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Кубок <<Медиа России>> по мини-футболу проходит в Москве

Кубок «Медиа России» по мини-футболу проходит в Москве
2018-06-02 18:15
В турнире участвуют 24 команды – представители разных средств массовой информации. У соревнований два этапа – групповой и плей-офф.

В центре Екатеринбурга построят ледовую арену
2018-06-02 18:36
Большой ледовый корт, концертный зал, площадка для выставок и ярмарок. Многофункциональную арену на 15 тысяч зрителей построят в Екатеринбурге на месте снесенной телебашни. Решение об этом в четверг приняли члены архитектурно-градостроительного совета.

Волонтеры ЧМ-2018 встретили в аэропорту Кольцово первых болельщиков
2018-06-02 18:36
Полторы недели остается до старта чемпионата мира по футболу. Впервые первенство пройдет в России. В Екатеринбурге уже начали работать волонтеры. В Кольцово они встречают первых болельщиков.

Россиянки победили в многоборье на ЧЕ по художественной гимнастике
2018-06-02 21:39
В испанской Гвадалахаре продолжается чемпионат Европы по художественной гимнастике. В субботу, 2 июня, определились призеры в многоборье в групповых упражнениях. Сборная России заняла первое место, набрав в сумме 43,625 балла.

Король Бельгии Филипп приедет в Россию на ЧМ-2018
2018-06-02 21:40
Король Бельгии Филипп планирует посетить чемпионат мира по футболу в России. Об этом сообщили сегодня бельгийские СМИ.

Кубок ЧМ-2018 возвращается в Москву
2018-06-03 09:15
Торжественная церемония встречи Кубка ЧМ-2018 состоится на Манежной площади.

Александр Овечкин повторил рекорд «Вашингтона» и догоняет Малкина
2018-06-03 10:00
Российский лидер «Вашингтона Кэпиталз», который ведет в финальной серии Кубка Стэнли против «Вегаса Голден Найтс» (2:1), забив гол в третьем матче (3:1), повторил рекорд своего клуба, установленный в 1990 году Джоном Дрюсом: 14 шайб в плей-офф.

UK: Croatian coach promises 'aggressive' football against Brazil
2018-06-03 10:24
Croatian football coach Zlatko Dalic said that his team has to play «aggressive and tough» to beat Brazil, at a pre-match press conference on Saturday in Liverpool. The Croatian side were also filmed training at Liverpool F.C.'s Anfield, the venue for Sunday's match. «We are playing against one of the favourites of the World Cup, so here we have to be very very strong and very disciplined,» added Dalic. Tournament favourites Brazil are drawn in Group E alongside Costa Rica, Serbia and Switzerland. Croatia — in Group D — will face Argentina, Iceland and Nigeria. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is scheduled to take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018, with a total of 64 matches set to be played in 12 venues located in 11 cities across Russia.

UK: Brazil's Neymar injury comeback in WC friendly vs. Croatia
2018-06-03 10:31
The Brazilian national football team were training at Liverpool F.C.'s Anfield on Saturday, ahead of their World Cup warm-up match against Croatia. Talisman Neymar will make his comeback from injury after suffering a fractured foot back in February. Credit card giant Mastercard are offering to donate 10,000 meals to the United Nations for every goal scored by the Brazilian striker and his Argentine rival Lionel Messi. Brazil coach Tite thanked Mastercard for their generosity, but suggested the offer should be extended to any Brazilian or Argentinian player. Tournament favourites Brazil are drawn in Group E along with Costa Rica, Serbia and Switzerland. Croatia is in Group D with Argentina, Iceland and Nigeria. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is scheduled to take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018, with a total of 64 matches set to be played in 12 venues located in 11 cities across Russia.

Spain: WC favourites 'La Roja' prepare to face Switzerland
2018-06-03 11:29
Reporter (Spanish): «The one with Argentina.» Julen Lopetegui, Spain head coach (Spanish): «I do not remember it. We do not remember the games from March. It meant what it meant at that moment, and nothing else. We are aware that what we will need to win in Russia will not be influenced by what we did in the past. The same way that individually will not be so, collectively neither. We are completely focused on what we need to do and now in the game tomorrow, where we will play against the number six in the FIFA ranking. It is a very interesting and complete team that will make things very difficult for us. And focused on trying to use this game to continue preparing and growing ourselves for the objective of being main actors in the world cup.» The Spanish national football squad — known as 'La Roja' — held a training session at the Estadio de la Ceramica in Villareal on Saturday, ahead of their international friendly against Switzerland. Both sides are trying to build momentum before this summer's World Cup. Tournament favourites Spain are drawn in Group B against Portugal, Morocco and Iran. Switzerland — in Group E — will start their campaign against Brazil, before facing Serbia and Costa Rica. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is scheduled to take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018, with a total of 64 matches set to be played in 12 venues located in 11 cities across Russia.

