и программ обмена для молодежи. Сигал заявил, что уже и раньше работал над этим, но не имел официального статуса. В российском МИД заявили, что должность Сигала не предполагает денежного вознаграждения. Стивен Сигал получил российское гражданство два года назад. Паспорт ему выдал лично президент России Владимир Путин. Также у актера есть американский и сербский паспорта. В Государственном департаменте США новую должность Сигала пока не комментируют. Бывший посол США в России Майкл Макфол назвал назначение актера жестом отчаяния.

Afghanistan: Taliban suicide bomber kills 3 NATO soldiers
2018-08-05 15:06
A Taliban suicide bomber killed three NATO soliders on patrol in the eastern province of Parwan on Sunday. The Czech military confirmed that the three killed were Czech nationals. A US serviceman and two Afghan troops were also wounded. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, which took place near the provincial capital of Charakar. NATO formally ended its mission in Afghanistan in 2014, but thousands of foreign troops remain, providing support and training to the Afghan army.

Покушение на президента Венесуэлы на параде 4 августа 2018 года
2018-08-05 15:32
Мадуро выступал перед президентским дворцом в Каракасе на военном параде, когда к трибуне на проспекте Боливара были направлены несколько дронов со взрывчаткой. Ранения получили семеро гвардейцев, но президент не пострадал. Ответственность взяла на себя местная группировка.

Дональд Трамп: Россия, Китай и КНДР вмешиваются в дела США
2018-08-05 15:50
Россия, Китай и, возможно, Северная Корея вмешиваются в дела Соединенных Штатов. Об этом президент США Дональд Трамп заявил во время своего выступления в штате Огайо, сообщает телеканал NBC. По словам Трампа, число подобных действий может возрасти из-за экономического роста в США. «Мы должны остановить вмешательство и всех тех, кто атакует нас», — сказал президент. NBC отмечает, что заявление Трампа противоречит его предыдущим высказываниям. В частности, несколько дней назад глава Белого дома назвал ложью информацию о вмешательстве России в президентские выборы в США в 2016 году.

Israel: Netanyahu says 'committee' to ease Druze outrage over state-law
2018-08-05 16:01
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke in Jerusalem on Sunday after a new state-law defining Israel as a Jewish state caused mass anti-government rallies and provoked the ire of the Druze community. Netanyahu defended his new state-law, saying: «Without the nation-state law the future of Israel as the Jewish nation state cannot be ensured for generations to come.» «The deep bond between the Druze community and our commitment to it are also essential. Therefore, today we will establish a special ministerial committee that will advance this bond,» he added, regarding the ire of the Israeli Druze community. The Druze community is an Arab-speaking integrated minority that serves in the Israeli army and follows Sunni Islam. The new law caused outrage as it declares Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people and downgrades Arabic from an 'official' language to a 'special' one. The announcement comes a day after mass rallies in Tel Aviv against the new state-law.

State of Palestine: Reporters rally outside Israeli prison to support hunger-strikers
2018-08-05 16:10
A body representing Palestinian journalists protested outside the Israeli Ofer prison near Ramallah on Sunday in solidarity with colleagues on hunger strike or detained in prison. Members of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) and families of those detained rallied outside the prison gates under the watchful eye of the Israeli prison service. On July 30, the director of Al-Quds TV station in the West Bank Alaa al-Rimawi was arrested during an Israeli raid on his home. He immediately went on hunger strike to protest his detention, according to the Palestinian Prisoner's Society. His wife, Mimouna Husam al-Din called Israel's actions a 'policy of arrogance' and 'piracy against Palestinian media.' Israeli security forces have detained another four journalists in raids in the West Bank this week, bringing to total up to 30 according to reports.

C-4 и беспилотники: на Мадуро напали во время парада
2018-08-05 16:14
В российском МИДе решительно осудили нападение на президента Венесуэлы Николаса Мадуро. В ведомстве подчеркнули: это была очевидная попытка дестабилизировать обстановку в стране. Атака произошла во время обращения политика к военным. Сам президент не пострадал, ранения получили несколько солдат. Власти Венесуэлы назвали произошедшее терактом.

