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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

nog alloop-soul-2-switch-soyale
2008-09-27 11:43 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:

nog alloop-soul-2-switch-soyale

2008-09-27 11:43 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:


Fall Time – It's More Than Just a Skating Season
2008-09-27 16:01
It's fall time in my inline and quad skating classes. For both new and experienced skaters, fall time is not just a season - it's a requirement. This is because...

2008-09-27 21:23 nobody@flickr.com (Conor Lawless)

Conor Lawless posted a photo:


2008-09-27 21:25 nobody@flickr.com (Conor Lawless)

Conor Lawless posted a photo:


skate night
2008-09-27 22:03 nobody@flickr.com (fieldus)

fieldus posted a photo:

skate night

off Russell Sq - Friday night c 9.30pm.

Baldes at sunset, Cardiff © Rob Watkins 2002
2008-09-27 22:04 nobody@flickr.com (Aland Rob)

Aland Rob posted a photo:

Baldes at sunset, Cardiff © Rob Watkins 2002

A teenager rollerblading at sunset in Roath Park, Cardiff, September 2002. Photograph © ROB WATKINS. Not to be reproduced under any conditions without prior written consent: photorobw@googlemail.com

Lonnie Pearson
2008-09-28 01:52 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:

Lonnie Pearson

Berlin World Inline Cup- Short Report
2008-09-28 05:28 peterdoucet

For a short report of today’s Berlin Wordl Inline Cup race by Bill Begg, go to World Cup Topics for 2008-

Hi Skaters,

Just a brief, no Internet Hotel, just one public Machine for all to use.

The Mens race very fast 1 hr 00. 33sed, lots of breakaways, the most serious involving Nation, Zamudio, Iten, but by all accounts it was Joey Manti who hauled the break back. Then he came from about 25 back, just through the arches, to grab the Alessi men right on the line.


Posted in International, Marathon, Reports, Roller, World Cup       Quick Report- New York 100k
2008-09-28 05:42 peterdoucet

The New York 100k took place earlier today. The entire race was skated in the wet and with some rain. Good turn-out, nice to see friends and skaters and everyone there. Off to the post-race party now at the Zanzibar near Times Square.

Men’s race: Philippe Boulard and Julien Levrard and their team mate broke away from the main group on the 9th lap. There was a very fast and hard chase, but the managed to carve out a 2-minute lead and finish 1-2. A Colombian skater sneaked away with 4 laps to go- some people saw him drafting a bike, but he finished 3rd. Eddy Matzger hammered up the hill and I countered hard his pulls after the hill. Sprint for 4th place- Matzger, French skater, Luis Carlos Meija 6th, and I came in 7th. A few strong skaters were there as well including a bunch from Colombia, Mauro Guenci, James & Chris Springer, & more.

1- Philippe Boulard
2- Julien Levrard
3- Colombian dude
4- Eddy Matzger
5- French dude
6- Luis Carlos Meija
7- me! (Peter Doucet)
8- James Springer
9- no idea- maybe Francisco Ramirez? Luis Moreno? Mauro Guenci? A Colombia skater?

I felt really good during the race. I was racing to try to win, but the pack dynamics didn’t work out to bridge the gap to the duo that broke away. I tried to get away from my group, but all my breaks were agresively covered by Luis Carole Meija and the French skater. My heels are torn apart and they hurt like heck!

Women’s race: Martine Charbonneau came away with the win uncontested. Brianna Kramer was 2nd. I think a Colombia skater came in 3rd.

1- Martine Charbonneau
2- Brianna Kramer
3- I think she was Colombian

Other: Morgane Echardour won the pro 42km race. Candy Wong (Toronto) won the advanced 42km. Morgan Williams (Toronto) finished 2nd in the Pro Masters 100k. My mom cheered us on during the race- she enjoyed it :) Morgane, my mom, and I visisted Times Square, ate calzones at a pizza joint on Smith street in Brooklyn, and bought chocoalte at the Hershey store- gotta treat myself a bit, right?

There was a big group of skaters from Montreal and quite a few from Ottawa as well.