Вести. Эфир от 03.06.2018 (11:00)
2018-06-03 12:05
Сборная России по художественной гимнастике завоевала золото чемпионата Европы. Моряки с арестованных судов вернулись домой в Приморье. Юбилей у создателя огромного количества телепередач: Григорию Шевелеву — 75.

Чемпионат мира по гостеприимству: Москва готовится удивлять болельщиков
2018-06-03 13:48
Москва со скоростью света движется к чемпионату мира по футболу. Каждый вечер на Манеже — завораживающее световое шоу, посвященное предстоящему первенству. Столица, как ожидается, примет более миллиона туристов — российских и иностранных. Курс на гостеприимство взяли пять тысяч таксистов, они усиленно учат языки, рестораторы обновляют меню, экскурсоводы — программы и маршруты.

Devoted Argentina fan hitchhikes across Europe to see team at WC
2018-06-03 13:48
Argentinian football fan Agustina Murua spoke about her hitchhiking trip across Europe to reach St. Petersburg on Sunday, just days before the start of the World Cup. Murua explained how she took a cheap flight to Denmark before embarking on a 5,000 kilometres (3,106 miles) hitchhiking adventure to reach Russia, and how she earned some money along the way by making bracelets. Murua brushed off warnings that she had received about Russia being dangerous, after having met a number of Russians during her travels who helped her out. «I don't think it is dangerous, it's only a bit of politics and history, nothing else really. I am pleased to be able to get to know Russia's culture and to see what happens this month, while I am staying here”, she said. Murua added that she had inherited her passion for football from her father, and that her dream is to one day meet Argentinian superstar Lionel Messi.

Все в обойме: Черчесов провел тренировку в полном составе
2018-06-03 14:32
Сборная России по футболу готовится к матчу против турок. На поле в подмосковном Новогорске на тренировку вышли 28 игроков.

Обратный отсчет: Москва встретила Кубок ЧМ-2018
2018-06-03 14:37
В Москву доставили Кубок чемпионата мира по футболу. Он путешествовал по российским городам, а сегодня на Манежной площади прошла церемония приветствия трофея, за который этим летом будут сражаться лучшие сборные мира.

Первая звезда: Кузнецов забросил решающую шайбу в ворота «Вегаса»
2018-06-03 14:39
Нападающий «Вашингтон Кэпиталз» Евгений Кузнецов признан первой звездой дня НХЛ.

Ведущие немецкие политики не планирует ехать в Россию на ЧМ-2018
2018-06-03 15:24
Речь идет о президенте, главе МИДа и председателе Бундестага. Также неясной остается ситуация по Ангеле Меркель. О ее поездках сообщается за неделю.

Дорогой трофей: в Москву прибыл Кубок ЧМ-2018
2018-06-03 15:27
3 июня на Манежной площади состоялась церемония приветствия трофея.

Прямая трансляция Матча легенд FIFA и легенд сборной России в Калининграде
2018-06-03 16:00
В команду легенд FIFA вошли экс-голкипер сборной Швейцарии Паскаль Цубербюллер, экс-защитник сборной Англии Уэс Браун, Кафу, бывший полузащитник сборной Хорватии Нико Кранчар, Джей-Джей Окоча, экс-нападающий сборной Португалии Нуну Гомеш. Звездные гости приедут в Калининград не случайно: сборные Швейцарии, Хорватии, Англии и Нигерии сыграют здесь в рамках ЧМ-2018. Сборную легенд России представят экс-игроки национальной сборной: голкпипер Руслан Нигматуллин, защитник Дмитрий Сенников, полузащитники Александр Мостовой, Алексей Смертин и Андрей Тихонов, нападающий Александр Панов. После матча легенд в Парке состоится матч блогеров, в котором сборная Бразилии встретится с российской командой.

Russia: Moscow welcomes FIFA World Cup Trophy after 9-month global tour
2018-06-03 16:43
The FIFA World Cup Trophy arrived back in Moscow after a nine-month tour around the world, Sunday. *MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW*

В Калиниграде начался матч легенд FIFA и России
2018-06-03 17:15
Легендарные футболисты FIFA и экс-участники сборной России участвуют в матче легенд в Калининграде.