Syria: Syrian Democratic Council chairs calls for decentralisation after crisis
2018-08-05 17:22
The executive chair of Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) Ilham Ahmad claimed that the opposition-controlled cities of Raqqa and Hasakah will not be 'handed over' to the government, during a video interview with RT from the Syrian city of Qamishli on Sunday. Answering a question regarding the possibility of such move, she said: «It is not the matter of discussion» with the government officials. «We believe that decentralised Syria is the right decision in order to save the country from the aftermath of the crisis and this tragedy. A centrally-controlled system was the source of this crisis,» added Ilham Ahmad. Ahmad represents the SDC, which is the political wing of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the Kurdish-led multi-ethnic alliance. She led the delegation of Democratic Forces during talks which the SDC was holding with Syrian government officials in Damascus last week.

Тела убитых в ЦАР журналистов доставили в Москву
2018-08-05 17:29
Тела журналиста Орхана Джемаля, режиссера Александра Расторгуева и оператора Кирилла Радченко, убитых неизвестными в Центральноафриканской Республике, доставлены в Москву. Об этом сообщает ТАСС. Максим Шевченко, друг Джемаля, сообщил, что Следственному комитету России на проведение экспертизы потребуется не менее двух дней Похороны Орхана Джемаля предварительно намечены на 8 августа. Прощание с ним пройдет в Московской соборной мечети. О дате похорон Расторгуева и Радченко пока не сообщается.

Switzerland: Helicopter dashes to scene as vintage plane crash kills 20
2018-08-05 18:12
A rescue helicopter was seen flying to the site of a plane crash which killed 20 near Piz Segnas on Saturday. The German-made plane, which was a World War Two era vintage aircraft, was carrying three crew members and 17 sightseers when it crashed into the side of the Piz Segnas mountain in the Swiss Alps. The victims were said to be between 42 and 84 years old, with everyone on board perishing. The cause of the crash is unknown. Courtesy of Simon Lechmann, Radio Sudostschweiz.

Russia: Footage emerges of wreckage after deadly Siberian helicopter crash
2018-08-05 18:28
Rescuers were working at a helicopter crash site around 180km (112mi) from the town of Igarka, Krasnoyarsk Region on Sunday, where a total of 18 people were killed the previous day. The Mi-8 helicopter crashed shortly after take-off at 10am local time (3am GMT), claiming the lives of 15 passengers and three crew members. The helicopter was transporting oil-workers but hit the cargo of another helicopter that took off a short while earlier. The crew of the other helicopter managed to prevent any casualties on its side. The weather had reportedly been fine, the Mi-8 was produced in 2010 and the pilot was experienced. «According to my decree, an operative staff for the elimination of this accident's aftermath was established,» said Krasnoyarsk Region governor Alexander Uss. «Identification of the dead bodies will been undertaken here in Krasnoyarsk. The families and relatives are to get compensation from different sources.» Russia's Investigative Committee has initiated criminal proceedings.

Indonesia: Patients flee hospital after mag. 7 quake rocks tourist resort
2018-08-05 18:38
Medical personnel rushed patients in their beds out of the Karangasem Hospital on the island of Bali on Sunday, as a magnitude 7 earthquake hit neighbouring Lombok killing at least three people and injuring many more. As the powerful earthquake hit, some parts of the ceiling in the hospital fell, causing panic among the patients, reports say. Some time after everyone was evacuated to safety, the medical personnel helped the patients to get back to their rooms. The Indonesian authorities also reportedly revoked a Tsunami alert which was issued immediately after the earthquake.