Posted in International, Marathon, Reports, Results, Roller, Ultra Distance      

nog alloop-soul-2-switch-soyale
2008-09-27 11:43 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:

nog alloop-soul-2-switch-soyale

2008-09-27 11:43 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:


Fall Time – It's More Than Just a Skating Season
2008-09-27 16:01
It's fall time in my inline and quad skating classes. For both new and experienced skaters, fall time is not just a season - it's a requirement. This is because...

2008-09-27 21:23 nobody@flickr.com (Conor Lawless)

Conor Lawless posted a photo:


2008-09-27 21:25 nobody@flickr.com (Conor Lawless)

Conor Lawless posted a photo:


skate night
2008-09-27 22:03 nobody@flickr.com (fieldus)

fieldus posted a photo:

skate night

off Russell Sq - Friday night c 9.30pm.

Baldes at sunset, Cardiff © Rob Watkins 2002
2008-09-27 22:04 nobody@flickr.com (Aland Rob)

Aland Rob posted a photo:

Baldes at sunset, Cardiff © Rob Watkins 2002

A teenager rollerblading at sunset in Roath Park, Cardiff, September 2002. Photograph © ROB WATKINS. Not to be reproduced under any conditions without prior written consent: photorobw@googlemail.com

Lonnie Pearson
2008-09-28 01:52 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:

Lonnie Pearson

Berlin World Inline Cup- Short Report
2008-09-28 05:28 peterdoucet

For a short report of today’s Berlin Wordl Inline Cup race by Bill Begg, go to World Cup Topics for 2008-

Hi Skaters,

Just a brief, no Internet Hotel, just one public Machine for all to use.

The Mens race very fast 1 hr 00. 33sed, lots of breakaways, the most serious involving Nation, Zamudio, Iten, but by all accounts it was Joey Manti who hauled the break back. Then he came from about 25 back, just through the arches, to grab the Alessi men right on the line.


Posted in International, Marathon, Reports, Roller, World Cup       Quick Report- New York 100k
2008-09-28 05:42 peterdoucet

The New York 100k took place earlier today. The entire race was skated in the wet and with some rain. Good turn-out, nice to see friends and skaters and everyone there. Off to the post-race party now at the Zanzibar near Times Square.

Men’s race: Philippe Boulard and Julien Levrard and their team mate broke away from the main group on the 9th lap. There was a very fast and hard chase, but the managed to carve out a 2-minute lead and finish 1-2. A Colombian skater sneaked away with 4 laps to go- some people saw him drafting a bike, but he finished 3rd. Eddy Matzger hammered up the hill and I countered hard his pulls after the hill. Sprint for 4th place- Matzger, French skater, Luis Carlos Meija 6th, and I came in 7th. A few strong skaters were there as well including a bunch from Colombia, Mauro Guenci, James & Chris Springer, & more.

1- Philippe Boulard
2- Julien Levrard
3- Colombian dude
4- Eddy Matzger
5- French dude
6- Luis Carlos Meija
7- me! (Peter Doucet)
8- James Springer
9- no idea- maybe Francisco Ramirez? Luis Moreno? Mauro Guenci? A Colombia skater?

I felt really good during the race. I was racing to try to win, but the pack dynamics didn’t work out to bridge the gap to the duo that broke away. I tried to get away from my group, but all my breaks were agresively covered by Luis Carole Meija and the French skater. My heels are torn apart and they hurt like heck!

Women’s race: Martine Charbonneau came away with the win uncontested. Brianna Kramer was 2nd. I think a Colombia skater came in 3rd.

1- Martine Charbonneau
2- Brianna Kramer
3- I think she was Colombian

Other: Morgane Echardour won the pro 42km race. Candy Wong (Toronto) won the advanced 42km. Morgan Williams (Toronto) finished 2nd in the Pro Masters 100k. My mom cheered us on during the race- she enjoyed it :) Morgane, my mom, and I visisted Times Square, ate calzones at a pizza joint on Smith street in Brooklyn, and bought chocoalte at the Hershey store- gotta treat myself a bit, right?

There was a big group of skaters from Montreal and quite a few from Ottawa as well.

Posted in International, Marathon, Reports, Results, Roller, Ultra Distance      

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