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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

2007-05-25 11:21
Hedonskate Team Website is Online!

Kojot Profile
2007-05-25 14:19
Last profile of Radosław Kojtych on Razors Skates is avaible online and for download. Now Radek is skating REMZ.

Honza Profile
2007-05-25 14:25
Honza profile from czech movie "Vagina Balance Video" is avaible.

Two interview with Adam
2007-05-25 14:28
Two interviews with Adam Żurawiecki published on rolling.ro and therolling.lv websites were added.

Two Żet photos
2007-05-25 14:38
Two new photos made by Konrad Plucik and Pirez of Bartłomiej Zgrzeblak were added to his profile.

Piotrek won!
2007-05-27 13:44
Piotrek Combrzyński took the first place in Skp Jam Kusocin competetion in Olsztyn.

New photo
2007-05-28 11:38
New photo of Karakan made by Łukasz Siekanowicz was added.

Adam's photo
2007-05-29 10:51
New photo made by Piotr Kierat was added to Adam's profile and was also published on Be-mag Global Connection - 07/05/26

Piotrek Combrzyński profile
2007-05-31 00:55
Last profile of Piotrek Combrzyński was added: online and downloadable version.

Nils's Photo
2007-06-01 10:17
New photo made by Janis Zalitis was added to Nils's profile and was also published on Be-mag Global Connection - 07/05/31

Bartek Zgrzeblak won!
2007-06-04 11:12
Bartek Zgrzeblak took the first place in Pszów Skate Jam and won the Best Trick Competition. Przemek Madej was third. Congratulations!

Zet's Setup
2007-06-04 13:12
Check out what skate does Bartek Zgrzeblak use.

Bulle Contest
2007-06-05 11:36
Bivol Mihai made a promo trailer for the Bulle Contest in Switzerland. You can download it be CLICKING HERE. Check out whose tricks were use for this edit.

Zet Global Connection
2007-06-06 11:26
Photo of Bartka Zgrzeblaka made by Piotrek "Pirez" Kierat was published on Be-mag Global Connection - 07/06/05 and was added to his profile.

Nils Jansons
2007-06-11 13:31
New Nils Jansons's photo made by Kaspars Alksnis was added to his profile. This was photo also published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/06/08

Also last weekend Nils prooved his artistic skills by winning graffiti contest. More details here: Hedonskate Blog

Kojot setup and new photos
2007-06-12 12:05
Kojot's current setup photo and info was added to his profile together with few photos made by Harry from one day trip to Opava Skatepark (Czech).

Nils Setup
2007-06-13 11:49
Profile of the youngest Hedonskate team rider - Nils Jansons was updated with his current setup photo and info

Żet's profile
2007-06-14 11:11
Bartek Zgrzeblak profile was updated. His profile from New Rokoko movie was added in online and downloadable version.

Madej's setup photo
2007-06-15 11:29
To Przemek Madej profile was added his current setup photo.

Vodka Tour
2007-06-18 11:25
Check Hedonskate Vodka from Be-mag #17 Tour report which was added to media section.

Rat Tail 2007 Catalog
2007-06-19 11:55
Summer Rat Tail Catalog was added to media section. Check out the list of 4x4 and Ground Control riders.

Adam's profile
2007-06-20 13:15
Check out Adam Żurawiecki profile from Be-Mag print issue #18.

Piotrek & Mats
2007-06-21 12:53
New photo of Piotrek and Mats was added. It was made by Konrad Plucik during shooting for new Hedonskate DVD in Czestochowa.

Hedonskate Lazy Black See Tour
2007-06-22 12:12
Check out Hedonskate Lazy Black See Tour poster added to media section.

Honza Puchyr - Be-mag Global Connection
2007-06-25 12:25
Photo of Honza Puchyr made by Konrad Plucik was published on Be-mag Global Connection - 07/06/22 and added to his profile.

Article on Be-mag.com
2007-06-26 13:25
Be-mag posted an article about Hedonskate Team Website. Dirct lin can be found in Media Section.

New haircut
2007-06-27 13:31
New photo was added to Nils Jansons profile with his new haircut.

New Adam's Photo
2007-06-28 12:28
New Adam Żurawiecki's photo made by Konrad Pluck was added to his profile and published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/06/27.

Honza won!
2007-06-28 15:02
Honza Puchyr won H.B.O.K. Inline Cupu 2007 competetion in Kroměříž in Czech. You check some photo on Fakec.org or on 731.cz websites.

New Żet's photo
2007-06-29 12:13
New photo made by Konrad Plucik was added toBartek Zgrzeblak's profile.