Croatia: 23nd anniversary of 'Operation Storm' marked at Knin fortress
2018-08-05 19:24
The Croatian flag was raised at Knin fortress during a ceremony on Sunday, marking the 23nd anniversary of the 'Operation Storm', the country's key victory in its 'War of Independence.' «It is with pride and gratitude that we recall today those glorious days which brought Croatia that long-desired freedom, which marked the end of the war, and which brought us permanent peace,» said Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, addressing the crowd. The Croatian military captured Knin, a Republic of Serbian Krajina stronghold, on August 5, 1995, an event considered a part of the Croatian War of Independence. The victory followed a large-scale military offensive dubbed «Operation Storm» and has been celebrated by Croats ever since. Whilst viewed as a victorious occasion in Croatia, for many Serbs it is a day of remembrance with memorials being held for the nearly 700 ethnic Serbs allegedly killed during the offensive. Nearly 200,000 Croatian Serbs were displaced as a result of Operation Storm and Croatia's celebration of the event has continued to strain the relationship between Serbia and its neighbour over recent years.

Belarus: 150kmh electricity-transmitting ‘string trains’ unveiled in Maryina Horka
2018-08-05 20:21
Multifunctional 'string railways' were unveiled in Maryina Horka on Sunday. The cables which will carry the carriages have a unique twist — they can also transmit electricity and signals, making them practical and multifunctional. The trains can also zoom along at speeds of up to 150kmh (93mph), a huge improvement when compared to conventional cable cars. «It can be used in a multi-mode — both with a passenger train [on the top] and cargo train on the bottom,» said Svetlana Voloshina, Deputy Head of Targeted Projects Department, highlighting the advances made.

State of Palestine: 'Freedom Ship 3' flotilla attempts to break Gaza sea blockade
2018-08-05 21:15
A flotilla carrying patients and students, titled 'Freedom Ship 3', departed from the Gaza port on Sunday in an attempt to break the Israeli siege on the Strip. Patient Raed Deab said: «I need surgery, five complicated surgeries. I have been prevented three or four times from getting the treatment. What am I going to do?» he said. «I will go to deliver our message to the world and I appeal to the world to stand with us.» Spokesman of the High Committee of the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege Ramdan Al-Haiek said the journey was 'a message from the Palestinian people.' «We need our basic human rights, which are supported by the international conventions and international community,» he said. «We are still suffering and there's a strong pain that has been imposed by the Israeli occupation and our activity today is peaceful.»

Venezuela: 'Far-right cowards' won’t succeed — MoD following Maduro 'assassination attempt'
2018-08-05 21:45
Venezuelan Defence Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez made a call for 'national unity' while speaking at the Defence Ministry in Caracas on Sunday, one day after an apparent assassination attempt on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Blaming the alleged assassination attempt on 'far-right cowards of the oligarchies,' Padrino Lopez vowed that 'they will have to pass on top of our ruins in order to install a despotic government of blood here.' «They weren't able with Commander Hugo Chavez, 18 years ago, 20 years ago. They will not be able now when the collective, political conscience of the people of Venezuela, of their Bolivarian national armed forces is much more cohesive and much stronger,» he continued. Seven National Guard soldiers were injured after explosions interrupted Maduro during a speech to mark the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard of Venezuela. Maduro and other government members were unharmed in the attack. The explosions were reportedly from two drones loaded with explosives. On Saturday, Maduro blamed Colombia and elements in the US for the «an attempt to kill me.» The Colombian government refuted the allegations. An online resistance group 'Soldados de Franelas' — meaning 'Soldiers in T-shirts' in English — claimed involvement on Twitter. The group did not provide evidence and has not responded to requests for comment. Three firefighters at the scene said the explosion was from a gas tank in a nearby apartment. The comments were made anonymously and no further details have emerged so far.

