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...because of... ...из-за...

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Выпуск 19
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Не молчи!     Speak English!


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Добрый день, уважаемые подписчики!

Вы завалили меня однотипными вопросами :-) так что пришлось срочно делать FAQ рассылки. В течении недели я буду добавлять в конец выпуска по ответу на вопрос.


...because of... ...из-за...

Форум  " Английские фильмы":

Does a star make a film ? or does a film make a star ? If one takes 'Liza Minelli' out of CABARET, it doesn't appear to leave much else worth watching. However because of 'Minelli' CABARET becomes a highly entertaining musical, a fascinating glimpse of a society heading towards catastrophie, and a 'tour de force' for the girl herself.... ( полностью )

Форум  " Macromedia-Dreamweaver":

I responded because of your response to another person who said she found the animation distracting and you said no one else said so. So I did... ( полностью )

Форум  " The creation of role playing game systems":

First of all, European Feudalism (as opposed to similar systems in other times and places) arose out of the collapse of Rome in toto, not simply because of its economy. This includes the loss of the Roman identity, management, laws, and its powerful central government... ( полностью )


I am a bit shy and body image is an issue sometimes hubby will suggest a position or something where I am not "totally" thrilled, but because of the fact that I love and have trust in him I feel secure that if we try and it gets to a point I feel discomfort all I have to do is say so or even just shift things myself to something more comfortable, no problem... ( полностью )


3:: А как насчёт слов посложнее?

ОК. If you understand the sense in citations and if all phrases in issues are in your everyday vocabulary then you grow out of my newsletter :-)

Now you must find forums for everyday talks to your taste. Good luck!

If you need my help, please write me what you want to find (email below).


Рассылку ведет Анна Фарг


in case
look like
for example

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Код этой рассылки: job.lang.en4talk

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