New Clip
2007-07-02 11:17
New clip with disaster bs royale was added to Honza's profile also in downloadable version.

Why Not!
2007-07-03 11:11
New profile Why Not! was added to Karakan's section together with downloadable version.

New photo, new videocast
2007-07-04 11:56
Photo taken by Harry was added to Przemek Madej's profile. Also check out Hedonskate Videocast website and watch new episode of videocast with Piotrek Combrzyński.

Honza's setup
2007-07-05 13:53
Honza's profile was updated with info about his current setup with photo.

Also script responsible for opening big version of photos was changed and now all photos are avaible in bigger resolution!

2007-07-09 16:49
Hedonskate Videocast with Mats-Kaarel Ruus was added to his profile to media section.

Adam's pro frame!
2007-07-10 12:10
Link to Be-Mag article about ISPO Trade Show was added to Adam Żurawiecki's profile. You can find there lots of photos of new skates and first official photo of Adam's PRO FRAME!

Honza won!
2007-07-11 11:46
Honza Puchyr won next competition in Czech. This time in Vyškov.

Check out his profile where you can find one photo from this comp.

Adam's photo from ISPO
2007-07-17 12:43
Adam Żurawiecki's profile was updated with one photo from ISPO Trade Show.

Adam's edit on Be-mag.com
2007-07-19 12:28
Adam Żurawiecki's media section was updated with link to www.be-mag.com website where you can find his new edit promoting his new pro frame.

Fresh Orange!
2007-07-19 13:22
Kizer pro frame edit was added to Adam Żurawiecki's profile in online and downloadable version.

Piotrek's Setup
2007-07-20 11:32
Setup photo with info was added to Piotrek Combrzyński's profile.

Trashpark Profile
2007-07-23 12:10
Profile from Trashpark Skatepark was added to Radosław Kojtych's profile.

Clip II Poland
2007-07-25 12:32
Clip II Poland edit featuring Hedonskate Team Riders was added to clip sections.

Madej's photo
2007-07-26 11:24
Photo made by Kuba Urbańczyk was added to Przemek Madej's

Kowal MDK Session
2007-07-27 12:23
Edit from one sunny winter day o MDK spot was added to Mateusz Kowalski's profile.

Congratulations for Kojot!
2007-07-30 12:41
Radosław Kojtych won Bugajewo 2007 Competiton! Congratulation!

Radek profile was updated with new current setup photo.

Nils on Be-mag.com
2007-07-30 15:18
New photo was added to Nils Jansons's profile. It was also published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/07/27.

Yogurt's profile
2007-07-31 13:24
Tomasz Kwiecień's profile is avaible in online and downloadable version.

Kojot on Be-Mag
2007-08-01 11:54
Konrad Plucik's photo of Radosław Kojtych was added to his profile and published on Be-Mag - Global Connection - 07/07/31.

2007-08-02 12:15
One of the most famous short edits of Adam Żurawiecki was added to his profile in online and downloadable version.

Razors Trash Park Show
2007-08-03 13:07
Edit from Trash Park Show was added to clip section.

Adam's frame!
2007-08-06 12:27
Kizer Fluid III pro Model Adam Zurawiecki is now avaible on Hedonskate.com

Pumppi VII
2007-08-07 11:50
Link to the newest Pumppi.com on-line magazine was added to media section. You can find there article about Hedonskate Team.

New Team Rider
2007-08-08 12:49

Nils Jansons!
2007-08-09 11:56
Nils Jansons after leg injury is now getting back on his skates! Everything is ok as you can see from the last three comp results in Latvia:
- Liepaja - First Place
- Talsi - Second Place
- Ventspils - Firt Place and won in Best Trick comp.

More info and photos you can find on Hedonskate Blog website.

Nils's photo
2007-08-09 14:08
Photo of Nils Jansons was added to his profile and published on Be-Mag - Global Connection - 07/08/04.

Conference Tour
2007-08-10 13:21
Edit from Conference Tour Stop in Poland made by Radosław Kojtych was added to clip section in on-line and downloadable version.

Congratulations for Des!
2007-08-14 13:25
Congratulations for Kuba Olejarz for taking second place in Rollfest 2007!

Check out also few of his clips from Possessed movie which where added to his clip section in online and downloadable version.

Congratulations for Piotrek!
2007-08-28 11:01
Piotrek Combrzyński took he first place in BTC European Inline Vert Championship in Bulgaria. CONGRATULATIONS!

Also read short info about new Razors Team DVD - Icons which is published on Hedonskate Blog.

2007-08-29 11:19
Kuba Olejarz photo was updated with new photo made by Harry during the JFC NieOgar Jam competition where Des took second place! Congratulations!