Switzerland: Authorities confirm no survivors as 20 killed in Alps plane crash
2018-08-05 21:57
A total of 20 people were killed in a sightseeing plane crash in the Swiss Alps, confirmed Captain Andreas Tobler, Head of Operations in the Graubunden Canton on Sunday. «There were no survivors to be found. All 20 aboard the flight were fatally wounded during the crash,» said Tobler. «It will take several days before the forensic analysis and identification of the victims can be concluded.» Swiss Safety Investigation Authority Daniel Knecht refused to speculate on the causes for the crash, but shared preliminary information. «It can be determined that the plane tipped perpendicularly and hit the ground with relatively high speed, said Knecht. «Today's temperatures are an impairment for the aircraft's performance. But it's never the weather conditions that are the cause of an accident, but the way they are dealt with,» he added. «Fundamentally there weren't the conditions there for an emergency landing. That would require a relatively flat angle and that wasn't the case here,» concluded Knecht. A total of 17 sightseers and 3 crew members, all aged 42-84 years, were on board the World War Two era vintage aircraft when it crashed into the side of the Piz Segnas mountain in the Swiss Alps. Courtesy of Simon Lechmann, Radio Sudostschweiz.

«Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: Несбыточная мечта антироссийского Запада
2018-08-05 22:00
Американские сенаторы готовят новые антироссийские санкции, сокрушительные, самые жесткие из всех, что когда-либо вводились, как они говорят. Причина - вмешательство России в предстоящие выборы. Доказательств, как обычно, нет.

«Война». Эфир от 05.08.2018
2018-08-05 22:03
На юге Сирии завершилась уникальная военная операция. Под контролем официального Дамаска — три региона и две границы.

UK: White Helmet head denies involvement in Omran Daqneesh photo in exclusive interview
2018-08-05 22:04
The head of the Syria Civil Defence, commonly known as the White Helmets, Raed al-Saleh commented on Omran Daqneesh's case, claiming the organisation saved him and his brother after their house was bombed, as well as denying involvement in the viral photograph of the boy, during a video interview from Istanbul which was aired on Sunday. «Omran Daqneesh's home was bombed and he was extracted by our team from under the rubble. We did not photograph him. The source of the photograph that was published was not the White Helmets, but a journalistic reporter. We saved him and his brother, who stayed in hospital for several months until he recovered,» al-Saleh said. Speaking of the boy's father Mohamad Daqneesh, al-Saleh said he was also taken to a hospital. Al-Saleh was also asked about Mohamad Daqneesh's claims that the White Helmets are 'a propaganda organisation.' In response, he said Mohamad Daqneesh had no choice but to speak this way as he is not 'in total safety under the regime.' Omran Daqneesh gained media attention at the age of five as he was pictured covered with dirt and dust in an ambulance after his home in Aleppo was attacked. The video of Daqneesh became a global symbol of war-torn Aleppo in August 2016 and was widely circulated by the media. His older brother, Ali, died from injuries sustained in the attack. In June 2017, the boy appeared with his father in an interview with Ruptly. The boys' father went on to criticse the media for exploiting the footage, adding that the press 'arrived before the ambulance' and stressing that his son was injured slightly but everyone started convincing him that boy's state was severe and later used the images without his permission.

«Москва и Мир»: Покушение на президента Венесуэлы
2018-08-05 22:20
Шесть месяцев готовилось покушение на президента Венесуэлы Николаса Мадуро. Об этом рассказали местные власти. Шестеро подозреваемых задержаны и дают показания. В покушении были задействованы два беспилотника. На каждом было по килограмму взрывчатки. Один дрон взорвался напротив президентского помоста, второй – справа от помоста. Это случилось во время выступления Мадуро на церемонии по случаю очередной годовщины создания Национальной гвардии. Семь охранников были ранены, главу государства экстренно эвакуировали. Ответственность за попытку покушения взяла на себя подпольная группировка «Фланелевые солдаты».

Somalia: 5 killed, 7 wounded by car bomb on busy Mogadishu street
2018-08-05 22:36
At least five people were killed and seven were wounded after a car bomb exploded outside a restaurant on a busy Mogadishu street on Sunday. As seen in footage from the blast site, the restaurant's facade and interior were heavily damaged in the explosion, alongside several vehicles parked nearby. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack at the time of writing.