Russia: FIFA Legends face Russian Legends in exhibition match ahead of WC
2018-06-03 17:29
An exhibition football match between a team of FIFA Legends and former Russian international footballers took place in Kaliningrad’s Victory Square on Sunday, ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The FIFA Legends team featured Brazil’s World Cup winning captain Cafu, Nwankwo Kanu, Nuno Gomes, Wes Brown, Niko Kranjcar and Pascal Zuberbuehler. The Russian team comprised Ruslan Nigmatulin, Dmitry Sennikov, Andrey Fedkov, Dmitry Khlestov, Andrey Tikhonov and Aleksandr Panov. FIFA Legends beat their Russian counterparts 6-4. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Роскосмос показал фотографии 12 стадионов ЧМ-2018
2018-06-03 17:38
Роскосмос вместе со всей Россией ждет старта чемпионата мира по футболу и представляет подборку фотографий из космоса всех 12 стадионов, на которых будут проводиться игры мирового первенства. Российские космонавты на МКС также готовились к чемпионату. Командир экспедиции, которая сегодня вернулась, Антон ШкАплеров и бортинженер Олег Артемьев провели тренировку прямо на борту станции

Назван окончательный состав сборной России на ЧМ-2018
2018-06-03 17:56
Стал известен окончательный состав сборной России на Чемпионате Мира 2018 года, в него вошли 23 футболиста.

Вернувшиеся члены экипажа МКС привезли с собой мяч ЧМ-2018
2018-06-03 17:57
На Землю вернулись члены длительной экспедиции 54-55 вместе с командиром экипажа — российским космонавтом Антоном Шкаплеровым.

Russia: 'The World Cup is going to be great' — FIFA Legends following expo match in Kaliningrad
2018-06-03 19:24
Swiss former footballer Pascal Zuberbuehler, Croatian footballer Niko Kranjcar and English ex-footballer Wes Brown attended an exhibition football match between a team of FIFA Legends and former Russian international footballers, at Kaliningrad’s Victory Square on Sunday, ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. According to Zuberbuehler, “It is fantastic to see it, the crowd is so happy about the World Cup and I am 100 percent sure that it will be a beautiful, fantastic and amazing organised World Cup, and I am looking very much forward to it.” Niko Kranjcar said: “I think the fans are gonna make a real party at that stadium [in Kaliningrad].» “It’s a great opportunity, great stadiums, the facilities are great here. I am sure that they'll have a good time,” said Brown of the players. The FIFA Legends team featured Brazil’s World Cup winning captain Cafu, Nwankwo Kanu, Nuno Gomes, Wes Brown, Niko Kranjcar and Pascal Zuberbuehler. The Russian team comprised Ruslan Nigmatulin, Dmitri Sennikov, Andrei Fedkov, Dmitri Khlestov, Andrei Tikhonov and Aleksandr Panov. FIFA Legends beat their Russian counterparts 6-4. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Черчесов сказал, кто выйдет на поле в «Лужниках»
2018-06-03 21:15
Станислав Черчесов объявил состав сборной. До 4 июня в ФИФА должны быть отправлены списки из 23 игроков. Так кто же выйдет 14 июня на стадион «Лужники»?

Russia: FIFA Legends and ex-Russian footballers visit Kaliningrad Stadium
2018-06-03 21:47
World famous ex-footballers visited Kaliningrad Stadium ahead of the exhibition football match between a team of FIFA Legends and former Russian internationals on Sunday. The FIFA Legends team featured Brazil’s World Cup winning captain Cafu, as well as Nwankwo Kanu, Nuno Gomes, Wes Brown, Niko Kranjcar and Pascal Zuberbuehler. The Russian team comprised Ruslan Nigmatulin, Dmitry Sennikov, Andrey Fedkov, Dmitry Khlestov, Andrey Tikhonov and Aleksandr Panov. According to Brazil’s World Cup winning captain Cafu, Kaliningrad is a «very cosy and warm» city. He went on to say that he liked the stadium «very much,» adding that «guests will receive a warm welcome.» The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

ЧЕ по художественной гимнастике: зал 6 раз слушал гимн России
2018-06-03 22:11
У нашей сборной по художественной гимнастике — золото на Чемпионате Европы в Гвадалахаре. В групповых упражнениях Россия выиграла у ближайших соперниц — украинок — более чем 10 баллов.