Piotrek's Photo
2007-08-30 11:24
New photo was added to Piotrek Combrzyński's profile and was also published on Be-Mag - Global Connection - 07/08/10.

Angeline Thomas Video Interview
2007-09-02 19:54 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus World's Australian skater Angeline Thomas was interviewed by the MarathonIllustrator in Sneek, NL on Saturday following the CadoMotus Ladies victory (Hilde Goovaerts, BEL) in the Sneek World on Wheels event. Angeline talks of her season in Holland, the World Championships in Colombia, and of her plans following her return to Australia later this season... Hard work from Hilde's

Jannitta Spigt wins Beneden-Leeuwen 50km
2007-09-03 03:19 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus World's Jannitta Spigt (NED) was the winner this morning of the Beneden-Leeuwen"Skeeleren over Dijken" 50km event. Jannitta Spigt (NED) photographed yesterday leading the group in Sneek Picture courtesy Harm de Boer Jannitta was joined in the race, and on the podium, by Hilde Goovaerts (yesterday's winner of the Sneek World on Wheels criterium) and CadoMotus National skater Margo van

Honza's Clips
2007-09-03 11:47
Two new clips were added to Honza Puchyr's profile in on-line version and downloadable version.

Nils Edit
2007-09-04 15:30
Nils Jansons's profile was updated with new video edit of Nils skating firt week in his new Remz 0703. It is avaible in on-line and downloadable version.

Nils Edit
2007-09-04 15:33
Nils Jansons's profile was updated with new video edit of Nils skating firt week in his new Remz 0703. It is avaible in on-line and downloadable version.

Also congratulations for Nils for winning another comp in Jekabpils in Latvia. More info you can find on therolling.lv website.

Kojot's photo
2007-09-05 11:55
New photo made by Kuba Urbanczyk was added to Radoslaw Kojtych's profile.

Cali World Championships – Part 8 - My Story
2007-09-05 23:18 CadoMotus News
by Michael Byrne (AUS) back to Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 Over before it Began? ...from Part 7 So that was Worlds. This year, for the first time for me, it was close to being over before it began… and I wasn’t the only one. Angeline and I arrived in Cali 10 days before the Championships began – with plenty of time to recover from travel, get used to the

Adam's Photo
2007-09-07 12:18
Photo made by Konrad Clupik was added to Adam Żurawiecki's profile and published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/09/06.

Des's photo
2007-09-10 11:22
New photo of Jakub Olejarz was added to his profile and published as a photo of the week on inmag.info.

Jessica Gaudesaboos within reach of FIC Title
2007-09-10 12:22 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus National's Jessica Gaudesaboos (BEL) maintains her chances of winning the French Inline Cup overall with just 2 races remaining in the FIC series. The Belgian youngster was again on the FIC podium in the Besancon Inline Cup and Lyon Inline Cup (Lugdunum). Twin sister Sabrina Gaudesaboos also had 2 great performances, finishing 4th in Besancon, just off the podium, and 5th in Lyon.

New Nils's photo
2007-09-11 11:58
New photo of Nils Jansons which was made by Kaspars Alksnis was added to his profile and published on Be-Mag - Global Connection - 07/09/08.

Interview with Adam
2007-09-12 12:27
Link to interview in on-line magazine Urban-Concept was added to Adam Zurawiecki's profile (media section).

Also you will find there few nice photos of Honza Puchyr.

Kowal The Hive Profile
2007-09-13 13:51
The Hive Profile was added to Mateusza Kowalskiego section in on-line and downloable version.

Nils's photo
2007-09-14 11:11
New photo made by Kaspars Alksnis was added to Nils Jansons's profile and was published on Be-Mag - Global Connection - 07/09/11.

New videocast
2007-09-17 22:35
Hedonskate Videocast website was updated with new episode of videocast: Ispo Summer 2007.

Mats's photo
2007-09-18 11:34
New photo was added to Mats-Kaarel Ruus's profile and was also published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/09/14.

Mats's new setup
2007-09-20 12:38
Info and photo of new Mats-Kaarel Ruus's was added to his profile.

New Kojot's photo
2007-09-21 12:03
New photo made by Harry was added to Radoslaw Kojtycha's/a>

New Adam's photo
2007-09-24 11:16
New photo was added to Adam Zurawiecki's profile and was also published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/09/21.

Kowal's setup
2007-09-25 11:31
Photo and info of Mateusz Kowalski's setup was added to his profile.

Mats's new setup photo
2007-09-26 11:38
New photo and info about Mats-Kaarel Ruus's setup was added to his profile.