Indonesia: Lombok flees for safety after huge magnitude 7 earthquake
2018-08-05 23:23
People took to the streets of west Lombok to flee to higher ground after a magnitude seven earthquake hit the island, killing at least three people and injuring many more. Vehicles could be seen driving down busy streets after the island, which is a popular tourist destination, was struck for the second time in a week. The Indonesian authorities also reportedly revoked a Tsunami alert which was issued immediately after the earthquake.

USA: Anti-Marxism rally hits Berkeley with counter demos expected
2018-08-06 00:25
Anti-Marxism demonstrators from ‘No Marxism in America’ rallied at the Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Berkeley, California on Sunday, with counter-protesters rallying at the same time. Police separated the two groups to prevent violence.

USA: Ten arrested as Anti-Marxism rally hits Berkeley
2018-08-06 00:43
Anti-Marxism demonstrators from 'No Marxism in America' rallied at the Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Berkeley, California on Sunday, with counter-protesters rallying at the same time. According to police, ten arrests were made and weapons were seized at the beginning of the march. Police kept the two groups separated to prevent violence.

Две реальности: «Ихтамнет» в Африке
2018-08-06 01:00
Не наемники, а «инструкторы», не журналисты, а «туристы». Как убийство российской съемочной группы в Центральной Африке вновь показало две разные реальности.

Юрий Башмет и Денис Мацуев выступают на фестивале в Габале
2018-08-06 01:26
Симбиоз стилей и культур. Юбилейный 10-й Международный музыкальный фестиваль продолжается в азербайджанской Габале. Здесь нет границ и расстояний. На одной площадке выступают народные артисты как Юрий Башмет и Денис Мацуев вместе с малоизвестными начинающими группами.

Venezuela: 'The President is our brother' — Residents recall attack on Maduro
2018-08-06 01:37
Caracas residents called the President their «brother» and called for increased security for the country's leader, Sunday, following the drone attack while Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was speaking during a military event on Saturday. «We Venezuelans strongly reject what happened yesterday in Bolivar Avenue. It is clear that was an attack against the president and all the government authorities present there,» one resident said. «We know as a people that there is nothing hidden, everything is clear and precise what is being forged against the Venezuelan revolution,» he added. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro survived an apparent assassination attempt while giving a speech at a military event in the capital on Saturday. Seven National Guard soldiers were injured after explosions interrupted Maduro during a speech to mark the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard of Venezuela. Maduro and other government members were unharmed in the attack.

Bangladesh: Thousands rally in Dhaka to demand safer streets
2018-08-06 03:13
Thousands of young protesters took to the streets of Dhaka on Sunday, to demand improved road safety after a recent increase in deaths on the road. Protesters stopped traffic and checked vehicles and drivers, while police dispersed the demonstrators with tear gas. Protests have popped up repeatedly in Dhaka after a boy and girl were killed by a speeding bus last Sunday.

USA: Beachgoers form human chain to rescue swimmer
2018-08-06 03:21
Beachgoers in Grand Haven formed human chains to help rescue a missing swimmer caught in the dangerously strong tidal waters of Lake Michigan, on Sunday. According to local officials, several people had to be pulled from the water on Sunday, leaving one in critical condition. Mandatory Credit: Becky Vargo, Grand Haven Tribune

USA: Five killed as light aircraft crashes into Southern California car park
2018-08-06 04:26
Five people were killed as a light twin-engine Cessna aircraft crashed into a car park in Southern California's Santa Ana on Sunday. According to local Federal Aviation authorities, the pilot of the light aircraft declared an emergency landing about a mile (1.6 km) from the nearby John Wayne Airport in Orange County, before crashing into the car park of a Staples store and CVS pharmacy. All five people killed were on board the Cessna aircraft with no casualties on the ground. The cause of the crash is being investigated by the relevant authorities. Mandatory Credit: TheWarBeard YouTube Motovlogger

Госдеп обвинил Кремль в пропаганде раскола в США
2018-08-06 06:11
Помощник госсекретаря США по делам Европы и Евразии Уэсс Митчелл вызвал временного поверенного в делах России в США Дмитрия Жирнова в связи с якобы агрессивной пропагандой РФ в соцсетях раскола и насилия.

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