Russia: 'I even cried' — Football-juggling model on World Cup emotions
2018-06-03 23:40
Sao Paulo model and football enthusiast Raquel Benetti attended an exhibition football match between a team of FIFA Legends and former Russian international footballers on Kaliningrad’s Victory Square on Sunday, ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Benetti showed off her unique skills in juggling a football. During an interview with RT, she stated that “it's very nice to be with you here and now. I am very happy. And I want to say that the Russian people are very hospitable. I even cried at the stadium.” «I'm very glad that I'm here with you now. I already worked at the championship, which was held in Brazil in 2014. I would really like to come to your championship this year,” she added. The FIFA Legends team featured Brazil’s World Cup-winning captain Cafu, as well as Nwankwo Kanu, Nuno Gomes, Wes Brown, Niko Kranjcar and Pascal Zuberbuehler. The Russian team comprised Ruslan Nigmatulin, Dmitry Sennikov, Andrey Fedkov, Dmitry Khlestov, Andrey Tikhonov and Aleksandr Panov. FIFA Legends beat their Russian counterparts 6-4. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Check out Ruptly’s previous coverage: https://ruptly.tv/vod/20140706-030

UK: Neymar scores spectacular winner on injury comeback in Croatia friendly
2018-06-04 01:03
Brazil's head coach Tite said Neymar 'surpassed expectations' on his comeback performance in Brazil's 2-0 victory over Croatia at Liverpool F.C.'s Anfield, in comments made at a post-match press conference on Sunday. «[Neymar] came back above the normal standards. He is a human being. He came back surpassing my expectations. I expected far less of him,» said Tite. The head coach was quick to emphasise that the victory was down to the team. «The responsibility shouldn't be credited only to him to decide a match, because that would be inhuman, I repeat, he is but a part of a strong team,» he added. Neymar, who has been out of action with a fractured toe since February, thanked his doctor in a post-match interview. Tournament favourites Brazil are drawn in Group E along with Costa Rica, Serbia and Switzerland. Croatia is in Group D with Argentina, Iceland and Nigeria. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is scheduled to take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018, with a total of 64 matches set to be played in 12 venues located in 11 cities across Russia.

Russia: Russian bloggers triumph over Brazil in nail-biting pre-WC warm up
2018-06-04 01:27
A friendly game between Russian and Brazilian bloggers ended a close 6-5 in Kaliningrad's Victory Square on Sunday, building hype ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The Latin American side featured some of the continent's best-known social media personalities in the footballing sphere, including Desimpedidos, Vosso Canal and Raquel Freestyle. The home side were represented by Sergey Alekseev and Ilya Rozhkov from the channel 'Real Football', editor-in-chief of the FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 tourist website Mariya Isaeva, as well as Gena Miller and German Popkov. Kaliningrad's stadium will host at least four matches during the tournament's group stage: Croatia vs Nigeria, Serbia vs. Switzerland, Spain vs. Morocco and England vs. Belgium. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

State of Palestine: Footballer injured during 'March of Return' begs Messi to boycott Israel
2018-06-04 04:22
Mohammed Khalil Obaid, a Palestinian footballer who was shot in both legs by Israeli snipers while participating in 'Great March of Return', appealed to the Argentina captain Lionel Messi to boycott their friendly match against Israel on June 6, in an interview filmed from the Gaza Strip on Sunday. «I send my appeal to the Argentine national team and especially to captain Lionel Messi and ask him not to play against the occupation state,» said Obaid, citing Israel's cruelty towards Palestinians. He also criticised the choice of Jerusalem as the venue for the match, calling the Holy City the «eternal capital of Palestine.» As a counter-offer, Obaid suggested, «the Argentine national team should play a friendly match with the Palestinian team». The 24-year-old who hails from Deir al-Balah has had his dreams of becoming a professional footballer at former club al-Salah ended prematurely, after sustaining career-ending injuries at the Gaza border fence. The 10-week long series of rallies known as the 'Great March of Return' began on March 30 as a demand for Palestinians' right of return to land now found in Israeli territory. The demonstrations reached their peak on May 14, when at least sixty Palestinians were killed as the US opened its new embassy in Jerusalem.

Spain: Switzerland friendly ends in draw for WC favourites 'La Roja'
2018-06-04 04:28
The Spanish national football squad concluded its World Cup preparation with a 1-1 draw against Switzerland at the Villareal C.F.'s Estadio de la Ceramica on Sunday. «I liked that we were able to create a lots of opportunities against a team that is usually very difficult to break down,» manager of Spain national football team Julen Lopetegui said in a post-match press conference. Tournament favourites Spain are drawn in Group B against Portugal, Morocco and Iran. Switzerland — in Group E — will start their campaign against Brazil, before facing Serbia and Costa Rica. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is scheduled to take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018, with a total of 64 matches set to be played in 12 venues located in 11 cities across Russia.

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