Jessica Gaudesaboos : vers un doublé aux Herbiers ?
2007-09-27 06:45 CadoMotus News
Jessica Gaudesaboos (Belgique) - Team CadoMotus, vers un doublé aux Herbiers ? Jessica Gaudesaboos (BEL) Les habitués du circuit FIC commence à connaître son visage : elle a 18 ans, elle est belge, elle a une sœur jumelle, Sabrina, elle a découvert le roller en apercevant un voisin en faire dans la rue, a commencé la compétition dès l’âge de 9 ans et ses compétitions favorites se déroulent en

Karakan's photo
2007-09-27 11:28
New photo was added to Bartosz Beller's profile.

MarianiSkates to distribute CadoMotus in Italia
2007-09-28 09:34 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus are proud to announce a partnership with MarianiSkates which will see Mariani distributing CadoMotus in Italy. One of Italy's most prestigious and respected brands embraces the 'pure skating' philosophy of CadoMotus. MarianiSkates are a highly-regarded brand in Italy and across Europe, and Davide Mariani's custom boots have crossed the World Inline Cup finish line first on many

Honza's new clip
2007-09-28 12:40
New clip was added to Honza Puchyr's profile.

CIC: 110mm wheels legal from January 1, 2008
2007-09-30 10:37 CadoMotus News
In a letter to CIC delegates dated Tuesday, September 25, 2007, CIC President Roberto Marotta wrote... To all National Roller Speed Skating Federations affiliated with FIRS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Dear Sirs, ref. ALTERATIONS TO CIC SPORTS RULES- EDITION 2008 the C.I.C., on the occasion of its meeting in Cali (Colombia) on August 23, 2007, deliberated the following alterations to CIC Sports

MPC Wheels/CadoMotus Partnership
2007-11-01 04:30 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus is proud to announce a new partnership with MPC Speed Wheels - a big step towards realizing CadoMotus' committment to making the highest-quality materials more accessible to skaters. A shared vision CadoMotus and MPC Wheels are committed to providing skaters with the materials they need for a pure skating experience, nothing less. If you are a skater, you want to skate and to get the

ISPO BrandNew Award 2008: CadoMotus XC Binding is Finalist
2007-12-04 15:57 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus Step-In XC Clap Binding has been selected as a finalist in the 2008 ISPO BrandNew Awards in the category 'Hardware Winter'. Winter ISPO: Internationale Fachmesse für Sportartikel Und Sportmode (the International Sporting Goods Trade Fair) The Jury Meeting for the 17th ISPO BrandNew Awards took place last Friday. 19 judges, international sports- and media-experts, went through 261

Mark Wojda - Handmade
2007-12-06 10:34 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Mark Wojda’s section from Hand Made! the video. Filmed in two days. Thanks Delroca.

Mirek's photo
2007-12-06 13:17
New photo of Mirek Ragan was added to his profile.

Nokia Fise Kowait : 6-8 December
2007-12-06 14:01 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Featuring Fabiola Da Silva, Takeshi Yasutoko, Franky Morales, Jeff Stockwell & Mathieu Heinneman.

Brett Dasovic : HAVOK edit
2007-12-06 15:25 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Download: brett-havok-edit-01.mov. Thanks Justin

Handmade : full video online
2007-12-06 17:13 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Delroca posted on the forums the full video of Handmade. Link Intro:

Ucon Marmelade
2007-12-06 17:24 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Ucon made some marmelade, and will offer some if you buy some of their clothes! More Bon appetit ! ^^

Adrian Wallace - Deshi Profile
2007-12-06 17:26 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Matty Watkinson sent me this edit he made of Adrian Wallace.

Photo from Hedonskate Tour
2007-12-07 12:25
Photo of crew which went to Hedonskate Tour in 2004 year was added to photo section.

Xsjado Basic 2 Skates
2007-12-07 13:10 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Thanks Ane.

One : Q & A with Dustin Latimer (video)
2007-12-07 13:18 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Legendary roller Dustin Latimer takes a few minutes to answer questions about what made him decide to make that Nimh skate edit we all saw on the Revolution website. He also gives up the story behind Xsjado, and the brand’s sale to Powerslide. The audio may be wonky, but the knowledge Dustin drops deserves to [...]

Gifts to Get Kids Moving
2007-12-08 04:44
The key is giving gifts, (e.g., inline skates) that get the whole family moving, says child fitness expert.

Skate Tip: Skating in the Rain
2007-12-08 04:45
Don't let the wet stuff spoil your fun. ... Keep rolling with help from rain warrior Roger Olson.

2007-05-25 11:21
Hedonskate Team Website is Online!

Kojot Profile
2007-05-25 14:19
Last profile of Radosław Kojtych on Razors Skates is avaible online and for download. Now Radek is skating REMZ.

Honza Profile
2007-05-25 14:25
Honza profile from czech movie "Vagina Balance Video" is avaible.

Two interview with Adam
2007-05-25 14:28
Two interviews with Adam Żurawiecki published on rolling.ro and therolling.lv websites were added.

Two Żet photos
2007-05-25 14:38
Two new photos made by Konrad Plucik and Pirez of Bartłomiej Zgrzeblak were added to his profile.

Piotrek won!
2007-05-27 13:44
Piotrek Combrzyński took the first place in Skp Jam Kusocin competetion in Olsztyn.

New photo
2007-05-28 11:38
New photo of Karakan made by Łukasz Siekanowicz was added.

Adam's photo
2007-05-29 10:51
New photo made by Piotr Kierat was added to Adam's profile and was also published on Be-mag Global Connection - 07/05/26

Piotrek Combrzyński profile
2007-05-31 00:55
Last profile of Piotrek Combrzyński was added: online and downloadable version.

Nils's Photo
2007-06-01 10:17
New photo made by Janis Zalitis was added to Nils's profile and was also published on Be-mag Global Connection - 07/05/31

Bartek Zgrzeblak won!
2007-06-04 11:12
Bartek Zgrzeblak took the first place in Pszów Skate Jam and won the Best Trick Competition. Przemek Madej was third. Congratulations!

Zet's Setup
2007-06-04 13:12
Check out what skate does Bartek Zgrzeblak use.

Bulle Contest
2007-06-05 11:36
Bivol Mihai made a promo trailer for the Bulle Contest in Switzerland. You can download it be CLICKING HERE. Check out whose tricks were use for this edit.

Zet Global Connection
2007-06-06 11:26
Photo of Bartka Zgrzeblaka made by Piotrek "Pirez" Kierat was published on Be-mag Global Connection - 07/06/05 and was added to his profile.

Nils Jansons
2007-06-11 13:31
New Nils Jansons's photo made by Kaspars Alksnis was added to his profile. This was photo also published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/06/08

Also last weekend Nils prooved his artistic skills by winning graffiti contest. More details here: Hedonskate Blog

Kojot setup and new photos
2007-06-12 12:05
Kojot's current setup photo and info was added to his profile together with few photos made by Harry from one day trip to Opava Skatepark (Czech).

Nils Setup
2007-06-13 11:49
Profile of the youngest Hedonskate team rider - Nils Jansons was updated with his current setup photo and info

Żet's profile
2007-06-14 11:11
Bartek Zgrzeblak profile was updated. His profile from New Rokoko movie was added in online and downloadable version.

Madej's setup photo
2007-06-15 11:29
To Przemek Madej profile was added his current setup photo.

Vodka Tour
2007-06-18 11:25
Check Hedonskate Vodka from Be-mag #17 Tour report which was added to media section.

Rat Tail 2007 Catalog
2007-06-19 11:55
Summer Rat Tail Catalog was added to media section. Check out the list of 4x4 and Ground Control riders.

Adam's profile
2007-06-20 13:15
Check out Adam Żurawiecki profile from Be-Mag print issue #18.

Piotrek & Mats
2007-06-21 12:53
New photo of Piotrek and Mats was added. It was made by Konrad Plucik during shooting for new Hedonskate DVD in Czestochowa.

Hedonskate Lazy Black See Tour
2007-06-22 12:12
Check out Hedonskate Lazy Black See Tour poster added to media section.

Honza Puchyr - Be-mag Global Connection
2007-06-25 12:25
Photo of Honza Puchyr made by Konrad Plucik was published on Be-mag Global Connection - 07/06/22 and added to his profile.

Article on Be-mag.com
2007-06-26 13:25
Be-mag posted an article about Hedonskate Team Website. Dirct lin can be found in Media Section.

New haircut
2007-06-27 13:31
New photo was added to Nils Jansons profile with his new haircut.

New Adam's Photo
2007-06-28 12:28
New Adam Żurawiecki's photo made by Konrad Pluck was added to his profile and published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/06/27.

Honza won!
2007-06-28 15:02
Honza Puchyr won H.B.O.K. Inline Cupu 2007 competetion in Kroměříž in Czech. You check some photo on Fakec.org or on 731.cz websites.

New Żet's photo
2007-06-29 12:13
New photo made by Konrad Plucik was added toBartek Zgrzeblak's profile.

New Clip
2007-07-02 11:17
New clip with disaster bs royale was added to Honza's profile also in downloadable version.

Why Not!
2007-07-03 11:11
New profile Why Not! was added to Karakan's section together with downloadable version.

New photo, new videocast
2007-07-04 11:56
Photo taken by Harry was added to Przemek Madej's profile. Also check out Hedonskate Videocast website and watch new episode of videocast with Piotrek Combrzyński.

Honza's setup
2007-07-05 13:53
Honza's profile was updated with info about his current setup with photo.

Also script responsible for opening big version of photos was changed and now all photos are avaible in bigger resolution!

2007-07-09 16:49
Hedonskate Videocast with Mats-Kaarel Ruus was added to his profile to media section.

Adam's pro frame!
2007-07-10 12:10
Link to Be-Mag article about ISPO Trade Show was added to Adam Żurawiecki's profile. You can find there lots of photos of new skates and first official photo of Adam's PRO FRAME!

Honza won!
2007-07-11 11:46
Honza Puchyr won next competition in Czech. This time in Vyškov.

Check out his profile where you can find one photo from this comp.

Adam's photo from ISPO
2007-07-17 12:43
Adam Żurawiecki's profile was updated with one photo from ISPO Trade Show.

Adam's edit on Be-mag.com
2007-07-19 12:28
Adam Żurawiecki's media section was updated with link to www.be-mag.com website where you can find his new edit promoting his new pro frame.

Fresh Orange!
2007-07-19 13:22
Kizer pro frame edit was added to Adam Żurawiecki's profile in online and downloadable version.

Piotrek's Setup
2007-07-20 11:32
Setup photo with info was added to Piotrek Combrzyński's profile.

Trashpark Profile
2007-07-23 12:10
Profile from Trashpark Skatepark was added to Radosław Kojtych's profile.

Clip II Poland
2007-07-25 12:32
Clip II Poland edit featuring Hedonskate Team Riders was added to clip sections.

Madej's photo
2007-07-26 11:24
Photo made by Kuba Urbańczyk was added to Przemek Madej's

Kowal MDK Session
2007-07-27 12:23
Edit from one sunny winter day o MDK spot was added to Mateusz Kowalski's profile.

Congratulations for Kojot!
2007-07-30 12:41
Radosław Kojtych won Bugajewo 2007 Competiton! Congratulation!

Radek profile was updated with new current setup photo.

Nils on Be-mag.com
2007-07-30 15:18
New photo was added to Nils Jansons's profile. It was also published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/07/27.

Yogurt's profile
2007-07-31 13:24
Tomasz Kwiecień's profile is avaible in online and downloadable version.

Kojot on Be-Mag
2007-08-01 11:54
Konrad Plucik's photo of Radosław Kojtych was added to his profile and published on Be-Mag - Global Connection - 07/07/31.

2007-08-02 12:15
One of the most famous short edits of Adam Żurawiecki was added to his profile in online and downloadable version.

Razors Trash Park Show
2007-08-03 13:07
Edit from Trash Park Show was added to clip section.

Adam's frame!
2007-08-06 12:27
Kizer Fluid III pro Model Adam Zurawiecki is now avaible on Hedonskate.com

Pumppi VII
2007-08-07 11:50
Link to the newest Pumppi.com on-line magazine was added to media section. You can find there article about Hedonskate Team.

New Team Rider
2007-08-08 12:49

Nils Jansons!
2007-08-09 11:56
Nils Jansons after leg injury is now getting back on his skates! Everything is ok as you can see from the last three comp results in Latvia:
- Liepaja - First Place
- Talsi - Second Place
- Ventspils - Firt Place and won in Best Trick comp.

More info and photos you can find on Hedonskate Blog website.

Nils's photo
2007-08-09 14:08
Photo of Nils Jansons was added to his profile and published on Be-Mag - Global Connection - 07/08/04.

Conference Tour
2007-08-10 13:21
Edit from Conference Tour Stop in Poland made by Radosław Kojtych was added to clip section in on-line and downloadable version.

Congratulations for Des!
2007-08-14 13:25
Congratulations for Kuba Olejarz for taking second place in Rollfest 2007!

Check out also few of his clips from Possessed movie which where added to his clip section in online and downloadable version.

Congratulations for Piotrek!
2007-08-28 11:01
Piotrek Combrzyński took he first place in BTC European Inline Vert Championship in Bulgaria. CONGRATULATIONS!

Also read short info about new Razors Team DVD - Icons which is published on Hedonskate Blog.

2007-08-29 11:19
Kuba Olejarz photo was updated with new photo made by Harry during the JFC NieOgar Jam competition where Des took second place! Congratulations!

Piotrek's Photo
2007-08-30 11:24
New photo was added to Piotrek Combrzyński's profile and was also published on Be-Mag - Global Connection - 07/08/10.

Angeline Thomas Video Interview
2007-09-02 19:54 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus World's Australian skater Angeline Thomas was interviewed by the MarathonIllustrator in Sneek, NL on Saturday following the CadoMotus Ladies victory (Hilde Goovaerts, BEL) in the Sneek World on Wheels event. Angeline talks of her season in Holland, the World Championships in Colombia, and of her plans following her return to Australia later this season... Hard work from Hilde's

Jannitta Spigt wins Beneden-Leeuwen 50km
2007-09-03 03:19 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus World's Jannitta Spigt (NED) was the winner this morning of the Beneden-Leeuwen"Skeeleren over Dijken" 50km event. Jannitta Spigt (NED) photographed yesterday leading the group in Sneek Picture courtesy Harm de Boer Jannitta was joined in the race, and on the podium, by Hilde Goovaerts (yesterday's winner of the Sneek World on Wheels criterium) and CadoMotus National skater Margo van

Honza's Clips
2007-09-03 11:47
Two new clips were added to Honza Puchyr's profile in on-line version and downloadable version.

Nils Edit
2007-09-04 15:30
Nils Jansons's profile was updated with new video edit of Nils skating firt week in his new Remz 0703. It is avaible in on-line and downloadable version.

Nils Edit
2007-09-04 15:33
Nils Jansons's profile was updated with new video edit of Nils skating firt week in his new Remz 0703. It is avaible in on-line and downloadable version.

Also congratulations for Nils for winning another comp in Jekabpils in Latvia. More info you can find on therolling.lv website.

Kojot's photo
2007-09-05 11:55
New photo made by Kuba Urbanczyk was added to Radoslaw Kojtych's profile.

Cali World Championships – Part 8 - My Story
2007-09-05 23:18 CadoMotus News
by Michael Byrne (AUS) back to Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 Over before it Began? ...from Part 7 So that was Worlds. This year, for the first time for me, it was close to being over before it began… and I wasn’t the only one. Angeline and I arrived in Cali 10 days before the Championships began – with plenty of time to recover from travel, get used to the

Adam's Photo
2007-09-07 12:18
Photo made by Konrad Clupik was added to Adam Żurawiecki's profile and published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/09/06.

Des's photo
2007-09-10 11:22
New photo of Jakub Olejarz was added to his profile and published as a photo of the week on inmag.info.

Jessica Gaudesaboos within reach of FIC Title
2007-09-10 12:22 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus National's Jessica Gaudesaboos (BEL) maintains her chances of winning the French Inline Cup overall with just 2 races remaining in the FIC series. The Belgian youngster was again on the FIC podium in the Besancon Inline Cup and Lyon Inline Cup (Lugdunum). Twin sister Sabrina Gaudesaboos also had 2 great performances, finishing 4th in Besancon, just off the podium, and 5th in Lyon.

New Nils's photo
2007-09-11 11:58
New photo of Nils Jansons which was made by Kaspars Alksnis was added to his profile and published on Be-Mag - Global Connection - 07/09/08.

Interview with Adam
2007-09-12 12:27
Link to interview in on-line magazine Urban-Concept was added to Adam Zurawiecki's profile (media section).

Also you will find there few nice photos of Honza Puchyr.

Kowal The Hive Profile
2007-09-13 13:51
The Hive Profile was added to Mateusza Kowalskiego section in on-line and downloable version.

Nils's photo
2007-09-14 11:11
New photo made by Kaspars Alksnis was added to Nils Jansons's profile and was published on Be-Mag - Global Connection - 07/09/11.

New videocast
2007-09-17 22:35
Hedonskate Videocast website was updated with new episode of videocast: Ispo Summer 2007.

Mats's photo
2007-09-18 11:34
New photo was added to Mats-Kaarel Ruus's profile and was also published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/09/14.

Mats's new setup
2007-09-20 12:38
Info and photo of new Mats-Kaarel Ruus's was added to his profile.

New Kojot's photo
2007-09-21 12:03
New photo made by Harry was added to Radoslaw Kojtycha's/a>

New Adam's photo
2007-09-24 11:16
New photo was added to Adam Zurawiecki's profile and was also published on Be-mag - Global Connection - 07/09/21.

Kowal's setup
2007-09-25 11:31
Photo and info of Mateusz Kowalski's setup was added to his profile.

Mats's new setup photo
2007-09-26 11:38
New photo and info about Mats-Kaarel Ruus's setup was added to his profile.

Jessica Gaudesaboos : vers un doublé aux Herbiers ?
2007-09-27 06:45 CadoMotus News
Jessica Gaudesaboos (Belgique) - Team CadoMotus, vers un doublé aux Herbiers ? Jessica Gaudesaboos (BEL) Les habitués du circuit FIC commence à connaître son visage : elle a 18 ans, elle est belge, elle a une sœur jumelle, Sabrina, elle a découvert le roller en apercevant un voisin en faire dans la rue, a commencé la compétition dès l’âge de 9 ans et ses compétitions favorites se déroulent en

Karakan's photo
2007-09-27 11:28
New photo was added to Bartosz Beller's profile.

MarianiSkates to distribute CadoMotus in Italia
2007-09-28 09:34 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus are proud to announce a partnership with MarianiSkates which will see Mariani distributing CadoMotus in Italy. One of Italy's most prestigious and respected brands embraces the 'pure skating' philosophy of CadoMotus. MarianiSkates are a highly-regarded brand in Italy and across Europe, and Davide Mariani's custom boots have crossed the World Inline Cup finish line first on many

Honza's new clip
2007-09-28 12:40
New clip was added to Honza Puchyr's profile.

CIC: 110mm wheels legal from January 1, 2008
2007-09-30 10:37 CadoMotus News
In a letter to CIC delegates dated Tuesday, September 25, 2007, CIC President Roberto Marotta wrote... To all National Roller Speed Skating Federations affiliated with FIRS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Dear Sirs, ref. ALTERATIONS TO CIC SPORTS RULES- EDITION 2008 the C.I.C., on the occasion of its meeting in Cali (Colombia) on August 23, 2007, deliberated the following alterations to CIC Sports

MPC Wheels/CadoMotus Partnership
2007-11-01 04:30 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus is proud to announce a new partnership with MPC Speed Wheels - a big step towards realizing CadoMotus' committment to making the highest-quality materials more accessible to skaters. A shared vision CadoMotus and MPC Wheels are committed to providing skaters with the materials they need for a pure skating experience, nothing less. If you are a skater, you want to skate and to get the

ISPO BrandNew Award 2008: CadoMotus XC Binding is Finalist
2007-12-04 15:57 CadoMotus News
CadoMotus Step-In XC Clap Binding has been selected as a finalist in the 2008 ISPO BrandNew Awards in the category 'Hardware Winter'. Winter ISPO: Internationale Fachmesse für Sportartikel Und Sportmode (the International Sporting Goods Trade Fair) The Jury Meeting for the 17th ISPO BrandNew Awards took place last Friday. 19 judges, international sports- and media-experts, went through 261

Mark Wojda - Handmade
2007-12-06 10:34 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Mark Wojda’s section from Hand Made! the video. Filmed in two days. Thanks Delroca.

Mirek's photo
2007-12-06 13:17
New photo of Mirek Ragan was added to his profile.

Nokia Fise Kowait : 6-8 December
2007-12-06 14:01 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Featuring Fabiola Da Silva, Takeshi Yasutoko, Franky Morales, Jeff Stockwell & Mathieu Heinneman.

Brett Dasovic : HAVOK edit
2007-12-06 15:25 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Download: brett-havok-edit-01.mov. Thanks Justin

Handmade : full video online
2007-12-06 17:13 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Delroca posted on the forums the full video of Handmade. Link Intro:

Ucon Marmelade
2007-12-06 17:24 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Ucon made some marmelade, and will offer some if you buy some of their clothes! More Bon appetit ! ^^

Adrian Wallace - Deshi Profile
2007-12-06 17:26 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Matty Watkinson sent me this edit he made of Adrian Wallace.

Photo from Hedonskate Tour
2007-12-07 12:25
Photo of crew which went to Hedonskate Tour in 2004 year was added to photo section.

Xsjado Basic 2 Skates
2007-12-07 13:10 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Thanks Ane.

One : Q & A with Dustin Latimer (video)
2007-12-07 13:18 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Legendary roller Dustin Latimer takes a few minutes to answer questions about what made him decide to make that Nimh skate edit we all saw on the Revolution website. He also gives up the story behind Xsjado, and the brand’s sale to Powerslide. The audio may be wonky, but the knowledge Dustin drops deserves to [...]

Gifts to Get Kids Moving
2007-12-08 04:44
The key is giving gifts, (e.g., inline skates) that get the whole family moving, says child fitness expert.

Skate Tip: Skating in the Rain
2007-12-08 04:45
Don't let the wet stuff spoil your fun. ... Keep rolling with help from rain warrior Roger Olson.

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